20 minute read



Sunday 1


Holy Communion 8am All Saints Family Service Baptist Church 10.30am Holy Communion URC 11am Baptist Communion 6pm

Monday 2

Drop-in Surgery with Councillors at Melbourn Library 2.30pm – 3.30pm Melbourn Bridge Club Vicarage Close contact Howard Waller 261693

Wednesday 4

New term begins Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am (term time) Coffee Break 10.30am

Thursday 5

Melbourn Bowls Club Coffee Morning 10.30-12 Craft and Chat URC 2pm-4pm weekly

Friday 6

Coffee at URC 10.30am

Saturday 7

Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am Musical Evening Barkway Village Hall

Sunday 8

Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints’ 9.45am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm Foxton 5km Fun Run (see article)

Monday 9

Open Exhibition on Transport Strategy and Housing for S. Cambs at ASCH 2.30pm onwards

Tuesday 10

Toddler Plus 9.30-11.30am Baptist Church (TT) Mothers’ Union Steeple Morden 2.30pm Melbourn & District Gardening Club ASCH 7.30pm ‘A Garden for all Seasons’

Wednesday 11

Craft Club 9.30am (TT) Coffee Break 10.30am

Thursday 12

Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm

Friday 13

Coffee at URC 10.30am Meldreth Bowls Club ‘Race Night’ contact Roger Mead 220095 for details

Saturday 14

Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am Women’s British Legion tombola stall Melbourn Bowls Club Fish & Chip pairs 1st Melbourn Ball in the grounds of Melbourn Primary School (see article)

Sunday 15

Family Communion All Saints 9.45am URC Harvest Festival 11am later at 4pm Bring and Share tea and service Baptist Communion 6pm Evensong All Saints 6.30pm Meldreth Church Car Show

Monday 16

Royston & District Family History Society ASCH 7.30pm ‘Research Your Great War Ancestors’

Tuesday 17

Toddler Plus 9.30-11.30am (term time) Melbourn & District Photographic Club at Foxton Village Hall contact Bruce Huett 232855

Wednesday 18

Craft Club 9.30am Baptist Church (TT) Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am

Thursday 19

Holy Communion All Saints 10am Coffee & Chat URC 2-4pm

Friday 20

Coffee 10.30am URC

Saturday 21

Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am

Sunday 22

Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints’ 9.45am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm

Tuesday 24

Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am Women’s Group Meldreth ‘The Wallace Cancer Care Group’

Wednesday 25

Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am British Legion Women’s Section Vicarage Close 7pm

Thursday 26

Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm

Friday 27

Melbourn & Meldreth Parishes Supper at Meldreth

Village Hall 7.30pm

Saturday 28

Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am The Bookshelf

Sunday 29

Holy Communion All Saints 8am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm


Tuesday 1

Toddler Plus 9.30-11.30am Baptist Church (TT) Melbourn & District Photographic Club at Foxton Village Hall 7.30pm contact Bruce Huett 232855

Wednesday 2

Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am (TT) Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am

Thursday 3

Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm weekly Royston & District Local History Soc. Royston Town Hall 8pm ‘Interpreting Ely Cathedral’

Friday 4

Coffee URC 10.30am Melbourn Bowls Club Quiz Night 7.30pm SOAS English Distillery Co. ASCH 7.30pm contact George Howard 260686

Saturday 5

Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am Home Start Quiz Night Meldreth (see article)

Sunday 6

Holy Communion All Saints 8am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm Baptist Communion 6pm

Monday 7

Drop-in Surgery with Councillors at Melbourn Library 2.30-3.30pm first Monday in the month Melbourn Bridge Club at Vicarage Close

Tuesday 8

Toddler Plus 9.30-11.30am Baptist Church (TT) Mothers’ Union Meldreth 2.30pm Melbourn & District Gardening Club ASCH 7.30pm ‘Wild Scotland’

Wednesday 9

Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am (TT) Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am

Thursday 10

Holy Communion All Saints 10am

Friday 11

Coffee URC 10.30am Melbourn Bowls Club Whist Drive 7pm

Saturday 12

Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am Royston Round Table OctableFest (see article)

Sunday 13

Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints’ 9.45am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm

Tuesday 15

Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am (TT)

Wednesday 16

Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am (TT) Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am

