From Scratch Magazine June/July 2015

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From Scratch Everything beekeeping





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Some people are always grumbling because Roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have Roses. -Alphonse Karr FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


Contributors CHRIS MCLAUGHLIN Associate Editor Laughing Crow Company

Steven Jones Editor



CAROL J. ALEXANDER Homeschool Editor/ Everything with Carol

Melissa Jones Publisher

Click here for more info The 1550 SPORTSMAN HATCHER incubator is designed to provide optimal hatching conditions. Unlike setting incubators, hatchers usually operate at slightly different temperature and humidity settings to obtain optimum hatch. With five hatching drawers, the 1550 Hatcher will hold the complete setting of the 1500 incubator. For expanding operations, the 1550 can be matched with up to three 1500 incubators. The 1550 can be used to set eggs, but each egg will have to be turned by hand.



Letter from the Editor I’m not entirely sure what I’m If you decide to try and live your doing now. While summer is still life with some sort of awareness a ways away -- officially -- at my of the rhythms of nature, you’re house and farmstead, it’s full on. in the same boat. This is the Right now I’ve got about a hun- time of year when the flowers dred or so eggplants to trans- start blooming, the bees start plant, Lord knows how much buzzing and the harvests start squash and I am currently trying coming in. to increase the amount of land we farm, like some sort of sim- That means there’s canning pleton, I might add. and freezing coming down the tracks like a freight train of work, On top of farm related tasks, I it’s time to start fighting the inhave the work I do for this mag- sects and diseases that hit your azine, the work I do for my local garden and you’ve probably farmer’s market, attempt to keep got a ton of work in the housea home with my wife (and help hold that languishes because of from my wonderful inlaws, who all that other stuff you’re dealwe are blessed to have with us) ing with. and homeschool the children. On top of all this, Summer is the These are the times that try time when things just HAPPEN: men’s souls. Or something like Babies get born, festivals are that. I cannot remember the line underway, Farmer’s Markets are and am honestly too busy to hopping, pastures are being exlook it up. panded, life is just going nuts! But, here’s the secret: It’s all goDo not mistake this as a call ing to be OK. for sympathy: It’s not. It’s just a Fact is, for us, and I’m pretty statement of fact. sure for most of you, being overFROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE



Steven and Oliver FATHER AND SON TEAM whelmed in the summer time, So enjoy it. Don’t worry. Winter where all that extra daylight gets will be here before you know it, put to good and proper use, and then you will be itching to is just part of the fun of home- get something going and won’t know what to do with all that steading. time you have because the snow Sure, it’d be easy to have a 9-to- and ice are keeping you cooped 5 life and nothing more, but up. who wants that? We got into this lifestyle because we wanted This Summer, just try and do more, and while all of us have good, productive work, take day jobs -- and sometimes night good care of yourself and your jobs -- we all dream of doing family and don’t get stressed something a little bit different. because you aren’t the next And that means summer time is Joel Salatin (or Martha Stewart, going to be hectic and stressful or whatever). and busy and more than a little You don’t have to be. You’re doing fine, I promise. fun.



the bee issue That which is not good for the bee-hive cannot be good for the bees. - Marcus Aurelius FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE




IN THIS what to do with ISSUE all that honey

top hive beekeeping farmhouse 38 kitchen reno



trayer wilderness

heart opening rose

raising chickens Carol’s Canning Tips

hugelkultur dad germanhomestead raised beds FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


photos from our readers

Photos from Lizzy Lou’s Family Farm FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE




farm house


kate richards












fter six years, eleven months, and a few days, the Farmhouse38 kitchen is officially finished. Finished, except for a range hood, but that’s just me splitting hairs.

107-year-old houses weren’t really built with ‘open-concept’ in mind.

It was immediately apparent to us that we wanted to take it down, not only for better flow, but also for general aesthetics. Imagine our surprise when, while figuring out whether the wall was load bearing or not, we discovered that it was actuOh, the memories…Originally, ally nothing more than a sheet the kitchen was separated from of plywood covered in wallpathe dining room/living room per. It was essentially a prop wall from a middle school play. area by a wall, seeing as how FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE




We were so excited for demolition day. Tearing down unwanted walls is nothing short of a revelation. It was our first real look at how the space was going to end up. It was also the moment when we looked Seriously, whoever thought faux around and wondered how we, brick was a good look? And or the house, were ever going because the kitchen was built in to be clean again. Drywall folpre-refrigerator days, the fridge lowed shortly. So did the mojust kind of hung out awkwardly ment when we stopped worrying about the house ever being in the middle of the room in clean, and started worrying everybody’s way. The kitchen itself wasn’t built much better. What it lacked in counter and cabinet space, it more than made up for in copious amounts of faux brick paneling.





specifically about never being able to rid the place of drywall dust. We are still finding it.

placed with happy beadboard cut on the diagonal and pieced together to form a zig-zag/ chevron pattern. I was pining for soapstone countertops, but since our budget was having no part of it, our contractor buddy helped us pour concrete ones to look like soapstone. We tinted it dark and left it pretty imperfect with a honed finish. It wound up looking pretty soapstoney, if I do say so myself.

The new kitchen, obviously, needed some reconfiguring. First, and foremost, it needed to be bigger, and so we absorbed the bleak room beyond it (maybe it was a dining room? We are still scratching our heads), and vaulted the ceilings. We gained a lot more storage and counter space overall, but most especially on Light was an issue in the old the wall opposite the new sink. space, so we added double Now, not only is there room French doors to the end of the for a nice, shiny, fridge, but new kitchen. Not only do they a range, microwave, multiple brighten the space, they lead pantries, and even an appliance out to a deck that houses our garage (I didn’t even know this ten foot long farmhouse dining was a thing, but, oh yes, yes table. Since our house is small I do adore having a place to and we don’t have a real dining park my small appliances). And room (or since we…er…might let’s talk about that sink for a have removed it), our deck moment…my glorious, humon- serves as our Southern Califorgous, beautifully functional nia-approved al-fresco dining farmhouse sink. It is straight out room. of my farmhouse dreams. Suffice it to say, we are loving I had always wanted a bright, having a nice, big, open, airy, white kitchen, and so, of FINISHED kitchen. It only took course, we upgraded all the just shy of seven years to get finishes in the room. The dark here! Now, if I could just find a pink faux brick is long gone, re- darned range hood.



Essential Oils feel better with natural solutions FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


the herbal homestead No commitments. just 100% pure certified therapeutic grade essential oils for home and health. find out how you can incorporate essential oils into your life with a free personal essential oil consultation. Just visit for your personalized report.



American Made tough as nails denim overalls. These will last a lifetime. Zace - $259 It gets so hot when you are working in the fields. This bandana will keep you cool. Amazon $15.16



gifts for dad Waterproof. Mudproof and easy to slip on Wolverine Boots Amazon - $102.20

Gorilla Cart to haul those little loads Amazon - $129 FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


the homestead father He is the rock. The carpenter. The cowboy. The Animal wrangler. The farmer. the botanist. The harvester. He is the mechanic. He lights the fire and chops the wood. His never leaves the house without his pocket knife. He is committed to providing a different way of living for his family. He is eager to learn and try new things. He is the love of his wife’s life and a shining example for his children. He is the first person that people go to when they need help. He is the first one there and the last one to leave. HIs heart and determination is what keeps the homestead going. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE




Melissa’s Picks bee happy

Honeybees hold a special place in my heart - it helps that “Melissa” is the Greek word for honeybe.


Wax seals! Honey Bee Ring HappyGoLicky - $58

Vintage Honey Bee Watch10northcreative - $14 FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE

I love embroidery. I love jewlery. This is both! - bstudio $35

Save the bees! - hairbrainedschemes- $15


Handmade Goat Milk BeeswaxArtisanBathandBody - $7.50 Reclaimed Glass Honeybeewesternartglass - $78

Queen Bee (that’s me) coffee spoon- MilkandHoneyLuxuries $14 No more losing needles, Needle Minder- thecottageneedle - $4.75

You’ll be my Sunny Day I’ll be your Shade Tree You be my honey suckle I’ll be your honey bee FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


Save the Bees by: steven jones




ees are arguably the most important insect to humans.

