7 minute read
Churches Together


Melbourn Baptist Church MBC
There are exciting times at MBC at the moment, by the time you have receive this addition of The Melbourn Magazine we will have hosted the now famous ALPHA course that will have run for 8 weeks. If you have ever wondered about any part of the Christian faith please do contact us.
The Little Lambs toddler group meets on the last Friday of each month. All are very welcome; this follows a very simple Christian theme.
Just before Christmas we held a Super Heroes club for Primary age school children.
We transformed our upper room with a forest theme where Santa was waiting to welcome the children.
Look out for posters nearer Easter time as there will be another Holiday club put on then.

Melbourn United Reformed Church
Tastes of Christmas
This fundraising and social event took place on Saturday 1st December. The church was beautifully decorated, the stalls included home made crafts, baking and preserves and food hampers were raffled. The main attraction was the food with people enjoying a delicious hot lunch. The church was pleased to receive positive feedback on what a joyous occasion it was with a real feel of Christian love. We thank everyone who took part or supported the event in making it such a success.

Carol Singing
Melbourn and Meldreth Churches Together joined together to sing Christmas Carols at the Black Horse, the Village Cross and the Coffee Stop. A good number of singers from all 4 churches formed a happy throng and £154.42 was raised for our local Home Start charity and a letter of thanks has been received.

Christingle Service
Our Christingle Service for the Brownies was held on Tuesday evening 4th December at 7.00 pm and was led by Peter Karner. The service was well attended by the Brownies, their leaders and their families and supported by a number of Church members who helped with refreshments after the service. The singing of the hymns was enthusiastic and in addition to the giving out of the Christingles we had a human Christingle made of Brownies assembled before our eyes. A retiring collection of £27.62 was sent to The Children’s Society who were celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first Christingle service held in this country.

Christmas Services
Joy to the world! The Lord is come. These words proclaimed the sentiments of all our Christmas services. The Sunday before Christmas our thoughts were focused on Angels, where they were mentioned in the bible and what they meant to us. Our Christmas morning the message was centred on Mary and how she was a strong woman and not meek and mild. The week commenced with an ecumenical service for Christian Unity held in the Baptist Church on Sunday 20th January at 4 pm when all the churches took part. The service was about our commitment to justice, mercy and unity and we were asked to consider what commitment each one of us could make to justice. We all enjoyed a bring and share tea after the service. The theme for the week was “Only Justice” and there were various reflections held by the churches during the week ending with a breakfast at the Baptist Church on Saturday 26th January.
World Day of Prayer
This year the ecumenical service will be held in our church on Friday 1st March at 2.30 pm. The service has been prepared by the Christian women of Slovenia on the theme “Come - Everything is Ready!”. There will be tea and biscuits after the service. We invite you all to come along and support us.
Our Good Friday Service will be at 10 am led by the Reverend Stuart Clarke on 19th April followed by hot cross buns and coffee in the hall. Easter Sunday Service is on 21st April at 11 am and will include the Sacrament of Holy Communion and coffee will be served afterwards. All are warmly invited to these services.
All Saints’, Melbourn, and Holy Trinity, Meldreth
Spring will hopefully be well and truly in the air by the time we reach Holy Week and Easter, which this year comes in April. Do come and join us for the most amazing week in the year as we follow Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on a donkey (Sunday 14 April, meet 9.30am in ASCH car park with Noah our donkey), through his arrest in the garden of Gethsemane, keeping watch (Thursday 18 April 7.30pm All Saints’), and then remembering his death on the Cross (Good Friday 19 April at All Saints’, 12noon and 1.45pm). There is also a special children’s service and craft workshop at Holy Trinity, Meldreth, starting at 10am on Good Friday (hot cross buns as well!) We celebrate his victory over death, starting on Easter Eve at 8pm in All Saints’, with a very atmospheric service of silence, fire, music, and joy. On Easter Day, we have services at 8am (Melbourn), 9.30am (Meldreth), and 11.15am (Melbourn). This year we are very lucky to have Bishop Stephen, the Bishop of Ely, with us for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
There’s also more crafty musical fun for children at Messy Church at Holy Trinity, Meldreth on Sunday 10 March, at 3.30pm. All are very welcome. The fun doesn’t stop with Messy Church, though: we had lots of eager children at our All Saints’ Sunday School to start the New Year (9.45am 2nd Sunday of the month), and we also have a Sunday School at Holy Trinity (9.45am 1st Sunday of the month). For those of you who like a later start time, there’s also the 11am “Sundays@11” at All Saints’ on the 3rd Sunday of the month. We’re also looking forward to several couples getting married
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Lots of people also like to pop into our two churches during the week to light a candle and perhaps spend a few moments in thought and prayer. It’s lovely to know that our churches are loved and used by the community – and if you’d like to find out more about faith, do ask us!
Finally, have you signed up to receive our new e-Newsletter? If not, you can do so by emailing us. We’re also on Facebook at @ ASMHTM. Do keep an eye on our website for the latest news at www.allsaintsmelbournholytrinitymeldreth.co.uk There’s always lots going on for everyone, and we’d love to see you! The Revd Lizzie Shipp MA Priest in Charge of Melbourn and Meldreth

The Word of God
from David Burbridge
Jesus of Nazareth, being delivered by the determinate foreknowledge of God, ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucified whom God hath raised up. David, being a prophet, spoke before of the resurrection of Christ, that His soul was not left in hell, neither did His flesh see corruption. This Jesus hath God raised up and exalted, made Lord, whom ye have crucified. From Acts of Jesus through The Apostles Chapter 2 verses 23,24, 29-32, 33, 36. Apostles had seen Jesus alive after His Resurrection, A.D. 33.