2018 The Oilery Collective Holiday guide

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GI FTG I V I N G g ue 201 8


f al al al al a . . . . I t ’ smor ef unt og i vet hant or ecei ve. Atl eas tt hat ’ swhat t heys ay. I fg i f t sar eyourl ovel ang uag e,we’ veg otyoucover ed. I t ’ seas yt og etover whel medandnotknow wher et os t ar tes peci al l ywhenyouwantt og i ve t hebes t . Weas kedour3 00, 000+t eam member swhatYoungLi vi ng pr oductt heycan’ tl i vewi t hout . Thi si sas ampl i ngofwhat t heys ai d. Seewhats omeoft hemos tl ovedpr oduct sar e andaddt hem t oyour“ mus thave”l i s t . Whet heryou’ r ebuyi ngf ors omeoneel s eort r eat i ngyour s el f t hi ss eas on,wehopet hatyourhomei sver ymer r y&br i g ht !



Thi eveses s ent i aloi li sapower fulcombi nat i onofCl ove,Lemon, Ci nnamon,Eucal ypt usRadi at a,andRos emar yes s ent i aloi l sforanar omat i cbl endt hatfi l l sanys pacewi t har i ch,s pi cyar oma.I ns pi r edby t hel egendoffour1 5 t hcent ur yFr encht hi eveswhofor mul at edas peci alar omat i ccombi nat i oncompos edofcl ove,r os emar y,andot her bot ani cal sus edwhi l er obbi ngt hedeadanddyi ng,Thi evesi soneof YoungLi vi ng’ smos tpopul arpr oduct s .

Di Gi ze™es s ent i aloi li soneofourmos tuni quees s ent i aloi lbl ends , combi ni ngTar r agon,Gi nger ,Pepper mi nt ,J uni per ,Lemongr as s , Ani s e,andPat choul ioi l sforas pi cy,exot i car omat i cbl end.Di Gi ze oi lal s oi ncl udesFenneles s ent i aloi l ,t heus eofwhi chdat esbackt o anci entEgypt . Suppor t snor maldi ges t i on.J us tappl y1dr opmi xedwi t hacar r i eroi l t ot henavalar ea.Orus eDi gi zeVi t al i t yandpl aceonedr opundert he t ongue.

ExodusI I ™i sabl endofes s ent i aloi l st hathascl eans i ngpr oper t i es , par t i cul ar l ywhenappl i edt ot hefeet Wel i ket ous eExodusI Idi l ut edont hes pi neandbot t om oft hefeet t okeepouri mmunes ys t emsoper at i ngopt i mal l y.

Wi t hs omeofourmos tpopul arChr i s t mases s ent i aloi l s ,Chr i s t mas Spi r i t ™t apsi nt ot hehappi nes s ,j oy,andcomfor tas s oci at edwi t ht he hol i days eas on.I tcombi nesOr ange,Ci nnamonBar k,andSpr ucet o cr eat eawar m,s pi cy,ands weetChr i s t mases s ent i aloi lbl endt hat ’ s s ur et obel ovedbyever yonei nt hefami l y. Thankst oi t sfami l i arnot esandt i mel es sar oma,Chr i s t masSpi r i tes s ent i aloi lbl endhel psevokefeel i ngsandmemor i est i edt ot hej oyof Chr i s t masands i mpl er ,mor epeacefulmoment s .I t ’ sagr eatgi ftfor t hehol i days ,andi tcaneas i l ybecomeani mpor t antpar tofyour fami l yt r adi t i ons .Di ffus ei tdur i ngt hehol i daysandwi nt ermont hs t ohel pchi l dr en,fami l y,andfr i endsr emi ni s ceovert hepas tand cr eat enew memor i esfort hefut ur e

