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Melbourn Primary School
Little Hands Karen 01763 260964
Melbourn Playgroup Jane Crawford 07842 151512 Notre Ecole Janet Whitton 261231 Pippins Children’s Centre Alison Wood 223460 Primary School Headteacher Stephanie Wilcox 223457 U3A (Univ. of Third Age) Chairman Tony Garrick 01223 510201 Village College Principal Simon Holmes 223400 During the summer term the children have taken part in many activities, including: Foundation Stage Inspiration Day On the first Thursday back after a sunny half term, the Foundation Stage classrooms were awash with vegetables, fruits and farmyard animals. We were amazed to see bananas, cows, pigs, dogs and tomatoes to name a few. The children participated in four activities in the morning. The children tried a range of fruit and vegetables including guava juice, peas, peppers and pomegranate. They printed with fruit to create a fruit bowl and participated in farmyard Olympics. They also planted radishes, lettuces and runner beans. During the afternoon, the children created their own fruity smoothies. It was a fruitastic day! Year 1 & 2 Trip to the Green Britain Centre The year 1 and 2 trip to the Green Britain Centre was a huge success. The children had great fun learning about how wind makes electricity and even developed team work skills when creating and testing their own turbines. A leisurely walk around the eco-trail allowed the children to smell a variety of herbs and learn about the insects that live in the gardens. The children had great fun making their own bug hotels to encourage the tiny creatures into their own gardens and hopefully they are already hidden somewhere in their own outside space!
Year 6 Trip to Condover On May 15th, Year 6 travelled to Condover Hall in Shropshire. Condover is an activity centre which many schools visit. When we arrived, the instructors showed us to our rooms. Everyone shared a room with other people – some of us even had our own en-suite bathrooms! After that we went into our groups for a tour of the site. Throughout the week we had many amazing experiences including: abseiling (very