The Barrel of Blogs May 2011

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MAY 2011


THE BLOG O’ CHEESE a funny MALE blogger



you don’t need an ipad to make your own


Enter to win a $25 American Express gift card from The Barrel of Blogs! For contest rules and details visit our blog at: 1



If you’ve ever wondered what digi-scrapping is all about & how easy it can be.



This GUY blogs. And it’s funny. And his wife doesn’t even mind that women love his blog.



Super duper good tasting recipes that are HEALTHY. Seriously - you can have both.




Celebrate Mom - 21 Blog O’ Cheese - 13 Skinny Taste- 28 Make your own Angry Birds- 6 Photography 101- 25 Scrapbooking- 8,35 &39

The best resource for anyone looking




memories in creative ways.


NOTE FROM THE EDITORS: Did yo u k n o w M a y 7 t h i s N a t i o nal Scrapbook Day?! Scrapbooking is all about preserving memories, photos and experiences. And while we may not all surround our pictures with chipboard and paper flowers, I think there’s a little bit of a scrapper in all of us. If you keep a blog, post pictures on facebook or even throw printed photos into a cheap plastic album, you are, in fact, PRESERVING MEMORIES. Hence - scrapbooking. It’s true. And here you thought scrapbooking was hard, but you’ve been doing all along! With May hosting National Scrapbook Day, we’ll be covering a few of the major types of scrapbooking in this issue. This is for those of you who have the time, memories and desire to put your life into a more traditional type of scrapbook. Or for those of you who don’t - you can just look at all the pretty pictures (because even if we don’t scrap, I think we all admire the efforts of those who do!)

MAGAZINE CREDITS: Editorial Director: Michelle Laird Executive Editor: Melissa Bastow Photographic Supreme Genius of all Time: Marissa Vargason Fashion Expert Extraordinaire: Abby Adams Singles Section Specialist: Barbara Managing Supreme Director of all Things Zebra Print: Michelle Laird Super Awesome Writer of Awesomeness: Annie Valentine Ultimate Quasi-Date Setup Artist: Barbara Master of the Universe: Melissa Bastow



Great Giveaways A list of blogs you can visit to win some super-fab giveaways.


Something from Barb - Fish & Squirrels Boys are fish and girls are squirrels - the logic behind this is flawless.


Charity of the Month - Invisible Children Children in Uganda are being forced into wars instead of schools, please help.


Photography 101 - Shutter Speed The final piece to shooting in manual.


Tips from a Real House Wife Pamper yourself for Mother’s Day this year.


Sew That - Angry Birds Bring the awesomely addicting game to real life with this fun craft.


Annie Knows Best - Celebrating Mother’s Day Instead of waiting to receive, focus on giving to the special women in your life.


Abby’s Fab Five - Try Something New You never know what new fashion will be your next favorite fashion.


Totally Legit Horoscopes Once again the stars have been fortelling your future.


Blog Designs of the Month Some of our favorite blog designs by our favorite designers.


From the Archives of... - Minky Moo Does Dunkin’ Donuts Count as Exercise?


Visit our Sponsors Because I said so. Plus, they’re awesome.


Scrapbook Blogs of the Awesome Variety In honor of National Scrapbook Day this month.


h t t p : / / w w w. f r e e h o t s a m p l e s . c o m Would you like to have your blog listed in next month’s Giveaway section? Email: for details.


sew THAT

I can’t help it - I think these are awesome. I’ve seen crocheted pigs and plush birds, but these are cute and easy to make and therefore a MUST DO. You can find this tutorial as well as other really great crafting ideas/tutorials on the super fab blog:

w w w . m a k e a n d t a k e s . c o m

Create your mini pom poms with your yarn. There are a lot of ways to make these, but to make them super small and the perfect size, I used the pom pom tutorial from meyamo. . I printed out her template for winding the yarn around, cutting, and tying. I used the small pattern for the red angry bird and the medium pattern for the pigs.

Once you’ve got your pom puff balls, add the faces. Glue on googley eyes, cut out paper noses for each and glue those on too. Even little black yarn pieces for the angry bird’s eyebrows. Let these dry. *For the bird, you can leave a little of the “tying” string longer at the top to act as the feathers that stick out on top or just glue an extra piece of yarn on top.

Angry Birds Yo u ’ l l N e e d :

• yarn • craft glue • googley eyes • craft paper • stacking cups

Build a tower for the pigs. We used small paper drinking cups stacked in a tower shape. We also used a popsicle stick to leave a little space for the pigs to fit inside. Now sling shot your angry bird poms right into that tower. Those pigs never stood a chance!

This tutorial can be found exactly here: h t t p : / / w w w . m a k e a n d t a k e s . c o m / c r a f t i n g - w i t h - a n g r y - b i r d s and the pompom tutorial here:


Fish & Squirrels

Boys are fish. Girls are squir rels. It’s tr ue.

Fish are easily caught. Put something sparkly in front of them and they’ll bite without even thinking about it. They are just as easily distracted. If the certain something sparkly doesn’t have a substantial hook (she’s boring, lazy, high maintenance, involved elsewhere), the fish are just as easily un-hooked and they swim away never giving the sparkly thing another thought. Squirrels. Now, they’re more cautious. They see something of potential interest, like a nut, but they’re not gonna rush right in a grab it. Nu-uh. They circle around it, finding out all they can about the nut before they’re gonna commit to wanting it. And they’ll try and keep the nut from realizing it’s being evaluated. Once they’ve decided they want it, they rush in, grab it, and then hurry and hide it before some other squirrel comes along and creates competition. And the squirrel won’t forget about the nut. She’ll hang on to it for a good, long while. There’s a reason fish and squirrels don’t co-exist. What on earth makes men and women think they can?



Barbara is a native of Provo, Utah aka The Hurry-Up-And-Get-Married-BeforeYou’re-Branded-An-Old-Maid capitol of the world. She has over 8 years professional experience as a “young” single adult and has lived through all the exciting, horrendous, embarrassing, unusual, and cliché things a relationship has to offer. When she’s not busy being 100% single, she enjoys dealing with mentally unstable roommates, vainly avoiding chocolate, and sending her nieces and nephews back to their parents when they get tired and cranky. You


can read Barbara’s blog at: b a r b a l o o t s u i t . b l o g s p o t . c o m

Many people are a little scared of digital scrapbooking because they think you need to be a computer expert to just create a page. Others simply enjoy the hands-on feel of traditional scrapbooking. But there’s no need to be scared or hesitant any longer!! We’ve discovered the perfect solution: It’s a great little program called

that not only

allows a computer novice to go “digi” right away, but also provides enough functionality to excite a seasoned digital designer.


