15 minute read
Sunday 1
Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints 9.45am Family Service Baptist Church 10.30am Holy Communion URC 11am Baptist Communion 6pm Rudolph Run Addenbrookes 5km Fun Run (see article) MADS panto Aladdin
Monday 2
Drop-in Surgery with Councillors at Melbourn Library 2.30pm – 3.30pm Melbourn Bridge Club meet every Monday Vicarage Close contact Howard Waller 261693
Tuesday 3
Toddlers Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am (TT) Melbourn & District Photographic Club meet weekly
Foxton Village Hall contact Bruce Huett 232855
Wednesday 4
Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am (TT) Coffee Break 10.30am
Thursday 5
Holy Communion All Saints 10.00am Melbourn Bowls Club Coffee Morning 10.30-12 weekly Craft and Chat URC 2pm-4pm weekly Royston & District Local History Soc Royston Town Hall 8pm
Friday 6
Coffee at URC 10.30am Melbourn Bowls Club Whist Drive 7.00pm contact
Arthur Andrews 261990
Saturday 7
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am The Bookshelf URC Tastes of Christmas Royal British Legion Women’s Section Christmas Stall Meldreth 10.30am Scholastic Book Fair MVC
Sunday 8
Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints 9.45am 2nd Sunday in Advent Baptist Church 10.30am URC Service 11.00am Christingle Service All Saints 3.00pm
Tuesday 10
Toddler Plus 9.30-11.30am Baptist Church (TT) Mothers’ Union Advent Service All Saints 2.30pm Melbourn & District Gardening Club ASCH 7.30pm Christmas Social Evening & Quiz
Wednesday 11
Craft Club 9.30am (TT) Coffee Break 10.30am Rail User Group Elin Way Community Room 7.30pm Carol Singing at The Black Horse 8.00pm Churches Together
Thursday 12
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm
Friday 13
Coffee at URC 10.30am
Saturday 14
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am Link Murang’a Stall Meet in Melbourn The Dolphin 3-5pm SOAS Concert with the Orlando Singers All Saints 7.30pm
Sunday 15
Family Communion All Saints 8.00am Nativity Service Baptist Church 10.30am URC Service 11.00am Carol Service All Saints 6.00pm
Monday 16
Royston & District Family History Society ASCH 7.30pm
Christmas Social
Tuesday 17
Toddler Plus 9.30-11.30am (TT)
Wednesday 18
Craft Club 9.30am Baptist Church (TT) Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am
Thursday 19
Holy Communion All Saints 10.00am Coffee & Chat URC 2-4pm
Friday 20
End of term Coffee 10.30am URC
Saturday 21
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am Carol Singing at The Cross 10.30am Churches Together
Sunday 22
Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints 9.45am 4th Sunday in Advent Service Baptist Church 10.30am Carols by Candlelight Baptist Church 6-7pm
Tuesday 24
Christmas Eve Crib Service All Saints 3.00pm Midnight Mass All Saints 11.30pm
Wednesday 25
Christmas Day Holy Communion All Saints 8.00am Family C ommunion Holy Trinity Meldreth 10.00am Christmas Morning Service Baptist Church 10.30am
Saturday 28
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am
Sunday 29
Holy Communion All Saints 8am URC Service 11.00am
JanuarY 2014
Wednesday 1
Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am
Thursday 2
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm weekly Royston & District Local History Soc Royston Town Hall 8pm ‘Women in the 1800’s’
Friday 3
Coffee URC 10.30am
Saturday 4
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am
Sunday 5
Holy Communion All Saints 8.00am Holy Communion URC 11.00am Communion Service Baptist Church 6pm
Monday 6
Drop-in Surgery with Councillors at Melbourn Library 2.30-3.30pm Melbourn Bridge Club weekly at Vicarage Close contact Howard Waller 261693
Tuesday 7
New term begins Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30 (TT) Melbourn & District Photographic Club weekly at Foxton contact Bruce Huett 232855
Wednesday 8
Baptist Church Craft Club 9.30am (TT) Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am-12
Thursday 9
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm weekly Royston & District Local History Soc. Royston Town Hall 7.30pm
Friday 10
Coffee at URC10.30am Melbourn Bowls Club Whist Drive 7pm contact Arthur Andrews 261990
Saturday 11
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am
Sunday 12
Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints 9.45am
URC Service 11.00am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm
Tuesday 14
Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30 (TT) Mother’s Union 2.30pm contact Ann Harding 260759 Melbourn & District Gardening Club ASCH 7.30pm A10 corridor Cycling Campaign Coombes Community Centre Royston 7.30pm
Wednesday 15
Baptist Church Craft Club 9.30am (TT) Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am-12
