1 minute read
Jessica Sui '19
When it comes to influences, those that shape who you are, Balmoral Hall School is one-of-a-kind.
“Growing up at this school, every day, you are told about empowerment and ambition, going after what you want and having these big, big dreams. The message, always, is that you can do anything,” imparts Jessica Sui ’19, a lifer and the daughter of Bin Dong Jiang, Dean of Boarding.
Jessica has chased her dreams all the way to Philadelphia, Pa. as an Ivy League student at University of Pennsylvania, where she will pursue interdisciplinary studies in Science, Technology & Society.
The College of Arts & Sciences describes the undergraduate major as follows:
“Courses focus on the social and humanistic aspects of science and the professions: the growth of scientific institutions, the role of science in technology and clinical medicine, the influence of economic and political factors on research and the application of knowledge, and problems of science and technology management and public policy.”
As a National AP Scholar (Canada), Jessica is well prepared for post-secondary inquiry, receiving an average score of at least 4, on a 5-point scale, on all Advanced Placement exams taken, as well as scores of 4 or higher on five or more of those exams.
Still, she received a few letters of rejection in the process of submitting her university applications last year, much to her disappointment, which motivated her to figure out how to handle rejection.
“It’s not a testament of how smart you are, nor how good a student you are. It’s all whether that school is the right fit,” Jessica insists. “For me, it was Penn, my dream school.”