Melissa Jimenez design portfolio
Table of Contents 1. Single Room Occupancy: Parking Structure 2. Case Study| Renzo Piano: Morgan Library 3. Analytical Drawing Unfolding Plan 4. Berkeley Art Museum 5. Case Study| Patkau Architects: Newton Library 6. Case Study Modification|Patkau Architects:Newton Library 7. Center for Collaborative Research 8. Think Tank: Berkeley Art Center 9. Wood Display Case 10. Steel Elevated Structure 11. UC Berkeley Wurster Hall Trellis 12. Lightweight Concrete Bridge 13. Addition to the Louisiana Museum
Project Description: Design a parking structure that can serve as a sign/billboard for a small business as well as a place to store and sell products for individuals living in an SRO.
Model View 1 Scale: 1/4”=1’
Model View 2 Scale: 1/4”=1’ Program Used:AutoCAD Academic Independent
Second Floor Plan
Third Floor Plan
Single Room Occupancy: Parking Structure
Project Description: Through careful examination of Renzo Piano’s Morgan Library analyze and redraw the plans,sections,and elevations of the project.
South Elevation
Longitudinal Section West Elevation
Transversal Section 1
Case Study| Renzo Piano: Morgan Library
Transversal Section 2 Group Project| Student worked on Transversal Section 1 and 2, South and West Elevation Program Used: AutoCAD
Project Description: Use Renzo Piano’s Morgan Library to create an analytical drawing that gives insight into the design of the project. This unfolding plan of the Morgan Library illustrates a circulation path through the ground floor and gives a sense of spatial quality. The rotations seen indicate a change in direction.
Program Used:AutoCAD Academic Independent
Analytical Drawing Unfolding Plan
Project Description: Through experimenting with solid versus void a design was devised for the Berkeley Art Museum. The extractions of that form became courtyards, provided visual lightness, and allowed for the entry of light. Program was strategically placed throughout to strengthen the circulation and allow for a public and private experience.
Final Model Individual Views Scale 1/16�=1’
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Sectional Perspective
Berkeley Art Museum
Program Used:AutoCAD Academic Independent
Longitudinal Section
West Elevation
Longitudinal Section
South Elevation
Project Diagrams
Study Model Scale 1/32”=1’ Program Used:AutoCAD Academic Independent
Study Model Scale 1/32”=1’
Study Model Scale 1/32”=1’
Final Design Model Scale 1/32”=1’
Berkeley Art Museum
Project Description: This case study will serve as an exploration in form and use while adding a focus on assembly. The relationships between materials and construction in relation with experience and space. Study and redraw the plans, sections, and elevation of the Newton Library to learn about its tectonic system. Transversal Section 1
Transversal Section 2
West Elevation
Transversal Section 3
South Elevation
Case Study| Patkau Architects| Newton Library
Group Project| Student worked on West Elevation and TransversalSection 1,2,3 Program Used: AutoCAD Academic
Floor Plan Group Project| Student worked on Lighting and Site Diagram, Edited Plans
Reflective Roof Plan
Case Study| Patkau Architects| Newton Library
Case Study| Patkau Architects| Newton Library
Group Project| Student worked on Model
Project Description: Use the tectonic system designed by Patkau Architects in the Newton Library as the basis for an interactive space. Use this system to further create a spatial relationship between the structure and the program. Structural Diagram
Longitudinal Section 1
Longitudinal Section 2
Study Models| Scale:1/16�=1’ Program Used:AutoCAD Academic Independent
Case Study Modification|Patkau Architects:Newton Library
Project Description: The Center for Collaborative Research supports research that bridges traditional disciplinary boundaries. The building is designed to accommodate different possible futures of research. The site should actively instigate participation in from the regional, local and campus communities.
Study Model in Context
Context Ground Floor Plan
Rendered Sectional Perspective
Center for Collaborative Research
Study Model
Transversal Section 1
Transversal Section 2
Transversal Section 3
Structure Diagram Longitudinal Section Program Used:AutoCAD & Rhino 4.0 Academic Independent
Center for Collaborative Research
Project Description: Design a Think Tank that enables the culture found in Berkeley. The Berkeley Art Center facilitates creativity in music, photography, ceramics, and art. The ground floor plan of BAC breaks the rectilinearity of Telegraph Ave and is inviting to the public. The design of this think tank allows for visual access of the artistic spaces and a split in the program can be seen by a strategic use of offsetting.
