17 minute read
Monday 1
Melbourn Bridge Club every Monday at Vicarage Close contact Howard Waller 261693
Wednesday 3
Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30
Thursday 4
New term begins Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm
Friday 5
Coffee at URC 10.30am
Saturday 6
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am
Sunday 7
Holy Communion 8am Evensong 6.30pm All Saints Communion Service Baptist Church 6pm URC Communion Service 11am
Tuesday 9
Toddlers Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am (TT) Mothers Union Fowlmere Church Hall 2pm DIY Melbourn & District Gardening Club ASCH 7.30pm
Wednesday 10
Baptist Craft Club 9.30 (TT) – Coffee Break 10.30am Hub Club Lunch 12.30pm
Thursday 11
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm
Friday 12
Coffee at URC 10.30am
Saturday 13
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am Mobile Wardens Stall
Sunday 14
Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints 9.45am URC Service 11am
Monday 15
Royston & District Family History Society ASCH 7.30pm
Tuesday 16
Toddlers Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am (TT) Melbourn & District Photographic Club weekly until April Foxton Village Hall 7.30pm contact Bruce Huett 232855
Wednesday 17
Baptist Craft Club 9.30 (TT) – Coffee Break 10.30am
Thursday 18
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm
Friday 19
Coffee at URC 10.30am Royston Arts Festival until 28th September Bottisham Beer Festival until 26th September Homestart ‘A Taste of India’ Foxton Village Hall contact 262262 for details
Saturday 20
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am
Sunday 21
Holy Communion 8am Family Service 11am All Saints Baptist Communion Service 6pm URC Harvest Festival 11am & Songs of Praise 5pm
Tuesday 23
Toddlers Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am (TT) Women’s Group Meldreth 7.45pm
Wednesday 24
Baptist Craft Club 9.30 – Coffee Break 10.30am British Legion Women’s Section Vicarage Close 7pm Harvest Supper Meldreth, Shepreth & Foxton Rail Users Group Foxton Village Hall 7.30pm
Thursday 25
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm
Friday 26
Coffee at URC 10.30am
Saturday 27
Coffee Stop All Saints 10.30am The Bookshelf Meldreth Tower Open Day 11-5pm
Sunday 28
Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints 9.45am URC Service 11am
Monday 29
MVC Open Evening (school closed during the day)
Tuesday 30
Toddlers Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am TT
Wednesday 1
Baptist Craft Club 9.30am (TT) – Coffee Break 10.30am
Thursday 2
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm weekly Royston & District Local History Soc. Royston Town Hall 8pm
Friday 3
Coffee URC 10.30am Melbourn & Meldreth Harvest Supper Meldreth Village Hall
Saturday 4
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am Cambridgeshire Carers Away Day – see article
Sunday 5
Holy Communion All Saints 8.00am Evensong 6.30pm Holy Communion URC 11.00am Communion Service Baptist Church 6pm
Monday 6
Poetry Workshop The Hub 2-4pm (10weeks) Melbourn Bridge Club weekly at Vicarage Close contact Howard Waller 261693
Tuesday 7
Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30 (TT) Melbourn & District Photographic Club weekly at Foxton contact Bruce Huett 232855
Wednesday 8
Baptist Craft Club 9.30am (TT) – Coffee Break 10.30am Hub Club Lunch 12.30pm Reflective Service URC 7pm
Thursday 9
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm weekly
Friday 10
Coffee at URC10.30am
Saturday 11
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am
Sunday 12
Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints 9.45am URC Service 11.00am
Monday 13
Poetry Workshop The Hub 2-4pm
Tuesday 14
Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30 (TT) Mother’s Union 2pm Steeple Morden Village Hall Melbourn & District Gardening Club ASCH 7.30pm
Wednesday 15
Baptist Craft Club 9.30am (TT) – Coffee Break 10.30am Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am-12 A10 Corridor Cycling Campaign AGM Royston 7pm
Thursday 16
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm weekly
Friday 17
Coffee URC 10.30am
Saturday 18
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am The Bookshelf
Sunday 19
Holy Communion All Saints 8.00am Family Service 11.00am URC Service 11.00am Baptist Communion Service 10.30am
Monday 20
Poetry Workshop The Hub 2-4pm Royston & District Family History Society ASCH 7.30pm
Tuesday 21
Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30 (TT)
Wednesday 22
Baptist Craft Club (TT) – Coffee Break 10.30am Royal British Legion Women’s Section Vicarage Close AGM 7pm
Thursday 23
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm weekly
Friday 24
Coffee at URC 10.30am
Saturday 25
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am Valuation Day with Thomas Plant ASCH 11-4pm
Sunday 26
Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints 9.45am URC Service 11.00am
Tuesday 28
Women’s Group Melbourn 7.45pm Wednesday 29 Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am-12
Thursday 30
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm weekly
Friday 31
Coffee URC 10.30am Churches Together Light Party Baptist Church
Saturday 1
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am
Sunday 2
Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints 9.45am Service for All Souls All Saints 6.30pm URC Service 11.00am Baptist Communion 6pm
Monday 3
Poetry workshop The Hub 2-4pm Melbourn Bridge Club every Monday Vicarage Close contact Howard Waller 261693
Tuesday 4
Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am (TT) Melbourn & District Photographic Club Foxton Village Hall every Tuesday 7.30pm contact Bruce Huett 232855
Wednesday 5
Craft Club 9.30am (TT) followed by Coffee Break Baptist Church 10.30am
Thursday 6
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm Royston & District Local History Society Royston Town Hall 8pm
Friday 7
Coffee URC 10.30am
Saturday 8
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am
Sunday 9
Village Remembrance Service All Saints 10.45am Meldreth History Group World War 1 exhibition 10am – 12.30pm. See page 51.