Thursday 17

Holy Communion All Saints 10am

Friday 18

Coffee URC 10.30am

Saturday 19

Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am The Bookshelf

Sunday 20

Holy Communion All Saints 8am Family Service All Saints 11am Baptist communion 10.30am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm

Monday 21

Royston & District Family History Society ASCH 7.30pm Members Evening

Tuesday 22

Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am (TT) Women’s Group Melbourn ‘Winter Baskets’ Peter Jackson Scotsdales

Wednesday 23

Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30 (TT) Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am British Legion Women’s Section Vicarage Close 7pm

Thursday 24

Holy Communion All Saints 10am

Friday 25

Coffee URC 10.30am Community Rail Partnership Meldreth Station 11am Home Start Soup Lunch (see article) Melbourn Bowls Club Whist Drive 7pm

Saturday 26

Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am

Sunday 27

BST ends Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints’ 9.45am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm

Monday 28

Half Term

Tuesday 29

Mothers’ Union Half Term Activity Day Foxton Village Hall

Wednesday 30

Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am

Thursday 31

Holy Communion All Saints 10am

Friday 1

Coffee URC 10.30am SOAS Hungarian Evening ASCH 7.30pm contact George Howard 260686

Saturday 2

Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am

Sunday 3

Feast of All Saints Family Communion All Saints 9.45am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm Baptist Communion 6pm

Monday 4

Drop-in Surgery with Councillors at Melbourn Library 2.30-3.30pm Melbourn Bridge Club Vicarage Close contact Howard Waller 261693

Tuesday 5

Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am (TT) Melbourn & District Photographic Club Foxton Village Hall 7.30pm contact Bruce Huett 232855

Wednesday 6

Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am (term time) Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am

Thursday 7

Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm Royston & District Local History Society Royston Town Hall 8pm ‘There’s no such thing as a good tax’

Friday 8

Coffee URC 10.30am Melbourn Bowls Club Whist Drive 7pm

Saturday 9

Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am

Sunday 10

Remembrance Service All Saints 11am Family Communion All Saints 6.30pm

Tuesday 12

Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am (TT) Mothers’ Union Orwell 2.30pm AGM Melbourn & District Gardening Club ASCH 7.30pm National Gardens Scheme

Wednesday 13

Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am (TT) Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am

Thursday 14

Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm

Friday 15

Coffee URC 10.30am

We shall be pleased to receive contributions in any form, articles, poems, drawings, photographs, letters etc., pertaining to Melbourn. Please send any contributions to the Editor, at 110 High Street, Melbourn, marking them ‘MELBOURN MAGAZINE’ or you can email them to mag@melbourn.org.uk

Saturday 16

No coffee stop

All Saints Christmas Bazaar

Home Start Cheese & Wine (see article)

Royston & District Annual Model Railway Club

Exhibition Bassingbourn Village College 10.30am onwards

Sunday 17

Holy Communion All Saints 8am

Family Service All Saints 11am

Baptist Communion Service 10.30am

Evensong All Saints 6.30pm

Monday 18

Royston & District Family History Society ASCH 7.30pm ‘Dining at Christmas Through the Ages’ Fiona Lucraft

Tuesday 19

Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30pm (TT)

Wednesday 20

Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am (TT)

Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am

Thursday 21

Holy Communion All Saints 10am

Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm

Friday 22

Coffee URC 10.30am

Melbourn Bowls Club Whist Drive 7pm

Saturday 23

Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am

Sunday 24

Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints’ 9.45am

Evensong All Saints 6.30pm

Tuesday 26

Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30 (TT)

Women’s Group Meldreth ‘Reflections on Advent’ Barbara McKellar

Wednesday 27

Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am (TT)

Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am

British Legion Women’s Section Vicarage Close 7pm

Thursday 28

Holy Communion All Saints 10am

Home Start Christmas Door Decorations (see article)

Friday 29

Coffee URC 10.30am

MADS pantomime Aladdin

Saturday 30

Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am

MADS pantomime Aladdin The closing date for the next issue is Friday 18th october 2013 which will appear in december, listing events in December, January and February.

Village information continued

Orchard Surgery Dispensary

Monday to Friday 8:30 – 1pm and 3pm – 6pm Phone 01763 261246 Telephone requests are not accepted For repeat prescriptions you can: Fax 01763 262968 or email: prescriptions.orchardsurgery@nhs.net • Allow at least 48 hours (two working days – excluding weekends and bank holidays) for repeat prescriptions to be ready. • Do not leave your request to the last minute. Prescription/medication depending on eligibility can be collected from the Surgery Co-op Tesco in Royston Please let the dispensary know where you wish your prescriptions to be sent. This will remain your choice until we are informed otherwise.



