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Sports & Clubs

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What’s On


Bowls Arthur Andrews 261990

Bridge Club Howard Waller 261693

1st Melbourn Rainbows Abigail Roberts 261505 Brownies – 1st Melbourn Stephanie Clifford 220272 Brownies – 2nd Melbourn Samantha Pascoe 261400

Croquet Janet Pope 248342 Football Club Andrew Edwards 223109

Dynamos Football Club Les Morley 07739 593771 Gardening Club Helen Powell 245887

Guides – Ist Melbourn Hilary Marsh 261443 Melbourn Judo Club Iain Reid 241830

Melbourn Karate Club Peter Khera 07866 374674

Melbourn Sports Centre Graham Johnson‑Mack 263313 Melbourn and Meldreth Women’s Group Pat Smith 262575 Sue Toule 260955 Anne Harrison 261775

Photographic Club Bruce Huett 232855

Ramblers Dave Allard 242677 Royston and District Round Table Michael Seymour 221398 Swimming Club Jenny Brackley 244593 Tennis (Melbourn) Dave Liddiard 07508 995 781

Tennis (Meldreth) Tracy Aggett 243376

1st Melbourn Brownies

To celebrate the Royal wedding, we had a bin bag fashion week. During the meeting, each Six was tasked with creating an outfit for a bride and groom (and some bridesmaids if they had time) out of bin bags. The results were splendid.

We had a party partway through the term to celebrate the unit’s 50th Birthday. The Brownies all came in party outfits and enjoyed party games and food. We had a surprise visit from one of our former leaders, Snowy Owl. Another way in which we marked the unit’s 50th Birthday was with a visit from Glazed Creations. Each of the Brownies got a mug to decorate. These mugs serve as a nice memento of their time at Brownies and to remind them that they were part of the unit for our 50th celebrations.

One week we created miniature gardens using materials from a variety of sources. For example, as soil we used coffee grounds, from a well‑known coffee chain. Also, an off‑cut from a roll of artificial grass was big enough to turf many miniature gardens. Some of the Brownies took their creations along to the village fete for the competitions and a few were lucky enough to win prizes. We ended the term in the sunshine with our annual barbecue where the Brownies enjoyed outdoor games, campfire songs, lots of burgers and hotdogs, finished off with an ice lolly.

If you (or your daughter) would be interested in joining in the fun, please contact Steph (Brown Owl) by phone 01763 220272 or email stefclifford@hotmail.com.

1st Melbourn Guides

A Guide faces challenge, including a roller coaster and a haunted house! Our summer outing to Chessington World of Adventures saw the girls braving rides of varying degrees of scream and splash factor; for many, it was their first experience of such a theme park.

We’ve been blessed with a summer term of warm, dry evenings in which to enjoy plenty of outdoor activities. In early May the girls did a treasure hunt around the village,

being challenged by cryptic clues, observational questions, and even a bit of maths. A few weeks later we went to Stockbridge Meadows for a wide game themed on Guides Resistance in the War. The girls had to complete tasks of survival, reconnaissance, stealth and deception whilst avoiding interrogation by the German patrol.

We combined the Royal Wedding with a Guide Promise evening, as both involve making a meaningful commitment to others. Each girl decorated a cupcake with icing and Haribo shapes, and made a gift basket, which she then gave to a girl in another group. They also used photos and royal titles to build four generations of the Royal Family tree and played trust games.

Seven new girls joined us for a taster session after half term, when we collected buckets of water from the River Mel, before doing a world water issues challenge. The girls chose netball for a sports evening, which was held at MVC and run by parents Tracey and Kathryn, who are members of Royston Netball club.

There was a chance for more outdoor fun on the District hike & picnic, walking from Melbourn to Barrington school, joining up with Brownies in Meldreth, and learning map reading along the way.

With summer camp on the horizon, at the end of term the girls learnt to bash in wooden tent pegs and pitch a patrol tent, whilst others managed to light a small fire and cook mini beef burgers from squashed meatballs.

