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Trash Talk: Survey launched to gauge public feedback on trash, recycling
May 24, 2022 | City of Leavenworth Public Information Office
The City of Leavenworth has formed a Solid Waste Citizens Task Force to evaluate options for residential trash pickup. To help with the research, the Task Force and City staff have launched an online survey to gauge public feedback about City services. Currently, the City of Leavenworth operates its own trash pickup service. There are no polycarts and virtually no limit on the number of bags or items that can be placed on the curb. In 2021, staffing shortages led to some challenges in gathering trash from local routes. Additionally, staff frequently encounter large piles of trash like the one shown. Brian Faust, Public Works Director, briefed the City Commission on the need to re-evaluate how trash pickup service is completed. Staff leadership and city officials acknowledged that trash pickup remains one of the most popular services. Because the City of Leavenworth conducts its own trash pickup using City staff, the City has more flexibility in what we pick up. However, it also means that staff spend a lot of extra time picking up large piles of trash left at residential homes. A task force helps ensure that possible changes, if any, reflect what residents would like to see in their trash pickup services moving forward. Topics discussed by the Task Force include: - How the Recycling Center is operated. - Whether there is public support for a system that would require trash pickup in polycarts. - Whether there should be a limit on the amount of trash pickup. - Whether there would be support for an updated trash pickup system, even if it cost additional fees for the public. - Support for the ongoing trash bag distribution program.
In 2021 and 2022, there have also been challenges in high prices and lack of vendor interest in the City's trash bag program. For this program, the City of Leavenworth uses the fees paid on residential trash to help pay for rolls of trash bags, which are then distributed to the Leavenworth community twice a year. The local Lions Club recruits teams of volunteers to help distribute the trash bags, and the funds they earn from the City of Leavenworth for this work are then used to support their charitable efforts. Additional rolls of trash bags are available for sale in the City Clerk's office for $7 throughout the year. Ongoing challenges because of inflation and supplychain issues have increased costs significantly. The Task Force and City staff don't have a specific agenda for changing anything regarding City trash services -- we are simply looking for ways to improve the process and help residential trash pick up run more smoothly. The survey is on the City website home page under "Survey available for citizen feedback on trash and recycling services" or go to https://www. surveymonkey.com/r/7DQRM86. The survey is available until June 17.