*31 August Black Bin 6 September Green & Blue Bin 13 September Black Bin 20 September Green & Blue Bin 27 September Black Bin 4 October Green & Blue Bin 11 October Black Bin 18 October Green & Blue Bin 25 October Black Bin 1 November Green & Blue Bin 8 November Black Bin 15 November Green & Blue Bin 22 November Black Bin 29 November Green & Blue Bin 6 Decemeber Black Bin 13 December Green & Blue Bin 20 Decemeber Black Bin

* Saturday Collection – please check website below for conformation

For an update on collections visit: www.scambs.gov.uk/content/friday For more information and collections of large household items Telephone 03450 450 063

Melbourn Health Visiting Team

Drop in clinics for parents and babies are held as follows: Melbourn clinic every Wednesday between 9.30am and 11.00am at: 35 Orchard Road, Melbourn. Telephone 01763 262861

8a Romsey Terrace, Cambridge. CB1 3NH Offi ce Mon-Fri 9.00am-12.30pm. Telephone 01223 416 141 answerphone out of these hours admin@camtadcambs.org.uk

A drop in advisory session is held at Vicarage Close Community Room, the 4th Thursday of the month from 2pm to 4pm

See the website for more information www.camtadcambs.org.uk Battery exchange and retubing. We do not do hearing tests


Cam Sight’s visually impaired group meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month every month except in August, at the Vicarage Close centre, Melbourn from 2 until 4pm. We offer a warm welcome with speakers, outings, up to date information and equipment demonstrations. Come and see what’s on offer, join us for a cuppa and a chat. Call 01223 420 033 for further information

Melbourn Area Youth Development Group

Melbourn Area Youth Development, known as MAYD, is again moving nicely ahead with its plans to support young people in our community to achieve a good, sound and balanced approach to life.

As the chairman of MAYD I’m aware that not everyone is familiar with what we do. MAYD comprises a group of villages including Melbourn, Meldreth, Shepreth, Fowlmere and Foxton and was set up two years ago, after Cambridgeshire County Council cut its funding for youth clubs,. MAYD runs a new youth club, summer activities rotating round the villages, and a variety of special projects: Last summer MAYD supported a course for children on free school meals at the Wysing Arts Centre and this summer is sponsoring a horse riding course, free of charge. For two years MAYD had supported the Melbourn Village College Basketball Club. Each village contributes funds to the project on a proportional basis.

MAYD has been extremely successful in winning funding from Cambridgeshire Community Foundation and the Lotto Awards For All, amounting to £15,000. This money is being put towards various training programs including The ‘Bike Bank ’ a group project between Cambridgeshire Police, Cambridgeshire County Council, South Cambs District Council and MAYD. The idea at first was to encourage young people who were at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training), however the course has generated such demand that MAYD thought it best to open it up to all. The Bike Bank is now in its second year and is being replicated in other South Cambs villages.

MAYD is always looking for opportunities to jointly support activities with Melbourn Village College. You may have read about the ’Celebrating Ages’ event held at the college in February this year, where around 140 guests were entertained to a musical performance and served refreshments by our youngsters. The feedback from those guests about our young people was unanimous: they thought the young people were fantastic and wanted to attend another event as soon as possible. In fact one of the most frequent comments was ‘the students are a credit to the community’.

Two years after its inception, MAYD is now coming in to its own. Thanks to outside funding, we have employed the services of a youth work specialist with vast experience and are seeing a marked increase in attendance at our Tuesday evening youth club and other activities, including interest in helping out at the upcoming Celebrating Ages event in September. Most importantly we’re seeing an increase in conversation between adults and young people.

The MAYD committee overseeing the delivery of this project is made up of councillors from all of the member villages, however we believe that it would be far better for MAYD to have non-councillors on the committee too. If you think you could offer your time to join this fantastic project or to offer assistance in other ways, then please do let me know.