If you would like to know more about joining our waiting list or becoming a leader, or if you have any skills or hobbies which you would like to share with us, please contact me on: 01763 261443 or email: melbournguides@gmail.com Hilary Marsh

Cub Scouts

It has been a very busy term, as the summer term always is. We have had not one, not two but three camps since Easter. Which in hindsight was probably one too many, if only for leaders’ stress levels.

Over the May bank holiday long weekend, we visited the home of scouting Gilwell Park and stayed for 3 nights. Highlights included the 3G swing, a slightly muddy hike, crate stacking and raft building. Oh, and pancakes for breakfast.

At the end of June, we joined four other cub scout groups from the local region for a district camp at St Ives. The theme was “Myths and Legends” and we lived up to this, with Archery, fire lighting, knightly challenges and the cubs contributed to the King’s feast, helping to cook a pig on an open fire, making their own apple sauce and vegetable accompaniments. With more than 80 people there this was the biggest event we’ve ever done. Next year we hope to break 100.

Finally, in July we had a Bastille day themed French camp at Paccar in Chalfont with beavers and scouts also present. Croissants and beef bourguignon were consumed, the new Paella pan was christened by cooking 160 sausages simultaneously, and cubs abseiled, zip lined and had a lot of fun.

As well as camps, we have orienteered on the rec‑ground next to the Pavilion, visited Clip and Climb in Cambridge, learned to use knives safely, pond dipped at Fowlmere Nature Reserve, Treasure hunted around Melbourn (it’s amazing how often the treasure can be found at the fish and chip shop...) cycled around Wimpole and hosted a fundraising stall at the primary school Fayre.

We bid farewell to several of our eldest cubs as they move on to scouts but will welcome even more young cubs coming up from beavers in September, keeping our numbers around thirty.

The cubs meet at Melbourn Primary School every Friday 6:45‑8:00pm. Any adults interested in volunteering to join our fun and adventure please contact me at cubs@1storwellscouts. org.uk. We are unfortunately full currently, until we get enough adult volunteers to open another pack. Young people can join our waiting list by contacting admissions@1storwellscouts.org.uk.

Melbourn Bridge Club

The same enthusiasm has filled MBC for the past quarter. Many of the beginners/improvers who meet in a Tuesday afternoon for Duplicate Bridge, feel confident enough to join the Monday evening sessions for the more advanced player. Numbers continue at a very encouraging rate albeit holiday time. The Football World Cup and other sporting extravaganzas have not diminished numbers.

A group, organised by Chris Norris, of some 16 members enjoyed a three‑day trip to Cave Castle on Humberside for Bridge tuition, with rounds of golf being enjoyed by several players in between the lessons.

Play at the United Reform Church Hall, Orchard Road, Melbourn continues throughout the year, Christmas Day & Boxing Day being the only dates in the year when we do not meet.

Please contact Howard Waller on 01763 261693 for further information.

Royston & District Local History Society

www.roystonlocalhistory.org.uk Our website shows all the books we have for sale. Many of these result from the considerable work undertaken by our Publications sub‑committee. The books may be ordered by post from David Allard 01763 242677. They may

also be purchased at the Royston Museum & Arts Gallery in Kneesworth Street (open Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10am to 4.45pm) and some are available at the Cave Bookshop in Melbourn Street or at Royston Library.

The Royston Cave, Melbourn Street, Royston will be open on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays until the end of September 2pm to 4.30pm (last admission 4pm) www.roystoncave.co.uk.

