Issue 85 Spring 2016

Page 20

Welcome to Melbourn Hub offers a café with free Wi-Fi, a library access point and meeting rooms which can be used for leisure or business. We also offer a range of key community support services and aim to be a focus point for assistance and advice.

Opening Hours Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm Saturday 9am to 3pm 30 High Street Melbourn SG8 6DZ Telephone 01763 263303

The Hub is run by the community, for the community, it is a centre with a difference.

It is yours.

Melbourn Community Hall

Profile Tina Davey at Melbourn Veterinary Surgery I have been trying to get an interview with Tina Davey at Melbourn Veterinary Surgery in Mortlock Street for ages – she is always so busy looking after our local pets! However, I nailed her down just after Christmas and managed to get her story. Born into a farming family in Wiltshire she was surrounded by animals. With her brother and sisters, she would help out around the farm and watch her father milking the cows and it seemed to follow naturally that she would become a vet. She left country life to attend the Royal Veterinary College in London where she met her husband Paul; who was already qualified, through a mutual friend. They got to know each other through a shared love of Scrabble! After graduating she moved to Warwickshire to join a mixed practice. Mixed Practice means that between them the staff coped with all animals large and small. From there she moved to Harlow where she worked for a brilliant practice where she was able to hone her surgical skills. Nowadays she and her husband specialise in small domestic animals with the odd wildlife case being brought in. The strangest animal she ever had to deal with was a 3ft long iguana with a wound on its leg – that was a challenge. It was difficult enough to find the right drugs to treat cats and dogs, but an iguana… However, it survived. On another occasion she walked into the waiting room to find a rather strange looking man seated in the corner wearing a stove pipe hat and clutching a suitcase. She whispered a query to the receptionist but she did not know what he had in his case – most people come in with a Tina Davey

Melbourn Community Hall is in the centre of the village behind All Saints Church If you would like to hire the hall contact Sandie Springall Telephone: 01763 223320 or email:


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