9 minute read
Melbourn Fete 23 June 2018
As I write this in early April most of the preparation work is done, the bookings confirmed and the plans completed for this year’s Melbourn Fete starting at midday on Saturday 23th June. As I have mentioned in previous articles the event will finish at 5 pm, there will not be Music on the Moor this year.
This year we will be hoping for a magnificent turn out of vintage, veteran and classic vehicles – if you want to know what the difference is between those descriptions be sure to talk to Richard and his team who will be, as ever, running this side of the event. I spoke recently to Richard and asked him what he had planned. He said, “There will be several exhibitors showing their collections of memorabilia from years past plus the usual range of vehicles – old cars, motorbikes, bicycles and farm machinery including for the first time a collection of stationary engines. If anyone reading this has something they wish to display, then please contact me through the website. Another attraction making a return by popular request is lawn mower racing. Two trophies will be competed for, one for overall winner, which was kindly donated by John Wright of Wrights Mower Centre, and one for the most innovative entry – some weird and wonderful creations are expected. More details are on the website”. That sounds exciting and it is great to see the lawn mower racing back.
Lawn mower racing from a previous year, do you have a mower and an inner Lewis Hamilton temperament? If yes visit our website for more details. Will you spot this beautiful classic this year? Will you spot this beautiful classic this year?

Next I spoke to Gillian Morland who for many years has booked our attractions. I asked Gillian about what we can look forward to this year. She replied, “Well you won’t be short of something to see or do at the Fete this year. We have a Champion Mountain Bike Team displaying some amazing balancing and jumping skills, live animals to handle including snakes and a gecko; a young magician will do a show for the children and will also walk around the field to demonstrate magic right up close. The Royston Town Band will be playing and a talented local keyboard player will also be performing. You can have a go at archery, or shoot a ball off the top of a water jet, ride on the fairground roundabouts, have a go at crazy golf and bounce on the inflatables and bungee cord trampolines, and the Zorbs will be there. In the arena, we will be having a display of Ceroc dancing, tug-o-war contests, the

Melbourn Dynamo football teams will be displaying their skills and, of course, our ever-popular egg throwing competition. There will be a separate area for the Dog show with lots of fun classes for dogs and their owners or handlers to enter. We will also have an enormous Newfoundland Dog with its own cart making an appearance. There will be lots of stalls in the field and in the main marquee a Great Bake Off competition.” So you see there are lots of new attractions lined up for this year as well as some of the very popular regulars.
There will be an amazing selection of animals to hold and see including tarantula spiders, scorpions, corn snakes, tree frogs, millipedes, Madagascan hissing cockroaches and geckos.
As always we will have locally produced top quality food on offer at reasonable prices. In addition to our locally sourced burgers and hot dogs from Leech’s butchers, Russell’s butchers will have a hog roast. We will also have a noodle bar. For those with a sweet tooth doughnuts and candy-floss will be available. Top quality coffee from our regular barista will be available and last but certainly not least we will be having an amazing array of homemade cakes and afternoon tea in the pavilion.
Refreshingly cool alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will be available from the bar including fine ales, beers and wines.
So, we are ready for an amazing day, remember all profits made go to good causes, charities and activities in our village. Please visit our website for more details and competition

One of our attractions this year is a Mountain Bike display team An amazing selection of animals to hold and see

details. Lastly, if you are able to give up a little time to help us over the weekend we would love to hear from you, we can only do this whilst we have a band of volunteers to lend a hand, it’s great fun and very rewarding so please contact us through the website. www.melbournfete.co.uk
A great deal of concentration is required for the egg throwing competition

The wedding season is upon us… . With the Royal wedding, very much on everyone’s minds, Elaine Taylor, relationship expert at Relate Cambridge has some guidance for anyone contemplating getting married or making a long term commitment in their relationship. Commitment: Making a commitment to another person or a relationship is a big change, and so it is always good for a couple to talk through what commitment means to them, well ahead of the big day. Any fears or concerns are best ironed out together rather than brushed under the carpet. Expectations: At Kate and William’s wedding, the Bishop of London said ‘expectations that personal relations alone will supply meaning and happiness in life … is to load our partner with too great a burden’. We can expect too much of ourselves and our partners in relationships – we need to have realistic expectations in order to have healthy relationships. Communication: Good communication skills are vital in all our relationships but especially between couples. It is very easy to fall into bad habits, especially when communication skills are rarely taught. Brushing up on communication skills – sooner rather than later – is a really good investment to prevent difficulties later on. Intimacy: This is often an area that couples find difficult to talk about. Physical closeness and little gestures – such as touching and body contact – are as important as sex. It is a great help to have awareness of our own feelings about our bodies, as well as our partners, and the ability to understand both our own and our partner’s needs. Finally, a shared sense of humour and going the extra mile will keep any relationship on the right track. When things go wrong: Relate Cambridge provides support for people of all ages living in Melbourn, and at all stages of their relationships. This includes support for couples who are coping with the stress associated with planning a wedding or being in a new relationship. To find out more about our services or make a booking please ring 01302 347866
Relate Cambridge offers information, advice and counselling for all stages of your relationships at our outpost in Melbourn.
The sessions are held in the small meeting room at Melbourn Hub on Wednesday each week. Appointment times are: 10:30; 11:45; 13:00 For more information or to book an appointment, contact Relate Cambridge on 01302 347866 Mon-Thur 8am–10pm, Fri 8 am–6pm, Sat 9am–5pm (confidential answerphone at all other times) or visit www.relatecambridge.org.uk Relate Cambridge – supporting relationships at every stage of your life The Parish Council has welcomed me, Simon Crocker as its new Parish Clerk and Proper Officer. I joined at the beginning of April, and come to the Parish Council us as an experienced Council Officer. I was Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to Caldecote Parish Council for the last five years. Additionally, I have also served as Chairman of Cambourne Parish Council, and District Councillor for the Ward of Bourn.
By the time you read this the results of the Local elections in May will have been announced. We already know that the Parish Council election is uncontested, there being less candidates than there are seats. Melbourn Parish Council has room for 15 Councillors, this means there are 6 vacancies.
If no by-election is called to fill the vacancies, then the Parish Council will be obliged to co-opt. Co-option is the process of existing Councillors choosing new Councillors to fill vacancies. Assuming no election has been called to fill the vacancies, it is likely the Parish Council will co-opt at its meeting in July.
If you are the type of person who is passionate about the community you live in, wants to see tax-payers money spent responsibly, cares about future development and facilities, and wants to try and make a real difference, then you should consider applying. A brief FAQ is below. If you want more information on what it means to be a Parish Councillor, please feel free to contact the Parish Clerk on parishclerk@melbournpc.co.uk or phone 01763 263303. FAQ Q: How do I apply for co-option? A: Contact the Parish Clerk and ask for an application form. Q: Are there any qualifications I must meet if I want to be a
Parish Cllr? A: Yes. You must be over 18, a citizen of the EU, Commonwealth or R.O.I, and be on the register of electors for Melbourn or have lived, or worked in the Parish for 12 months preceding your nomination. There are other criteria and the application form takes you through them. Q: How much time will I have to spend attending to duties if
I am elected? A: As much as you want, but around 10 hours per month is normal. Q: Will I have to attend Parish Council meetings? A: Yes. You will be an elected member of a local authority not a volunteer, and as such you are summoned to meetings, not invited to them. There are 10 meetings of the Full Council per year Q: Do Parish Councillors get paid? A: No. Q: How will being a Parish Councillor fit around my work? A: Meetings are in the evenings. Additionally your employer is obliged by law to give you time off to attend them. Simon Crocker, Parish Clerk to the Parish Council