Our evening meetings, which are held in the Heritage Hall (the main hall downstairs) Royston Town Hall will re‑commence on 4th October at 8pm and thereafter on the first Thursday of each month. » October 4th – The Rectors of Therfield – Richard

Genochio Illustrated » November 1st – The remarkable story of Heffers of

Cambridge 1876‑1999 Illustrated Julie Bounford Annual membership £5 (Sept‑Aug) (Under 18s half price) Visitors £2 Email: david.allard@ntlworld.com

Cambridgeshire Family History Society

Our monthly meetings are held in the Central Library, Lion Yard, Cambridge, between 10.30am and 3.30pm. Everyone is welcome and entry is free. The meetings follow a pattern of research being available all day plus talks at 12.30 and 2pm. » 8 Sept 12.00 DNA Day with Donna Rutherford

Instead of our usual programme format we have 2 talks –1 DNA testing for Beginners 2 Using DNA tests for Genealogy Please note the earlier start time. » 13 Oct 12.30 The 4 Rs ‑ Genealogical Proof Standard with

Caroline Norton 2.00 Duxford Airfield’s History with Ivor Warne » 10 Nov 12.30 The 4 Rs with Caroline Norton 2.00 Rogues and Vagabonds need not Apply –

Army Ancestry – with Ian Waller » 8 DecWriters’ Workshop ‑ Mary Naylor The information above is correct at time of publication but should there be any change it will be advised on our website www.cfhs.org.uk either on the Home page or in the monthly Newsletter.

Ramblers’ Association Royston and District Group

Our walks programme continues right through the year. For details visit our website: www.ramblers.org.uk or contact David Allard (01763 242677).

Email: david.allard@ntlworld.com or Lesley Abbiss (01763 273463). There is also a poster displaying walks for the current month in Royston library, Royston Museum & Art Gallery and Melbourn Hub.

We have walks on Sundays, which are normally 5–7 miles in the morning and a similar or shorter walk in the afternoon. Occasionally Sunday walks are Figures of Eight making it possible to do only the morning or only the afternoon. Half‑day walks (5–7 miles) are held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Our evening walks (3–5 miles) will resume on 29th April 2019. Prospective new members may come on three walks before deciding whether to join. www.ramblers.org.uk to join.

Rotary Club of Cambridge Sawston

Presidential Handover … and he is still called Simon. July starts the Rotary Year, when the President of our Club changes. Simon Lake has handed the honour over to Simon Talbott. Some of you are sure to know the ‘new’ Simon as he is the vicar of Great Shelford and is also a Rural Dean. He has a busy life already serving the Community, which ties in so well because the Rotary motto is ‘Service above Self’. The club meets weekly at the George at Babraham, where we share fellowship over a 2 course Meal, and then have an interesting speaker. If you would like to see what we are all about then you will find our details on our website www.sawstonrotaryclub.org.uk

If you would like to come along to a meeting, then contact Vic Starkey on 01223 871568 or email him on vicstarkey@ btinternet.com

Melbourn KSTSK Karate Club

Medals and trophies were won by Melbourn Shotokan Karate Club who were involved and in a tournament at Wodson Park Sports Centre Ware. This was the 13th Annual tournament organized by Kamaete Schools of Traditional Shotokan Karate (KSTSK) Chief Instructors Sensei Peter Khera (6th Dan) and Sensei Rakesh Patel (6th Dan). Fifteen clubs in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire competed in the tournament. Families and friends packed out the sidelines, cheering their respective clubs on throughout the day. Events covered all ages, from age five years Kata, through to teenager and adult categories to Black Belt Kata and Kumite. The popular family team (synchronised) Kata event of three people proved a success again with 20 teams coming forward to compete. Sensei Peter Khera said “Every competition was very close as all the individuals and teams involved put on excellent performances.

Sensei Khera commented “this was a proud day for Melbourn Club members who picked up a number of medals and trophies in the different categories”.

Gold Medals and trophies went to: James Storer x2, Joshua Bellamy, Ben Holme, Jack Lione, David Whybrow, George Whybrow and Gregg Hills.

Silver Medals and trophies went to: Jack Lione x2, Henry Whybrow x2, Benji Andrews, Samuel Francis, William Leese and David Whybrow.

Bronze Medals and trophies went to: Benji Andrews,

Sofia Andrews, Samuel Francis, Ben Holme, James Storer, David Whybrow and John Holme.

Bassingbourn Karate club is running Free taster beginners classes at MVC Sports Centre on Sundays at 12.00 Midday. Please call 07866 374674 or visit www.kstsk.co.uk for details.

