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Refuse Disposal
City of Leavenworth, Kansas Refuse Fund Adopted Budget January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023 Refuse Disposal Division
Intergovernmental Revenue 4344 44570 State Grants Total Intergovernmental Revenue
Charges for Services 4344 44570 Landfill Collections 4344 44570 Sale of Recyclables Total Charges for Services
Miscellaneous Revenue 4344 44570 Insurance Proceeds 4344 44570 Motor Fuel Tax Refund 4344 44570 Other - Miscellaneous Total Miscellaneous Revenue
Total Revenue
5407 5556
5865 5870 5899
Personal Services 4344 44570 Full Time 4344 44570 Overtime 4344 44570 Part Time 4344 44570 Longevity 4344 44570 FICA Exp 4344 44570 Health Insurance 6101 6102 6104 6107 6108 6110
4344 44570 KPERS Exp 4344 44570 Worker's Compensation 4344 44570 Unemployment Insurance 4344 44570 Sick Leave Reimbursement
6111 6116 6120 6122 4344 44570 Vacation Leave Reimbursement 6123 4344 44570 Pension Expense 4344 44570 OPEB Expense Total Personal Services 6150 6157
Contractual Services 4344 44570 Electricity 4344 44570 Water 4344 44570 Telephone 4344 44570 Postage 4344 44570 Cable & Internet 6201 6203 6206 6207 6208
Refuse Disposal Detail Budget 2021 Actual 2022 Budget 2023 Budget
22,873 7,823
13,000 6,000
23,300 8,600
27,090 733 30
27,853$ 60,423$
-$ 19,000$
800 -
800$ 32,700$ Notes
23,400 2,558 13,195 2,848 9,446 3,549 1,749 37 (1,369) 212
27,708 4,825 13,286 3,505 12,845 4,522 2,215 46 -
28,400 1 full-time employee: Brush Site Operator (1) 2,700 13,610 1 part-time employee: Recycling Monitor (0.5) 20 3,420 250 3,980 2,160 40 -
1,322 254 2,212 1,300 275 1,250 1,400 300 780 Brush site phone and internet for cameras 1,320 Internet & WiFi (separated from Telephone in 2023)
City of Leavenworth, Kansas Refuse Fund Adopted Budget January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023 Refuse Disposal Division
4344 44570 Classified Advertising 4344 44570 Other Professional Services 4344 44570 Equipment Rental Exp 4344 44570 Other Rental 4344 44570 Building/Grounds M&R 4344 44570 Vehicle M&R 4344 44570 Software Maintenance 4344 44570 Other Equipment M&R 4344 44570 Other Operating Expenses Total Contractual Services 6451 6699 6702 6799 6802 6861 6862 6899 6917
Commodities 4344 44570 Office Supplies 4344 44570 Protective/Safety Apparel
7001 7102 4344 44570 Building/Grounds Materials 7301 4344 44570 Gasoline 7302
4344 44570 Diesel Fuel 7303
4344 44570 Oil/Grease/Lubricants 4344 44570 Gravel/Sand 7304 7310
4344 44570 Safety Materials
7314 4344 44570 Equipment/Motor Repair Parts 7315 4344 44570 Tools 7317
4344 44570 Janitorial Supplies 4344 44570 Other Operating Supplies Total Commodities
Total Expenditures Revenue minus Expenditures
7319 7399
Refuse Disposal Detail Budget 2021 Actual 2022 Budget 2023 Budget Notes
654 259 1,151 3,184 644 -
700 4,000 1,000 1,000 250 17,362 12,600 -
700 Job postings 4,000 Tub grinding for brush pile. Oil recycling 1,000 N/A 2,400 Brush/recycling porta-potties 250 Fence/gate repairs 6,000 Skid steer, recycling compactor 700 Brush site camera program State grant funds to fix/restore recycling boxes Traffic cones
72 156 214 898 52 367
1,759$ 67,062$ (6,638)$
250 100 100 360 3,000 275 750 350
5,185$ 113,874$ (94,874)$
250 Brush site receipts 100 Personal protective equipment 200 Signage and weed killer 360 Gas for lawnmower at Recycling Center 3,000 Diesel for skid steer 650 Pole saws/chain saws and blades 400 Burn materials, other misc. items