Simple Wash and Go Styles for Summer Chances are if you have longer hair, you have found it impossible with the summer heat experienced this year. Your hair sticks to the back of your neck. After washing, blow drying and styling – it can become a nightmare! This is because after a few hours of heat, your hair starts to get a mind of its own. Maybe it's time for a change, a new style, something that is easy, a simple wash and go style that suits your face and your lifestyle! It’s time to visit Hair Styling Manchester.
Hair Styling Manchester Recommends Waves
For those with longer hair, you may not want to cut off all your locks for the summer season, but a lighter and easier to manage style will be a great choice, helping you simply wash and leave your hair. Even after a
dip in the water, your hair will dry to the same style. It doesn't get easier. Waves are for longer hair, layered in a way that provides your hair with natural waves. This is the easiest style for anyone who doesn't want to cut their hair and keep it at a longer length.
Simple Braid No matter what length your hair is during the summer months, you can have some fun with simple braids. After washing, simply make a few braids here and there, use some coloured ribbons to add a fun element and leave it to dry for that fun look.
Messy Pony Tail The messy pony tail has been around for some time now and is still a top choice for the warmer summer months to keep your hair away from your neck. Simply grab your hair into a pony tail and tie it, leaving it with a messy finish. Check out Hair Design Manchester City Centre for more styles.
The Bob The simplicity of a bob is ideal for summer. The bob provides the convenience of you being able to wear it down or tie it up depending on your mood, while offering a softer and comfortable look.