One of the only two insects domesticated by humans (the other is the silkworm), bees have been part of human history since the beginning of civilization. Hieroglyphs and images from Egypt and Babylon depict beekeepers at work. And while most of those early beekeepers raised bees primarily for honey, their help in pollinating crops was quickly realized and utilized. As of now, bees are responsible for creating millions of tons of food for humans all over the world. But, now, with heavy pesticide use and genetic dead ends threatening bees with extinction, beekeepers and bees need our help. Here’s the Top 5 ways anyone can pitch in and help protect these precious insects: FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


1-Plant a garden

ral ways to fight insect pests: Companion planting, essential Really, any kind of garden will oils, etc. Many natural remedies do. Bees collect pollen and are just as effective, some more nectar from flowers to make honey and beeswax. The more so, as “mainstream” solutions diverse the better. Rodale has a for pest problems in the garden great list of plants that bees will and home. If you have to use love. And considering that bees pesticides, look for organic pestravel for miles for a good food ticides with a low risk of harming beneficial insects. And use source, even a few containers them at dusk. By spraying your can help. And you can grow some great flowers and veggies garden at dusk, you reduce the chance of bees (which bed in the process, which will help down for the night in the late brighten your life immensely. afternoon) of coming into contact with the chemicals.

2- Buy food free from pesticides

By buying local, organic food, you’ll support the farmers that don’t use pesticides. Pesticides have been flagged as a killer of bees and a probable cause of colony collapse disorder. By supporting those farmers who avoid pesticides, you help reduce the chance of bees inadvertently ingesting those deadly chemicals.

3-Don’t use pesticides

While you’re at it, why not cut back on your own pesticide use as well? In your garden, in your home, wherever, look for natuFROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE

4-Buy local honey

Buying local honey means you’re supporting local beekeepers, the very people working to keep bees alive. Local honey means you’ll have more beekeepers in more parts of the world, which reduces the impact of disease epidemics on bee populations. It helps with allergies, too!

5-Keep bees

Even a small backyard hive will add to the overall bee population. The more bees in the world, the less of a chance a disease or environmental


disaster will wipe out bees. Think about it: If -- God forbid -- an event kills 90 percent of the world’s bees, there’s a better chance of a recovery if you kill 90 percent of a million bees, versus 90 percent of a

thousand bees. Bottom line, the more bees we have in the world, the better we’ll be able to keep them around. You’ll wind up with a great hobby with a great payoff -- honey!





tools that make gardening easy

perfect for father’s day





Beekeeping Everything you need to know to get started by:Amber Bradshaw



10 Questions to ask BEFORE you get started If you are remotely interested in sustainable living or homesteading, chances are you have toyed with the idea of beekeeping. And why wouldn’t you? You love honey, you need bees to pollinate your plants in order to grow food, and who doesn’t appreciate making a little Do-Re-Mi on the side? If you ask me, it would be silly NOT to want to be a bee keeper. BUT (and this is a large BUT) there are, in fact, many reasons why you shouldn’t keep bees and many things to consider before you grab your butterfly net and start climbing trees to catch a swarm.

1. Is it legal in your city/town to own bees? Do you live in a HOA? If it’s against the law, research ways you can make an appeal, educate others, start a petition, and see if you can get the law changed for your area. I see too many people that buy bees regardless of the laws then end up being forced to re-home them, fined, and even sued. Avoid this by knowing your rights beforehand. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


2. Is any member in your family allergic to bees? It is still possible to own bees if you have allergies but extra safety precautions need to be taken.

3. Does your homeowners insurance allow it? Ask before getting bees and inquire about adding additional liability in case of accidental stings.

4. Do you have a location out of high traffic areas? Bees like to stay high and dry with a wind break and protection from the elements; boggy, wet areas should be avoided.

5. Can you provide a water source? A beehive can drink up to a liter of water a day. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


6. How close are your neighbors? Will the bees bother them? You always want to keep your neighbors in mind when pursuing your homesteading dreams.

7. Is there a nectar source within 3 miles? Bees will fly up to 3-5 miles away in search of nectar but will visit thousands of nectar sources in order to make that liquid gold. Chances are, you will not be able to provide enough nectar/pollen on your property to provide the bee with what they require.

8. Will you have time? Bees are relativity low maintenance but they do require monthly inspection & check-ups, several hours during honey extraction, regular feeding, watering and adding frames/boxes.



9. Can you afford it? There are ways to become a frugal beekeeper, However, the average person will not have access to, or the ability to, go the frugal route and the start-up cost can be pretty hefty, so this may be something you will want to save for

10. How Many Hives Do you Want? I ‘thought’ I wanted one; I was informed I wanted two. Why two? So you have something to compare your hive to. If you’ve never seen a failing hive how would you know when to recognize the warning signs unless you had a healthy hive to compare it to? • If your queen dies and you need to merge hives. Accidents happen and life happens, or in this case death. Ordering a queen bee is not always easy or affordable ($30.00 and up + shipping for one queen) and combining colonies may be the best choice for you at the moment to avoid losing a hive altogether • Weak colonies. Combining a weak colony with a strong colony is sometimes needed for the survival of your hive. • Double the honey. With all of the beekeepers in the beekeeping course and the hundreds of years of combined experience, not once did I ever hear “I have too much honey”, you will never have too much honey FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


Click here for more info



everything you need to start a dairy

Stainless Steel Pail Milkplan Chillers / Holding Tanks

Cream Separator

Butter Churn

Stainless Steel Pasteurizer

Hand Butter Churn

Jaybee Precision produces products that are perfect for your farm based business. If you have a larger dairy you can go big by buying a machine that can handle 30 gallons of milk or juice, or you can purchase a four gallon machine perfect for small farmsteads. That doesn’t include the other products: Cream separators, butter churns, chillers -- even buckets. All of these products are high quality and built to last. Vat Pasteurizer allows any size farm to produce dairy products up to the USDA specifications, which means every farmer or homesteader can compete in just about every market. Buying products from this company is an investment in the future of your dairy, creamery or farm related business. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


harvestin honey without a extracto

by: Ashley hetric



an or




s a small scale beekepper, you’ve already made a sizable investment in equipment to be used throughout the growing season. From hives and frames to bees and protective equipment your first year has already set you back a few hundred dollars. Honey extractors, used only once per year, can add several more hundred to that total. There are other ways to enjoy the fruits of your and your bee’s labor without adding extra cost. The first option is un-extracted or cut comb honey. Comb honey was popular around the turn of the century (1900) before commercial honey extraction equipment became widely available, and before 1906 when the Pure Food and Drug Act came into effect. Consumers worried that extracted honey would have been diluted with some other sugar syrup, and comb honey was a way to ensure that it had come direct from the source. With adulterated honey coming in China starting in 2011, it’s clear that the Pure Food Act isn’t a one stop cure for honey tampering, and being a beekeeper or knowing your beekeeper is a better option. These days, people are confused as to what to do with cut comb honey. Old timers will tell you it’s best eaten on toast or straight off the spoon like candy, wax and all. The wax imparts a unique flavor to the honey, absorbing and holding different flavors from the flowers in the region just like the honey itself. Modern cooks get more adventurous with it. According to the Food Network article on how to use comb honey: FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


spring honey harvest



“Honeycomb can go places honey can’t. While drizzling honey over a salad seems odd, topping a salad with crumbled goat cheese and hunks of honeycomb is a simply heavenly way to eat more vegetables. Honeycomb also has a completely different texture than liquid honey. It’s nothing like chewing on a candle. Rather, the wax gives the honey a pleasant body, transforming it from something merely absorbed by the other ingredients into something that stands on its own to contrast and enliven the rest of the dish.” (Source: FoodNetwork)


ands down, cut comb You’ll need a large bowl, colanhoney is the least labor der, fine mesh strainer, wooden intensive way of enjoy- spoon and large pot. If you’re ing honey. All you’ll feeling ambitious, you can also need is a knife to cut the comb. use cheesecloth to do a final Keep in mind though, this can strain, but it’s not strictly necesonly be done with wax founda- sary. tion or foundation less frames, no plastic allowed. Start by cutting the comb into chunks into the colander over For those of you who are stuck a large bowl. Use the wooden on liquid honey, there is another spoon to crush the comb, stirway. Crushing and draining the ring to make sure every cell comb is remarkable effective, is broken. At this point you’ll and results in clean pure raw already see honey pouring out honey with minimal equipment. through the colander, and within an hour the comb will be FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