Thursday 16
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm weekly
Friday 17
Coffee URC 10.30am
Saturday 18
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am The Bookshelf
Sunday 19
Holy Communion All Saints 8.00am Family Service All Saints 11.00am URC Service 11.00am Baptist Church service for Christian Unity 6pm Evensong All Saints 6.30pm
Monday 20
Royston & District Family History Society ASCH 7.30pm ‘Essex & Kent a surprise in store’ Christian Unity Bible Study 13 Vicarage Close 8pm
Tuesday 21
Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30 (TT) Christian Unity Baptist Church prayer meeting 7am
Wednesday 22
Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am-12 Royal British Legion Women’s Section Vicarage Close 7pm Christian Unity URC Reflective Service 7pm
Thursday 23
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Christian Unity Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm weekly
Friday 24
Christian Unity Baptist Church prayer meeting 7am Coffee at URC 10.30am Melbourn Bowls Club Whist Drive 7pm contact Arthur Andrews 261990
Saturday 25
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am
Sunday 26
Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints 9.45am URC Service 11.00am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm
Tuesday 28
Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30 ( TT) Women’s Group AGM Melbourn 7.45pm
Wednesday 29
Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am-12
Thursday 30
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm weekly
Friday 31
Coffee URC 10.30am
Saturday 1
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am
Sunday 2
Holy Communion All Saints 8.00am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm URC Service 11.00am Baptist Communion 6pm
Monday 3
Drop-in Surgery with Councillors at Melbourn Library 2.30-3.30pm Melbourn Bridge Club every Monday Vicarage Close contact Howard Waller 261693
Tuesday 4
Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am (TT) Melbourn & District Photographic Club Foxton Village
Hall every Tuesday 7.30pm contact Bruce Huett 232855
Wednesday 5
Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am (TT) Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am
Thursday 6
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm Royston & District Local History Society Royston Town
Hall 8pm ‘The Tudor Re-creation of Kentwell Hall’
Friday 7
Coffee URC 10.30am Melbourn Bowls Club Whist Drive 7pm contact Arthur
Andrews 261990
Saturday 8
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am Melbourn Guides Cake Stall
Sunday 9
Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints 9.45am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm URC Service 11.00am
We shall be pleased to receive contributions in any form, articles, poems, drawings, photographs, letters etc., pertaining to Melbourn. Please send any contributions to the Editor, at 110 High Street, Melbourn, marking them ‘MELBOURN MAGAZINE’ or you can email them to mag@melbourn.org.uk
Tuesday 11
Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am (TT)
Mothers’ Union Orwell 2.30pm AGM
Melbourn & District Gardening Club ASCH 7.30pm ‘The
Salvia Family’
Wednesday 12
Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am (TT)
Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am
Thursday 13
Holy Communion All Saints 10.00am
Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm
Friday 14
Coffee URC 10.30am
Saturday 15
Coffee Stop 10.30am ASCH The Bookshelf
Sunday 16
Holy Communion All Saints 8.00am
Family Service All Saints 11.00am
URC Service 11.00am
Baptist Communion Service 10.30am
Evensong All Saints 6.30pm
Monday 17
Half term
Royston & District Family History Society ASCH 7.30pm
Wednesday 19
Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am
Thursday 20
Holy Communion All Saints 10am
Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm
Friday 21
Coffee URC 10.30am
Melbourn Bowls Club Whist Drive 7pm contact Arthur Andrews 261990
Saturday 22
Coffee Stop ASCH10.30am Link Murang’a Stall
Sunday 23
Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints 9.45am
Evensong All Saints 6.30pm
Tuesday 25
Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30 (term time)
Women’s Group Melbourn 7.45pm
Wednesday 27
Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am (TT)
Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am
British Legion Women’s Section Vicarage Close 7pm
Thursday 28
Holy Communion All Saints 10am
Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm weekly The closing date for the next issue is Friday 17th January 2014 which will appear in march, listing events in March, April and May 014.