Melbourn Bowls Club

While we did not do a leaflet drop this year we still managed to recruit six new members and are delighted to welcome Dylan Morton, Gwyn and Beth Hardwicke, Laurie Horden, Bodil Warburton and Lawrence Cunningham. We wish them all a happy and successful season. We have, however, suffered the sad loss of two long standing members, Ann Brown and Mervyn Mann. We recognise the valuable contributions they made to the club and extend our sincere sympathies to their families on their loss.

We held our Annual Charity Match against Meldreth Bowls Club on the late May Bank Holiday Sunday and managed to raise £260, which this year was donated to The Arthur Rank Hospice. We will be holding our annual Open Triples Competition on the Sunday of the August Bank Holiday Weekend, which is one of the highlights of the Season.

The season so far has been relatively successful particularly the C & D division 2 team, the Meldreth league team and the Business House Teams. The C & D division 5 and Foxton League teams have had mixed results, but have been used to give less experienced players the opportunity to take part in competitive games.

We have again continued with our popular Coffee Mornings run by Muriel Cooper, which are held on Thursday mornings at the Clubhouse on the Moor, where we welcome all comers whether members or not. Indeed, we have a regular group of non‑members who come along for the social occasion and often watch members playing on the green.

The Club will be holding Whist Drives on alternate Fridays during the winter and would welcome anyone who would like to take part. These are generally informal events, more social than competitive (mostly!!) As of the time of writing the actual dates have not been decided, but if you are interested please contact Arthur Andrews (01763 261990) or by e‑mail arthur.andrews123@ btinternet.com who will be able to give you further details.

Further information concerning the Club can be seen from our Website melbournbowlsclub.co.uk or from Arthur Andrews or any of the contacts listed on the Website.

Banish niggling aches and pains!

We keep many local people supple and mobile with our range of osteopathy and complementary treatments including sports massage, chiropody and acupuncture.

Please call us on 01462 490141 to book.

The Melbourn clinic times have been extended so more appointments are now available.


Serving the local community


Appointments available in Ashwell, Melbourn and Baldock Easy parking at all 3 clinics

Healthy lifestyle fun sessions for children!

Commissioned by Cambridgeshire County Council, this FREE service has been designed to support families to improve their health and wellbeing.

Having worked successfully in a number of Cambridge City and South Cambridge schools, providing healthy living workshops, we are now looking to run our Jump Avenue programme at a location near you! Tuesday 18th September – 11th December 2018 3:45pm - 4:45pm Melbourn Primary School, Mortlock St, Melbourn, Royston SG8 6DB

‘Jump Avenue’ is a free 12 week interactive and engaging healthy lifestyle programme packed full of fun and learning for children and their parents / carers in a supportive, welcoming and friendly environment.

If you want to know more about healthy lunch box ideas, decoding confusing food labels or the effect of sugar on your child’s concentration, then Jump Avenue is for YOU! (Sign up before September and you will be entered into our FREE PRIZE DRAW!!) For more information on our programme and to book your place, contact us on 0333 005 0093 or visit www.everyonehealth.co.uk

*Reduced rate number, Mon-Fri, 8am – 6pm. 24 hour voicemail.

Melbourn Dynamos Football Club

All welcome! www.melbourndynamos.co.uk

Melbourn Dynamos FC is a friendly community youth football club that gives boys and girls the opportunity to play regular football regardless of their experience or ability at all ages from 3 through to 18.

We are a successful club defined by the strength of support from members and families, the praise and recognition of fellow clubs and FA Leagues, the work with our Community partners including Melbourn Village College and Melbourn Parish Council, and of course our players’ achievements on the pitch and their support for the community. With the support of our fundraising and community partners, we are making the club more inclusive by assisting players whose families are unable to afford the necessary fees