Chunk honey

strained chunk honey FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


filtering honey virtually empty. The warmer the to cool before removing your space, the better your results. wax brick. The honey below will Around 90 degrees is optimal have lost some of its flavor comto allow the honey to flow, but plexity and enzymes in the heatis not so warm as to destroy the ing process, but is still perfectly honey enzymes. After the first fine for cooking. strain, pour the honey through a fine mesh strainer and then There are downsides to extractoroptionally cheesecloth before less extracting, both cut comb filling honey containers (mason and crush and strain. While an extractor will allow you to uncap jars work well). the cells and save the comb for The wax that remains once you’ve the bees to reuse, the crush and extracted all your frames can be strain method does not. You placed into a pot and slowly will have to clean your frames heated. Above 150 degrees the and install new foundation after wax will melt and float to the top extraction. This cost is minimal, of the pot, leaving honey below. however, when you compare it to Be careful not to heat above 185 the purchase cost of an extractor degrees, as the wax will discolor. and the storage space a speOnce the wax is melted, remove cialized piece of equipment will the pot from heat and allow it require 364 days per year. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


Click here for more info



Victory Garden Starter Kit™ Includes everything you need to start your own Victory Garden. Throughout history, Victory Gardens have been sown during times of war as a way for folks to both feed their families and to aide in the war effort. Planting a “Victory Garden” has more personal significance in our time. Whatever your reason may be – stretching your grocery budget and saving money, growing pure food for your family’s table or declaring independence from the corporate food chain – planting a garden makes sense. Contained in a decorative gift bag are tried and true varieties suitable for planting a Victory Garden in a wide range of climates.



Bee tips for kids by: Tessa Zundel FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE



ncluding children in your bee before you ever step foot into keeping efforts is a worthy the bee yard. The more chilgoal for any homesteader. dren know about bees, the less The more children know they will fear them. Education about the world of bees and will also increase respect for bee why they’re important to our behavior in children and better food supply, the more likely help them to control their own. they are to respect the bees Be sensitive to children who and their habitat. The child are just plain afraid of bees whose been taught how to be a and don’t force them to pargood steward of the bees is less ticipate in hive maintenance, likely to throw rocks at a hive; a if they’re too nervous at first. child who has been involved in Over time, the fear of 70,000 the honey harvest is less likely stinging insects should abate to grow up and spray noxious, and they’ll become more combee-killing chemicals in their fortable with the idea of bees. There are plenty of bee keeping own gardens. All the same, the idea of how jobs that don’t involve interactto involve children in your bee ing directly with the bees; tasks keeping tasks can seem daunt- such as cleaning and storing ing at first. Rest assured, there equipment, finding smoker fuel, are some simple ways to have helping to process the honey even young children be active and counting all the pollinators in the garden. little apiculturists. Each child should have their own Tips for successful bee bee keeping clothing. There are keeping with kids: Go to the library and check out a few bee keeping supply comevery picture book you can find panies that sell child sized gear on bees and bee keeping. Put now. You can supply your chiltogether a bee puzzle, create a dren with appropriately sized bee lapbook, write a bee report hat and veil, gloves and even together – in short, make a fam- jackets or suits. Do not skip this ily study of the beautiful bee step and assume that you’ll just FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


kids in bee gear keep your young children back open the hive. and away from the hive. They’ll Never, ever, ever, ever work the want to be in on the action and hive with your children without that means being close to the at least one other adult being present. Not only are children bees. Unless each child has their own unpredictable in their needs and full body bee suit, along with actions, so are the bees. This the hat and veil, see that they rule applies to your bee keepwear a thick, long sleeve shirt ing work without children, too; and pants, as well as socks and if you can, always have another closed toe shoes. The socks person with you or nearby as should be pulled up over the you work the hives for safety’s bottom of the pants. FYI, Crocs sake. do NOT count as closed toed Have one large tote or one shelf for everyone’s gear and all the shoes. Ask me how I know. Each child should have a pre- bee keeping equipment. This assigned job. Entering the hive will make it easy for children is work for the people and the to get dressed themselves and bees involved so be as orga- get the tools they’ll need for nized as you can before you their bee job all on their own. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


Nature’s reward

(Always double check your chil- over time and you don’t want to dren’s clothing, though. If they be caught off guard. can get their own gear on, that’s Be sure to fasten on your good great, but an adult should always attitude and a take a healthy check veils are tight, zippers are dose of patience those days zipped and socks are tucked over you work the hive with children. pant cuffs.) Having one place More than anything our children to store all the bee keeping need to know that they’re valued equipment will also make clean members of our family team. up easier as everyone will know They need to hear our generous praise for quality effort. We where everything goes. Always have your favorite sting needn’t worry too much if the remedy of choice on hand. I sug- tasks aren’t accomplished the gest you keep an Epinephrine exact way we would accomplish Auto Injector or Epi Pen on hand, them – the important thing is just in case. It’s a tiny fraction of that our children share in these the population that has a truly experiences with us. It’s the best deathly reaction to bee stings but way to learn! often bee sting allergies develop FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


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Top Bar Be







ur first start in each hive. Everything seemed beekeeping was a to be going well. And then, complete failure. at the end of that first week, We bought two they were all gone. Both hives packages of bees absconded and we were utterand installed them in two top ly devastated. There were no bar hives that my husband built. more bees to buy at that time of We would walk down in the year, so we were out of the bee pasture and look at them every business. day. After a couple of days, we We decided to try again the opened up the hives to see if next year. Our new supplier the queens had been released in advised that with top bar hives, FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


For us, working with bees provides such a euphoric feeling. we should close up the screened Langstroth (Lang) hive. For one, bottom of the hive if it had one we could easily build the top (ours did). Bees like small, dark bar hive ourselves with inexpenspaces - after all they build nests sive materials. This was a pretty in hollowed trees and such in big factor considering we had nature. This time we went with just moved on to our land. And one package of bees and left as anyone who has developed a them completely alone for over homestead from scratch knows, a week. This time they stayed! the upfront expenses are all big We decided early on to use and all cash dependent. There top bar hives rather than a was also no need to buy any FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


This reportedly other special equipment and foundation. no keeping up with and storing also helps with issues of mites multiple sizes of boxes, frames, or other diseases. We were also interested in etc. For us, top bar hives were a having natural honeycomb, as more natural option for our bees opposed to using artificial foun– they kind of mimic a hollowed dation in frames. And we didn’t out log that bees would use in want the expense of buying an nature.The structure and shape extractor to harvest the honey. of the comb built in a top bar Another consideration was havhive is very similar to what bees ing to lift the heavy boxes of a build in a hollow log.Because Lang hive down the road – we bees in a top bar hive build aren’t getting any younger after their comb from scratch, they all. The leftover wax from harare free to adjust the size of the vesting honey was also a bonus. cells to their own specifications, We want our own natural wax not those of the pre-formed to use for other things, such as FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


making candles, beauty prod- off some little pieces of what I ucts or for use in woodworking. referred to as “satellite” combs When doing a hive inspection, between two bars in order to lift you lift out one bar at a time, a bar out of the hive. Well, as leaving the rest of the colony to soon as I cut it loose, that satelgo about their business. They lite piece fell inside the hive, and all have jobs to do (you really of course it had to be retrieved. should read more about this I have to say, it’s more than topic – it is infinitely fascinating!) a little disconcerting to stick and stay busy doing what they your arm down into a hive full were doing while you conduct of bees – but I didn’t need to your inspection. With top bars, worry. They didn’t say a word. you do need to take care in how We managed to work through it you handle the bars when they and everything turned out fine. are full and heavy with comb. It was just a little messier than You don’t want to turn a bar necessary. The next time we with comb sideways, but rather harvested honey, I was better rotate it in the same plane so prepared and had a large kitchthat the filled comb does not en spoon with me to more eassnap off of the bar – especially ily retrieve any broken pieces of in very warm weather when the comb from the bottom of the hive. You will want to keep top wax is softer. Top bar hives do require a lit- bar hives where they are readtle more management. Mostly ily accessible in order to have regarding how the bees build regular access to your hives. their comb on each bar. If Although harvesting honey not watched carefully, they will from a top bar hive can be a build comb that connects bars messy endeavor – you know to each other. I have to admit, how honey is, it just gets everyours started out beautifully, but where – harvesting from a top we did not manage this aspect bar hive is relatively simple. We as well this last year. When it cut comb off the top bar and was time to harvest honey, we put it into a clean bucket. We had somewhat of a mess on our do need a better way to get all hands because we had to cut the bees off the comb so that FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