Monday 10
Poetry Workshop The Hub 2-4pm
Tuesday 11
Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am (TT) Mothers’ Union ASCH 2pm AGM Melbourn & District Gardening Club ASCH 7.30pm
Wednesday 12
Craft Club 9.30am (TT) – Coffee Break 10.30am Hub Club Lunch 12.30pm Reflective Service URC 7pm
Thursday 13
Holy Communion All Saints 10.00am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm
Friday 14
Coffee URC 10.30am Foxton Art Exhibition until Sunday 16th
Saturday 15
All Saints Christmas Bazaar (no Coffee Stop) 11am–3pm
Sunday 16
Holy Communion All Saints 8.00am & Family Service All Saints 11.00am URC Service 11.00am Shoebox Sunday Baptist Communion Service 10.30am
Monday 17
Poetry Workshop The Hub 2-4pm
We shall be pleased to receive contributions in any form, articles, poems, drawings, photographs, letters etc., pertaining to Melbourn. Please send any contributions to the Editor, at 110 High Street, Melbourn, marking them ‘MELBOURN MAGAZINE’ or you can email them to mag@melbourn.org.uk
Royston & District Family History Society ASCH 7.30pm
Tuesday 18
Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30 (TT)
Wednesday 19
Craft Club 9.30am (TT) – Coffee Brea 10.30am
Thursday 20
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm
Friday 21
Coffee URC 10.30am
Saturday 22
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am
Sunday 23
Family Communion & Sunday School All Saints 9.45am URC Service 11.00am
Monday 24
Poetry Workshop The Hub 2-4pm
Tuesday 25
Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30 (TT) Women’s Group Meldreth
Wednesday 26
Craft Club 9.30am (TT) – Coffee Break 10.30am British Legion Women’s Section Vicarage Close 7pm
Thursday 27
Holy Communion All Saints 10am Craft & Chat URC 2-4pm weekly
Friday 28
Coffee URC 10.30am
Saturday 29
Coffee Stop ASCH 10.30am Meldreth Christmas Tree Festival
Sunday 30
Meldreth Christmas Tree Festival Family Communion All Saints 9.45am URC Service 11.00am
Winter Flower Festival
All Saints’ Church Melbourn Saturday 31st January and Sunday 1st February 2015 The closing date for the next issue is Friday 17th October 2014 which will appear in December, listing events in December, January and February 2015.
Village information continued
Orchard Surgery & Dispensary
Monday to Friday 8:30 – 1pm and 3pm – 6pm Phone 01763 2260220 Telephone requests are not accepted For repeat prescriptions you can: Fax 01763 260220 or email: prescriptions.orchardsurgery@nhs.net • Allow at least 48 hours (two working days – excluding weekends and bank holidays) for repeat prescriptions to be ready. • Do not leave your request to the last minute. Prescription/medication depending on eligibility can be collected from the Surgery Co-op Tesco in Royston Please let the dispensary know where you wish your prescriptions to be sent. This will remain your choice until we are informed otherwise.
5 September Green & Blue Bin 12 September Black Bin 19 September Green & Blue Bin 26 September Black Bin 3 October Green & Blue Bin 10 October Black Bin 17 October Green & Blue Bin 24 October Black Bin 31 October Green & Blue Bin 7 November Black Bin 14 November Green & Blue Bin 21 November Black Bin 28 November Green & Blue Bin 5 December Black Bin 12 December Green & Blue Bin 19 December Black Bin
*Saturday Collection.