There are huge benefits to “going digital”. One of our favorite perks - NO CLEAN UP. With digital scrapbooking there is no searching for supplies or taking over an entire room to build a page. And let’s face it, waiting for the perfect time to bring out the paper supplies? Yeah - it’s never going to happen. With digital scrapbooking you don’t put your pictures, pages and memories on hold.

• Digital is a limitless vehicle for creativity.

The trade-offs for

putting away the glue and scissors and picking up your laptop is worth looking into. With digital programs like MyMemories Suite it’s easy to swap out papers, photos and graphic embellishments; so you can spend time putting more detail on your pages instead of all the cutting and gluing. You can also add journaling on the fly and go back and edit what you have written at any time (BONUS). • Digital saves money. If you have ever shopped for the materials for just one scrapbook page, you know it can get pricey really fast. Unlike their traditional counterparts, digitally designed papers and embellishments are truly renewable. You can pay for them once, but use them over and over again. • When you are saving memories digitally, you are really saving them. Old-school scrapbooks can be damaged or lost. It can be heartbreaking when such a keepsake is ruined (like say, when your toddler gets a hold of it and happens to be a little me, NOT COOL). With digital, you make backup copies of your album and reprint it in pristine condition days, months or years later. • Sharing your memories with others is where digital really is great. It is a great feeling to show off your scrapbook. (Why make it, if you’re not going to share it?) One book can only be shared

in one direction - what if you want to

share it to ALL of your family and friends? With a digital scrapbook, you can make multiple copies. The MyMemories Suite software allows you to upload your album to a printer that will make multiple copies of your scrapbook—professionally printed and bound with a hard cover or soft cover—that you actually give away to others as a gift. Digital means you can also post your creations to your Facebook page, send them via email and easily put them in an online gallery.



There are two huge reasons that we like using MyMemories Suite: TIME AND MONEY. We’ve used a lot of programs, design tools, etc. in the past and when it really comes down to it, budget and quickness are key. MyMemories Suite is easy to learn, just open the program and go! And once all the pages are finished, printing the finished book is cost effective and of high quality. Plus with MyMemories Suite you can make calendars and cards, which make awesome gifts. MyMemories Suite software is pretty inexpensive already, but we want to help you get an EVEN BETTER DEAL (we really like deals) so for a limited time our readers can get 50% off the MyMemories Suite software by using the code: SAVEMOM50


C o o k i n g, laundr y, carpet shampooing, d i s h e s, w i n d o w s, s c r u b b i n g b e h i n d y o u r t o i lets with an old ratty toothbrush - - s o m e t i m e s i t a l l j u s t s e e m s l i ke TOO TO O MUCH.

We feel your pain, w e k n o w y o u r w o e s, w e s h a r e y o u r

h o u s e keeping frust rations. So take it easy f o r a m i n u t e a n d t a ke s o m e a d v i c e, o n u s. Here you have it:


Chances are that Mother’s Day is going to be every bit as mundane as past years, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do something HUGE for yourself. You don’t need to go on a talk show or, worse dress show, for a makeover/spa day. All you need is to try out some of these tips. Even if you’re not a mother, every woman deserves pampering. So all you great grandmothers, grandmas, moms, mother-in-laws, step-mothers, aunts, daughters and crazy neighbor ladies out there, take some time this month for a little YOU time! • If this doesn’t sound great smelling, you must be crazy: Almond-Mayonnaise Scrub. You will need ¼ cup almonds 1/8 tsp mayonnaise. Grind the almonds in a blender or a food processor to create a fine consistency. Add the mayonnaise and blend on low until mixed. Rub paste on your face for an exfoliating scrub for dry skin. Leave this on for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water. • Banana masks are for your wrinkles (after you’ve exfoliated with the almond-mayo). Mash up ¼ banana until it becomes extra creamy. Then apply to your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and see your wrinkles vanish. (OK maybe more like “diminish” not “vanish” but you can pretend, right?) • Give yourself a 30 minute foot spa. Start with soaking your feet in warm/hot water in the tub or a bowl (or if you are lucky and have an actual foot spa, use it). Soak for around 15 minutes while watching your favorite show (make your husband/kids serve you drinks with little umbrellas and possibly fan you with a banana leaf). After soaking, exfoliate your feet with a foot scrub and use a pumice stone or file on your callices. Once you can’t take anymore exfoliating, lotion your feet. And now that you have beautiful feet let’s finish them up with painting those toes with your favorite color, shall we? • Deep condition your hair with Coconut Oil. If you have frizzy, curly, or relaxed hair you will love this. If you are in a hurry you can leave it on over night with a heat cap on. Coconut Oil is used for shine and some say that it helps strengthen hair. Plus it just sounds exotic. • Make a body scrub, it’s easy. All you have to do is grab 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 cup of raw oatmeal and 1 cup of olive oil. Mix them all together and then it is ready to apply to dry skin. Not only will you be getting softer skin, but you’ll smell like a yummy dessert. • Lemons are used for so many things, why not use them for the troll skin we all have on our joints? Cut up the lemon and rub the juices on your elbows and knees. The acid will soften the skin and lighten the dark areas, ie. troll skin gone. • You’ve been exfoliated, de-wrinkled, scrubbed and conditioned; now go dress yourself up. Instead of spending money on new clothes, (because as much as you wish it, you didn’t win a shopping spree) you can change up your clothes with a jacket or cardigan. You can add a skirt with your favorite shirt instead of pants and vice versa. Then add some accessories such as jewelry, scarfs or a belt. If you are a blingy person, change up your usual and go for a classic look. If you’re not usually into bling just add at least one shiny piece of jewelry- come on, live a little. • For the finishing touch to your spa/makeover day you must add a wonderful accessory: fake eye lashes. I know some of you are saying “no way”, but trust me, they’re the best. You’ll feel like a whole new person. And there are many styles of lashes out there that are short -and not crazy- so no one can even tell they are on. Plus everyone will be too busy thinking about how gorgeous you are, and wondering what awesome spa you just visited.