we don’t spend so much time This is just a brief introduction fishing them out of the bucket to our top bar beehive. For full of comb and honey. Next those interested in beekeeping time, we’ll try a soft brush and as a hobby or a natural, integral brush them off into the hive. part of homestead pollination, Back inside, we “processed” top bars could be an excelour honey by crushing the hon- lent alternative for you. For eycomb and straining it through us, working with bees provides a clean old t-shirt – that’s what such a euphoric feeling. We’ve my husband’s great-grandma all heard how bees everywhere used. We also cut off several are in jeopardy. They play such pieces of comb and put it in a vital role in all agricultural jars for gift giving. People love production. I’ll bet, like us, the more you learn about them, comb honey! This is our hive’s second full the more you will absolutely year in our pasture. The hive amazed! is completely full and we are researching doing a hive split since they don’t have any more room to expand. For some, this could be a disadvantage to top bar hives because with a Lang hive, you could just add another box of frames (called “supers”) on top to expand. But to us, the more boxes you stack on top equals more heavy boxes to lift in order to inspect the hive or harvest honey.Our hive is also full because as new beekeepers, we have been very conservative with our harvesting of honey. We wanted to make sure that our bees had plenty of honey to make it through each winter. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


If there is one thing that a homesteader is at the end of the day it is tired and sore. What better way to relax than purchasing a Snorkel wood-fired hot tub. Snorkel® Hot Tubs are 100% manufactured in the USA using premium-quality all heart, clear Western Red Cedar from the forests of Canada. With more and more companies sending manu-

Click here for more info FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


Beekeeping in

the Suburbs by: karen thompson





Follow these 4 steps to ensure are some key points under each that you and your neighbors of these easy steps that need to are both happy. The steps are be addressed. Communication, Awareness, Communication is key. If you Education, and Sharing. It don’t take away anything from sounds easy enough but there this article remember that comFROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


“Bee-ing Neighborly” in suburbia while you’re keeping bees is simple and can be done in four easy steps. Not “Bee-ing Neighborly” could cause you some difficulty down the road. munication is the most important neighbors about whether they step of all in having relative har- face any allergies as a family, do mony between your neighbors they have small children or do and bees. First of all, let your they have a pool for example. neighbors know you are going The bees will want to go drink to get your bees. Talk to your their pool water -- they just love FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


it! Tell them where you plan to more than once and they won’t locate your bees and share with be happy about it. If your them that they can come talk to neighbors plan a party, mention you about any issues they have. that they may want to be careTransparency goes a long way in ful with soda cans and it would alleviating your neighbor’s initial probably be safer for them to fears about you starting on your use wide mouth cups so they beekeeping adventures. can visually scan the contents of their beverage. Be aware of you neighbors activities. If they like to weed If your neighbor has very small eat their grass tight against your children and you plan to have common fence, that is not a very more than one or two hives it good place to put your bees. may be better to find a host for Being that close to the hive, your hives depending upon the more than likely your neighbor size of your property and the is going to get stung maybe positioning of your bee hives. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


Education is something you Share your honey with them can do all year long in your on holidays so that they know neighborhood. You have heard there is a sweet reward for all the expression “ignorance is that effort. They may not even bliss” well not when it comes mind that the bees that enjoy to beekeeping in a suburban their pool or their water feaneighborhood. The more you ture. Share homemade bees know, the more empowered you wax candles, or homemade DIY will be and so will your neigh- lotion bars. This will go far in bors. You can host a pot luck at your efforts to win them over as your house and better yet, fea- they quickly find out the prodture some homemade banana ucts made from your bees are honey ice cream for dessert; of vastly superior and that helping course keep the honey inside the environment is a bonus. or the bees may come back for Amazingly, you will find many their share. neighbors that support the bees You can let the local children look and will rally for them and supat your smoker and your empty port you if you face some dishives, talk to the adults and putes. Beekeepers should aspire share your beekeeping books to be good neighbors for many and materials. Teach children reasons, but most importantly when they visit the best way to be better bee stewards. The to deal with a honey bee that beekeeper is the best chance lands on them is to have a calm our lovely little honey bee has. adult flick it off of them gently The more protected our honeyand for them not to panic. Tell bees are the better and brighter your guests and children flailing future humanity and our planet about will only serve to alarm Earth has ahead of it. the bee and cause it to react to Bee-ing Neighborly in Suburbia protect herself. is win-win for the bees and us! Sharing what you have with your fence-line neighbors (as I call them) is not a bad idea. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


The Nervous Beekeeper’s Guide to Handling Honeybees by: Julie Sczerbinski





aren’t you afraid of getting stung? FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


By far, that’s the number one question I’m asked when I tell someone I’m a beekeeper. And truth be told, at one time, I was terrified of being stung. Beekeeping sounded fascinating and I really wanted to give it a whirl. But at the same time I had visions of 60,000 bees on the attack and I doubted I was brave enough to do it. I enrolled in a 9-week beekeeping course with the idea that I would decide after the class ended whether or not I’d order the bees. During the class, I learned that honeybees are actually gentle creatures and while you should expect the occasional sting, it’s highly unlikely that the entire hive will chase you down and eat you alive. So, I went ahead and ordered bees, but I still was really nervous. While I waited for them to arrive, I watched every beekeeping YouTube video and studied the beekeeping books— especially the chapters that discussed how not to get stung. Even still, on installation day I had sweat-dripping anxiety. The good news is that over time hive inspections got much easier and less nerve-wracking. What’s the secret to easing the anxiety? Whatever it takes to stay calm. For me, it was telling myself over and over that there are quite a few beekeepers out there. So, obviously handling honeybees can be done.



15 bee handling tips 1.Don’t eat bananas before you work a hive.

When a bee stings, she releases an odor—an alarm pheromone—that smells like bananas. This pheromone attracts others bees, signaling to them to defend the hive. If you show up smelling like bananas, you’ll inadvertently tell the bees it’s time to protect the hive.

2. A sunny, wind-free day with temperatures between 65°F - 98°F is a good day for hive inspections.

If it’s rainy, windy or if there are thunderstorms in the area, avoid going into the hive.

3.The best time to inspect a hive is between the hours of 10am-4pm.

The hive will have less bees


inside because most older bees are out foraging.

4.Bees are sensitive to smells. Don’t use perfume,

hairspray, sweet smelling cosmetics or shampoo before you work the hive.

5.Wear whatever protective gear makes you feel comfortable. If

you need to wear a full suit in order to calm your nerves, do it. If you’ve decided you don’t need protective gear at all, I recommend you at least wear a veil. Stings on the face are painful and stings in the eyes or ears could result in permanent injury.

6.Keep your jacket or suit clean. The alarm

pheromone released during the occasional sting on the suit stays on the fabric.


7.Don’t wear dark, 12.Be gentle. Slow, delibermovements. Don’t bang textured clothes. Natural ate things around. Bees are sensi-

predators like bears and raccoons are dark and fuzzy so you want to avoid looking like them. Wearing light color clothing is a good idea.

8.Stay out of the bee flight path. Always

approach and work the hive from the rear or side.

tive to vibrations. They don’t like jarring and bumping.

13.Listen as you work. If

the humming becomes louder, your bees are getting upset and it’s time to close up the hive.

14.No swatting under any circumstances!! Yes,

9.Make a mental plan your natural reaction to insects before you enter the flying around your face is to hive. Don’t overstay your wel- wave them away with your

come. Do your business and get out.

10.Let the bees know you’re coming. Reach

around to the front and puff a little smoke into the entrance. Lift top cover, puff a little smoke, and take it off. Then repeat the process with the inner cover.