For an update on collections visit: www.scambs.gov.uk/content/friday For more information and collections of large household items Telephone 03450 450 063
Melbourn Health Visiting Team
Drop in clinics for parents and babies are held as follows: Melbourn clinic every Wednesday between 9.30am and 11.00am at: 35 Orchard Road, Melbourn. Telephone 01763 262861
8a Romsey Terrace, Cambridge. CB1 3NH Offi ce Mon-Fri 9.00am-12.30pm. Telephone 01223 416 141 answerphone out of these hours admin@camtadcambs.org.uk A drop in advisory session is held at Vicarage Close Community Room, the 4th Thursday of the month from 2pm to 4pm See the website for more information www.cambridgeshirehearinghelp.org.uk Battery exchange and retubing. We do not do hearing tests
Cam Sight’s Rural Support group meet in Melbourn to provide help, and friendship. The group provide enjoy speakers, music, information, events and trips and a chance to try out new equipment. They meet monthly on a weekday morning or afternoon. For further information Call 01223 420 033
on their side. The guns fell silent and that night carols filled the air. When Christmas was past the war continued. It is hard to imagine how the two lines felt when they were ordered to fire on new found friends.
As part of our work relating to the commemoration of the First World War we looked at the concept of community and applied it to this situation. We tried to put ourselves into their shoes and think about whether there were fundamental differences between England and Germany or whether at this time of year there were more aspects in common. We created a response to these events with a poem, and I am pleased to include below some of the thoughtful work that they produced. Soldiers were looking up and you can see the lights Everything was silence and the English Soldiers said ‘Wow, there are lights everywhere’. They just realised it was Christmas Trees And the Germans came over. The English soldier was next to the Christmas Tree And the English solider said ‘do you speak English?’ The German said, ‘Yes, yes I do.’ The English said ‘We are celebrating Christmas, Would you like to celebrate with us And drink whiskey and get drunk?’ And the German soldier said, ‘Yes please’. Seb Masters – Year 7
I heard a voice, A German voice Coming clear and loud, on this mighty day. Slowly the voice came louder. Closer. Then you could make out words. German words. Singing carols. A tune. A happy tune. A Christmas tune. Suddenly I sat up. Shook my partner awake. I ran out, not waiting for my partner Shivering with fear on what I am to do. Hope and fear stirred inside me. Elena Squire – Year 7
Walking with the Wounded
Once again, Melbourn Village College students have proved themselves to be enthusiastic fundraisers, taking part en masse in a three legged race to raise money for the charity, ‘Walking with the Wounded’. This charity supports the rehabilitation of service men and women who have been injured in service of our nation, and enables them to make a new life, adapting to the challenges they face. In this period of reflection on the centenary of World War I, it is particularly appropriate for our students to consider the sacrifice of others.
Year seven and eight students raised over £1,000 in sponsorship and from their contribution from a non-uniform day. It was a superb effort, and our students should be proud of their amazing efforts.
Walking with the Wounded
Cricket Team Success
Year 7 boys captained by Harry Hopwood played the Cambridgeshire County stage of the cricket that they qualified for earlier and made it through their group in second place after victory over Linton and a narrow defeat to King’s Ely. This set up a semi-final with the winners of the other group which was Sawston and despite being a bowler and batter down through to injury, Melbourn still ran out easy winners and reached the final. The final was against Parkside but the occasion got to some of the players and lots of ‘wides’ and ‘no-balls’ resulted in a 10 run defeat. Overall the day was very enjoyable in the stunning setting of Clare College Sports Ground even with a murder of crows demolishing the boys packed lunches when no-one was looking.
Main wicket takers were Will Mallen, Jake Williams and Harry Hopwood. Main run scorers were Jake Williams, Harry Hopwood and Jasper Bridges.
From left to right: Zendon Balfour, Ryan Merrick, Charlie Campbell, Jasper Bridges (wk), Josh Montgomery, Tom Carrington, Will Mallen, Harry Hopwood (c), Jake Williams, Will Jones.
Scientific Approach to WWI at MVC
Whilst some students visited the battlefields in France others, at school, took part in science activities relating to WW1.
The students learned how to take basic healthcare measurements of pulse rate, breathing rate, body temperature and blood pressure.
They then visited a mock-up field hospital ward. They had to diagnose all the patients and say who should be • Treated and sent back • Passed on to the base hospital for further treatment/ analysis • Left to die!
Our young scientists continued with their WWI making morse code circuits, investigating poppies and finding out why soldiers used glow worms!
