When fashion and art collide

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CONTENTS Cubism research Feminism research Surrealism research Pop Art research Op Art research

Development of ideas and personal research Planning Behind the scenes Final styled images Evaluation Bibliography

CUBISM Cubism was an art movement and it was invented around 1907 in Paris by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque.Cubism was the first abstract style of modern art. A Cubist painting ignores the traditions of perspective drawing and shows you many views of a subject at one time.The Cubists introduced collage into painting.The Cubists were influenced by art from other cultures, particularly African masks. We can see splintered shapes and geometric blocks of color,It looks like 3-D but it’s still 2-D.Sharp lines and warm colours.We know what the picture is but It’s not as realistic as a photograph.

“Cubism is a kind of Realism. It is a conceptual approach to realism in art, which aims to depict the world as it is and not as it seems. This was the "idea." For example, pick up any ordinary cup. Chances are the mouth of the cup is round. Close your eyes and imagine the cup. The mouth is round. It is always round - whether you are looking at the cup or remembering the cup. To depict the mouth as an oval is a falsehood, a mere device to create an optical illusion.”Beth Gersh Nesic.About.com(30/04/2014) http://arthistory.about.com/od/modernarthistory/a/cubism_10one.htm

CUBISM Viktor & Rolf AW 11/12.As many designers they inspired their collection in Cubism.They are communicating Cubism though the lines of this collection are sharp and muted colours,repetition of the same shape and 3D.

This is a hair and make up photo shoot inspired by Cubism.Sharp lines and repetition of the same shape.I think this photo shoot is successful because It represents Cubism in a strong and clear way.

“Modernism define thus,therefore,includes Cubism,but Cubism understood in a very special Way,Cubism as centrally concerned with the nateriality of the work(in painting,flatness),and As commited to the new at the expense of the old.(Green,C(1988 p.1)

FEMINISM “In the most basic sense, feminism is exactly what the dictionary says it is: the movement for social, political, and economic equality of men and women. Public opinion polls confirm that when people are given this definition, 67 percent say they agree with feminism. We prefer to add to that seemingly uncontroversial statement the following: feminism means that women have the right to enough information to make informed choices about their lives. And because "women" is an all encompassing term that includes middle-class white women, rich black lesbians, and working-class straight Asian women, an organic intertwining with movements for racial and economic equality, as well as gay rights, is inherent to the feminist mandate. Some sort of allegiance between women and men is also an important component of equality. After all, equality is a balance between the male and female with the intention of liberating the individual. Breaking down that one very basic definition, feminism has three components. It is a movement, meaning a group working to accomplish specific goals. Those goals are social and political change -implying that one must be engaged with the government and law, as well as social practices and beliefs. And implicit to these goals is access to sufficient information to enable women to make responsible choices.� http://www.feminist.com/resources/artspeech/genwom/whatisfem.htm

FEMINISM It is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women.It´s mainly focused on women´s issues.We still have that problem nowadays.Women don´t get paid as much as men in the same place of work.Pleople who fight to get the same equals rights are called Feminists.Feminist art grew out of the feminist art movement of the 1970s, is made using traditional art forms, like paintings, and non-traditional media, such as performance art, conceptual art, body art, video, and film.

Miriam Schapiro created a dollhouse for the Womanhouse project. It had rooms such as the nursery and kitchen, but with a provocative twist on the traditional women’s roles.Her message was to show people how women were releated to a house.

FEMINISM Frida Kahlo is a feminist artist.She was born in Mexico in 1907. The style she uses is known as Surrealism.I like the way the mixes Surrealism and Feminism.The way she communicates her idea is though a picture expressing her pain because she has a miscarriage so she wanted to convey her lost she suffered though her life.The mood we get from this picture is lost and she focuses the lights of the painting on the bed so the message is clear.

The way that Jean Paul Gaultier conveys his ideas is though his collection.The overall feeling I get from this picture is the women´s power.He was inspired by Madonna in the 80´s.She is a post feminist and she decided what to wear no matter what people thought about her. She wanted to wear sexy showing she had more power than many men and she could do what she wanted.


Surrealism was an artistic and literary movement founded in Paris in 1924.This movement is aimed at expressing the imagination coming from dreams.It doesn´t have a style in particular.There are many key artists of this movement such as Salvador Dali,Rene Magritte but it was founded by AndrÊ Breton with his Manifesto of Surrealism.It has a big influence on art,literatura,cinema,social attitudes and behavior. The pushed their boundaries and they could express different topics such as hunger,sexuality,fear,anger or dread in a mysterious or strange way.Basically to identify their own true nature.

This is The Anthropomorphic Cabinet By Salvador Dali(1936).This picture was an homage to Sigmund Freud about his psychoanalytic theories.I think this picture is about what the human body is and what we have got inside.The colours he is using are muted and the mood I get from it is loneliness.

SURREALISM “The ssurrealist were struck by the magical,the marvellous and unexpected.They looked for beauty in unusual places and objects and in everyday objects placed in unexpected settings”(Bolton.L2003 p.5).

Her style is very quirky and she represents her ideas using hearts,flowers,clouds and geometry based on Surrealism.The feeling I have got from this picture is happiness because its colourful,extravagant and original.She conveys madness and happy clothes.

Tim Walker is a famous stylist and he was inspired by Alice in Wonderland. The rabit´s head makes it more surrealistic and he chose pastel colours to make a simple but effective editorial.

