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Community matters

Orchard Surgery & Dispensary

Monday to Friday 8:30–1pm and 3pm–6pm Phone 01763 260220 www.orchardsurgerymelbourn.co.uk For repeat prescriptions you can: Fax 01763 262968 or email: prescriptions.orchardsurgery@nhs.net Telephone requests are not accepted • Allow at least 48 hours (two working days – excluding weekends and bank holidays) for repeat prescriptions to be ready. • Do not leave your request to the last minute. Prescription/medication depending on eligibility can be collected from the


Surgery Co-op Tesco in Royston Please let the dispensary know where you wish your prescriptions to be sent. This will remain your choice until we are informed otherwise.



4 June Blue & Green Bin SATURDAY 10 June Black Bin 17 June Blue & Green Bin 24 June Black Bin 1 July Blue & Green Bin 8 July Black Bin 15 July Blue & Green Bin 22 July Black Bin 29 July Blue & Green Bin 5 August Black Bin 12 August Blue & Green Bin 19 August Black Bin 26 August Blue & Green Bin 3 September Black Bin SATURDAY 9 September Blue & Green Bin 16 September Black Bin 23 September Blue & Green Bin 30 September Black Bin

For an update on collections visit: www.scambs.gov.uk/content/friday-b For more information and collections of large household items Telephone 03450 450 063

Melbourn Health Visiting Team

Drop in clinics for parents and babies are held as follows: Melbourn clinic every Wednesday between 9.30am and 11.00am at: 35 Orchard Road, Melbourn. Telephone 01763 262861

8a Romsey Terrace, Cambridge. CB1 3NH Office Mon-Fri 9.00am-12.30pm. Telephone 01223 416 141 answerphone out of these hours enquiries@cambridgeshirehearinghelp.org.uk A drop in advisory session is held at Vicarage Close Community Room, the 4th Thursday every month from 2pm to 4pm See the website for more information www.cambridgeshirehearinghelp.org.uk Battery exchange and retubing. We do not do hearing tests

Cam Sight’s Rural Support Group meet in Melbourn to provide help, friendship and ongoing support to local people with sight loss. The group enjoys speakers, music, information, advice and a chance to try out low vision equipment. They meet on the 1st Wednesday of each month, 2 – 4pm at Vicarage Close. For further information please call 01223 420033 or info@camsight.org.uk

to know of the active and passive forms of the verb, the subjunctive tense and to recognise whether ‘before’ is acting as a conjunction or a preposition. I doubt that grammar will be what our children remember of their school days! They will remember the adventures they had at Forest Schools, the Inspiration days when they trod grapes to make wine, the Olympic athlete visiting and inspiring them to keep practising their sport or the carnival days when we all learnt to Samba and play the drums. Happy days at Melbourn Primary School; where whatever is expected of us we will continue and in doing so, we will ‘make learning irresistible’ and give our children the best education for life we can.

We currently have a vacancy for a school governor. School Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and the role of the governing board is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school. Our Governors were with us every step of the way on our journey to becoming a good school. They supported and challenged us, in equal measure where necessary. If you think you have the skills to join our board of highly effective governors, please contact Natalie Mulvey on telephone number 01763 223457.

Melbourn Village College

The Spring Term to date has proven a busy time for our students and staff. Students have been out and about including a visit to the Babraham Institute by Year 10 aspiring scientists, our young artists went to a local art exhibition by former student Sam Harris, master classes for talented mathematicians and the whole of Year 9 attended an event at Anglia Ruskin University, opening their eyes to future opportunities and assisting them with their all-important GCSE options.

Meanwhile at the college we have congratulated students on their achievements outside the classroom including Jacob Hanson who won a bronze medal at a recent Eastern Area Schools Judo championship, former student Dan Goodfellow who has become Tom Daley’s diving partner for the Rio Olympics and Amélise Burr who had the opportunity to row with her club Octuple on the Thames on 17th March following the route of the university boat race.

The PTFA staged a successful fashion show raising £400 for the school and £200 for our supported charity for 2016 which is The MindEd Trust.

Finally, but by no means least, students and staff took to the stage for the production of Oliver. There was music, choreography and superb acting not to mention the backstage crew who made the whole affair come to life with expert lighting and sound.

Ewan Walpole

A Melbourn Village College student with a passion for recycling has been invited to present his ideas to the school’s governing body.

The Chair of Governors, Sue Williamson, was so impressed with the work that Year 9 student Ewan Walpole has done as part of his Awards Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN) Geography short course, that she has asked him to speak to the rest of the governors at a forthcoming meeting.