Melbourn Dance Company
The talented Melbourn Dance Company took part in the British Red Cross’s annual competition ‘Make Your Move’, held at Comberton Village College on Saturday 14th June. The group performed to friends and family, alongside other performance groups across Cambridgeshire. Our piece focused on the life of the homeless and how the charity helps support those in difficult circumstances. Melbourn Dance Company didn’t make it through to the next round, though did win the Silver Award for fundraising, and won the title ‘Best Group Dynamic’. We look forward to participating again next year. SSCO Reports on Sporting Triumphs
KS 2 Rounders Tournament On Tuesday 3rd June, year 9 sports leaders ran the local rounders festival despite it being cold and windy. Harston, Foxton and Meldreth competed for the title which was eventually won by Harston. The children all improved throughout the morning and the leaders learned how to umpire and score the games. Well done to all who took part. KWIK Cricket Competition On Thursday 12th June, two year 10 and one year 11 boy helped the ECB local committee with running the kwik cricket competition at Foxton Cricket Club. They spent a hot afternoon, umpiring and scoring and were commended on their hard work by the organisers of the event.
Mini Olympics 2014 Tuesday 17th June saw 16 sports leaders from MVC attend the annual year 4 Mini Olympics festival held at Wilberforce Road athletics track. 14 new Leadership Academy students from year 9 and 2 Young Ambassadors from year 10 helped run hockey and multiskills stations for year 4 pupils from South Cambridgeshire Primary schools. There were about 1500 children with their staff members so it was a huge event.
Once again, MVC students rose to the occasion and learned how to lead and run their activity to many different groups over the course of the day.
The YA’s from MVC were involved in the opening ceremony, introducing the event and plans for the day. Everyone had a great time and were suitably tired by the end of the day. Many thanks to all the sports leaders who once again did a magnificent job representing the school. Yr1 Multi-Skills On Tuesday 15th July, the year 9 Sports Leaders travelled over to Harston & Newton for their last festival of the year. They experienced taking very young children through the various activities planned which was both tiring and enjoyable. Many thanks to Harston for hosting many festivals this year and best wishes go to Maureen Sykes who retires this year, having made a huge impact on the PE curriculum and sporting prowess of the school.
Yr1 Multi-Skills
During the summer term our theme has been ‘growing things’ or ‘ça pousse’ for both of our children’s groups. We have learnt some vocabulary relating to the different parts of a sun flower (le tournesol) and also explained in French how to grow a plant. We put our instructions to the test and each child grew their own sunflower, after some false starts due to slugs and mice in Mme Whitton’s shed! As I write we are still looking forward to seeing them flower during the summer holidays.
We also practised our version of ‘Jacques et le Haricot Magique’ (Jack and the Beanstalk). Some children made beautiful props which they brought along to the club for us to use and all the children worked very hard at learning their lines. At our last session we acted our play to a supportive and enthusiastic audience of friends and family and also sang them one of the songs we had learnt during the year.
Our adult beginner’s class continue to make good progress. We have talked about nationality and where we come from and our jobs. We have practised using the verbs ‘avoir’ and ‘être’ in the present tense and numbers up to 60.
Meanwhile members of our more advance conversation class have discussed the English stages of Le Tour de France, the recent train worker strike in France, National music day on 21st June and the village of Pernes in Provence which was recently visited by those members of the group who took part in Marines intensive language holiday to the South of France.
September is always a good time to start a new learning something new so if you or your child are interested in joining one of our groups please get in touch. Notre Ecole, led by a native speaker and a graduate of European Studies with French, has been teaching French to pupils of all ages for nearly fourteen years. Call either Marine on 07533 443153 or Janet on 07791 853448 for further details. If you prefer e-mail, contact marineboulter@yahoo.fr or janet.whitton@tiscali.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you. Learn French in a friendly atmosphere *French for Children – Games, role-play, songs etc. Every Wednesday from 3.45pm to 4.30pm Every Thursday from 4:15pm to 5:00pm *French for Adults – All levels, Conversation Every Wednesday from 8.00pm to 9.00pm GCSE lessons available by arrangement. Individual lessons also available. Telelephone Marine 01763 222876 or Janet 01763 261231 mob-07533 443153 mob-07791 853448 Email marineboulter@yahoo.fr or janet.whitton@tiscali.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you. (Enhanced CRB clearance recently completed)
Workers’ Educational Association
Enrolment for the Autumn courses will be on Tuesday 16th September 10am-11am at Royston Town Hall. As previously there will be a choice of two courses: • Collectors & Curios Pt 2. Peter Edwards • Climate Change Wendy Hartnell The courses will start on 23rd September at Royston Town Hall 10am-11.30am and will last for 10 weeks. The cost will be £48. Details from Audrey Parsons 01763 244447.
Mark Laidlaw and Lesley Wilkinson – On page 25 of the last issue, the profile of mark Laidlaw and Lesley Wilkinson from MCI Precision Screen Ltd swe published the wrong photograph. We apologise to Mark and Lesley for the mistake.