11.A little smoke goes a long way. If you over-smoke

your bees, it’s possible they won’t react to the smoke at all in the future.

hands but if you do this, you’ll agitate your bees very quickly. Along the same lines as swat-

15.Watch out where you put your hands at all times! On my first day as ting...

a beekeeper, I did get stung. After I finished installing my package of bees, I took off my gloves before cleaning up my prepping station which was located several feet away from the hive. A stray bee was rest-

ing on my equipment and I put my gloveless hand right on top of her. Beginner mistake and believe me, I’ve since learned to be more aware of my surroundings and my hands. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


Uses for Hone

in every room by: pam



ey and Beeswax

mfarley of your home



During our first year of beekeeping, we waited anxiously, patiently until we could harvest from our hives. After processing, we realized that we had far more honey and beeswax than we could have ever imagined! Let’s walk through the house and see how these natural gifts can be used. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


Living room Beeswax candles: as they burn with a gentle glow and mild honey scent, beeswax candles release negative ions. Pollen, dust, and pollutants in the air are attracted to these negative ions and are neutralized--so beeswax candles actually clean the air while they burn. Wood polish: this one of the easiest home DIY projects out there. Melt together 2 tablespoons beeswax and 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil. Once solidified, scoop out a tiny amount with a clean cloth. Rub onto your wooden surface of choice, let sit for 20 minutes, and buff to a shine. If you miss the smell of Pledge, add 10 drops of Lemon essential oil. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE




Recipes: some recipes simply must include honey, such as Honey-Roasted Peanuts. Honey improves the flavor of other recipes, like Homemade Orange Chicken. Substitutions: honey can replace granulated sugar in baked goods--but for every cup of honey you use, reduce the liquid by ¼ cup, add ½ teaspoon baking soda, and lower the oven temperature by 25°F. Board butter: do you maintain your wood cutting boards and wooden spoons with mineral oil? Make board butter by melting together equal parts of mineral oil and beeswax. While mineral oil will wash away over time, beeswax penetrates the grain of the wood and helps seal the mineral oil inside. Smooth board butter into your spoons, spatulas, boards and bowls. Let them sit for a couple of hours, then rub down with a clean cloth and return them to normal use.





in the Bathroom First aid cream: instead of buying petroleumbased antibiotic creams, you can make your own with beeswax, honey, coconut oil, and a few other natural ingredients. Beeswax has non-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties that make it useful for treating minor skin irritations. Herb-infused honey: besides the traditional lemon and honey mixture Grandma gave you, try infusing ginger in honey for tummy upsets, or infuse clove and honey for a sore throat.

Kid’s bedrooms Lip balm: store-bought lip balms are expensive and have lots of mystery ingredients. You can make your own lip balm with beeswax and natural oils, and customize the flavor with the essential oils of your choice.



Homemade deodorant: no matter how stinky your teenagers get, you don’t want them putting the chemicals and additives from conventional deodorant right on the lymph nodes in their armpits! Try this natural method instead: Melt together 1 ½ tablespoons of beeswax, 4 tablespoons coconut oil, 1 tablespoon shea butter, 4 teaspoons bentonite clay, and 20 drops of essential oil (I like 10 drops of Melaleuca and 10 drops of Rosemary).

Baby’s bedroom Diaper rash creme: soothe baby’s sore bottom with a variation of my Homemade First Aid Cream recipe. Reduce the beeswax to 2 tablespoons and use 4 drops of each essential oil. Pat baby’s tushie dry and cover with creme. Nursing salve: mamas, you know why this is so important! Mix equal parts of medical grade manuka honey with coconut oil and apply gently to “the girls” after each feeding. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE




Master bedroom Mustache wax: melt together equal parts beeswax and coconut oil, and allow to cool and set. Work a tiny bit into the mustache, and comb to style. Can be used on beards, as well! Wood polish: as mentioned above, you can maintain your bedroom furniture naturally with homemade wood polish. Better sleep: some people swear by a tablespoon of raw honey right before bedtime. The reason this can help you sleep better is because honey is half glucose and half fructose. When you eat it, the glucose enters the blood quickly and supplies the brain in the first half of the night. Then the fructose turns to glucose and enters the blood slowly, which supplies glucose to the brain in the second half of the night.



Laundry room Dogs with allergies: you can give your four-legged friend allergy relief by adding local, raw honey into his/her food. According to Richard Palmquist, DVM, “In our practice we use honey for wound healing but most often I use it for dogs suffering from pollen allergies. If we give dogs a kale shake with one tsp of honey daily we see some dogs become less itchy in two to four weeks.” Removing beeswax from clothing: spills happen, right?!? But you don’t have to throw your favorite shirt in the trash if it gets wax on it. Put a brown paper bag under the wax spot and another one on top. Iron over the top of the bag and was, and move the bag once it absorbs the wax. Keep doing this until the bag quits getting “wet”, then launder as usual. I didn’t think we would be able to use all the honey and beeswax we harvested this year--but now I plan on using them in every room of our house! FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


raising chickens By: Janet Garman FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE




So many homesteaders, homeowners, and families are interested in the backyard chicken phenomenon. And why not? Chickens are fairly easy to raise, don't need a lot of room, and provide us with delicious fresh eggs or meat. Before running off to the feed store or calling a hatchery to order chicks, let's talk about some basic information regarding raising chickens.


efore taking home any raise chickens in their backyard livestock, check your local for the fresh eggs and they regulations and neighbor- allow them to live out their post hood covenants for restrictions production days in the comfort concerning raising livestock. and security in the coop. Failing to check into the local regulations can only lead to dis- If you are raising meat breed appointment when you realize chickens, how many will you that you are not permitted to need? Meat breed chickens, such as the Red Ranger or keep livestock. Cornish Cross grow very quickly Next on your list of decisions and are ready for butchering in is your purpose. What are you a few weeks. You will need to raising chickens for? Poultry can have a plan in place to take care provide either meat or fresh of this, and a plan to freeze, eggs, or both! If you prefer, it cook or pressure can the meat. is possible to raise chickens for egg production, followed by When raising egg production using the chicken for meat when breeds, the lifespan of the chicktheir egg production slows after en is considerably longer. Most a couple of years. Many people breeds will lay eggs reliably for FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


the first two years and can con- to keep the chicks contained, tinue to sporadically lay eggs warm and safe. Some type of for quite a few years longer. heat source is needed. This is How will you safely house your usually provided by a heat lamp chickens to protect them from hanging over the top of the predators? When your hens are brooder. older and no longer laying, what will you do with them? In addition, you will need a water fount, and a feeder. Supplies for raising chickens. For any type of chicken you will Chicks eat food called a starter need the same basic supplies ration. This is a combination of for housing and feeding the grains in a small particle size, chicks. easy for the small chicks to ingest. Chicks will eat a starter Their first “home” is called ration until 16 to 20 weeks of a brooder and is generally a age when they switch to a layer smaller box or plastic tote used feed formula. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE




daily chore list • clean and refill waterers • refill feeders • remove soiled bedding material. As the chicks grow this will need to be done at least twice a day.

weekly chore list • clean the brooder or coop. • Remove all soiled bedding. • disinfect and wash the waterers and feeders.

Time is needed to care for the As the chicks grow, you will marchickens (see chore lists above). vel at the changes that occur. In addition it is very important The once fluffy down covered to get to know your chickens. chicks will grow feathers and lonKnowing their regular behav- ger legs. They will go through ior will help you notice quickly a period of growth that looks when something may be going quite awkward and gangly on wrong. Knowing how the chick- the way to being beautiful fully ens normally behave will alert feathered chickens. you to when one is feeling under the weather. Frequently picking And one day, if you choose to up your chickens and inspecting raise chickens for eggs, you will their body condition will also find that precious first egg lying give you an idea of how they in a nest box in the coop. Enjoy! should feel. Loss of weight and body condition can not always be seen visually. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


Click here to read now! read it

The ultimate guide to raising chickens FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


HAPPY HEN TREATS Watch your chickens dance and peck in a frenzy for these 100% natural whole-dried mealworms! Contains natural dried mealworms that chickens absolutely love to eat.

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Now you can show it with these wonderfully designed EGG CARTONS from Happy Hen Treats.





So, You Think You Want to Homeschool By: carol j. Alexander




he homesteading life- to homeschool on a budget all style lends beautiful- come to mind. ly to everyone in the family being home. Let me help by answering some Homesteading cou- of those questions for you. ples often work harder than most to provide a way for both partners to be home full-time; and when the kids come along, they want them on board as Homeschooling is legal in every state of the Union; although the well. laws vary from state to state. If If you see homeschooling in you intend to homeschool your your future, you probably have children, ask at your county’s a lot of questions. Such things school board what you need as if homeschooling is legal in to do. Also ask for a copy of your state, where to purchase the state’s law to see if your curriculum, and if it is possible county and your state are on FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE

Is it legal?


board together. Some districts place to start. Or do an Internet will request that parents jump search for “homeschool supthrough a few more hoops than port group in my location.” My are legally required. You can local support group has a blog then decide if you want to com- so that those searching for help ply with the extra requirements can find us. I know other groups do, too. or not. If you have any questions, or If these suggestions don’t prowant legal advice, contact the duce anything, ask a parent in Homeschool Legal Defense public. If you are shopping in Association, the National Center the middle of the day and notice for Life and Liberty, or any of the a mom with her school-aged other organizations listed in the kids, ask her if she homeschools. Don’t be shy. Networking is sidebar. an important skill for a homeschooling parent to develop.