You know what’s great? Men who blog. Ok, some of you are shaking your heads no, but I’m being serious here. A man who keeps a blog is just plain impressive. Which brings me to this:

Abe (or Cheeseboy) keeps a pretty funny blog. He is a husband, has two sons and teaches first grade. I’m pretty sure my first grade teacher wasn’t this hilarious (nor did he promise to post a video blog of himself improv break dancing on a Subway restaurant floor to gain more blog followers). You really must peruse the entire blog to receive the full benefit of it’s hilarity, but here’s a sampling of what makes it so increibly awesome: An open letter from Jacob the werewolf to all of his more “mature” female fans. Dear women over the age of 21, I am very grateful that Abe has allowed me use of his blog to reach out to you. He is a good, handsome and incredibly smart mortal man that cares about the well being of shirtless teenage werewolves everywhere. I am here to ask you women one simple request: ENOUGH WITH THE OGLING AND THE WHISTLES AND THE PSYCHO LOVE LETTERS... IT’S GETTING OLD AND IT’S GETTING CREEPY! I am 17 years old. 17!!! Wherever I go, you old chicks are totally cramping my style with your staring and drooling. It’s kinda disgusting actually. You know who else is 17? Miley Cyrus. Yep, 17... and you KNOW you would smack your husband in the pancreas if you ever caught him gawking at her underaged body. I know that some of you think that I’m just ASKING for it by going shirtless and displaying my perfectly crafted boy pecks. Well, here’s the thing: I’ve TRIED putting on a shirt. I’ve even TRIED putting on metal armor. No matter what kind of clothing I put over these luscious pubescent abs, they just MELT OFF MY BODY, on account of my overwhelming sexiness. (Pants will actually stay on me because my legs look like Clay Aiken’s, only slightly hairier. For that, I am grateful.) I get that it is hard not to look, but do you really have to talk about me like I am a piece of prime meat? Whenever I overhear one of your pathetic, middle-aged cougar conversations about my dark, urban handsomeness, it makes me REALLY uncomfortable. Do you realize what it’s even like to go through puberty as a half-boy, half-wolf? Most boys get freaked out by a few new armpit hairs. I have armpit hair growing out of my armpit hair! I promise you, I really am not all that alluring and mysterious. I spend most of my time watching Dr. Oz or Teen Wolf II. (I only wish I could dunk a basketball like that... or surf on top of a custom van.) Besides it being against the law and somewhat sickening, there are a multitude of reasons you don’t want to be with me: 1. I have to do three circles before I get into bed. 2. I have the hardest time not eating my own vomit. 3. I am not housebroken. 4. I could maim or kill you. (On account that I am a werewolf) 5. Do you like the smell of wet dog? 6. Did I mention that I could kill you at any second? 7. I listen to a lot of Snoop. 8. I have the legs of Clay Aiken. Plus, Bella needs me. I am her best friend. I help her fix motorcycles. I give her shirtless kisses in the rain and protect her from that pale sicko with the shiny scales. Really, I promise, I am not interested in you older ladies. Wolves and cougars are not a good mix anyway. I think that I will stick to girls my age named Bella. I helped her fix a motorcycle. 17, motorcycles, boy-pecks, rain kisses. I appreciate your understanding. Now if you will excuse me, I need to go cliff diving with my buddies. Regards, Jacob, Sexy Werewolf Boy


And if that wasn’t enough to convince you that you MUST read The Blog O’Cheese (do you REALLY need more convincing?), well then, there’s always this: For three years I’ve tried to write the perfect post, and I have not yet succeeded. I tried and tried and wrote and wrote - inspiration is what I needed. Wait, does that rhyme? Holy crap, that rhymes. I do not want this to be a rhyming post. A rhyming post would never qualify as the perfect post. Maybe for Shel Silverstein and his psycho babble, but not fore me. My perfect post must be perfectly supreme. Like Diana Ross, before she touched Lil’ Kim’s breast on national TV. Or Clarence Thomas’s polished coke can. The perfect post must be strong enough for a man, but made for a woman. It must hold you, thrill you, kiss you, kill you. Bono must sing about it. My post must be so alarmingly well done, Sean Penn will beg to take it to Haiti and use it as medicine. This post must be the thing that Oprah trades all her ‘favorite things’ for. The perfect post must have spunk, pizzaz and flair. It must be fetching, tantalizing and pulchritudinous. Especially pulchritudinous, lots of pulchritudinous. My perfect post must “stand the test of time” and there’s “no time like the present”. So it must stand the test of the present. It must stand today. It must stand. Speaking of standing, the perfect post must be able to stand on it’s own two feet, which means it must be at least as stable as an agile baby, or a gorilla, or a well trained dog. The post must be less - because less is more. And then it must be more, because its already been less and, more or less, less is more. So it needs to be less. The perfect post must grow like a mighty oak. It must also speak softly and carry a big stick. Good thing it is an oak. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Thus, my oak post must be mighty in girth, not height. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that there’s no way a fat, chunky oak falls hard, or even falls at all, unless someone is standing out on its limb. My post must be a labour of love. But not like a childbirth love-labour. That would just be gross. The perfect post must crack my audience up and leave them in stitches. It also must cut to the chase and have an axe to grind. Pretty much, it must beat the living crap out of its audience and then murder them with a ground up axe. Alas, I have not yet written the perfect post, but that’s not to say that I don’t have something in the bag... or up my sleeve... or skidmarks in my underwear. Two of those three things I definitely have. I undoubtedly am leaving you on pins and needles, like a careless and unqualified acupuncturist. Instead, I’ll leave you hanging, like a very forgetful gallower. But that’s the way the Cheeseboy rolls; I like to keep you guessing. One of these days I’ll write that perfect post, but I am not going to let the cat out of the bag. (That’s last thing is a figure of speech. I do not actually have a cat in a bag. Well, maybe I do. I have a lot of bags just lying around. I haven’t heard any meow in a while.) Text courtesy of And if you really want to see Cheeseboy improv break dancing on a subway floor, you can follow his blog (he needs a few more people to reach 700 followers - the requirement for his video blog). Blog review by Melissa Bastow


Contact Melissa for pricing & details:


Abby’s Fab Five t r y

s o m e t h i n g

n e w

Sushi, yoga, skinny jeans, gladiator sandals… at one point, each of these things was new for methey were uncharted territory in the world of Abby. Now they are a few of my favorite things. Seriously, if I were the governess to seven overly disciplined children, I’d probably sing about them. I’d still sing about whiskers on kittens too because kitty whiskers really are just as wonderful as sushi and skinny jeans. Anyway, it’s always fun to try something new, right? Go ahead and try some of these new looks for spring. Be brave and go for the unknown. (By the way, if they aren’t new to you, you are probably cooler than me. Good for you but please, don’t take my job.)