Village information continued
Orchard Surgery Dispensary
Monday to Friday 8:30 – 1pm and 3pm – 6pm Phone 01763 261246 Telephone requests are not accepted For repeat prescriptions you can: Fax 01763 262968 or email: prescriptions.orchardsurgery@nhs.net • Allow at least 48 hours (two working days – excluding weekends and bank holidays) for repeat prescriptions to be ready. • Do not leave your request to the last minute. Prescription/medication depending on eligibility can be collected from the Surgery Co-op Tesco in Royston Please let the dispensary know where you wish your prescriptions to be sent. This will remain your choice until we are informed otherwise.
6 December Black Bin 13 December Green & Blue Bin 20 December Black Bin 27 December Green & Blue Bin 3 January Black Bin 10 January Green & Blue Bin 17 January Black Bin 24 January Green & Blue Bin 31 January Black Bin 7 February Green & Blue Bin 14 February Black Bin 21 February Green & Blue Bin 28 February Black Bin 7 March Green & Blue Bin 14 March Black Bin 21 March** Green & Blue Bin 28 March** Black Bin
**Due to Easter, please check website below for conformation
For an update on collections visit: www.scambs.gov.uk/content/friday For more information and collections of large household items Telephone 03450 450 063
Melbourn Health Visiting Team
Drop in clinics for parents and babies are held as follows: Melbourn clinic every Wednesday between 9.30am and 11.00am at: 35 Orchard Road, Melbourn. Telephone 01763 262861
8a Romsey Terrace, Cambridge. CB1 3NH Offi ce Mon-Fri 9.00am-12.30pm. Telephone 01223 416 141 answerphone out of these hours admin@camtadcambs.org.uk
A drop in advisory session is held at Vicarage Close Community Room, the 4th Thursday of the month from 2pm to 4pm
See the website for more information www.camtadcambs.org.uk Battery exchange and retubing. We do not do hearing tests
Cam Sight’s visually impaired group meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month every month except in August, at the Vicarage Close centre, Melbourn from 2 until 4pm. We offer a warm welcome with speakers, outings, up to date information and equipment demonstrations. Come and see what’s on offer, join us for a cuppa and a chat. Call 01223 420 033 for further information
throughout the week, trying to be fish swimming around.
In the garden we have helped to create our mud kitchen and loved to mix and cook with natural resources.
For Harvest week, we also enjoyed cooking making bread and cakes. We talked about the vegetables and fruit we liked to eat.
The children have chosen a very varied range of activities throughout the term, from washing babies to building dens to dressing up. A request for an ice island for polar bears to live on, once developed, was a huge interest to all the children. The Butterfly Room
We have been busy exploring colours with the story of Elmer the elephant and his cousin Wilbur. We constructed models out of textured collage to represent his character in the story. The children have chosen to make pizza and have a picnic with Elmer. It was very yummy! For our focus activity time we have been learning to take turns during games and working as a team to build a successful marble run.
For Harvest week, we have been talking about where our food comes from and how farmers produce a lot of the food we eat. We made bread and scones, and delicious chocolate brownies.
The children have been very busy in the creation of our mud garden. They have been busy selecting utensils so we can make our mud pies and dinner.
October brings children’s choice; a land of make believe, creating a fairy castle as we explore traditional fairy stories. We will end the term discovering all the changes in autumn that it brings.
And no sooner have the leaves dropped, winter and Christmas will be upon us with all the fun and festivities that this time of year will bring.
If you would like to visit the Nursery, contact the Nursery Manager Anne McCrossen on 01763 260964 or lh-melbourn@ btconnect.com. Little Hands is also at Bourn, Linton and Newton visit the website www.littlehands.co.uk French. Finally, we had fun in the woods collecting leaves to make a collage which we made even more beautiful with some colourful French autumn words.
At the Wednesday evening adult class we have been practising French to do with eating out in a restaurant. We have practised reserving a table and asking for more information about food on the menu. We have talked about traditional French dishes and learnt how to order in French. We then practised numbers to enable us to understand and pay the bill.
