1 minute read
Foundation Chair's Report
Recently, I was in Halifax, where my hotel window looked out over the harbour. Some very large cruise and cargo ships were docked. At the time, I was contemplating what to write for this report, and it struck me that these ships are like young students, and the harbour, a school. While docked, the ships are being improved, maintained, and stocked for their voyage. Once ready, a pilot boat guides them out of the harbour and into the open seas to fend for themselves on their way to their next port. What a great metaphor for how BH prepares girls for a world where they must find their own way and exercise their independence. Each girl needs, and hopefully gets, an education that matches her unique characteristics and prepares her for whatever it takes to succeed on her voyage. Of course, there will be unexpected circumstances, stormy patches, and it may be difficult to stay on course, but their experience and preparation at BH, no matter how long ago, will help guide them.
The focus of the BH Foundation is to bring as many girls as possible, whose financial situation would otherwise not allow them to attend BH, into our harbour and prepare them for their voyage. These girls must show some special potential, and their family’s financial situation must be proven limited. The Foundation believes that it is our obligation to do what we can for these girls as if they were our own. We must not let a girl’s negative circumstance dictate a limited future.
Many of us have made a commitment to this mission, and we welcome you to join us in sending as many girls as we can out to sea, fully prepared for whatever may come on their voyage. Imagine the feeling of knowing you were a part of something so special. If you would like to contribute to the BH Foundation’s Girls of Promise Fund, please contact legacy@balmoralhall.ca.