1. Skinny Belts- These are everywhere and it’s not hard to see why. A skinny belt can add color to a bland outfit or help you reinvent a favorite top. You can easily add a skinny belt to a shirt, dress, jacket, or cardigan. I’m especially loving them with cardigans or button up tops. Try one of these from Banana Republic.

2. Maxi Skirts- Last year the maxi dress was fabulous. Don’t worry, it still is. So is its equally cute cousin, the maxi skirt. I’m dying over maxi skirts like these from Free People and can’t wait to pair them with camisoles and t-shirts all summer long.

3. Jumpsuits- So you saw a few jumpsuits around last year. What did you think? Hopefully you liked them because they are here to stay. Try one out, like this one from Macy’s.

4. One Shoulder Tops/Dresses- I’m obsessed with shoulders- they don’t age and you can show them without looking like a hussy. I think one-shouldered tops (like this one from Chelsea and Victoria) and dresses are so pretty.

5. Braided Leather Sandals- These are an 80’s reinvention for sure and they are perfect for nearly any type of summer outfit. These silver darlings from Cole Hann would be fabulous with maxi skirts or jumpsuits. I guess you can combine some of these “new” ideas after all. Look at that. Abby Adams is a happy and hopeful mom to one cute daughter and two furry babies. She likes to read, write, exercise, and shop. She is a personal style fanatic and loves to try new looks and products. Get to know her better at her blogs: Diligent Joy m i s s a b b y a . b l o g s p o t. c o m and Confessions of a Beauty Aisle Addict b e a u t y a i s l e a d d i c t. b l o g s p o t. c o m


Capricorn (12/22-1/19)- Always use the third stall down at public restrooms - just trust me on this one. Aquarius (1/20-2/18)- Don’t let your foot fall asleep at any point during the month, because that tingly feeling is just plain obnoxious. Pisces (2/19-3/20)- Places aren’t haunted, people are. I’m only telling you this because there’s a ghost standing behind you. Aries (3/21-4/19)- How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if your name was Chuck and my name was Sally? Taurus (4/20-5/20)- You will suddenly become deathly allergic to lemons. Gemini (5/21-6/21)- Quit forgetting to put on your bra in the morning - your coworkers are starting to talk (and it’s not good, believe you me.) Cancer (6/22-7/22)- You’re pregnant!! What, no? You just gained weight due to stress-eating? Oh, my mistake. Sorry. Leo (7/23-8/22)- Once I saw you pick your nose. Don’t deny it. I took a picture, and I know how to use facebook. Virgo (8/23-9/22)- You will have very big hair this month (possibly because you just bought that Extra-Super-Duper-WhamoVolume shampoo). Libra (9/23-10/22)- I don’t know how to break the news gently - your pet cockroach is going to die. Scorpio (10/23-11/21)- Love is in the stars. Just not your stars. Someone else’s stars (you don’t know them - but man, are they going to be lucky IN LOVE). Sagittarius (11/22-12/21)- You will find a crayon in your pants. It will be purple.




Africa’s longest running war is 25 years. That war has not ended though. It is happening in Northern Uganda between the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the Government of Uganda (GoU). The GoU has attempted to protect their citizens from this rebel militia, but has largely failed. The results of this are a entire generation of youth that has never known peace. The LRA’s army needed more support to fight. So they started kidnapping children in the night to recruit them into their troops. It is now estimated that 90% of their troops have been abducted as children. In 1996 the GoU took thousands of families out of there homes and put them into camps to try and protect them for the LRA’s. Millions still live in these camps today and have not been able to return home. In 2003 college students from California made a documentary about this called “Invisible Children.” It has been seen nationwide. This documentary has shed more light on the problem which has, in turn, helped bring the children and families in Africa some help. This help has eliminated “Night walking children” - children who could not stay in their own homes because they were afraid of being kidnapped. These children would walk at night to barns or other places to try to find safety. Now they feel safe in their homes. There are also new schools in Uganda, scholarships, and more aid to help. But this terrible war is still going on. The LRA’s have now been categorized as a terrorist group. Every attempt at a peace treaty with them has failed. They still need our help. Some of you may have seen this topic on Oprah last month, talking about April 25th, and the Speak Out by Not Speaking project. They had over 91,000 participants who were silent for 25 hours. It was amazing. But just because April 25, 2011 is over doesn’t mean that these children, or the country of Uganda, doesn’t need more help. All they ask is for any kind of contribution you can give!



Annie Valentine

is a humor

columnist and blogger. She lives in a house with her husband, and four small children who call her “Mother”, “Mommy Dearest” and on special occasions “Your Royal Highness”. Catch up with her at, or you can send her an email at

Photography courtesy of flickr user: bonzai aphrodites.