POP ART Pop Art is a modern art movement started in the 1950s in America and uses the imagery, styles, and themes of advertising, mass media, and popular culture. The key artists are Richard Hamilton, Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol. Inspiration and ideas for Pop Art paintings were drawn from the commercial and consumer aspects of everyday life.There are key characteristics of Pop Art that such as bright colours,benday dots or repeated images.It is influenced by comic books and newspaper photographs. Andy Warhol using silkscreen printing on Marilyn Monroe´s picture.We can see the bright colours and the repetition of the images.This picture was made in the earlies 50s so it was the beggining of Pop Art.

“Pop, like most art historical labels,is a convenience for critics and historians but an Irrelevance and an irritant for most of the artists to whom it has been applied� (Livingstone,M.2007 p.9)

POP ART Pepsi used an Andy Warhol inspired campaign with Beyonce as a model.It has all the characteristics of Pop Art such as bright colours and a famous product that we use nowadays.

“Pop art influences fashion, by providing color and geometric patterns that are printed on the clothing. As well, as the shape and texture of the clothing, popular arts had its biggest influence over fashion during the 1960s with the psychedelic art movements of artists like Andy Warhol. During this time frame. The statue of clothing was greatly exaggerated with items such as wide rimmed sunglasses and platform shoes etc.� http://www.ask.com/question/how-did-pop-art-influence-fashion

OP ART Op Art is a movement to fool the eye. Op Art compositions create a sort of visual tension, in the viewer's mind,it creates the illusion of movement for a few seconds. Any Op Art is flat, static and two-dimensional.Your eyes send images to your brain and you have the feeling they are moving but it´s a trick.Colour, line and shape are chosen to get maximum effect.The colours they use are black, white or gray(chromatic),

Bridget Riley is one of the key artists of Op Art.

“I couldn’t get near what I wanted through seeing, recognizing and recreating, so I stood the problem on its head. I started studying squares, rectangles, triangles and the sensations they give rise to… It is untrue that my work depends on any literary impulse or has any illustrative intention. The marks on the canvas are sole and essential agents in a series of relationships which form the structure of the painting.” (Bridget Riley) http://www.op-art.co.uk/bridget-riley/

OP ART Lous Vuitton(spring 2013)He inspired his collection by Pop Art, repetition of squares and playing with the eyes.Monochromatic, white and black.I would say this style could be Minimalistic.

I think this photo shoot is very effective because they get the colours,lines and the effect of Pop Art. Hair: Maria Montalban Make up :Inca Fnandez Photographer: Sheila Suarez Stylist: Sara Alfieli

SURREALISM AND FEMINISM I would like to mix these two movements because I think I could get a successful photo shoot.I like Pop Art but I prefer to create a real situation with a surrealistic twist always influenced by feminism and the women´s power.My first idea was something like Tim Walker does,mixing a real situation such as a picture of two people but one of them is wearing a rabit´s face hat but when my second idea poped up which is bondage but with the woman in charge I thought that was more the style and the message I was trying to convey.I always liked controversial pictures and I think my last photo shoots have been strongs and with a clear message,I like to play with Photoshop but I personally think they are better when they are not too overedited.

Principles of styling





I am not using many props because I want them to be simple but strong,with a meaning. Dark make-up and a massive quiff.

BEHIND THE SCENES We had a problem with the flash.something inside it started to burn and there was smoke everywhere but apart from that the photo shoot was amazing.

BIBLIOGRAPHY CUBISM (Green, C.1988.Cubism and its Enemies.Rugby:Jolly and Barber Limited.) Beth Gersh Nesic.About.com(30/04/2014) http://arthistory.about.com/od/modernarthistory/a/cubism_10one.htm Pictures: http://www.guitarnewsdaily.com/exhibition-of-picassos-guitar-sculptures-atmoma.html http://www.catwalkyourself.com/fashion-dictionary/cubism/ http://www.pinterest.com/krisleighward/trend-forecasting-cubist-hyperculture/ FEMINISM http://www.feminist.com/resources/artspeech/genwom/whatisfem.htm Pictures: http://www.wbez.org/blog/alison-cuddy/2012-02-29/guerrilla-girls-askdoes-art-museum-represent-you-96839 http://karaj.tumblr.com/post/10041574281/fuckyeahfeministartandliterat ure-miriam http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2012/09/30/jean-paul-gaultiermadonna-was-the-post-feminist/

BIBLIOGRAPHY SURREALISM Bolton,L.(2003).Artists in Profile Surrealists.Oxford.Heinemann. Pictures: http://wtfarthistory.com/post/15346981961/opening-venus-secret-drawers http://www.miamifashionweek.com/agatha-ruiz-de-la-prada/ http://blogohlamoda.es/de-el-corte-ingles/pink-power/attachment/tim-walkerstella-tennant/ POP ART Livingstone,M.(2007).Pop Art a Continuing History.London:Thames & Hudson. http://www.ask.com/question/how-did-pop-art-influence-fashion Pictures: http://www.webexhibits.org/colorart/marilyns.html http://live.drjays.com/index.php/2013/02/23/beyonce-goes-pop-art-for-newpepsi-campaign/ http://www.pinterest.com/pin/116108496616931752/

BIBLIOGRAPHY OP ART http://www.op-art.co.uk/bridget-riley/ Pictures: http://galleristny.com/2012/09/bridget-riley-wins-2012-sikkens-prize-forcontribution-to-color/ http://www.stylebistro.com/runway/Paris+Fashion+Week+Spring+2013/Louis +Vuitton/6HGTsD6T7lK http://sheilasuarezzapata.blogspot.co.uk/

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