“I was very impressed how a Year 9 student has the knowledge and desire to improve the environment of his school and beyond,” she said. “Clearly the work is a passion for him and he is going to be continuing working on this agenda for the next few months.”

Working with his TA and following a recycling survey, Ewan identified that Melbourn staff and students were aware of recycling but not where to recycle things. He started a battery recycling collection to complement the recycling the school already does and is looking at ways that classrooms can offer more recycling options without taking up too much room.

He believes it is the responsibility of staff and students to make sure things are in the right places for recycling as nobody has time to sort it out and unsorted rubbish just ends up in landfill.

Primary maths

The boys outshone the girls as gifted and talented primary school mathematicians took part in a series of challenges at Melbourn Village College.

Year 6 students from seven of the college’s feeder primary took part in the team event.

They were split into mixed school but same gender teams and it was Team P (Sammy Bream, Hauxton; Callum Dunlop, Harston & Newton, Gethin Rogers, Barrington; and Ed Watson, Foxton) and Team R Finn Oakley, Barrington; Tom Papworth, Harston & Newton; and Elliot Pratt, who tied for top spot when the scores from all the activities were totted up.

The day started with the seven groups completing magic squares involving numbers and algebra.

They then had a target for their mean average time to run round the playground. The target was quite generous and was one of the highlights of the day for Melbourn maths teacher and organiser Clare Rogers.

She said: “The interesting part about the running was seeing those who realised that to get the average time right they had to run around the playground incredibly slowly.”

The main competition followed. Year 9 helpers gave each group two of a possible 16 cards with maths problems. The

group only moved on to the next card once they had the correct answer.

Ms Rogers added: “We all enjoyed the morning and the Year 9 helpers from top set maths were invaluable. They supervised, timed runs and scored challenges with enthusiasm and maturity. They were a credit to the college.”

Maths Challenge

One hundred Year 9, 10 and 11 students took part in the Nationally recognised Maths Challenge answering 25 multiple choice questions in one hour under normal exam conditions. Results are expected by the end of term.

The challenge stretches even the most able mathematicians and to give you an idea of just how difficult it can be try this:

Every day, Aimee goes up an escalator on her journey to work. If she stands still, it takes her 60 seconds to travel from the bottom to the top. One day the escalator was broken so she had to walk up it. This took her 90 seconds.

How many seconds would it take her to travel up the escalator if she walked up at the same speed as before while it was working? A 30 B32 C36 D45 E75 See the bottom of the page 43 for the answer.


A student with international stage experience lead the cast list in Melbourn Village College’s production of Oliver!

Joseph Randall (Year 8), took the title role for the show which was staged at the college in February.

He was one of a number of Melbourn students who last year took part in two professional performances of Benjamin Britten’s Noye’s Fludde, based on the bible story of Noah and the Ark, which was an international collaboration involving the professional Orchestre de Picardie and was staged in both France and Cambridgeshire.

Other Noye’s Fludde veterans and Principals of the cast include Mia Flowerdew (Nancy) Faith Crockford (Dodger), Jenny Elliott (Mrs Sowerberry) Rebecca Webb and Sophie Jelley (Bet), Jade Dawson (Mrs Bedwin) Josie Willers (Widow Carney), Oliver Habergham (Noah Claypole) and Alex Farrow as the menacing Bill Sykes. A group of Melbourn Village College students have been praised for giving up a day of their school holidays to host a community event.

The 20 Students from across the school, plus catering manager Lynn Gregory and her team, laid on lunch and company for 160 senior citizens from the village in a Celebration of Ages event designed to bring young and old together.

Backed by Melbourn Parish Council, which arranged transport and paid for the lunch, the bi-annual event – a similar Christmas-themed lunch is held in December – was again hailed as a great success.

District Councillor Jose Hales said: “I would like to thank everyone who gave up their time to help with a cracking event. Feedback from the guests was extremely good as usual, with extra praise for the students, having given up part of their holiday and the fact that they were so attentive and professional. The food went down a storm, as did the tea and cake that followed.

“The Maitre d’, a young man by the name of Ryan was very good and brought a nice calm to the proceedings and we would like to extend our thanks to him and his colleagues.

“Last and certainly not least, is a thank you to the college for hosting the event, but a special thank you to Lynn Gregory, who organised the students, the food and the setting up of the hall etc. Without the help of Lynn, this event would not have taken place.”

