Village news The Hall for All
British Legion Women’s Section
Library – LAP (Local Access Point)
Melbourn & Meldreth Women’s Group
Relate Cambridge
Mobile Warden Scheme and Lunch Club 7 Melbourn Calendars 2016
Melbourn Village Fete
Men’s Breakfast’
Melbourn Short Reading Group
Bloomsday – The Outcome
The Valentines
The Hall for All Melbourn’s Community Hall situated behind All Saints Church in the centre of the village, has now been up and running for seven years, so this summer it was decided it was time that the building was freshened up to keep it in tip top condition. The hall has been completely redecorated throughout and the fire-retardant, light excluding curtains have been re-hung. New blinds have been fitted to the high windows so that the in situ screen may be used to best advantage. The outside of the hall has also been painted and there is one other significant change which the Trustees have carried out – I wonder if anyone has spotted it? It doesn’t make any difference to the functioning of the hall but we felt that it was a major change for the better! (Answer in next issue!) Sadly, with constant use things begin to wear out and the chairs will soon need to be replaced and also some of the lights in the entrance hall are not working – £600 sounds a huge sum for lights but replacing the existing lighting with the latest high efficiency LED lights is both environmentally friendly and the most economical solution. In order to help pay for these ongoing updates we have formed a small fund raising committee and we are planning several exciting things for the New Year, beginning with a jazz night – Swing into Spring – watch out for details. This year we held a very successful musical evening and the money raised by the Safari Supper goes to the hall funds. The Community Hall has been used by local residents for many things, yoga, Zumba, Brownies, Guides, Rainbows, dance classes, karate, music groups, seminars,
Library – LAP (Local Access Point) Library opening times Monday 12.30 to 4.30 pm Tuesday 2.30 to 4.30 pm Wednesday 2.30 to 4.30 pm Thursday 2.30 to 6.30 pm Friday 2.30 to 4.30 pm Saturday 10.00 to 12.00 am Christmas period – The llibrary will be closed from Wednesday 23rd December and reopen on Monday 4th January 2016. melbournmagazine