See more

of their photography on flickr:


h t t p: / / w w w. f l i c k r. c o m / p h o t o s / r a c h e l s p h o t o s / 5 1 0 8 7 3 3 4 8 /

ing mothers day by Annie Valentine

Mother’s Day: we dread it. It’s kind of like a birthday when you partially hope everyone will forget, but simultaneously have a secret desire to see your sweetheart jump out from behind the sofa with fifty friends. One thing I’ve learned about gift-bearing holidays is that it feels so much better to give than to sit around hoping you get. The best way to enjoy Mother’s Day, whether you have children or not, is to find someone to celebrate. It could be your mother, your spouse’s mother, or the forgotten neighbor lady next door. There are aunts and sisters and friends, women who have “mothered” us through our best and our worst. There’s one thing every woman appreciates on Mother’s Day: the knowledge that all the blood, sweat, and 2:00 am phone calls actually made a difference in someone’s life. So this year let’s go all out. Here are a few ideas for making this Mother’s Day memorable, no matter who you decide to celebrate. 1. Take your “mother” to lunch with a group of her biggest fans. Include her girlfriends, a long lost cousin, maybe ladies from her church, people she wouldn’t expect to get together and honor her. If you’re looking for people in her life, casually ask her leading questions like, “So, who’s your favorite working out buddy at the gym?” or “Do you ever visit with any of your neighbors?” Once you’ve got a small group of her fans together at the same table, ask them each to tell one word they would use to describe her, and something they admire about her. 2. Change the words to a song, like “Bohemian Rhapsody,” and force your family members to perform it for her, or quietly hum the tune while someone reads it aloud. Lyrical dancing is also particularly entertaining. • example, put to above mentioned song: “Mama, you’re really cool, do laundry and make lunch, set out flowers in a bunch...” You get the idea. 4. Give her a journal titled, “40 Ways You’ve Touched My Life,” and come up with 40 memories, character traits, photos, ticket stubs, or other scrappy pieces of memorabilia that signify things that have been particularly meaningful to your relationship. If you can only think of 20, then change the number. But give her something tangible to tie them together. 5. Call her every day the week before Mother’s Day, at a designated time, just to be sappy. Tell her specifically, “Happy Mother’s Week. Today I love you because...” and share your personal, gooey feelings with her over the phone. Some people express themselves best with simple, heartfelt words, words we sometimes feel uncomfortable saying out loud. Let her hear it from you; tell her why you love her and what makes her special. Make yourself notes and be specific each day. By the end of the week, you’ll be amazed by all the loving things you can think of to share with her. 6. If you have small children to involve, invite your mother over for a Spotlight Party. This is a great activity that allows the kids to participate in discovering new facts about their grandmother. Think of 20 different words--places she has lived or traveled, food she loves, jobs she has worked, etc--and print them out on individual pieces of paper. Tape the papers to a wall or board, and let the children take turns choosing words (even if they can’t read). You then ask her to tell everyone what that word means about her. Kids love this game, and the Spotlight person feels incredibly special.

Whatever you do this year, put your heart into it. There is nothing more powerful than simple acts of kindness, and the best way to enjoy this Mother’s Day is to throw yourself into the task of honoring someone else. There are so many women who are worthy of our praise.


esigns Blog D OF THE MONTH

These are just a few of our favorite blog designs from some of our favorite blog designers. Bloggers: Rachel & Jaime • Blog Design by:


B l o g g e r : A n g i e • B l o g D e s i g n b y : w w w. a p r i l s h o w e r s b l o g d e s i g n . c o m

s p r i n k l e d w i t h g l i t t e r. b l o g s p o t. c o m B l o g g e r : C a r i s s a • B l o g D e s i g n b y : w w w. l e e l o u - b l o g s. c o m


PHOTOGRA Welcome back everyone! On to our third part of the three part series, today we will be discussing shutter speed. I know a few of you were confused when using aperture stating that the pictures were blurry etc, and that is where shutter speed ccan help. Remember we need to have all three parts in order to take a properly exposed image (and non blurry).

Shutter speed

is the unit of measurement in which determines how long the shutter on your camera remains open as the picture is taken. The slower the shutter speed, the longer the exposure time. The faster the shutter speed, the quicker the exposure time. The shutter speed and aperture together control the total amount of light reaching the sensor. Shutter speeds are expressed in seconds or fractions of a second. Depending on your camera model, shutter speeds will either be expressed as a second for example: 60, 125, 200 etc, or as a fraction of a second for example: 1/60, 1/125, 1/200 etc. Each speed increment halves the amount of light available to the sensor. Snap shots and action photography usually require a faster shutter speed to freeze action whereas landscapes usually require a small aperture for maximum depth of field and in turn need a longer shutter speed for properly exposed pictures. I like to compare shutter speed to your eyelid. If you leave your eyelid open for a long period of time you are able to see or “record” a lot of the image you see with your eye, this is similar to a slow shutter speed (think 60, 125). When blinking normal this is similar to shutter speeds that are neither fast nor slow (think 200) and if you are blinking really fast your eye only captures a glance of what is going on this is similar to a shutter speed of 500 (or 1/500) and higher. A few things about shutter speed. Have you ever noticed how you take a picture and then see that someone’s hand or foot is blurry? Or your picture isn’t as crisp as it could be? Well, there is a reason for that. The shutter stayed open too long and while it was open it not only recorded the image, but also recorded the movement within the image as well. To avoid this in our “everyday” images, we want to try to keep our shutter speed above 125 (1/125) at ALL times. Now with this I stress “everyday” remember, with landscape photography we want a slower shutter to compensate for our aperture (more on this later). With young children, I recommend keeping your shutter speed above 200 (1/200) to avoid blur. 25

A P HwithYMarissa1 Varg 0ason1 To sum up shutter speed, the larger the number (500, 1000 etc) the less light your camera lets in, but the faster you are able to freeze and record action. The smaller the number (125, 60 etc) the more light your camera lets in, but the more chance you get to having blurry images. This is why a lot of people will pull out tripods with low shutter speeds because naturally our hands shake and the camera will detect that. When implying motion slower shutter speeds are generally used. The resulting image of slow shutter speeds will appear as an almost cotton like blur. This is good for waterfalls, streams, wind blown hair, a merry go round, or Ferris wheel. Slow shutter speeds vary from 1/80th of a second down to ½ a second. When freezing motion effectively, you more than likely have to use a fast shutter speed. Generally these situations require your shutter speed to be at least 500-1000 (1/500-1/1000) of a second. When freezing action you must consider three factors: the distance between you and your subject, the direction in which your subject is moving and your lens choice. The farther away you are the less of a shutter speed you will need to use. Freezing motion can be great for capturing jumping, waves crashing, cars racing, or any type of sports photography. Next we need to talk about the exposure meter, unfortunately, that is going to have to be in this next issue (I know I know) but just a little tip, just know that while you let in less light by having a larger aperture, you need to compensate by having a lower shutter speed or higher iso. Then if you have a lower aperture (lets in more light) you can have a higher shutter speed and lower iso. More on this next issue! Marissa Vargaon is an award-winning photographer with a pure and simple photographic style.

