1 minute read

Every Great Orchestra Needs A Great Chorus

Did you know that our 160 MSO choristers give their time voluntarily every week to rehearse and perform our Season’s choral repertoire? On average, our Chorus appears onstage with the Orchestra 20 times a year, in addition to presenting a range of standalone performances.

Help us sing their praises by making a donation today to support the MSO Chorus. Your gift will help support the Chorus’ annual running costs, such as vocal coaching, rehearsals, repetiteurs, concerts, and music purchase.

Annual gifts of $500+ will automatically grant you access to MSO’s Patron program, where you can enjoy exclusive offers, invites to events and opportunities to meet musicians and guest artists.

To support the MSO Chorus, please call MSO Philanthropy on (03) 8646 1551 or donate online by make a donation today by scanning the QR code and selecting ‘MSO Chorus’ in the drop-down menu.

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