Issue 71 Autumn 2012

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Christian Aid Week in Melbourn 2012 I would like to give a big ‘Thank You’ to all those that helped with the House to House collection this year, in Melbourn. Making a grand total of £1020 slightly less than last year. This is the last year in which I intend to be in charge of the Christian Aid in Melbourn. I am looking for someone to hand the job over to. Please think it over and I am willing to help anyone with their 1st year doing the job. If you think this is a job is for you please contact me by phone or email. If I get NO response then this will be the last year Christian Aid will benefit from the £1000 + that is collected in Melbourn. Helen John, Christian Aid Secretary for Melbourn 261147 or email:

Harvest Festival Weekend 15th – 16th September Melbourn URC is once again celebrating harvest by hosting a Harvest Festival Weekend. As in past years, we are looking forward to seeing the church decorated with lots of imaginative, artistic floral and produce displays and arrangements. On Saturday, the church will be open to visitors from 11 am and there will be refreshments and some children’s activities in the hall. From 2 pm we hope that some music will be played whilst people enjoy the displays. On Sunday we have our Harvest Service at 11 am, followed by a Bring and Share lunch and sale of the produce. Please do come and join us for some or all of these events and support a good cause at the same time. The charity we will be supporting again this year is Tools With A Mission (TWAM). As part of our efforts we will be collecting more tools no longer needed in the UK which will be refurbished and sent to countries where they can be used. Suitable tools and equipment can be brought to the church over the weekend. All types of carpentry, mechanics, builders, plumbing, sewing, knitting, gardening, and craft tools can be donated. Sewing and knitting machines (please make sure they are complete), flat screen computers and laptops, educational textbooks, adult mountain bikes, and manual typewriters can also be used. Wheelchairs, crutches and a variety of other medical aids to help those with a variety of disabilities can also be utilized. Please get in touch with us for more details (Peter and Eirwen Karner 262346) or consult the full list available from the TWAM website.

Knitting and Craft Group Anyone interested in joining a Knitting and Craft Group? The aim is to set up a weekly group for those interested in learning or passing on some skills in the area of Arts and Crafts alongside having coffee and a chat. It is planned that we will meet in the URC Church Hall on Thursday afternoons from 2–4 pm starting in September. For further information call Anne Field 220869.

Aid for Romania Evening – Friday, 5th October Ros Van de Weyer, one of our church members and a physiotherapist working locally, visited Romania last year as part of a medical aid group. She was both moved and moved to action by what she saw there, and will be returning later this year. She will talk to us and show pictures of her visit. This promises to be an interesting and informative evening. There will be a supper included in the event with an opportunity to talk with Ros and find out more about what we can do to help. Further details will be available from the church nearer the time.

All Saints’ Community Hall One of the minor problems with groups using the hall has been that some of the sound ‘bounces off’ and has made conversation difficult especially when individual groups are all talking at once. Thanks to generous donations from Melbourn Parish Council, Cambridge Building Society and All Saints Parochial Church Council and some anonymous donors, it has been possible to order remedial work to be put in hand. By the time you read this article acoustic panels coupled with new lighting will have been installed making the spoken word easier to hear. It emphasises the fact that the Hall is truly a Community Hall open for hire to anyone in or out of Melbourn. Bookings continue to be received at a steady rate and the financial position is very satisfactory but everyone is melbournmagazine


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