Issue 72 Winter 2012

Page 31

Cambridge Baby Sensory Juliette & Emma 07966 789785 Little Hands Karen

01763 260964

Melbourn Playgroup Jane Crawford 07842 151512 Notre Ecole Janet Whitton


Primary School Headteacher Stephanie Wilcox 223457 U3A (Univ. of Third Age) Chairman Elma Forbes 01223 870217 Village College Principal Simon Holmes


Youth Club at Melbourn Village College Tuesday evenings for School years 7–11 all welcome See page 14 for more details

News from the Primary School At the beginning of the school year we were delighted to welcome 50 new children to Melbourn Primary School and hope they have settled well into our community; to help them feel at home there was a ‘New Parents’ coffee morning hosted by the PTFA. In addition there were our first Welcome Evenings for parents in the various year groups. We hope the year 6 children who left us in July have all settled well into their secondary schools. We were particularly delighted with the results they achieved at the end of their primary career and trust these will launch them well into the next step of their education. September saw us reliving the many highs of the Olympic and Paralympic games with assemblies focusing on the Olympic value of Inspiration and wow, wasn’t there a lot to inspire us? We are continuing to promote values through our assemblies and circle times. This month we are focusing on determination. Early September Rion Pierre, a sprinter with the GB athletic team visited us. After leading us in circuit training exercises Rion inspired us with his story which included being unhappy at primary school, a youth football contract with Watford, then Chelsea before joining an athletics group with the aim of improving his football! It is fair to say we were all transfixed and impressed by his determination to overcome difficulties – a valuable lesson for us all. We will be watching the Commonwealth games in Glasgow and Rio Olympics very carefully so we can say “he came to our primary school”, and a few lucky ones can say “I beat him in a race!” The sponsorship money raised from the event was a whopping £1586.95 which has been divided between the Sports for Schools charity and our ‘Astro Pitch’ Fund.

We began the year with our usual array of Inspiration Days Year 1 and 2 Circus Day We pretended to be clowns and we did really funny things like plate spinning and throwing scarves into the air and trying to catch them. By Oliver I liked it when the clown was juggling with knives and the music he played on his pipe. By Louis Year 3 and 4 Robot Day

Free Storytime for under 5s! Thursday 10–10.45 am Melbourn Library The Moor, Melbourn (next to Melbourn Village College)

Contact: Eleanor 01763 260924 or library 01763 269956

On robotics day, year 3 and 4 had their robot inspiration day. There were 4 groups and they went to different activities, one was papier mache daleks, one was making music for Star Wars, there was a quiz and then they went to the hall and made remote controlled lego robots. My favourite part of the day was the paiper mache daleks! We had a great day and we went home smiling. By Grace Year 5 and 6 Evacuation Day I loved finding out about what evacuees had to go through, also they sing songs I’ve never heard of! On the 25th of September the whole of year 5 & 6 got on a train and the mums waved us off. When we got to an unknown destination Foxton, we went into a big hall and wrote a letter to our parents. Then we sang some WW2 songs, had a dance and ate our lunch. It was great fun. By Adam Everyone enjoyed the evacuation day on the 25th September, we came to school dressed as evacuees and walked down to Meldreth train station. The train melbournmagazine


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