6 minute read
Trash Talk: 2023 to bring updated City of Leavenworth trash service
The City of Leavenworth has a Solid Waste Division that collects trash from customers on a weekly basis. Starting in the summer of 2023, single-family residences will receive a trash cart provided by the City for the purpose of trash collection.
City staff and elected officials heard positive feedback regarding the use of trash carts from our residents and other municipalities, and are looking forward to a cleaner and more efficient trash collection service. Our community-based Solid Waste Citizens Task Force and the City Commission have led the way in discussions about how best to update the City's trash collection service. We understand there will be many questions about the change in service. Our staff are here to help.
What if I don’t want to use a trash cart? You do not have to use a trash cart. Residents can choose whether to use the trash cart or trash bags. In the spring, you will receive a flyer about the new trash carts. If you would like to opt out of the trash cart system and continue to use trash bags, follow the instructions on the flyer. There will be an opt-out website available for residents who do not wish to receive a trash cart, or wish to receive a trash cart in a smaller size. Starting in 2023, all trash must be contained in bags or the new trash carts. See our Large Item Trash policy (below) or call the Municipal Service Center at 913-682-0650 to schedule a Large Item Trash pickup for items that cannot be contained.
What should I do if I am interested in using a trash cart? You do not need to do anything. You will receive a flyer in the spring with information. This program is optout, so each residence who chooses not to opt out will receive a trash cart.
How will the City of Leavenworth pay for the new trash cart program? The initial purchase of trash carts and modifications needed to our existing trash trucks are funded through the American Rescue Plan Act. There are no additional user fees associated with the initial purchase of carts or the modification of the existing trash trucks.
When will I receive my trash cart? Delivery is expected in the summer of 2023. We will have more detailed information on City of Leavenworth social media and the website as this program progresses.
Is the cart the property of the City of Leavenworth or the residence? The cart is the property of the City of Leavenworth. Please do not take the trash cart with you when you move to a different address. The City is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the carts. However, the city will charge owners or occupants a fee for any necessary repair or replacement because of the owner’s or occupant’s abuse, misuse or neglect of the cart. The replacement fee for each cart is commensurate with the cost of replacement.
What will the trash carts look like? The trash carts are a lightweight fabricated material with a lid, large wheels and handlebars that make the carts easy to move. Two sizes will be available.
I live on a crowded street with lots of parallel parking. How will I fit my trash cart? Carts are to be kept near a garage or primary residence. On trash collection day, you would wheel the cart and place at the edge of the street. This can be at or near your driveway.
What can I put in the trash cart? All regular household trash can be placed in the cart. The City requests that items like concrete, bricks and dirt not be placed into the cart as their weight may damage the cart. Household trash should be bagged and placed into the trash cart. Loose items, like a pizza box or small scraps of wood, can be placed into the cart without bags.
What if I need more than one trash cart? If you require additional trash to be picked up, the City will continue to pick up trash placed in bags, in addition to the carts.
Can I leave my trash cart at the street during the week? No, the carts should not be left at the curb until 24 hours prior to the day of collection. Please return the cart to within approximately 3 to 5 feet of your residence on the same day trash is collected.
Will the City continue to deliver trash bags? The City of Leavenworth is ending its trash bag delivery program. A dramatic rise in cost of trash bags was a major factor in the City’s decision to conclude the program. Trash bags can still be purchased at the City Clerk’s office at Leavenworth City Hall, 100 N. Fifth Street. Trash bags are $7 per roll. Available only while supplies last.
The City of Leavenworth strongly encourages recycling to help reduce the amount of trash in your daily trash pickup and in the local landfill. The Recycling Center is selfservice drop-off at 1720 Lawrence Avenue and open 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
New: Updated Large Item pickup for the City of Leavenworth
Large Item Trash: The City is no longer picking up piles of trash or debris left at the curbside that are not bagged. Please contact the City’s Municipal Service Center in advance to schedule a Large Item pick-up, 913-682-0650. Large items are picked up Fridays. Residents should call before noon Thursdays to get on the Friday list.
Large items include the following:
- Mattresses and box springs
- Furniture
- Bicycles
- Large grills, yard mowers and yard appliances that are drained of fluid
- Riding mowers
- Metal items or kitchen appliances (empty of debris or food)
- Anything weighing more than 60 pounds. Large items should be on the curb by 7 a.m. Friday morning the day of scheduled pick-up. Please leave Large Item Trash a few feet away from vehicles parked on the street. Try to leave items away from power lines. Residential addresses in the City of Leavenworth are limited to one large item pickup per month per year, totaling 12 pick-ups per year. Limit 2 items per scheduled pickup please. The City of Leavenworth does not pick up commercial construction debris.
As a reminder, the City is no longer picking up piles of trash or debris left at the curbside that are not bagged.

The Solid Waste Division team receives some of the most positive citizen feedback in the City of Leavenworth. Residents have let us know that they appreciate a City-led trash collection system. The new trash collection style is not intended to change our staffing.

For many years, the Solid Waste Division team picked up piles of trash like these left along the curb in 2022. While a popular service, whole-house clean-outs like these contributed to slower collection times for the entire City and additional safety risks for staff.

Keep our trash crews safe by using "sharps" containers. Needles and sharp items can be disposed in a container like the one shown above, or a plastic laundry soap dispenser or other hardsided container. Needles should never be placed directly into trash bags or the trash carts.
Keep our trash crews safe by using "sharps" containers. Needles and sharp items can be disposed in a container like the one shown above, or a plastic laundry soap dispenser or other hardsided container. Needles should never be placed directly into trash bags or the trash carts.