Are there other homeschoolers in my area?

Where do I buy curriculum?

No one should try homeschooling alone, especially home- When I started homeschooling steaders. It is hard work and in the early 90s, curriculum was without the support of others hard to find and the Internet many give up. Networking with was non-existent. I remember others gives support to the par- going to the public school book ents, friends for the kids, and a depository and buying old ediplace for exchanging materials tions of textbooks. I relied heavily on the library. I made up a and resources. lot. If you do not know other homeschoolers in your area, ask Now, I think there are too many around to find a support group. choices. An Internet search for The public library is a good curriculum can produce a plethFROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


ora of stuff—both good and bad. If you want to try before you buy, ask around for someone who already has the books that interest you and see if you can get a peek at them. Visit a homeschool convention and shop the exhibit hall. But whatever you do, don’t get overwhelmed. If money is an issue, and for homesteaders it normally is, there are plenty of free resources online. Easy Peasy and Ambleside are completely free, online curriculum packages. Khan Academy is a free resource for some subjects like math, science, and humanities. For high school and beyond, many universities provide free audit courses online. For miscellaneous offers, check out the website No matter where you live, homeschooling for the homesteading family is not only possible, it builds character, memories, and a strong family bond.


homeschooling resources • • • • •

legal resources • Homeschool Legal Defense Association - 540-338-5600 • Center for Homeschool Liberty - 888-233-6255 • Association of Homeschool Attorneys - contact: • National Home Education Legal Defense - 860-354-3590








“Come out here where the roses have opened. Let soul and world meet.” ~Rumi


oven throughout Members of the Rosa genus are myth and legend, all considered to be useful, yet the beautiful sweet the more fragrant species such rose touches and as gallic rose (R. gallica), damask inspires the heart of humanity as rose (R. damascena), cabbage a symbol of love and friendship. rose (R.centifolia), and dog rose There may be no other flower (R. canina) are the most comthat represents such deep feel- monly used in herbal medicine ings of the heart. Used since and considered the most effecantiquity as a medicinal plant, tive in part due to their aromatroses have helped to staunch ic fragrance. Among its many bleeding, ease lung infections, actions, rose is an antidepresand cool down the heat of sant, aphrodisiac, sedative, and inflammation. Yet most of us a relaxant nervine. Rose helps to still ponder love when we think comfort a wounded heart while of a rose. Perhaps it is a surprise calming and deeply nourishing to learn that roses go beyond the nervous system, allowing us symbolism to profoundly open to open to ourselves and the world. and care for the heart. Uplifting rose is considered to be the ultimate heart openFROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE






er. Indeed, rose does help to The remedy? As prescribed by open the heart – often inwardly Avicenna, herbs with an exhilatowards one’s own self, allow- rant action are needed. These ing healing from past traumas herbs are “a substance which and emotional hurts to begin. arouses the vitality in the spiriRose warms a cold heart and tual heart and inclines the spirprovides support when work- it toward joy” (Bergner, 2012). ing through issues of abuse. Avicenna considered rose to It can help relieve depression, be just such an herb. In fact we anger, jealousy, stress, and even may find that drunk over time, anxiety as well as the grief that the tea of rose can affect prooften accompanies emotional found change within, allowing deep hearted healing to occur suffering (Mars, 2002). and happiness manifest (Becker, The sweetness of rose helps 2000). those who feel unloved and who struggle with self-love, especial- Rose is a very gentle nervine ly when there has been a history that helps to restore the heart of abuse. In Traditional Chinese and the nervous system. It is a Medicine, rose is considered to relaxant that gently sedates and be a remedy for a “disturbed calms the nervous system. This heart” resulting from trauma calming action can even help and stress that has agitated the to soothe nervous heart palpimind and in turn aggravated tations. As a trophorestorative for the nervous system rose can the heart (Soule, n.d.). safely help to deeply nourish Rose can help to promote heart- the nervous system, restoring felt happiness and a reunifica- health, vitality and balancing tion with our emotional cen- the nervous system over time ter. Ancient Arab physician (Hardin, 2009). This makes rose Avicenna’s work concerning the a wonderful addition to calmspiritual heart describes one the ing nervine formulas, especially main ailments of the heart as when there is an aspect of grief, being “the inability to expe- sadness, or nervous debility rience joy” (Bergner, 2012). present. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


A recent human clinical study rate of the subjects involved found that even just the scent (Hongratanaworakit, 2009). The of roses created a sense of delightful scent of roses also emotional calm along with “significantly decreases overacdecreased stress on the ner- tivity of the sympathetic nervous system. This was indicated vous system while also reducing by a significant reduction in adrenalin output in the body” blood pressure and breathing (Hardin, 2008). FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


Only $45 for an annual subscription. Click here to get started.



Rose Works Beyond the Heart, Too


he astringent action of and heart opening, rose hips rose can be very helpful with their high nutrient confor emotional or nervous tent provide support for healing stomach upset that results in during times of depletion that loose bowels. Gentle enough accompanies nervous debility. for children, sipping a cup of The hips will help to bring deep rose petal tea may help to nourishment to people expearrest diarrhea while easing the riencing symptoms of fatigue, nerves. Combine with chamo- anxiety and adrenal exhaustion, mile for an especially calming, especially when accompanied by heat (Hardin, n.d.). tummy-soothing tea. While the fragrant petals are considered the most nervine Rose can help to cool a hot, FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


tense liver. By relaxing the liver, liver. This in turn promotes rest rose helps to relieve heat and and brings relief from sleep-discongestion while it’s cholagogue turbing heat in the body. Even action helps to gently stimulate the fragrance of rose is helpful the liver, promoting the flow during sleepless nights. In a disof bile. This in turn releases cussion concerning insomnia, anger, depression, and moodi- herbalist Paul Bergner mentions ness (Holmes, 1997). rose as an ally, stating “the fragrance tricks the brain into relaxRose can help with insomnia as ing the body” (Bergner, 2001). well. The cooling action of rose Try putting the petals in a sleep helps to clear heat from the pillow or using the essential oil body and drain heat from the as a pillow spray before bed. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


helpful rose combinations Rose is an herb that works harmoniously in combination with other plants. Here are some combinations to try.


Combine rose with: Milky oats as a nourishing nervous system tonic. Passionflower when there is liver heat, tension in the neck and teeth grinding.


+ + +

Combine rose with: Hawthorn with are heart imbalances and perhaps issues relating to femininity. For depression, combine rose with: St. John’s wort Hops and St. John’s wort if nightmares are present as well. Lemon balm to help children dealing with depression.. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


To help those dealing with abuse and trauma, combine rose with:


Milky oats when the person is having a hard time connecting with others due to sexual trauma. To help those dealing with abuse and trauma, combine rose with Rosemary to help with a sense of coldness when the heart needs to open to enable forgiveness of old abuse.

+ +

Damiana when a person is caught in their pain and are suffering from sadness combined with regret. Photo by: Dominiku


(Please Note: Many of these combinations come from time spent in class with herbalist Matthew Becker.)