A studio and on-location photographer, Marissa specializes

in modern custom portraiture for all ages, including maternity/birth, newborns/ babies/children, families and teens/high school seniors. Her company, Marissa Vargason Photography, is located in Syracuse, Utah, and serves the Salt Lake City and surrounding areas.

You can see more of her amazing work on her blog:

h t t p : / / m a r i s s a v a r g a s o n p h o t o g r a p h y. c o m / b l o g 26


12 months • 365 ideas We have SO many Blogging Prompts that it would take you over THREE YEARS of daily blog posting before you ever ran out of content ideas. There is a special E-GIFT for those of you that sign up for the 365 Days Worth of Blogging Prompts. We have an Exclusive Photo Prompt Book that will be offered strictly to the subscribers of our blogging prompts.

B R O U G H T T O YO U BY: The new book from fabulous blogger (and now published author) Melanie Jacobson . 27

Blog Reveiw by Michelle Laird

We’re pleased to feature the recipes of a HUGE blogger this month -

Gina of

Gina’s recipes aren’t just amazing and delicious, they’re also healthy and easily go along with the Weight Watcher’s program. She never takes taste out of the equation by using real sugar, adding just enough fat and using ingredients that get the calories and point value of the meal low without skimping on the yum. She makes eating right easy.

“I started this blog in 2008 for several reasons. First, I couldn’t find any good Weight Watcher recipes sites out there when I started counting points and I knew I could improve on what I did find. Second, I always wanted to start a blog, so this was a challenge for me. (I love a good challenge!!) Third, I have a love for photography and food, so naturally photographing food was something I wanted to tackle and get good at (another challenge!!). I have no photography experience outside of college classes, but my background is in digital photo retouching photos for big name clients in advertising so I have an idea what a good photo should look like. And last, this blog keeps me skinny. It keeps me cooking healthy, low fat, high fiber meals and always has me thinking of creative new recipes to make for the future. So, I’m not only helping all of you, I’m helping myself as well!” Gina’s recipes have been featured in multiple locations including: Gourmet Live Blog, The Kitchn, Glamour, Foodgawker and as one of the Top 5 on the Foodie Blogroll. We’ll be sharing some of our favorite of Gina’s spring time recipes - you can find the complete recipe on Gina’s blog. (You’re going to watch to thoroughly check it out anyway, trust us.) All photos and original text (c) Copyright 2011 - All rights reserved. NOTE: Weight Watchers is a registered trademark of Weight Watchers International, Inc. Points are trademarks of Weight Watchers International, Inc. Authentic information about the program is only available at your local Weight Watchers meeting. is not affiliated with Weight Watchers International in any way.


Warm oven-fried coconut chicken over a bed of baby greens, cucumber, tomato, shredded carrots topped with a hot honey mustard vinaigrette. It’s the perfect mix of salty and sweet, warm and cold. I was a little nervous before I attempted to make the Chicken for the salad. Like I have said in months past I just bake and my husband cooks. Unfortunately he wasn’t home so it was up to me try the recipe. All of that worrying was for nothing! It was very easy. (I’m so proud of myself - I cooked!) You can throw this salad together really fast. It’s perfect for easy lunches or nights you don’t have much time to make dinner. It’s a full salad as well, so it won’t leave you hungry. (Unlike so many salads where you are left wanting more.) I must say this is probably one of my favorites (so far) that I have found on

G e t n u t r i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n a n d r e c i p e a t s k i n n y t a s t e. c o m : 29

Golden cheddar biscuits drizzled with garlic parsley butter. These taste best fresh out of the oven, but reheating them the next day is still good if you have leftovers. I cannot believe this biscuits are actually healthy for you! They are “to die for” good, if you are a bread lover like myself. (My baby also loved them!) And they’re so simple to put together it makes them a must have at your next family dinner. Just don’t make the mistake I made and bake them when you expect to have left overs... because, trust me, you won’t be leaving any left overs of these bad boys.

G e t n u t r i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n a n d r e c i p e a t s k i n n y t a s t e. c o m : h t t p : / / w w w. s k i n n y t a s t e. c o m / 2 0 1 1 / 0 2 / g a r l i c - c h e d d a r - b i s c u i t s. h t m l 30

Spring is here - it’s smoothie time!! Not all fruit smoothies are low in calories so be careful and make sure you know what you are getting when you order one out. Best guarantee to knowing what you’re eating is to make it yourself. Who doesn’t love a good smoothie (especially when it involves mangoes)? This peach mango smoothie is easy to put together when you want something light and healthy. It makes a great breakfast, especially if you’re on the go. I love Mango, I love Peach and I love cold drinks, so of course I loved this smoothie. It was also a great breakfast for my daughter. She couldn’t get enough and kept screaming “Momo!!” at me (which in her language is “Give me more of that dang good smoothie, woman!!”)

G e t n u t r i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n a n d r e c i p e a t s k i n n y t a s t e. c o m : h t t p: / / w w w. s k i n n y t a s t e. c o m / 2 0 1 0 / 0 4 / m a n g o - p e a c h - s m o o t h i e. h t m l 31

Pineapple and coconut top these light pineapple cupcakes, what a perfect Spring dessert! For the coconut lover out there, these are super easy, low fat, moist and delicious. This was a fun recipe to try out! I have always had a thing for Pina Colada. So why not make them into cupcakes too? (Why hadn’t I thought of it before?!) If you love pineapple you will adore these since that’s what makes up a lot of the cupcake and the frosting. Also, the frosting has cream cheese in it but one cupcake is still only a 153 calories! I KNOW, amazing!!! (It sure beats a chocolate dunford donut that has 500 calories a piece.)

