8 minute read
Melbourn Village Fete – Saturday 23rd June
village news

Melbourn Parish Council would like to give all new born babies of Melbourn a Jubilee Coin. If you are a mum-to-be or have already had a baby in 2012 they would like to hear from you. If you would like to be included please contact the Parish O ce, at Melbourn Village College on 01763 262494 or e-mail parishclerk@melbournpc.co.uk leaving your name and address or via the council web site at www.melbournpc.co.uk or Cllr. Maureen Townsend 32 New Road, Melbourn / 01763 260959. The coins will not be handed out until after the Jubilee Weekend.
Melbourn Village Fete and Music on the Moor
Saturday 23rd June 2012 from 1pm until late The final preparation for this years Fete is well under way. During the afternoon we have already attracted all the usual clubs and societies from the village plus a few newcomers, all with a varied selection of stalls hoping to raise much needed funds. We have also booked a wide range of fairground attractions for all ages to enjoy, from an inflatable bungee run, Sumo wrestling and Human hamster balls for the more adventurous, to the normal bouncy castle, slide and roundabouts for the little ones, including NEW for this year ‘Little Rovers’ mini off road course. For the less energetic of us we have the Crazy golf course back and a Chair ‘o’ plane sit on ride to send the little ones in a spin, so hopefully we will have something for all the family to enjoy.
Also throughout the afternoon we have booked some central arena attractions for all those in the family that would just like to watch others get hot and bothered in the mid-day sun, from the Danny Butler Extreme Mountain bike display team to the very energetic Melbourn Village College PADCO’s and competition squad dancers. If that has not worn you out we will have the ever popular tug of war and egg throwing, as well as the sheep racing and NEW for this year Dog & Duck show and from last year our very funny and eventful Meldreth vets dog show.
We also have our very challenging and demanding Lawnmower racing which is always great fun to watch and even better to get involved (there is still time to book your place and take part, contact details for an application below). Also our vintage & classic vehicle rally is fast becoming an event that all the participants put in their diaries, with novelty awards and mementos for all to compete for.
We have a full and varied music set throughout the afternoon starting with Double Take, Barber Shop Quartet around 1.30pm in the main music marquee; they will also be around performing during the fete all afternoon. From 2pm until late, also in the main music marquee, we have the most diverse mix of bands (in order performance ) from ‘Rhythm States’ a youthful four-piece pop/rock band; ‘Inck’ another young four-piece indie/experimental band; Paul Whitton, a solo singer/songwriter of Lipstick Torpedo fame, and ‘The Remnants’ lead us to our supporting band ‘Folding Star’ a 3 piece band covering British rock music, which should set the right mood for our headlining act for Music on the Moor 2012 ‘The Junkyard Preachers’, a 5 piece roadhouse blues and rockabilly band. Their present set is a mixture of blues classics, rock and roll and driving rockabilly greats. Junkyard Preachers are essentially a live band and their live performance is a genuine expression of their belief in what they are saying – make ‘em listen, make ‘em hear, make ‘em dance!
They all will, I am sure, keep us entertained for the evening with a good mix of music for all our tastes. As usual, we hope you all will stay for the evening and support us and all the bands. Also, you will still be able to take advantage of refreshments from the bar and barbeque well into the evening.
The Fete committee are always looking to build on the success of the previous years and bring all the community together for one very special family fun day out for all ages that will be remembered and talked about all year. As you can imagine this takes a lot of organising and taking into consideration the size of this years’ event, if you can spare some time for a worthy and rewarding cause, whether it be a few hours or more, please contact us as below.
We would also like to thank all of our sponsors so far this year for their generosity. A full list is available on our web-site, with links. Melbourn Village Fete Committee Contact: Brian Collingbourne (Chair) 263115 or Melbournfete@aol.com if you wish to be a sponsor or a volunteer or check out our NEW Web site www. melbournfete.co.uk
Melbourn Library – available to all!
This is to remind you that you have a local library in Melbourn which is for everyone in the community to use. It’s been staffed by volunteers for over 6 years and they are friendly, helpful and have information that you may need about all sorts of community activities. • did you know that there are 2 permanent computers with internet service for you to use which are free? • did you know that there are many books available – popular and classic fiction, detective novels, biography,
DIY, local history geography, health and many more for you to borrow or just browse? (This is apart from the child and teenage section) • did you know that there are LARGE
PRINT books for those who need them and masses of info on community activities such as U3A,
arts, drama, business initiatives, recycling projects, music and local politics to name but a few? • did you know that ALL the books and CDs in Cambridge libraries are available to you if you order them at Melbourn and staff can help you find particular title or author in their computer catalogue? • did you know that you do not have to borrow or return a book from the central library (or any others) – you can do so at Melbourn and save a journey All you need is a ticket which can be easily provided by staff as long as you have identity to back it up.
So please come along and browse, use a computer, find the answer to all those questions you have about the community or just spend time relaxing in a small but stimulating environment. YOU may well be surprised at the richness of this library’s resources.
At present, we have some good paperbacks on sale and there is also a reading project for the holidays for children called Spacehoppers. There is a website www.spacehop.org.uk which you can investigate.
We can be found in a red and blue hut in the leafy grounds of Melbourn Village College (Disabled access, of course). Our phone number is 01763 269956 and we are open at the following times: Mon 2.30–4.30 pm Fri 2.30–4.30 pm Wed 2.30–4, 30 pm Sat 10.00–1200 pm Thur 5.00–7.00 pm
But it all depends on you! IF we have more people coming and using the library, we’ll be able to open for longer and more suitable hours for you!
We have a successful under 5’s Story time running on a Thursday morning but we want to see more of you older members (over 5s!) and look forward to meeting you. Eleanor Fitzgerald, Library Volunteer
Royston Ladies Circle
After being away for over 10 years Royston Ladies Circle is back! Royston Ladies Circle is up and running once again, after the original club folded in 1999. Having run unofficially for a year, the new members re-chartered the club in March 2011. It now has 16 members and is going from strength to strength. Supported and encouraged by the associated organisations of Round Table, 41 Club and Tangent, Ladies Circle has had a first year of fun, friendship and lots of laughter, offering a varied programme of activities to members who meet twice a month. Whilst named Royston Ladies Circle, the group has attracted members from many surrounding villages such as Bassingbourn, Melbourn, Harston, Litlington and Chrishall and due to lack of clubs in the surrounding areas, even a member who travels from Cambridge. Whilst the numbers are strong, there is always room for more! Any lady who is aged between 18–45 years is invited to come along and get involved. In addition to the social aspect of the club, which last year included chocolate tasting, a pamper night, donutting, punting on the Cam, rounders in the park, an evening walk at Wimpole, a Jive dance class, a ‘pudding party’, Christmas wreath making and much more … there is also the fundraising element. After assisting Round Table with the Santa Sleigh and holding some small fundraising activities, Royston Ladies Circle has recently held its first large scale fundraiser, attracting over 90 people to a quiz night held at Bassingbourn Community Centre. The event was a great success and over £900 was raised – a fantastic amount for a first event! Two requests for funding have already been received and supported. However, raising funds is not the only way the Ladies Circle aims to assist those in need. The Ladies are also willing to get involved in local community events or events to support individuals if required. If you would be interested in getting involved with Ladies Circle, or believe we might be able to help with a fund raising project that you are involved in, then please contact the current Chair, Helen, on 241829.