Issue 87 Autumn 2016

Page 17

Community matters Melbourn Short Story Group The Melbourn Short Story Group starts up again on Tuesday the 6th of September at 10am. We meet every Tuesday in the Library Area of Melbourn Hub between 10-11am. Each session is free with a donation to WaterAid welcomed. We read one Short Story per session. All are welcome, materials will be provided. For further information please e-mail Britta Heinemeyer, Group Co-ordinator.

Neighbourhood Watch Scheme Please could any street representatives of the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme that are still willing to be representatives pass their email addresses, name and telephone number to me, Maureen Townsend, as I would like to produce a list of names and streets to all concerned, so that if we have a problem in the village we can let our representatives know as soon as possible. I have read in the newspaper that a new scheme has been started in Medcalfe Way, so if that person can help please do. If I receive a good response I will arrange for a meeting so that we can all get together and swop information. Maureen Townsend Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator – New Road, Melbourn. Tel: 01763 260959. email:

From the Parish Clerk – Sarah Adam The planning inspectorate appeal for the 199 houses on the land to the east of New Road took place from 12th – 15th July 2016. Your District Councillors and resident members of the former Parish Council Committee responsible for the village’s fight against the new housing attended the entire appeal hearing. I’m informed that all the evidence and cross examination has been completed, site visits done and so now we wait. It could be as long as three months. Our District Councillors will inform us as soon as the decision comes in. Thank you to all the residents who gave their precious time so freely to help defend the village. It won’t be a shock to some when I say I have received many complaints from residents about the grass cutting issues within the village. The reason for this is that the County and District Councils have reduced their grass cutting budgets and when they cut the grass, to compound the issue these cuts can be on different days or weeks AND they have different areas of land for which they are responsible! It’s a very difficult set-up and the various authorities are trying to change it. The Parish Council is going to try and take responsibility for the whole of Melbourn – but this will be dependent on grant funding from County and District Council and will obviously take some organising. May I offer my congratulations to the Melbourn Fete Committee for organising such a fantastic event. We were fortunate to have good weather and the afternoon was enjoyed by all who attended and the ‘Music on the Moor’ event proved very popular in the evening. I’m sure all the people that helped with putting everything together (and taking it all down again) felt their hard work was well worth it. I am sorry to report that there are still problems with dog faeces on the Recreation Ground and the Village College field despite new signs being erected around the site. Not only does it cause a problem for school children and other people that use the fields for sporting activities, but also for the responsible dog walkers who sadly get blamed for the actions of the irresponsible dog walkers.

199 houses East of New Road The appeal for the housing development mentioned by the Clerk above has been approved. The development will include 199 new homes and 75-bed care home, new vehicular and pedestrian accesses from New Road, public open space and a landscape buffer.

We have been asked if the magazine will carry any information on the current situation with the parish council. Although the magazine is the obvious conduit for information about the village and the various groups including the parish council it would not be appropriate for the magazine to get involved in any political or controversial issues. If you would like further information, please contact the Clerk to the council Sarah Adam, Telephone: 01763 263303 ext. 3. melbournmagazine


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