DofE Practice Expedition

Department for Education (DofE) Students Rise to the Challenge

Thirty-nine students have taken part in the DofE Practice Expedition with another four joining the Comberton practice weekend.

Everyone did fantastically well, especially as some of them had never done anything like this before and were well out of their comfort zone. The recent training sessions were very useful and everyone came with the proper equipment, and decent food. The weather was very good during the days and lovely for walking in, but at nights the temperatures dropped to -4 and frost was forming on our tents from 8pm. The students elected to have early nights and snuggle down into their sleeping bags before they got too chilly. The first day was spent walking with adult leaders and practising their navigation

skills. On the second day students were mostly on their own, meeting up with leaders at various points along their routes, and carrying their full packs, which makes everything a lot harder. They were very relieved to finish the days walking and clamber on to the bus, many of them making plans as to how to lighten their packs, or to do additional fitness training before September. We have no doubt that they will do very well in their assessed expedition then.

Also if possible the DofE Leaders are looking for adult volunteers and I wonder if it would be possible to add the following: Duke of Edinburgh’s award at Melbourn Village College Over the last year the number of MVC students taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has risen dramatically. Hitherto, with a relatively low uptake, the participants were able to join the much larger Comberton/Cambourn Academy Trust cohort. But now, with so many participants ourselves, we really need to build-up our own team of adult volunteer leaders.

We need adult volunteers to become ‘Leaders’ for each group. In March this year on our practise expedition we had 39 participants split into 7 groups, so seven leaders. At the moment we rely heavily on the ‘goodwill’ of the Comberton/ Cambourn Academy Trust volunteers, but with our numbers growing at such a pace, we really need a HOME GROWN team of volunteer Leaders.

If you are thinking ‘this sounds interesting’, ‘something different’, ‘I could really lend a hand here’ … then don’t hesitate to contact us … and if you fancy helping out but perhaps in a less energetic way, we always need a housekeeper or two to keep us Leaders fed & watered!

Contact Arwen Spicer or Yvonne Stokes-Kuch at Melbourn Village College at aspicer@mvc.org.uk.

Notre Ecole

Children at the Wednesday after school club returned after Christmas to revise their Epiphany vocabulary and share an Epiphany cake. Then, at the beginning of February they enjoyed revising some food vocabulary and sampling pancakes for Chandeleur (Candlemas). Besides eating, the children learned to tell the time in French and were then able to talk about their daily routines using some reflexive verbs. After the February half term holiday, children learned vocabulary around the theme of Spring. They learned the words for some baby animals, some plants and flowers and for spring weather. We played various games around this theme. We planted some seeds to grow during the forthcoming summer months, but perhaps the highlight was a trip to the local woods to look for and record the first signs of spring on a sunny March afternoon.

Meanwhile, children at the Thursday after school club at Melbourn Primary School were also enjoying their food. Early on we had a session where children learned about Chandeleur and sampled pancakes. Here too the children learnt the French words for the ingredients. We played games using this vocabulary and the French words for other foods. We practised some numbers in French and then we were ready to pretend to go shopping in France for our pancake ingredients. Very soon it was time to start practising for our play ‘La Crèpe s’échappe’ (The Run Away Pancake). The children worked so hard to learn their lines and we were very proud of them when they performed their play and also some songs to their family and friends during the last session of the term.

If you or your child are interested in joining one of our groups, please get in touch. Notre Ecole, led by a native speaker and a graduate of European Studies with French, has been teaching French to pupils of all ages for fifteen years. Call either Marine on 07533 443153 or Janet on 07791 853448 for further details. If you prefer e-mail, contact boultermarine@ gmail.com or janet.whitton@tiscali.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you.

Learn French in a friendly atmosphere *French for Children – Games, role-play, songs etc. Every Wednesday from 3.45pm to 4.30pm Every Thursday from 4:15pm to 5:00pm *French for Adults – All levels, Conversation Every Wednesday from 8.00pm to 9.00pm GCSE lessons available by arrangement. Individual lessons also available.

Telelephone Marine 01763 222876 or Janet 01763 261231 mob-07533 443153 mob-07791 853448 Email marineboulter@yahoo.fr or janet.whitton@tiscali.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you. (Enhanced CRB clearance recently completed

Workers’ Educational Association (WEA)

Enrolment for the Autumn courses will be on Tuesday 20th September. Details from Secretary 01763 660234 or www.roystonwea.org.uk

Maths Challenge from page 41 – answer 36.

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