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Service Center
City of Leavenworth, Kansas General Fund Adopted Budget January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023 Service Center Division
Miscellaneous Revenue 1101 01490 Motor Fuel Tax Refund 1101 01490 Other - Miscellaneous 1101 01490 Trans From Streets Fund 1101 01490 Trans From Refuse Fund Total Miscellaneous Revenue
Total Revenue
5870 5899 5904 5944
Personal Services 1101 01490 Full Time 1101 01490 Overtime 1101 01490 Part Time 1101 01490 Longevity 1101 01490 FICA Exp 1101 01490 Health Insurance 6101 6102 6104 6107 6108 6110
1101 01490 KPERS Exp 1101 01490 Worker's Compensation 1101 01490 Unemployment Insurance 1101 01490 Sick Leave Reimbursement
6111 6116 6120 6122 1101 01490 Vacation Leave Reimbursement 6123 Total Personal Services
Contractual Services 1101 01490 Electricity 1101 01490 Natural Gas 1101 01490 Telephone 1101 01490 Cable & Internet 1101 01490 Network Connectivity 1101 01490 Registration 1101 01490 Classified Advertising 1101 01490 Dues Memberships & Subs 1101 01490 Pest Control Services 1101 01490 Janitorial Services 1101 01490 Printing/Copying Services 1101 01490 Other Professional Services 1101 01490 Equipment Rental Exp 1101 01490 Uniform Rental 6201 6202 6206 6208 6209 6403 6451 6601 6612 6614 6617 6699 6702 6704
Service Center Detail Budget 2021 Actual 2022 Budget 2023 Budget
(90) -
(90)$ (90)$ Notes
30,097 424 2,274 9,424 2,825 273 30 924
33,826 2,588 12,579 3,339 528 34 -
35,200 1 full-time employee: Inventory Parts Clerk (1) 400 16,910 1 part-time employee: Admin Clerk (0.5) 130 4,030 21,620 4,690 50 50 -
21,665 39,284 9,002 53 392 1,236 14,821 2,269 29,925 11,970 6,883 4,700 170 1,097 22,444 45 1,995 1,668 29,930 17,300 3,830 land lines 50 Cable TV (separated from Telephone in 2023) 6,120 WiFi and Network (separated from Telephone in 2023) 5,000 registration cost for training. 200 Fuel license, and annual fees 1,300 Spray once a month 21,800 cleaning the service center 100 items that require professional printing 2,400 job advertisement -
City of Leavenworth, Kansas General Fund Adopted Budget January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023 Service Center Division
1101 01490 Building/Grounds M&R 1101 01490 Office Equipment M&R 1101 01490 Vehicle M&R 1101 01490 Other Equipment M&R Total Contractual Services 6802 6852 6861 6899
Commodities 1101 01490 Office Supplies 1101 01490 Protective/Safety Apparel 1101 01490 Food 7001 7102 7201
1101 01490 General Medical Supplies
7252 1101 01490 Building/Grounds Materials 7301 1101 01490 Diesel Fuel 7303
1101 01490 Vehicular Repair Parts 1101 01490 Safety Materials 1101 01490 Tools 7306 7314 7317
1101 01490 Janitorial Supplies 1101 01490 Other Operating Supplies 1101 01490 Non-Cap Software 7319 7399 7405
1101 01490 Non-Cap IT Equipment
7406 1101 01490 Non-Cap Telephone Equipment 7613 1101 01490 Non-Cap Other Equipment 7699
Total Commodities
Total Expenditures Revenue minus Expenditures Service Center Detail Budget 2021 Actual 2022 Budget 2023 Budget
12,233 10,000 30,000
Overdue building repairs. Need to complete some ceiling for noise reduction and to reduce cost of heat and air conditioning
1 280
499 998
500 UTV repairs and maintenance 1,000 air conditioning filters, light bulbs, door fobs, and other misc. items
3,042 100 151 2,072 686 74 158 135 200 352 56 -
7,026$ 154,533$ (154,623)$
1,995 648 4,788 249 200 249 788 2,334 -
11,251$ 156,539$ (156,539)$
3,200 copy paper, toner, paper, pens, files, and office equipment replacement 2,500 increase to 2,500 to cover the public works luncheon in the spring. 700 first aid supplies, AED batteries, pads, and rubber gloves 4,500 air conditioning maintenance, minor repairs to doors, windows, & fixtures. 900 back up generator for the service center in case of power outages 200 generator service and maintenance 250 kitchen soap, hand cleaner, and floor cleaners (degreasers) 300 coffee supplies for employees and guests for meetings 250 software updates -