Study Model 1
Ground Floor Plan Study Model 2
Think Tank: Berkeley Art Center
Cross-Section Rendered Sectional Perspective
Cross-Section Program Used:AutoCAD & Rhino 4.0 Academic Independent
Longitudinal Section
Think Tank: Berkeley Art Center
Haste Elevation
Teleraph Elevation
Think Tank: Berkeley Art Center
Think Tank Roof Top Render
Think Tank Movel View 1
Interior Render Think Tank Movel View 3 Program Used:AutoCAD & Rhino 4.0 Academic Independent
Think Tank: Berkeley Art Center
Project Description: Design a wooden display case that can be incorporated to the existing concrete planters in front of Wurster Hall at UC Berkeley. The display case must be four feet high from the planter and cantilever three feet. This simple and functional design serves as a display case and a table. Its strategic location on the planter allows for it to be used by multiple people at any given time. People are able to actively engage with the surrounding environment and the structure.
Axonometric Drawing of Joints
Wood Display Case
Built Model Group Project| Student worked on Axonometric Drawing and Built Model
Display Case Render 1
South Elevation
East Elevation Group Project| Student worked on Plan, South and East Elevation Render 1 & 2
Display Case Render 2
Wood Display Case
Project Description: Create a four to six foot steel structure employing a series of steel connections. This spiral design employs both bolted and welded connections. At the top of the structure a series of steel cables create a nest that allows individuals to sit and interact with the structure.
Built Steel Structure
Render Drawing
North Elevation
Steel Elevated Structure
Joint Detail Group Project| Student worked on Plan , North Elevation,Render, & Physical Model
Project Description: Design a column plan and a hierarchy of beams for a trellis that will help you understand structure as an art form. This trellis design incorporates the existing architecture of UC Berkeley’s Wurster Hall courtyard. The angle of the beams allows for the transfer of forces throughout the structure and creates three distinct spaces: a swing, an easily accessible sitting area, and a bench.
East Elevation
North Elevation
Plan Group Project| Student worked on Elevations,Plans, and Render 1 Program Used:AutoCAD Academic
Render 1
Render 2
UC Berkeley Wurster Hall Trellis
Project Description: Produce a lightweight concrete bridge achieving maximum volume with minimum weight. By creating a symmetrical design and using tension cables we were able to resist both lateral and vertical force. The X-shape of the design combined with the waffling created on the ramps allowed for a decrease in the weight of the project.
Reflected Plan Reflected Plan Scale: 1-1/2�=1’
Axonometric Drawing
Joint Detail
Lightweight Concrete Bridge
Reflected Plan Render Group Project| Student worked on Reflected Plan & Render, Joint Detail
North Elevation Render
Concrete Bridge 3’Span
Rendered Perspective: Reflected
Concrete Ramp Constructed
North Elevation Group Project| Student worked on Rendered Perspective and Elevation, & Physical Model
West Elevation
Lightweight Concrete Bridge
Project Description: Employ sustainable and daylighting techniques to design an additional gallery for the Louisiana Museum with climate conditions from Detroit, Michigan. Our goal was to create a beautiful, naturally lit gallery, whose architecture was derived from the constraints of the climate. To minimize heat loss and maximize display space, a minimal amount of windows were used, having three choice openings in the building to serve three different purposes. A large window on the south faรงade is used for passive solar heat gain, a continuous clerestory along the east and north sides provides even, diffuse daylighting, and a long narrow window on the north faรงade of the building provides a view to exterior landscape.
Exterior Render| North Elevation
Section A
Addition to the Louisiana Museum
Floor Plan
Section B Group Project| Student worked on Exterior Render and Sections
South Elevation
Exterior Render| South Elevation
East Elevation
Exterior Render| Birds-Eye View North Elevation
Interior View of Daylight Model at Equinox 12:00 pm
Group Project| Student worked on South, East, & North Elevation Exterior Renders, Daylight Model
Interior View of Daylight Model at Equinox 12:00 pm
Interior View of Daylight Model at Equinox 12:00 pm
Addition to the Louisiana Museum