I t ’ snos ur pr i s et hatFr anki ncens e( Bos wel l i acar t er i i )hasbeens ought aft ers i nceanci entt i mes .Thecompl exar omaoft hi soi lcanel evat e manyas pect sofyourl i fe.Di ffus eYoungLi vi ngFr anki ncens eoi lt o r efi neyours ens eofpur pos eoraddi tt oyourbeaut yr out i nefora l uxur i ousexper i ence. Fr anki ncens ees s ent i aloi lhasanear t hy,upl i ft i ngar omat hat ’ sper fectforgr oundi ngands pi r i t ualconnect ednes s .Cr eat eas afeand comfor t i ngenvi r onmentwhenyoudi ffus eori nhal et hi sempower i ngoi l —aper fectoppor t uni t yt ocol l ectyourt hought s .Whenyou s eekpur pos eorengagei npr ayerormedi t at i on,us et hi soi lt oenhanceyourexper i ence. I naddi t i ont oel evat eds pi r i t ualexper i ences ,t hebenefi t sofFr anki ncens ees s ent i aloi li ncl udemai nt ai ni ngr adi ants ki n.I t sabi l i t yt o s moot ht hel ookofheal t hys ki nmakest hi soi lakeypar tofourBos wel l i aWr i nkl eCr eam™. Fr anki ncens ei sal s oani mpor t anti ngr edi enti nAwaken™,Br ai n Power ™,For gi venes s ™,andHi ghes tPot ent i al ™

Wi t har efr es hi ngandr ej uvenat i ngar oma,t heYoungLi vi ngBr eat he Agai nRol l Oni st heper fectcompani onforear l ymor ni ngs ,l ong days ,andt oughwor kout s .Ourpr opr i et ar yBr eat heAgai nes s ent i aloi l combi nesoi l ss uchasPepper mi nt ,Myr t l e,andCopai bawi t hfour di ffer entt ypesofeucal ypt us —i ncl udi ngEucal ypt usBl uegr ownon YoungLi vi ng’ sEcuadorfar m—t ocr eat eapower ful ,i nvi gor at i ngexper i ence. Thi sr ej uvenat i ngbl end,whi chi ncl udest henat ur al l yoccur r i ngcons t i t uenteucal ypt ol ,comesi naconveni entr ol l onappl i cat or ,s oyou caneas i l yus ei tanyt i me,anywher e.Keepi ti nyourcar ,pur s e, pocket ,orbagands i mpl yappl yi tasneededunderyournos eoron yourhead,neck,orches tt oawakenandi nvi gor at eyours ens es

Ravenes s ent i aloi lbl endi sacool ,r efr es hi ngcombi nat i onof Ravi nt s ar a,Pepper mi nt ,Eucal ypt usRadi at a,Lemon,andWi nt er gr een es s ent i aloi l s .Achi l l y,mi nt ybl endwi t hs weetunder t ones ,Raven cr eat esacool i ngs ens at i onandpr ovi desacomfor t i ngar omawhen appl i edt opi cal l yt ot heches tandt hr oat . Li keaneffer ves centbr eezet hr oughagr oveofeucal ypt ust r ees , Ravenpr ovi desar efr es hi ngar omat i cexper i encewhendi ffus edor i nhal eddi r ect l y.Thenat ur al l yoccur r i ngcons t i t uent seucal ypt ol , ment hol ,andmet hyls al i cyl at epr ovi deani nvi gor at i ngandempower i ngexper i ence,par t i cul ar l ybefor eoraft erawor koutorwhen wi ndi ngdownfort heeveni ng.

Cedar wood( Cedr usat l ant i ca)hasawar m,woods yar omat hatcr eat es acomfor t i ng,upl i ft i ngexper i ence.Us eCedar woodoi lt oaddi t si nvi gor at i ngs centt oyourl i fet hr oughar omat i candt opi calus es . YoungLi vi ngCedar woodes s ent i aloi li sagr eatwayt oenhanceyour favor i t ebeaut ypr oduct s .You’ l lwantt ous ei tfori t sfr es h,ear t hy ar oma,i naddi t i ont oi t sabi l i t yt os moot ht hel ookofs ki nands hi ne hai r .Youcanal s ocr eat eacal mi ngyetpower fulenvi r onmentwhen youdi ffus et hi soi loraddi tt omas s ageoi lbl ends . Youcanfi ndCedar woodi nYoungLi vi ngpr oduct ss uchasGr oundi ng™,Hi ghes tPot ent i al ™,andBr ai nPower ™es s ent i aloi lbl endsand Cel Li t eMagi c™mas s ageoi l .

