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Vehicle Replacement Program Information Technology
Capital Improvements Program 2023 - 2027 Vehicle Replacement Program
This allocation provides funding for the Enterprise Vehicle Lease Program. Starting in 2022, all new automobiles, SUVs, and pick-up trucks will be obtained through the Enterprise Vehicle Lease Program. The City received its first leased vehicles in June 2022, therefore the allocation is an estimated amount that will be updated as more information becomes available.
Sales tax Sales tax Sales tax Sales tax Sales tax
Various Various Various Various Various
Uses Comments
Vehicle lease payments (net of vehicle sale proceeds) Vehicle lease payments (net of vehicle sale proceeds) Vehicle lease payments (net of vehicle sale proceeds) Vehicle lease payments (net of vehicle sale proceeds) Vehicle lease payments (net of vehicle sale proceeds)
Police SUVs, pick-up trucks, animal control van Police SUVs, pick-up trucks Police SUVs, pick-up trucks Police SUVs, pick-up trucks Police SUVs, pick-up trucks
Year Requested Projected
$ 1,450,000 $ 1,450,000
Year Requested Projected
$ 1,450,000 $ 1,450,000
P arks st aff use truc ks t o transp o rt e quipm e nt t o maint ain the

Ve h ic le L e ase d fro m Ent e rprise