Young people are our future and we want to support them to be the very best they can be. Jose Hales Tel: 221058 Email: Jose@josehales.me.uk At the Wednesday after school club children spent the first part of the term learning to name the parts of the body in French. We sang songs, play ‘Jacques a dit’ (Simple Simon Says) and card games such as ‘pairs’ and performed some role plays at the Doctors. We also started working on our annual play which this year was entitled ‘M. Malpartout’, (Mr Hurts Everywhere). At the end of the summer term the children excelled themselves when performing to their parents and friends. We also sang some songs from our repertoire for our audience.

Children attending the Thursday after school club spent some time learning clothing vocabulary. Again we played a number of games around this theme including pairs. We described what we were wearing, adding colour adjectives. We also practised big numbers in French and revised the months. Children in the Thursday group also enjoyed performing a play for their parents, this time Pierre Perdtout, (Peter Loses Everything).

Meanwhile the adults attending the Wednesday evening beginner’s class have been making good progress and are now able to take a taxi, book a hotel room, make enquiries at the tourist office and purchase tickets at a museum. The more advanced learners have enjoyed a lively conversation class and have also had an opportunity to practise some grammar points.

September and the beginning of the school year is traditionally a popular time to start learning a new skill so if you or your child are interested in joining one of our groups please get in touch. Notre Ecole, led by a native speaker and a graduate of European Studies with French, has been running for more than ten years. Learn French in a friendly atmosphere *French for Children – Games, role-play, songs etc. Every Wednesday from 3.45pm to 4.30pm Every Thursday from 4:15pm to 5:00pm *French for Adults – All levels, Conversation Every Wednesday from 8.00pm to 9.00pm GCSE lessons available by arrangement. Individual lessons also available.

Telelephone Marine 01763 222876 or Janet 01763 261231 mob-07533 443153 mob-07791 853448 Email marineboulter@yahoo.fr or janet.whitton@tiscali.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you. (Enhanced CRB clearance recently completed)

Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) – Royston

Enrol at Royston Town Hall on Tuesday 17th September from 10am – 11am.

The courses will start at the same venue on Tuesday 24th September from 10am– 11.30am and will last for 10 weeks. As previously there will be a choice of two courses • Great Gardens, Famous Gardeners. Tutor: Andrew Sankey.

Delve into the lives of eight famous gardeners and their

Brand new homes to rent as affordable housing or to buy under a shared ownership lease

Hundred Houses Society, in partnership with Iceni Homes and Melbourn Parish Council is developing a small scheme of 13 affordable new homes in Melbourn for people with a local connection. 3 of these homes will be sold under a shared ownership scheme, 1 two bedroom house and 2 three bedroom houses. To rent there will be 3 two bedroom houses and 7 three bedroom houses. Affordable rents will be 80% of a market rent on a fixed term tenancy basis. These properties will be advertised on Homelink 3 months prior to completion www.home-link.org.uk Th e homes will be built on the site of the former police houses and police station.

an artist’s impression of the new homes at Melbourn around the community Hub

What is shared ownership? Shared ownership helps people who cannot afford to buy a home outright, to purchase a home in stages. Hundred Houses Society owns the freehold of the property and sells a share to you under a shared ownership lease. Initially, you will buy a minimum share of the property (usually 50% but it could be more or less), the actual proportion will be determined after we have carried out an affordability assessment. You will then pay Hundred Houses Society a subsidised rent on the remaining share. The total monthly costs of the mortgage and rent are lower than the cost of a mortgage needed to buy the property outright. After a year you can purchase further shares in the property in tranches of 10%, up to 80%. As you purchase more shares the proportion of rent due to Hundred Houses Society will reduce. How do I apply for Shared Ownership? You need to register with Orbit HomeBuy Agents as follows:

Orbit HomeBuy Garden Court Harry Weston Road Binley Business Park Binley Coventry CV3 2SU Telephone: 0345 8502050 Email: hba@orbit.org.uk Website: www.orbithomebuyagents.co.uk

If your application progresses, we will carry out a full assessment of your financial circumstances to check that you can afford the home. You will need to provide us with original documents showing your income, savings, loans and debts and provide information on all your outgoings

most influential gardens. Included are Lawrence Johnston and Hidcote, Joseph Paxton and Chatsworth, Capability

Brown and Blenheim, Henry Hoare and Stourhead, Mr

Beaumont and Levens Hall, and The Batemans and

Biddulph Grange. • Remembering the 1970s. Tutor: Stephen Barnard.