Knownfori t sgent l e,woods yar oma,Copai baes s ent i aloi li sapr oductofs t eam di s t i l l i ngt hegum r es i nt appedfr om t heBr azi l i anCopai fer ar et i cul at at r ee.Wi t hhi ghl evel sofbet acar yophyl l eneanda uni quel ys weetar omat i cpr ofi l e,Copai baoi lhel pscr eat ear el axi ng at mos pher ewhendi ffus edorappl i edt opi cal l y. I t swar m ar omaal s omakesCopai baagr eataddi t i ont oyourdai l y r out i neands ki ncar e.Addi tt oaneut r almoi s t ur i zert out i l i zei t snat ur alfr agr anceandmoi s t ur i zi ngpr oper t i esorappl yi tt ofl expoi nt s fol l owi ngact i vi t yforanupl i ft i ng,comfor t i ngcool down.

YoungLi vi ng’ spr opr i et ar ySt r es sAwayEs s ent i alOi lRol l Onmakesi t eas yt obr i ngt hecomfor t i ngs centofSt r es sAwayoi lever ywher eyou go.Whet heryou’ r eappl yi ngi tasaper s onals centort oenhancea mas s age,you’ l ll ovehavi ngSt r es sAwayr eadyt or ol lwhenever . Thedi s t i nctmi xofVani l l aandLi megi vesSt r es sAwayi t suni queand pl eas antar oma—amongot herbenefi t s ,i ncl udi ngVani l l a’ snat ur al l y occur r i ngeugenol .Thi sbl endal s oi ncl udesCopai ba,whi chhasahi s t or yofbenefi ci alpr oper t i es ;Lavender ,wi t hi t sr efr es hi ngandcal mi ngs cent ;andCedar wood,whi chfeat ur est hepower fulpl antcons t i t uentcedr ol .Al loft hes ei ngr edi ent sar eexper t l ybl endedwi t ht he exot i cs centofOcot ea,auni que,Ecuador s our cedes s ent i aloi l .

Dr agonTi mei sapr opr i et ar ybl endofFennel ,Cl ar ySage,Mar j or am, Lavender ,Bl ueYar r ow,andJ as mi nees s ent i aloi l s .I t ss weet ,her baceousar omacanhel ppr omot efeel i ngsofs t abi l i t yandcal m dur i ng occas i onalt i mesofmoodi nes s .

YoungLi vi ngDeepRel i ef™Rol l Onmakeses s ent i aloi l ss uchasPepper mi nt ,Wi nt er gr een,Dor adoAzul ,andHel i chr ys um conveni entfor afas t pacedl i fes t yl e.Thi sbl endofpopul aroi l si sagr eatcompani on foryourt r i pst ot hegym andbus ydai l yr out i ne. Oi l ss uchasPepper mi ntandWi nt er gr eenpr ovi dear efr es hi ng,cool i ngs ens at i ondur i ngoraft erawor kout ,wi t hani nvi gor at i ngs cent t hati ns pi r esanupbeatandener get i cappr oacht owhat everkeeps youact i ve.Theconveni entr ol l onpackagi ngmakest hi spr oductan eas yaddi t i ont oyourgym bagorpur s es oyoucanr eachfori twheneveryoul i ke.

PanAway®es s ent i aloi li sapopul arbl endfor mul at edbyYoungLi vi ng FounderD.Gar yYoungt hathasar efr es hi ng,i nvi gor at i ngar omaand cool i ngs ens at i onwhenappl i edt ot hes ki n.PanAwayoi li sacombi nat i onofWi nt er gr een,Hel i chr ys um,Cl ove,andPepper mi ntes s ent i aloi l s .Popul arPanAway®oi lus esi ncl udeappl yi ngi tt ot i r edmus cl esaft erexer ci s eort ot heneckandbackanyt i meofdayt oenj oy i t ss oot hi ngands t i mul at i ngar oma.PanAwayoi li soneofYoungLi v i ng' smos teffect i veandpopul arpr oduct sandi samus t havefor ever yhome!

Bel i eve™cont ai nsI dahoBl ueSpr uce,I dahoBal s am Fi r ,Fr anki ncens e, andot heres s ent i aloi l st hatmayencour agefeel i ngsofs t r engt hand fai t hwhenus edar omat i cal l y.