We are looking forward to another successful season with new teams and players welcoming the opportunity to play for Melbourn Dynamos. We expect to have more than 230 players in 17 teams at the club. This includes our youngest players – the Dynamites, who increasingly provide the core of our league teams from under 7 upwards. The Dynamites’ coaching team is led by Dipak Patel. Dee was Cambridge FA’s Community Coach of the year for 2013, gained his Level 2 coaching qualification in June 2015 and is our Football Development Officer. These players, aged 3–6, have fun and develop their skills before deciding whether to play league football as the club’s under 7s team. This fun, preparation and skill development through the Dynamites has undoubtedly brought more success to our current League Teams. These 3–6‑year‑old girls and boys train with level 2 and level 1 FA qualified coaches in a Saturday morning fun between 09.15 –10.15 a.m. at Melbourn Sports Centre. Sessions feature lots of short activities aimed at improving individual skills, concentration and the ability to be part of a team. The first one hour session is free thereafter we charge £2. All are welcome to the Melbourn Dynamites so why not bring your kids along so they can check it out.

This season we are pleased to announce that more of our matches will be played on the Melbourn Parish Council’s old and new recreation grounds. We are very grateful for this support. ‘The Club continues to contribute to the upkeep and improvement of the areas we use in partnership with Justin Wilmott and his team at Herts and Cambs Grounds Maintenance. The Club also proactively seeks to engage with community partners so we can develop the excellent service we currently provide. Through this these partnerships we seek to extend health and wellbeing benefits to everyone fortunate to live in Melbourn and the surrounding villages.

We are hosting the Royston Crow Youth Football League’s U8s’ Tournament on 8th September to help launch the new season. Through these tournaments we welcome many new visitors to the village to enjoy the great Parish facilities that we are fortunate to use and the beautiful setting. We are grateful to Melbourn Village College for hosting the club’s Presentation Day on Sunday 10th June. This was a successful and enjoyable day which celebrated the success of all of our players raised money for the club and for our nominated charity Tom’s Trust – www.tomstrust.org.uk. As one of our players, he gave his name to the Tom Whitely Community Award. This is awarded each year to the player who best demonstrates the club’s commitment to our Community through volunteer work. This year the award went to Thomas Cockman (below) who provides a great example of this work for club and community.

We are also proud of the voluntary work done by our members for the Community. Last year the Community Work of our Child Welfare Officer Nicky Patel was recognised by Melbourn Parish Council. This year in addition to her extensive voluntary work for the club, she has organised a recent charity 5k Fun Run in the village that has raised more than £4,500 to help a local family with essential life extending medical treatment www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/stuartkemp1

Nationally, there has been much concern about historical failures to protect children in youth football. We take these concerns very seriously and reassure our community that as a Charter Standard Club we have the required child protection measures in place, that we are annually audited by the FA and that we remain vigilant. All of our coaches are DBS/CRB checked and qualified to a minimum of FA Level1 standard. In addition, as a Partnership Club of Cambridge United and through the support of the FA, our coaches are now receiving high level mentoring and support to develop our players and above all else provide them with enjoyment and exercise. We are also an FA Charter Standard Club which means that

we have all the correct people and practices in place to operate in line with FA & government requirements.

All are welcome at Melbourn Dynamos and we are delighted to offer opportunities from age 3 upwards. Why not find out more about the Club and the opportunities to play football with us by contacting David Atkins on 01763 263462 or email – secretary.mdfc@gmail.com.

The club’s success depends entirely on enthusiastic members and volunteers. Our continuing success and growth means that we need even more volunteers. If you feel that you would like to contribute to the club as an administrator, communications leader, fund‑raiser, fixtures secretary, coach, match day official or in some other volunteer capacity then we would be pleased to hear from you through secretary. mdfc@gmail.com or chairman.mdfc@gmail.com. More information about the club and individual teams is available from the club’s Website: www.melbourndynamos.co.uk.

Melbourn Sports Centre

For those of you who don’t already know, we have: • A state‑of‑the‑art fitness suite offering a variety of membership schemes • A 20‑metre swimming pool (kept ever so slightly warmer than most!) • A comprehensive swimming lesson programme, catering for all ages and abilities • Upgraded multisports courts for hire including tennis, football and squash courts • Water sports courses and activities • Traditional and modern exercise classes • Access to Melbourn Village College sports hall and gymnasium for activities such as trampolining, badminton and basketball • Supervised sports and pool parties

We have loads on offer this season, with something for the whole community to get involved with … So why not come along and find out more about your local sports centre!