G e t n u t r i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n a n d r e c i p e a t s k i n n y t a s t e. c o m : h t t p : / / w w w. s k i n n y t a s t e. c o m / 2 0 1 1 / 0 4 / p i n a - c o l a d a - c u p c a k e s. h t m l 32

Make dinner ultra-yum with this lightened Shepard’s Pie, filled with lean beef, skinny mashed potatoes and lots of vegetables. You can make this a day ahead and bake it when you are ready to eat. I was also hesitant about making this while my husband wasn’t around to help (or enjoy the finished meal). But as I began tackling it, I found it wasn’t hard at all. However, I did take some extra time making it. (I think I could have turned it into a much faster process if I wasn’t worrying so much about messing I do frequently.) But it turned out SO good, that well, let’s just say I sent a picture of it to my husband and he was quite jealous that he had to eat In-N-Out that night instead of at home. So basically, YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS!! It’s easy, and did I mention healthy and yummy?! I never knew I could create something so tastey. As soon as my husband gets home, I’m making it again.

G e t n u t r i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n a n d r e c i p e a t s k i n n y t a s t e. c o m : 33

A shrimp dish with the sweetness of coconut milk (which compliments the spiciness of the red curry paste). Serve this over jasmine rice for a complete meal. If you’ve never used fish sauce before, don’t let the smell fool you. It blends with the other flavors and really adds to the dish overall. You’ve gotta try this! A lot of people get scared away when they see the words “Thai” or “Curry.” Yeah. don’t run too fast because this recipe is GOOD! It was a treat to eat, because it really tasted like I it came from a restaurant. And it’s only 146 calories, which is pretty unbeatable for something so fabulous.

G e t n u t r i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n a n d r e c i p e a t s k i n n y t a s t e. c o m : y-shrimp.html


You can find more of Gina’s great recipes on her website


If you like digital scrapbooking (or if you’d like to like digital scrapbooking and need somewhere to start) you really must check out At The Daily Digi you can read about the highest quality products, the best resources, informative tutorials, and more so you don’t have to spend your time surfing the internet looking for it. They truly bring the best of the industry to you daily so that you can spend your time doing something more fun, like CREATING MEMORIES. Another cool aspect of The Daily Digi is their monthly kits. You get over $50 worth of digital scrapbook supplies, a 30-50 page interactive ebook, additional exclusive collaborations and surprise gifts automatically each month for ONLY $7.50 a month. (For those of you reading this that AREN’T digi-scrappers, let me just tell you - that’s an AMAZING deal.)

The Daily Digi was started January 1, 2009 by Steph and Janet, and a year later Steph took charge of the company. During June of 2010 Steph joined with producer Israel Hyman as the host of The Paperclipping Digi Show, a weekly podcast all about digital scrapbooking. In each podcast they discuss topics digital scrapbookers find interesting with some of the industry’s most influential designers and scrapbookers.

ABOUT STEPH: I have been a scrapbooker literally, almost my whole life and started consistently keeping a scrapbook in 1989. I learned all about “archival” scrapbooking in 1994, but even then used a lot of computer clipart on my layouts. Little did I know then that I was a hybrid scrapper! I started creating completely digital layouts on my computer in 2003. After reading a special issue of Memory Makers Magazine in 2004, I discovered digi scrapbooking communities and all they have to offer. I truly love this hobby and have found so much joy in preserving my family’s memories digitally.


What’s great about The Daily Digi is that they’re constantly helping their readers become better at what they love - preserving memories. They have an entire section on tutorials with topics ranging from Photoshop actions, to printing, to time saving tips. If you’ve ever had a questions about digital scrapbooking (or even scrapbooking in general) you should really check out their tutorials. And just last month The Daily Digi announced they were joining forces with some major scrapbookers to bring about a whole new resource for learning:

w w w. b i g p i c t u r e c l a s s e s . c o m / t h e d a i l y d i g i . p h p


meet the team that brings you Steph has put together one AMAZING team at The Daily Digi. They teach. They inspire. Share layouts. They photograph. They’re probably really good at BIO: I’m a designer who is rediscovering her love of scrapping. I love starbucks iced white mocha, my 3 kids who have grown before my eyes into amazing people, and my husband who allows me to be whoever I want to be.


BIO: I’ve been scrapping since late 2006 when my daughter was just a tiny baby. Needing something to do with all the extra baby photos, I somehow discovered digital scrapbooking. I scrapbook for my daughter.

BIO: I’m a 37 yr. old mother of two adorable little boys, and have been married to the love of my life for almost 10 years. I stumbled into digital scrapbooking in 2006 shortly after my first son was born, and was instantly hooked. BIO: I am a stay-at-home mom to three fabulous kids and have been married for almost 15 years now! I used to be an elementary teacher, but I “retired” after my first child was born. I have been homeschooling my kids for 4 years now, and I love it!

BIO: I work full-time at an international school as a counselor and I keep busy with three kiddos. We live in Malaysia. I was introduced to digiscrapping and I’ve been hooked ever since and having a total blast doing it!

BIO: I’m Lauren, proud momma of 9 yr old twin boys and a precocious 5 year old Princess. Although there is little quiet in our house, there are always plenty of reasons to snap photos and scrap!

BIO: I’m a 30-something mama to 4 kids who loves to scrap and take photos. After pretending to be a paper scrapper for quite a few years I found digital and haven’t looked back. I’ve created probably over 800 pages in 4 years.

BIO: Above all else, I’m mother to Sam and Max and wife to Rob. I’m passionate about preserving memories for my children. I was introduced to digiscrapping in 2006, and quickly discovered a creative outlet that helps me to capture my children’s stories.

inspiration They cra-tute (let’s pretend that’s short for “create tutorials”). They podcast. They singing in the shower. Basically, the entire team IS AWESOME. BIO: I became a scrapbooker when I was 14 years old and got my hands on a jar of rubber cement and a large construction paper scrapbook album. In 2005, I saw a special digital scrapbooking article and knew I had found my “true love.”

BIO: (Katrina) I eat, breathe, write and teach Photography! My camera is my most often worn accessory. I was frustrated learning how to use my camera and knew I had to pass on the knowledge I gathered to help other moms with cameras.

BIO: I discovered digiscrapping in December 2006 and have been a serious addict since. I love capturing all the little moments in my two kiddo’s lives. They are most often the subject of my pages because I can’t seem to get enough of their sweet faces.