Val ores s ent i aloi lbl endi soneofourmos tpopul arpr oduct sanda favor i t eoffounderD.Gar yYoung.I t swoods y,pos i t i ves centcomes fr om abl endofBl ackSpr uce,Bl ueTans y,andFr anki ncens e.Val ori s gr eatformas s ages ,i naddi t i ont oot hert opi calandar omat i cus es . Us ei tt ogr eeteachmor ni ngwi t hapos i t i veat t i t udeort ounwi ndat t heendoft heday.I t spower fulyetcal mi ngs centi sver s at i l eenough t hatyoucani nt egr at ei ti nt oyourmor ni ngandbedt i mer out i nesand anywher ei nbet ween. Asoneofourt ops el l i ngpr oduct s ,t hi si ndemandoi li sdi ffi cul tt o keepi ns t ock.Becaus eoft hi s ,or der sar el i mi t edt ot wobot t l esper accountpermont h.

Di t chover power i ngandhar s hchemi cal bas eds pr aysandkeepyour homes mel l i ngfr es handcl eanwi t hYoungLi vi ng’ sPur i fi cat i on®es s ent i aloi l .Thi sbl endi smadeupofs i xes s ent i aloi l sfort heul t i mat e weaponagai ns todor s .Ci t r onel l a,Lavandi n,Lemongr as s ,Ros emar y, Myr t l e,andTeaTr eewor kt oget hert ocr eat ear efr es hi ng,br i ght s centt hatkeepsyouandyourfami l yhappyandcomfor t abl e. Wi t hPur i fi cat i onoi l ,you’ l lneverneedt ofeelembar r as s edbybad odor sfr om cooki ng,l aundr y,pet s ,oranyt hi ngel s el i fet hr owsyour way.Di ffus ei tt hr oughoutyourhous eorus eamor et ar get edappr oachs oyoual waysfeelconfi denti nyourhome,i nt hecar ,oron t hego! Asoneofourt ops el l i ngpr oduct s ,or der sar el i mi t edt oonebot t l e peraccountpermont h.

hol i da ymo v i ec he c kl i s t Whi t eChr i s t mas

Pol arExpr es s

TheNat i vi t ySt or y

AChr i s t masSt or y

I t ’ saWonder fulLi fe

Ni ght mar ebefor eChr i s t mas

HomeAl one

Di eHar d

Mi r acl eon34t hSt r eet

Scr ooged

Char l i eBr ownChr i s t mas

Muppet sChr i s t masCar ol

El f

J i ngl eAl lt heWay

TheGr i nch

Ar t hurChr i s t mas

TheSant aCl aus e

ShopAr oundTheCor ner

Fami l ySt one

Chr i s t masCar ol

TheHol i day

AChr i s t masPr i nce

FourChr i s t mas es

Meetmei nSt .Loui s

Fami l yVacat i on

LoveAct ual l y

Chr i s t maswi t ht heCr anks

Ser endi pi t y







DI YBA THSAL TS Whatyou’ l lneed: 1 Eps om s al t , pi nkHi mal ayans al t , gl as smi xi ngbowl , cont ai ner t os t or ei n.* baki ngs odai sopt i onal . t ar twi t h1cupofEps om s al t .Youmayneedt oadd 2Smo r edependi ngont hes i zeofyours t or agecont ai ner .

3Mixin1/2to1cupofpinkHimalayansaltwiththeEpsom salt. i t eYoungLi vi ngEs s ent i aloi l sand 4Padicdktyootuhrefsaavlotrmi xt ur e.

( t hi si swher eyoucanaddt heopt i onalbaki ngs oda)

5Addthesaltandoilmixturetoyourcontainer. 6Keepforyourselforgiveasagift. Ba t hs a l t sar et hepe r f ec tgi f tf oryour s e l fort ogi vea wa y . Bec r ea t i ve wi t ht hees s e nt i a l oi l syouadd. Ba t hSa l t sar ewonde r f ul f orar e l axi ng ba t horasade t oxba t h



HOLLY J OLLY 5dropsPeppermi nt 5dropsCi nnamon 1drop Orange

J I NGLE BELLS 3dropsPeppermi nt 7dropsOrange 3dropsChri st masSpi ri t

ALL I SBRI GHT 5dropsSt ressAway 5dropsCi nnamon 3dropsNut meg

Youcan addmoreorl essofanyoi ldependi ng



gon yourpreferenceforst rongerorl i ght erscent

c he e r s



MI GHTYPRO Suppor t sandas s i s t st he di ges t i veneedsof gr owi ngbodi esandt he nor maldi ges t i onof foods .