Long lost and overlooked, rose may be of help for the modern human who is often overwrought and emotionally out of touch with his or her heart. As many of us look for ways to reconnect with each other and with our own heart through practices such as meditation and kindness, we may find that rose in it’s beautiful simplicity can help us. In rose we can find a dear friend who will be there to hold our hand and help us to open our hearts. Invite the sweetness of rose into your life by enjoying it as a delicious cordial, elixir, herbal honey or tea. Try adding the tasty petals and hips to your food. Throw

a handful of petals into a summertime salad. Soak the tasty hips in juice for a yummy jam! However you take rose in, take note of and enjoy the loving support this beloved plant offers. REFERENCE: The Herbarium: Becker, Matthew. (2000). Unpublished notes from the Rocky Mountain Center Of Botanical Studies. Bergner, Paul. (2001). Folk Remedies Database. Colorado: Bergner Communications. Bergner, Paul. (2012). Medical Herbalism: Herbs For The Spiritual Heart. Retrieved from html Hardin, Kiva Rose. (2008). Rambling The River: My Love Affair With The Wild Rose. Retrieved from Hardin, Kiva Rose. (n.d.) The Allies: Rose (Rosa spp.). Retrieved from Hardin, Kiva Rose. (2009). Terms Of The Trade: Nervine. Retrieved from Hedley, Christopher M.N.I.M.H. Cardiovascular - Heart medicines in the European tradition. Retrieved from Cardiovascular_-_Heart_Medicines_in_the_European_Tradition.htm Holmes, Peter. (1997). The Energetics Of Western Herbs. Colorado: Snow Lotus Press. Hongratanaworakit, Tapanee. (2009). Relaxing effect of rose oil on humans. Retrieved from 19370942 Mars, Brigitte. (2002). Sex, Love & Health. New Jersey: Basic Health Publications. Soule, Deb. (n.d.) Herbal Support For Stressful Times. Retrieved from Summer2003/HerbalSupport/tabid/1482/Default.aspx





Rose Infused Simple Syrup Ingredients • 1⁄2 cup honey • 1⁄2 cup raw sugar • 11⁄4 cup water • 1 cup fresh organic rose petals (not treated with pesticides) • Herbs that you might consider using in your syrups include lavender, anise hyssop, lemon balm, mint, fennel, vanilla bean, ginger, cinnamon, licorice, basil, lemon verbena and citrus zest (lemon, lime, grapefruit and orange). • Here is a general (very loose) rule for the amounts of herb to use in the simple syrup recipe: Herb sprigs – 3-4 Flowers – 1 cup, lightly packed Leaves – 10-12 Barks, roots, seeds and nuts – 1⁄2 cup Citrus – 1 whole fruit

Directions: • In a small quart saucepan, combine the sweeteners and water and place over medium to high heat. When the sugar is completely dissolved and the liquid has come to a boil, add the fresh rose petals and stir, making sure that the petals are well covered. Remove from the heat, cover and steep for 40 minutes. After steeping, pour the syrup through a fine sieve into a glass bowl. • The syrup can be refrigerated in a glass jar for up to 2 months. Be sure to label your jar before storing. • Simple syrups are indispensable for delicious herbal drinks, sorbets, fruits and dessert, from yogurt to chocolate cake. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


sparkling rose soda Ingredients • 12 ounces sparkling mineral water • 3 tablespoons rose infused simple syrup (recipe on the previous page) • 2 tablespoons pomegranate juice • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice • 4 drops vanilla bean tincture Directions: • Mix all ingredients and serve over crushed ice and garnish with herb sprigs and lemon slices. • For extra pizzazz and with a little forethought, you can serve this elegant drink with rose petal or mint leaf ice cubes. • To make herb ice cubes: • Fill an ice cube tray 1/3 full and place in the freezer. When this thin layer of ice is frozen, place herbs or rose petals on top of the ice, fill with water again all the way to the top of the tray and freeze. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


We supply a broad selection of premium quality vegetable seed, herb seed, flower seed, bulbs & tubers, and cover crop varieties that have survived the test of time based on their dependability, usefulness and distinctive characteristics. The seeds we source come from our network of skilled regional growers and independently-owned North American seed producers. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


the herbal academy of new england answers your questions seeds and a hairy pith inside, neither of which is pleasant to eat (the seeds are numerous and the hairs can be irritating), so there are a couple of way to prepare them. For large rose hips, cut off the stem and tail, cut the hip in half, scrape out the seeds and hairy pith, and rinse. These can then be used fresh for purees, sauces, jellies, and teas or dried for later use by air-drying on a rack or screen in Q: When should I harvest rose a dark, well-ventilated area, or hips? How do I process them? by using a dehydrator. For small hips, this process is difficult and A: There are a couple schools of time-consuming, so one can thought on this – folks who say a resort to cooking them whole in hard frost helps ripen and sweetenough water to cover until soft, en up the rose hips wait until late pushing them through a sieve, fall or early winter to harvest, and repeating the cooking/sievwhile folks who say the vitamin ing process with the pulp a few C content is higher in summer or times until only skin and seeds who are just generally impatient remain and you’ve collected a will harvest them in the late sumnice bit of rose hip puree to use mer or early fall. In general, hips in fruit leathers or jellies. should be bright red or reddishorange, plump and not shriveled, To avoid the whole rigmarole of and firm with slight give when cutting, seeding, scraping, cookpressed. ing, and sieving, just dry them whole for use in teas! Rose hips have several large FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


Q: What are some ways to prepare rose for herbal medicine besides tea? A: Rose petal and rose hip teas are both lovely, but there are many other ways to enjoy rose. The petals, leaves, and hips can be tinctured in vodka, brandy, or grain alcohol to make an extract; add some honey to the finished extract to make a sweet rose elixir. Speaking of honey, dried and powdered rose petals mixed into local wildflower honey

makes a decadent rose electuary; fresh petals can be used instead. Petals can be infused in almond or coconut oil for a lovely massage oil. Or, try infusing rose petals or hips in vinegar for use in lieu of alcohol-based tinctures or in salad dressings. Fresh petals can be used on wounds as a bandage or poultice. If you’re feeling industrious, you can make a steam distiller at home with a few common household items and prepare rose hydrosol from fresh petals. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE




Windy Willow homestead was created by Nicole See to share her love of crafting with others. She creates handmade soaps (left), fabric flower ornaments (middle), coiled fabric baskets and more.









internet connection I can work Each month, From from anywhere. I am also a Scratch magazine seeks Christian, freelance writer and out the best homevery soon to be an author. I am a homesteader, lover of steading and sustainthe outdoors, avid outdoorsable farming bloggers woman, huntress, homeschool and profiles them for mom, pioneer, radio host for my Mountain Woman Radio our readers.

show, butcher, baker and yes I his month, we talked to am even a candle stick maker. Tammy Trayer, of www. to Can you provide me with a talk about her, her life, brief history of your blog? family and what makes them We embraced our off-grid unique. dream in 2010 when we packed up everything we Tell me about yourself and owned and left Pennsylvania what you do: heading for Idaho leaving many a head shaking and many My name is Tammy Trayer bets being placed. We purand I am bit of a Jill of all trades and a master of quite a chase raw, untouched wilderness land in Idaho sight unseen few. I live traditionally 100% and embraced a life we had off-grid using solar power in only before dreamed about. northern Idaho with the cowWhen we arrived in Idaho we boy and Mountain Man of my were taken to our land for the dreams, Glen Trayer and my first time and were like kids 18 year old son Austin who is in a candy store (the realtor high functioning autistic with thought we were nuts). We a touch of aspergers. I am a web designer and programmer stayed the night on our property in the back of an enclosed by trade which has allowed gooseneck trailer (it was 30°) us to embrace our adventure with all our equipment to live because as long as I have an




and work and the next day we website -- it just happened. The same happened with my set up an 8’ x 14’ canvas wall tent to which we lived in for 8 writing career. Writing is some1/2 months while we built our thing I always loved to do and I did have the dream and desire home. to write a book sometime ( I Our website started out as have several in the works), but because we I decided to (out of the blue) felt that was exactly what we take a 6 week writing class in were given and we needed 2012 and half way through a place to keep our family’s the class my teacher encourback home, grounded and comfortable knowing we were aged me to send in a couple of queries to the magazines still alive. I feel all of this is I loved the most. I sent one divine intervention because query to The New Pioneer and we could not have done this a week later the Mountain Man without my profession and when I sit and think about how thought a family member died when I came running to him I started programming and working on computers in high and just burst into tears while coming to share the news that school, I have no clue where my first article was accepted! the idea even came from That progressed into not only because we didn’t even own my very first article, but our a computer when I was growfamily was featured on the ing up. Everything that happened in my life all seemed to cover in 2013 of issue #161. It lead here. As we progressed, has been an amazing ride with so many doors opening for us. we didn’t fully have a vision, We merged, but we saw people interested MountainManJournals and in our materials and started MountainWomanJournals. posting things individually com to as MountainWomanJournals. in 2013 because what startcom, MountainManJournals. com and MountainBoyJournals. ed as just a life line for famcom. We never had any inten- ily and friend’s had morphed into a location where many tion of having an educational FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE




were following our adventures and the knowledge and guidance we began to share on our lifestyle. We also merged things because the Mountain Man started to also fabricate survival tools and we each had handcrafted wares that we started to sell. The is independent and is the platform our son uses to to share his experiences, knowledge and handcrafted elk hide mocFROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE

casins and paracord survival items. Living in that tent and stepping back to a life that was so incredibly simple was the most rewarding and gratifying time in our lives! I would do that again in a heart beat. We now educate weekly through our blog posts, videos, webinars, my Mountain Woman Radio show and I am also a contributing writer for The New Pioneer Magazine, American Frontiersman, The