BIO: Amelia likes to scrapbook in her “spare time” (when she’s not too busy being a wife and momma). She lives in a small town and loves saving the memories she creates with her family.

BIO: I am a momma to two fantastic boys, ages 7 and 1 who constantly challenge and inspire me. I love being able to capture the emotion in a moment, to freeze it for all time for families to love and cherish.

Bio: (Anne) I’m a mother, christian, pastor, color lover, country girl, taker of photos, web trainee, scrapper, norwegian and so much more! My english isn’t always correct grammar, but I try as best as I - and my english dictionary - can!

BIO: Aaron Morris (the first Daily Digi GUY team member) has just retired from designing but not from blogging, scrapping, and teaching. Expect big things coming from Aaron.

BIO: (Trina) No 12-step program here. Unless you’re wanting to learn how to scrap a page in 12 steps ... then I might be able to help you. Trina is a mom to one 3 year old girl and a wife to one guy who is not 3 years old (that would just be weird.)


Are you a paper lovin’ scrapper? Do you need to really feel the embellishments beneath your fingers? Then let us introduce you to our friends - and by “friends”, I mean “some awesome blogs we found online that we must share with you”, because, yeah, they’re awesome. (And they have pretty pictures. And videos. And they can make the little heart of any scrapbook lover go pitter patter. Which is all just part of the whole “being awesome” thing.)

cherinspirations.blo Cheri Piles is the author of Cherinspirations. On her blog she shares a lot of great ideas! There are also video turtorials on her site. She will tell you what products she used and how she made these creations so you too can make them too.

t e r e s a c o l l i n s. t y p e p a d . c o m Theresa Collins has a timeless style and chic appeal. She has great 12x12 designs, diecuts, and cricut designs you can purchase. She also shows you fun ideas and layouts with all of her products. You may have seen Thersea on HSN, DIY Network, or Good Things Utah.

39 I loved looking at all of Donna’s ideas! (I’m also quite jealous of her awesome, just finished, studio.) On Wednesdays Donna includes a how-to video so that you make the same amazing projects.

y. c o m w w w . c r i c u t h o l i d aif you do make

sure Well ? ut ic cr a n ow u Do yo will Ever yday Cricut. You , og bl y’s Jo t ou k you chec ver even cricut in ways you ne learn how to use your dreamed of.

w w w.w ri te c li c k

s c ra

p b o o k .c o m Are you looking for insipiration? Th is is the place. It is Tina, Marnie a nd Elizabeth’s m ission to provide ideas and inspira tion for all your scrappy needs. (On their blog th ey have a finish ed page with a dog in clothes. And now that I know I’m not th only person that e scrapbooks my d ogs dressed up, pretty much love I them.)

h t t p : / / a l i e d w a r d s. c o m

Ali is the author of the aliedwards blog. She has written 4 books all about scrapbooking. She also has a popular column in a magazine you scrapbookers may have heard of, “Creating Keepsakes”. Not only has she had workshops in this country of the US of A, but also internationally, and online. So basically Ali has it going on.


Miss Delacourt Has Her Day

is the latest delightfully entertaining novel from author Heidi Ashworth.


. . f o s e iv h c r a e h t m o r f • h t t p : / / d i a l m f o r m i n k y. c o m

Does Dun k i n’ D o n u t s c o u n t a s exe r c i s e ? Fe b r u a r y 2 4 , 2 0 1 0

Everyday I go to the gym. Monday through Friday I get The King all ready and we head out to to play. And how I love the one hour of working out and watching something other than that blasted Dora! I love it. And I truly am digging the rag tag group that I see at the gym on the daily. I can always count on Bath Towel Turban man to make a silly joke before he hops on the bike. (Oh yes, he wraps a bath towel around his head and somehow manages to tie it in a bow. I’ve NO idea how this happens, I mean how tiny is his head? I wouldn’t know, I’ve never seen it sans towel.) There are of course, 20 or so moms like me, sporting yoga pants and hoodies, bringing their kids decked out in gymboree finery to play with all the wonderful toys. NBA Guy who is always there…always. If I go at night after Max goes to bed, there he is. Early morning, there he is. Noon? There he is. He is either stalking me or living at the gym. But my very favorite of all my fellow workout companions is Combover Guy, he’s 75 if he’s a day, hair dyed a brilliant warm auburn and combed over, he always sports a wife beater, short shorts with knee socks, black tennies and he runs like the wind on the treadmill every morning for no less than 1.5 hours. I couldn’t do that if my life depends on it. Running, I mean. I can certainly dye my hair and comb it over whilst wearing a wife beater. It wouldn’t be pretty, but I could manage. Today the mood in the gym was decidedly grumpy and I couldn’t quite figure out why! That is until I hooked into an episode of Los Vegas and began climbing those Random Hills on ye olde elliptical machine (Dear whoever invented the elliptical, marry me?) I climbed and watched and perhaps even laughed out loud a time or two at the show and wait – what is that? What is this happening in the manager’s office? His office is, of course, facing the workout floor and comprised of huge glass windows. There he is. happy as can be feet propped up with a whole Domino’s pizza and huge box of Dunkin’ Donuts. And he is eating. A piece of pizza. A donut. Alternating savory and sweet… seriously if looks could kill he would have been instantly incinerated as he watched the little tv in his office and ingested 20,000 of the most envied calories ever. Butthead. (LENT!) I shared a grumpy look with Combover Guy and we pressed on, silently resolving to do as the manager says and not as he does. Butt.head.


Our Sponsors whom we love with all of our little hearts

My Domestic Design

Mormon Mommy Blogs

Declutter Your Life

Jared’s Little Corner

Green Jello with Carrots

Local Community Hot Spots

Casual Blogger Network is a dynamic group of blogs that are geared towards women. We use a combination of several social media platforms to actively engage with our audience. Our network is comprised of five main sites: Mormon Mommy Blogs, Leelou Blogs, Green Jello with Carrots, Casual Blogger Community, and Local Community HotSpots. When you work with the Casual Blogger Network, you are building connections with Social Media Savvy Bloggers. Our bloggers help generate authentic conversations about your brand throughout the web. Our bloggers have a powerful voice that will have a tremendous impact on the visibility of your company. w w w . c a s u a l b l o g g e r n e t w o r k . c o m

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