6 minute read
Churches Together
Photograph by John Salmon Photograph by Nigel Cox Photograph by Nigel Cox
Melbourn United Reformed Church
Harvest The harvest decorations in our church looked wonderful. All the window sills and corners were decked out with produce and flowers as well as the Communion table, which also displayed the artwork that people at the Village Fete were invited to take part in – colouring with the theme ‘Hope, Love, Share, Care’.
We were thrilled that Melbourn Primary School visited us on the Friday morning before our Harvest Sunday services for their Harvest celebration. The church, which had been decorated for Harvest a little earlier than normal, was filled with some 250 children and teachers and their celebration included some harvest themed presentations. It was a joy to hear so many young voices raised in song.
Our Harvest Festival services on the Sunday were led by Revd. Duncan Goldie at 11am with a Harvest Celebration in Readings and Hymns at 5pm preceded by afternoon tea at 4pm. The Harvest produce was sold after the Songs of Praise and raised the sum of £120 which, with the remaining produce, was taken to Jimmy’s Night Shelter together with some blankets knitted by the Craft and Chat group. Tastes of Christmas We shall be holding our ‘Tastes of Christmas’ on Saturday 3rd December from 11am to 3pm. Please do come and join us for coffee, lunch or tea. There will be cakes, preserves, mince pies, mulled wine and much more including a raffle with food hamper prizes. All proceeds are for church funds. Christmas Services » 18th December: Family Festival Service 11am. » 24th December: Night Watch Service 11.30pm. » 25th December: Christmas Morning Service 8.30am. You are warmly invited to any of these services. Carol Singing Churches Together will be singing carols at the following venues. » 14th December: Black Horse Public House, Orchard
Road 8pm. » 17th December: The Cross 10.30am. » 18th December: Moorlands Court 2.30pm. You are welcome to come and join in the singing.
Melbourn Baptist Church
Work has begun, planning for events in the run-up to one of the busiest times of the church year – Christmas.
The Christmas services at Melbourn always involves a wide range of music, including the participation of a special choir. This year, the activities of the church choir have been expanded. Members have been meeting monthly, on Saturday afternoons, under the guidance of Liz Smith, and are contributing to Sunday services regularly.
Members will be supporting Operation Christmas Child again this year, helping the work of charity Samaritan’s Purse, which sends simple gifts in shoeboxes to needy children.
Two years ago, Melbourn Baptist Church sent 51 boxes to Belarus, and followed this with 66 boxes to a refugee camp in Iraq last year.
People taking part will put together and fill shoeboxes, before taking them to church to be sent off.
The church held its annual harvest festival service in September. After the service, produce brought by church members was auctioned, and £190.50 was raised. It was decided that this should be donated to a charity supporting Syrian refugees in Turkey.
Once again this year, the church was involved in light parties for children, as an alternative to Hallowe’en, working with Churches Together.
During autumn, the church has been holding a series of ‘ministry for all’ meetings, looking at the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and how they can be used. Subjects covered have included wisdom, knowledge, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, and tongues.
Church sermons are now available on the church website for the three weeks following preaching. They are also available on CD or for direct download.
SOAS 100 Club
The August draw was made by Mike Rawlings on 3rd September. The first prize of £26 goes to Angela Leach at 32, Hale Close, and the second of £13 to Robert Ellis at 11, Mortlock Street.
The September draw was made on 1st Oct by Anna Taylor. The first prize of £27 goes to Moira Gamon at 3, Pryor’s Orchard, and the second of £13.50 to Angela Leach at 32, Hale Close.
The Word of God from David Burbridge God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. For this purpose The Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil:
Whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. Recorded in 1 John Ch.1 v8 & 10 & Ch. 4 v9.
All Saints’ Church
Saturday 4th and
Sunday 5th February 2017 This is the weekend following Candlemas, which falls on February 2nd in 2017.
Candlemas occurs at a period between the December solstice and the March equinox, so many people traditionally marked that time of the year as winter’s “halfway point” while waiting for the spring.
Planning is well under way for the Festival, but we still need volunteers to help with arrangements, provide foliage, make refreshments and serve over the weekend. We would also appreciate hearing from anyone willing to sponsor an arrangement.
Each year, this will be the sixth, more and more people have attended – do consider becoming involved in some way.
For more information please contact Rebecca Gatward – rebeccaGatward@ btinternet.com – or telephone Rosemary Gatward 01763 261225.
Below and right: One of the recent fundraisers for the flower festival – a Christmas cracker workshop in America (with tea)!
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