The 1970s is remembered most for its industrial strife, its garish fashions and musical fads. But what was the true story of the decade – and how did it help shape the world we know today? Further details from Carol Bradshaw: 01763 268678.

U3A (University of the Third Age)

The Third Age Trust is the national representative body for the Universities of Third Age (U3As) in the UK. U3As are self-help, self-managed lifelong learning co-operatives for older people no longer in full time work, providing opportunities for their members to share learning experiences in a wide range of interest groups and to pursue learning not for qualifications, but for fun.

Melbourn and District U3A started in 1994 and now has over 450 members drawn mainly from South Cambridgeshire and North Hertfordshire, and several from further afield.

Our membership year is 1st August to 31st July. The annual membership subscription is £12.00 per person, but members joining after 1st February pay only £6.00 per person.

There are around 35 subject or activity groups. These are informal and most meet in the group leader’s house during the daytime.

We hold a monthly general meeting on the third Wednesday of the month at 2.45 p.m. (but not in December) at which a newsletter is distributed and when there is opportunity for social exchange over tea, coffee and biscuits. At 3.15 p.m. there is usually a talk by a guest speaker. If you are new to the area this a great way to meet people.

For more information contact the Membership Secretary Arthur Alderton 260399

FIVE reasons why you should learn a foreign language

You may not think that learning a new language is easy. You’re probably right, but the benefits more than make up for it. People learn languages for many different reasons, but here are five fundamental reasons why you should put it on your ‘to-do’ list for the next academic year.

Culture: Language influences culture, so learning a language helps you to understand how other people think. It also helps you to gain a general understanding of our world and the many people and cultures that inhabit it.

Improve your English: Learning a foreign language helps you understand your own language and culture better through comparison, or through the relationship between the foreign language and your mother tongue. For instance, studying Latin and Latin-based languages can teach you an incredible amount of English because English has so many words that come from these languages. You also need to learn grammar: the set of rules necessary for acquiring that language. Grammar is common to all languages and so gaining a better grasp of it is bound to make you a much more articulate person.

Boosting memory: Learning a foreign language has been proven to improve memory skills. As the brain incorporates new vocabulary, grammar structures and conversation skills, new neural pathways are created, thereby improving brain and memory function. By learning a new language, you are therefore exercising your brain.

Travelling: “Americans who travel abroad for the first time are often shocked to discover that, despite all the progress that has been made in the last 30 years, many foreign people still speak in foreign languages!” (Dave Barry).

Many English speakers seem to believe that wherever you go on holiday you can get by speaking English, so there’s no point in learning any other languages. Untrue! Just having a basic ability in a foreign language will be of enormous help e.g., when ordering food and drink, finding your way around, buying tickets, etc. Furthermore, if you have a more advanced knowledge of the language, you can have real conversations with the people you meet, which can be very interesting and will add a new dimension to your holiday.

It’s fun: Learning a language isn’t easy but by enjoying the experience, meeting new people and interacting with a different language and culture, you can truly have a lot of fun.

There you have it – five good reasons why you should learn a new language this year. I know what you’re thinking… and we all say it ... “I’ll learn Spanish after I retire” or “I’ll start learning this when I finish that”... But if you don’t get started now, then you most probably never will. So get those books out or enrol on a course and start studying!

To sign up for a 10-week course in French, Spanish or Russian starting in Saffron Walden & Royston w/c 16th September, visit us at www.lingualounge.co.uk or phone 07775 640794. Classes start from £6.50 per lesson. Sarah Moran

“Little Hands” is a Private Nursery School specialising in quality Pre-School Education for 2 – 5 year Olds

The Nursery School offers : • High (1 : 4) staffing ratio • Variety of session lengths • Term time only booking • Optional holiday clubs • No minimum booking requirement • No booking fee • Categorised “OUTSTANDING” by Ofsted

Also FREE (NEF funded) afternoon (1.30-4.00) sessions for 3 & 4 year olds (NEF can also be used towards half or full day sessions) 01763 260964 (school hours) 01223503972 (office hours) e-mail : janemarshall@littlehands.co.uk www.littlehands.co.uk

Little Hands Nursery Schools are also at Bourn, Linton and Newton

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