Come in out of the cold! With Autumn fully upon us and the nights closing in, why not come in out of the cold and have a go at such activities as table tennis, squash or badminton? Court hire from only £5.00 per hour. We have loads of classes to keep you fit and healthy, including Boot camp, Aquafit and Body Sculpture. Or why not take advantage of one of our great membership schemes to our fitness suite, which houses the latest in gymnasium equipment, including C.V machines fitted with audio visual technology.

Half term activities Children’s Half Term is fast approaching, an ideal time to book your young ones onto one of our great activity courses. These include swimming crash course, soccer camps, trampoline taster sessions and our popular Ofsted PlayScheme. Party time! Looking for the perfect venue to hold your children’s birthday or Halloween party? Then your search is over! We have all the facilities here for a fun‑packed event with a variety of activities for your guests to enjoy, including trampolining (always a popular choice), football and traditional pool parties. Open afternoon Finally, after last year’s success, we will also be running another Sports Centre Open afternoon on Saturday 22nd September. The event will include a variety of free activities put on by local clubs. Children will also have a chance at competing in a SCOOTATLON/BIKEATHLON event, enabling youngsters to completing a mini fun triathlon, where they scoot or bike and run around a basic course. Full details will be released nearer the time. Swimming lessons We still have plenty of spaces on our pre‑school lessons, so for more details or to book a place then please contact Robbie or Graham on 01763 263313. Waterplay These pre‑school swimming lessons are an ideal first step for your child learning to swim, with the aims to build confidence in water, learning basic skills like floatation and movement using buoyancy aids.

Tuesdays: 13.30 – 15.00 (30 min lessons)

Thursdays: 13.30 – 15.00 (30 min lessons)

Fridays: 10.30 – 11.30 (30 min lessons)

Prices: £3.85 per lesson (paid termly) For further details on these or any other activities, please drop in, call 01763 263313 or go online at www.mc‑sport.co.uk We look forward to seeing you soon. Activities for teenagers and young adults Teen training An hour fitness session using our fitness suite machines. Age range: 14 years upwards

Monday – Fridays: 15.00 – 16.30

Weekends: 14.00 – 15.00

Price: £2.50 per session/10 sessions for £20.00 Melbourn Sports Centre, The Village College, The Moor, Melbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 6EF 01763 263313 / www.mc‑sport.co.uk / info@mc‑sport.co.uk

Grinnel Hill BMX Club

Spring saw further support from Norburys Builders Mechants with further deliveries of chalk aggregate to aid us to further develop the site including a major re‑design and development of the upper part, and new additions to the lower half of the site.

Since then there’s been many club members returning from far and wide, including all the way from New Zealand!

There are also plans for an End of Season Jam late summer as a fund‑raising exercise for the club!

• Boiler servicing & repairs • Landlord certi cates • Boiler replacements • Bathroom suites • Natural gas, oil & LPG • Heating system upgrades • General plumbing & repairs

Phone: 01763 260007


The club is open annually April to September

Strictly for BMX use only, for ages 12 and older, members have the option of either becoming a seasonal member for £50 (April to September), or a day member (per session) for £10.

Our aim for the club is to promote an activity for the young community of Melbourn and surrounding areas to participate in, with the guidance of our committee and experts, in a safe and friendly environment. Members will have access to BMX coaching and expertise on site during club open days.

For more details and to download your membership form today please visit: www.grinnelhillbmx.co.uk

Acknowledgements: Melbourn Parish Council for their ongoing support at all levels to keep the club sustainable and open. Frog End Pet Supplies Melbourn for their supply of grass seed and bird food. Wrights Mower Centre Melbourn for their help and generosity in supporting us to keep the site to a well maintained and safe standard for the foreseeable future. Norburys Builders Merchants Melbourn for their ongoing support of chalk aggregates for us to build with.

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