7 minute read
Nature – River Mel
River Mel
We continue to be very concerned about the lack of water in the river. Since our last article the situation has become much worse, with large sections of the river being completely dry. The Mel is a springfed chalk stream, with the main source being at Melbourn Bury where springs rise in the lake at the front of the house. As we write this in January, the lake in front of Melbourn Bury is completely dry, as is the river through Stockbridge Meadows and Dolphin Lane. A second tributary, which flows round the corner of Station Road to join the main river in front of Sheene Mill, dried up during December.
We have been asked why the river upstream of the bridge in Station Road is dry when there is still water in the river where it crosses the playing fields behind the Village College. We understand that this relates to a change in the underlying geology that occurs roughly along the line of Station Road, where it passes in front of Sheene Mill. The chalk that underlies the upper river, between Melbourn Bury and the bridge in front of Sheene Mill, is more ‘leaky’ than further downstream. This means that during a severe drought, when groundwater levels are low, water leaks out of the upper river back into the ground. Downstream of the bridge, the chalk is less transmissive, meaning that there is less opportunity for the flow to be lost. There is also some gain of flow here from several small springs that follow the line of the change in the underlying rock.
Up until the beginning of December, the Environment Agency has, in times of drought, supported the flow of the Mel by pumping in water from a borehole at Newsells Park, near Royston into the lake at Melbourn Bury, thus supporting the whole length of the river. This support ceased in early December as the pumped water was only flowing for 10-15 metres before soaking back into the ground. Since then any flow from the upper river has ceased entirely. We understand that the Environment Agency is now questioning the sustainability of maintaining pumping in drought conditions. There are two main reasons for this. The first is that the water in the aquifer is being seriously depleted by pumping from the borehole at Newsells and the second is that the pumping seems to have little effect because the water is soaking back into the ground so quickly. As a Group, we were concerned to hear that both pumps were in fact broken and are awaiting repair (with one pump having been out of commission since last August).
Launched in February 2010, this group is comprised of rail users dedicated to improving access to rail service at these small but essential stations. Our Rail Operator is First Capital Connect and our service links the villages to Cambridge, Royston and London King’s Cross.
We are pleased to have the support of Railfuture, First Capital Connect, Network Rail and Passenger Focus, all of whom have taken an active interest in our campaign.
Campaign Successes So Far •
First Capital Connect has improved the 16–18 year-old student discount fare from 30% to 50% off the adult fare. This translates into a substantial saving for young people. Cycle racks at Foxton Station have been provided and installed by Cambridgeshire County Council on councilowned land. A less restrictive ban on full-sized cycles on trains than originally intended by FCC has been agreed, with only one train affected (Meldreth 8:10 to Cambridge). Following customer feedback, new ticket machine screens have been installed at Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Stations. British Transport Police data on criminal and anti-social behaviour at rail stations is now incorporated in police reports to the Neighbourhood Panel meetings, giving a more accurate picture of our villages and where police response is needed. Parking charges at Meldreth Station have been reduced from £3 per day to £1.50 per day, and charges at Shepreth Station abolished (previously £3 per day) – effective January 1st, 2012. At Foxton Level Crossing, improved flashing light system on the vehicle barriers, significant steps toward safer pedestrian gates. Join Us To Help With Our Continuing Campaign: •
Full disabled access at Meldreth Station. Maintaining the 50% 16-18 year-old student season pass discount. Maintaining Meldreth’s staffed booking office. Free parking at Meldreth Station. Better provision for cycles on trains, particularly in view of overcrowding. More cycle parking particularly at Meldreth and Foxton where there is high demand. Improved safety at Foxton Level Crossing.
Upcoming meetings
March 14, 8PM (AGM, Meldreth Manor School). Minutes, agendas and more information at www.melbourn.org.uk/railusergroup/
Rail Station Gardens
In 2011, Meldreth and Shepreth Stations turned 160 years old, while Foxton Station turned 163 years old. In honour, we have initiated railway station gardens at all three stations. The idea is to give our stations a village identity, and to encourage use of the sustainable transport network on our doorstep. The gardens are supported by local residents, schools and businesses and depend on continuing commitment. To support the gardens in any small way, contact Susan van de Ven, chair, at Tel 01763 261833 or susanvandeven@ yahoo.co.uk. www.melbourn.org.uk/railusergroup/ Susan van de Ven Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Rail User Group
Membership Application Please use BLOCK CAPITALS Name
Post code
Telephone contact e-mail address
Membership category required *full /family/joint/student/senior/unwaged/disabled Cheque for £ payable to ‘MSFRUG’ attached Annual Membership Subscription Rates: Adult – £4.00 Family/Joint – £5.00 (more than one person at same address) Concession – £2.00 (Student/Senior/Unwaged/Disabled) *delete as applicable Please send the form and cheque to:
Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Rail User Group, 95 North End, Meldreth, Cambridgeshire, SG8 6NU Subscription Year runs from 1 January to 31 December each year Members’ names, addresses and contact details are held on computer. If you do not want these details to be so recorded then please let us know. Published by Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Rail User Group 95 North End, Meldreth, Cambridgeshire, SG8 6NU Affiliated to Railfuture www.railfuture.org.uk
Part Time Administrator/Fundraiser Wanted
Do you want to support young people in South Cambridgeshire? Would you be interested in being paid to work for three hours a week for about a year?
MAYD (Melbourn Area Youth Development) is a joint project between Melbourn, Meldreth, Foxton, Fowlmere and Shepreth parish councils aimed at continuing and expanding youth club activities based in Melbourn and formerly run by Cambridgeshire County Council. Having been successful with one bid for finance we now need someone to help us with administration and do more fundraising for the project.
If you have some admin and/or fundraising experience, or even if you haven’t, and are interested please contact Jenny Ravenhill (Chair, MAYD) or Jose Hales (Secretary, MAYD) for more information. Contact Jenny on jennyravenhill@hotmail.com or 07747101510 Jose on jose@josehales.me.uk
Sat 23rd June 2012
If you can spare some time to volunteer before, during or after this year’s Melbourn Village Fete, please contact us on: melbournfete@aol.com Paula Froggatt: 07402 273527 Catriona McKay: 07976 603528 Why not get involved this year?
continued from page 13
Water levels in the aquifer are now at a twenty-year low. Worryingly, groundwater levels continue to fall, despite a wet but average December and January. Further dry weather will result in the drought being the worst in living memory. We have all seen droughts before, but what is so alarming this time is that the normal recharge of the aquifer has failed. It would appear that neither the Environment Agency nor the water supply companies through their existing drought-plans offer much hope of relief for the river. To us, this does seem to be a case of ‘too little, too late’. Working Party Dates: Saturday 10th March – Meldreth Saturday 31st March – Melbourn Saturday 21st April – Meldreth Saturday 12th May – Melbourn Saturday 9th June – Meldreth
All working parties meet for a 9.30am start and we endeavour to finish by about 12.30pm. In Melbourn we meet at the Pavilion on the Recreation Field and in Meldreth at 14 Flambards Close. For further information, please contact info@rivermel.com or telephone Maureen Brierley on 01763 262752.
Stop Press
Just as this magazine goes to press we have heard that there is a possibility that we will be able to tackle the problem of the silt and rubbish that has collected beneath the A10 road bridge. This will be an expensive project, as commercial help will be needed to remove the silt. We have gained grant aid towards this project, but we still need to obtain all the necessary permissions to take this project forward. Watch this space!