Backwoodsman, Prepare Magazine, Survivor’s Edge, Cabin Life and previously Self Reliance Illustrated. You can also find my materials on several websites such as GNOWFGLINS. com,,,, and It is clearly our heart’s desire to reach people with our knowl-

edge, lifestyle and also our experiences with autism and what we have overcome. Our knowledge base is very large from the kitchen with from scratch and gluten free and casein free recipes, to homesteading with animals, natural health and healing, hunting, trapping, fishing, blacksmithing, our right to carry and protecting our 2nd amendment rights, traditional and primitive skills, wilderness survival, livFROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


ing the simple life, sharing our faith, autism, preserving our foods, gardening and so much more. What “homesteading” activities are you involved in? Our goal when leaving Pennsylvania was to create our own traditional lifestyle in a modern world where we were as self sufficient as we could possibly be and being sure to still keep God in the forefront/ lead. We grew up very tradiFROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE

tionally on farms with parent’s that canned, raised animals and farmed and it was in our blood to do the same. We both feel that we were born 100 years too late or more and are sadden by where are country is headed today. We take pride in our country and feel it is necessary for all of us to stand up for the rights our forefathers fought so hard for. Once our home was built and we were in out of the elements, we started to embrace the other aspects of our home-


stead. The first thing that was We hunt and raise all the meats we consume as a family. built was our traditional style So we keep a large pantry of log smoke house and next raw ingredients and do not came a tree house for Austin shop, but once every three -- then 13 at the time. Our chicken coop was built shortly months normally -- sometimes thereafter as well as the rabbit it is longer (I hate shopping!). Our lifestyle provides us with a hutches. We raise chicken for eggs and great deal of comfort and freedom that we encourage our occasionally for a meal, meat audience to embrace one step rabbits, honey bees and milk at a time. goats. In December, the stilted tree house was remodeled We also feel that traditional and primitive skills as well as to have a barn underneath to being as self sufficient as poshouse our two expecting milk sible could not be more imporgoats. We now have 6. tant this day in age with all the Because our son is high funcuncertainties. We are often tioning autistic we have been considered both homesteaders on a gluten free and casein free diet for 11 years and focus and preppers, but honestly we view it as a lifestyle. very hard on raising, harvestEverything we do on a day to ing, foraging and making all that we eat from scratch. The day basis is in an effort to pregoats provide a huge resource pare for tomorrow. Our focus is having the knowledge, tools with their milk now in that I make cheese, butter, milk kefir and essentials that we need to live no matter what happens (which is used for smoothies tomorrow. and salad dressings) and ice cream of course. It is a big money saver for us and a bless- Can you tell us more about ing that our son can have goats your autism awareness activimilk because it has a different ties and how your lifestyle is milk fat than that of cow’s milk. influenced by that and vice We can, dehydrate, jerk, smoke versa? and ferment our own foods. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


Autism Awareness is something that we focus on very heavily and not just myself, but my son Austin as well. He has a heart to help others. We have overcome more than 97% of his autism/Asperger tendencies without medications. Our lifestyle has afforded him to live a very comfortable life in that he was able to be himself at a pace that was comfortable to him and allowed him to progress out of his autism shell. When in the public schools he was FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE

overwhelmed, overstimulated, struggled and was 4 years behind academically when we started to homeschool him. Once we started homeschooling him he began to excel in incredible ways, at one point doing two school years in one and he loves school. At age 9 Austin was still unable to speak full sentences and was not well. We were gifted with a diagnosis which allowed us to finally know how to care for him and to dig our heels in and find natural ways to improve


out and share our story. Austin his health. He did hyperbaric oxygen for 7 months and went was featured in the American from a pre-primer reading level Frontiersman magazine in their first issue for 2015 sharprior to the treatments to a ing his story which covered 3 high 2nd grade reading level and at the time he was in third pages. To date, this article is the one I am the most proud grade! It was AMAZING and we also started the gluten free to have written. He has been and casein free diet which did on my radio show several times answering our audience’s quesa lot of things for him. We found that the dairy was caus- tions and sharing some very ing him to lose the sensation of personal aspects of his journey with autism. his bowels which was why he We will continue to make every was still having accidents, he effort to share our knowledge struggled greatly with rageful and help others overcome fits, aggressive behavior and autism/Aspergers. oppositional defiance which Our young man who struggled caused him great struggles to form sentences at age 9 has because he had such a lovofficially become a licensed ing heart and he could not driver in Idaho on the 3rd of control his behaviors while on April which brought tears to my dairy. All of this went away eyes! with the change in diet. I got to meet my son for the first What is Mountain Woman time during this time when Radio? he could start speaking in full Mountain Woman Radio is sentences... During this time my weekly podcast on our we also started using supplements, herbs and essential oils website and iTunes. I startwhich you can read more about ed out on the Survival Mom Radio Network through divine on our blog on my post titled intervention because I never “What We Have Learned and thought I would be doing a Conquered With Autism”. radio show, but it was just We make every effort we can another door that opened and to continuously get the word FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE




provided me with another platform to reach more people with our story and knowledge. Last year the Survival Mom Radio Network dissolved with all the hosts, going back to just The Survival Mom, Lisa Bedford. I was blessed to be able to work with such amazing women and friend’s and it only seemed fitting to keep my show going and I changed the name from Mountain Woman Journals to the Mountain Woman Radio when I went on my own. It has been an amazing ride over the last two years and I have had amazing guests such as Mykel Hawke, many authors, such as Randy Lewis author of No Greatness Without Goodness, Robert Vera, author of A Warrior’s Faith, as well as many other author’s, amazing homesteaders, bloggers, etc. Each week is filled with different information to help educate, encourage and inspire. How do you define yourself as a Mountain Woman? Well, that is a good question … I have been an outdoorsy girl since I was little. I spent

the majority of my time growing up climbing trees, running through the woods, swimming in the creeks and spent a lot of time fishing and hunting with my Dad. My Dad wanted two boys and ended up with two girls so we are quite the mix of both worlds. Now as an adult I am doing the same thing and I feel my best when I am out in the wilderness or working on my homestead. There is definitely something to be said about having dirt under my feet and under fingernails. I am that girl that is tough on the outside and wears my heart on my sleeve. When I met my husband and Mountain Man -- a professional bull rider for 11 years and full blown outdoorsmen -- he met his match. The week before I met him I was in a very remote area of Pennsylvania 15 miles back in off the county road training my bird dog and camping for the night, just my dog and I. When we met I was the girl that had the pickup truck, fishing boat and a Harley living on a 150 acre farm with the same dreams and desires. I am adventurous and live by FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


faith. He and I are a perfect fort zone, but the excitement match. God had quite the plan and your life’s purpose is on putting us all together and that the other side of your comfort zone! Take that step today!! was just the beginning of our adventures. While you are stepping out of your comfort zone, please stop by and visit us at http://trayerIs there anything you’d like to add? for the answers I encourage everyone to to your questions, the knowlembrace their dreams whether edge you are seeking and for the inspiration you need to big or small. The only way this can be accomplished is keep going. Life is never easy, by taking the first step. We all but it’s what you make it! live comfortably in our comFROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE


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Writing, blogging and photographing life on a Texas homestead. We love being in our pasture so much, we’ve decided that we suffer from Pasture Deficit Disorder anytime we’re away from it! Share our adventures at:”

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Click Here to Order Your Copy! You don’t have to have a degree in chemistry to create your own natural dyes. It just takes a garden plot and a kitchen. A Garden to Dye For shows how super-simple it is to plant and grow a dyer’s garden and create beautiful dyes. FROM SCRATCH MAGAZINE

Many of these plants may already be in our cutting, cottage or food gardens, ready for double duty. This is the book that bridges the topic of plant dyes to mainstream gardeners, the folks who enjoy growing the plants as much as using them in craft projects.





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