Meanwhile, members of the more advanced conversation class have discussed a variety of topics and also found time to look at grammatical points, for example adverbs and adjectives. They have also fun completing some puzzles and learning some French idioms.
Why not start 2014 by learning a new language? If you or your child are interested in joining one of our groups please get in touch. Notre Ecole, led by a native speaker and a graduate of European Studies with French, has been teaching French to pupils of all ages for more than ten years. Call either Marine on 07533 443153 or Janet on 07791 853448 for further details. If you prefer e-mail, contact marineboulter@yahoo.fr or janet. whitton@tiscali.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you. Learn French in a friendly atmosphere *French for Children – Games, role-play, songs etc. Every Wednesday from 3.45pm to 4.30pm Every Thursday from 4:15pm to 5:00pm *French for Adults – All levels, Conversation Every Wednesday from 8.00pm to 9.00pm GCSE lessons available by arrangement. Individual lessons also available.
Telelephone Marine 01763 222876 or Janet 01763 261231 mob-07533 443153 mob-07791 853448 Email marineboulter@yahoo.fr or janet.whitton@tiscali.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you. (Enhanced CRB clearance recently completed)
Notre Ecole U3A
On returning after the long summer break, children at our Wednesday and Thursdays after school clubs made the most of the late summer sunshine and learnt some vocabulary associated with the garden and the park. Then, as the seasons moved on, we began learning words to do with autumn. We played games related to these themes both inside and outside. We used a computer to help us remember our new vocabulary and we drew our own gardens and then talked about them in If you wanted to know the intricacies of the UK’s citizenship test for immigrants, learn about the history of St Mary’s – the R101 church at Cardington, or explore a beautiful Ashwell garden created from a field, then Melbourn U3A was the place to be in October. We have over 30 special interest groups buzzing with ideas and enthusiasm. Join the U3A and you can keep fit with yoga, badminton, table tennis or country walking; exercise the brain with a monthly quiz, Scrabble, bridge or French and German conversation; or indulge the senses with art, poetry or music. There’s more too – armchair travellers. science forum, family history, stamps and collectables, a book club, croquet, handbell ringing, a computer group, family history, bird watching, and the most popular – the excursion group, whizzing off every month all over the country. It all proves that there is no need to get bored, feel lonely or resort to day time television in retirement. U3A members not only find new friends and new interests, they also find their days are full. If you would like to know more please contact the Membership Secretary Arthur Alderton (260399)
Brand new homes to rent as affordable housing or to buy under a shared ownership lease
Hundred Houses Society, in partnership with Iceni Homes and Melbourn Parish Council is developing a small scheme of 13 affordable new homes in Melbourn for people with a local connection. 3 of these homes will be sold under a shared ownership scheme, 1 two bedroom house and 2 three bedroom houses. To rent there will be 3 two bedroom houses and 7 three bedroom houses. Affordable rents will be 80% of a market rent on a fixed term tenancy basis. These properties will be advertised on Homelink 3 months prior to completion www.home-link.org.uk Th e homes will be built on the site of the former police houses and police station.
an artist’s impression of the new homes at Melbourn around the community Hub
What is shared ownership? Shared ownership helps people who cannot afford to buy a home outright, to purchase a home in stages. Hundred Houses Society owns the freehold of the property and sells a share to you under a shared ownership lease. Initially, you will buy a minimum share of the property (usually 50% but it could be more or less), the actual proportion will be determined after we have carried out an affordability assessment. You will then pay Hundred Houses Society a subsidised rent on the remaining share. The total monthly costs of the mortgage and rent are lower than the cost of a mortgage needed to buy the property outright. After a year you can purchase further shares in the property in tranches of 10%, up to 80%. As you purchase more shares the proportion of rent due to Hundred Houses Society will reduce. How do I apply for Shared Ownership? You need to register with Orbit HomeBuy Agents as follows:
Orbit HomeBuy Garden Court Harry Weston Road Binley Business Park Binley Coventry CV3 2SU Telephone: 0345 8502050 Email: hba@orbit.org.uk Website: www.orbithomebuyagents.co.uk
If your application progresses, we will carry out a full assessment of your financial circumstances to check that you can afford the home. You will need to provide us with original documents showing your income, savings, loans and debts and provide information on all your outgoings