Es s ent i al zyme™i sabi l ayer ed, mul t i enzymecompl excapl et s peci al l yfor mul at edt os uppor tandbal ancedi ges t i ve heal t handt os t i mul at eover al l enzymeact i vi t yt ocombatt he moder ndi et .Es s ent i al zyme cont ai nst ar r agon,pepper mi nt , ani s e,fennel ,andcl ovees s ent i aloi l st oi mpr oveover al l enzymeact i vi t y,ands uppor t heal t hypancr eat i cfunct i on.

Sul fur zyme®combi neswol fber r ywi t hMSM,anat ur al l yoccur r i ngor gani cfor m ofdi et ar y s ul furneededbyourbodi es ever ydayt omai nt ai nt he s t r uct ur eofpr ot ei ns ,pr ot ect cel l sandcel lmembr anes ,r e pl eni s ht heconnect i onsbet weencel l s ,andpr es er vet he mol ecul arfr amewor kofconnect i vet i s s ue. *MSM al s os uppor t st hei mmunes ys t em,t he l i ver ,ci r cul at i on,andpr oper i nt es t i nalfunct i onandwor ks t os cavengefr eer adi cal s

I mmuPr o™hasbeens peci al l yfor mul at edt opr ovi deexcept i onali mmune s ys t em s uppor twhen combi nedwi t haheal t hy l i fes t yl eandadequat e s l eept os uppor tt he body’ sneeds .

Hel psmai nt ai nopt i mal pH i nt hes t omach

Agi l Eas e™i saj oi nt heal t hs uppl ement t hat ’ sper fectfor heal t hyi ndi vi dual s whoar el ooki ngt o gai ngr eat ermobi l i t y andfl exi bi l i t y t hr ought her educt i on ofi nfl ammat i on.

t t




SuperC™notonl ycont ai ns 2, 1 66% oft her ecommended di et ar yi nt akeofvi t ami nC pers er vi ng,buti ti sal s o for t i fi edwi t hr ut i n,ci t r us bi ofl avonoi ds ,andmi ner al s t obal anceel ect r ol yt esand enhancet heeffect i venes s andabs or pt i onofvi t ami nC.

YoungLi vi ng' sI nnerDefens e™r ei nfor cess ys t emi c defens es ,cr eat esunfr i endl yt er r ai nforyeas t / fungus , pr omot esheal t hyr es pi r at or yfunct i on,andcont ai ns pot entes s ent i aloi l sl i keor egano,t hyme,andThi eves ® whi char er i chi nt hymol ,car vacr ol ,andeugenolfor i mmunes uppor t .Thel i qui ds oft gel sdi s s ol vequi ckl yfor maxi mum r es ul t s .Soft gelcaps ul ehasbeenr efor mul at ed wi t hfi s hgel at i nt or emovet heneedforcar r ageenanand beeswaxus edi nt hepor ci negel at i nbas eds oft gel .

SuperBi sacompr ehens i vevi t ami n compl excont ai ni ngal lei ghtes s ent i al ,ener gyboos t i ngBvi t ami ns( B1 , B2,B3,B5 ,B6,B7 , B9,andB1 2)

Omegagi ze3combi nest hepowerof t hr eecor edai l y s uppl ement s omega 3fat t yaci ds ,vi t ami nD3,andCoQ1 0 ( ubi qui none) .Thes e s uppl ement scombi newi t hourpr opr i et ar yenhancementes s ent i aloi l bl endt ocr eat ean omega3,DHAr i ch fi s hoi ls uppl ement t hatmays uppor t gener alwel l nes s

Ki dScent s ® Mi ght yVi t es ™i ncl ude aful lr angeof vi t ami ns ,mi ner al s , ant i oxi dant s ,and phyt onut r i ent st hat del i verwhol efood mul t i nut r i ents uppor t t oyourchi l d’ sgener al heal t handwel l bei ng

Pai nRel i efCr eam pr ovi des cool i ngr el i effr om mi nor mus cl eandj oi ntaches ,ar t hr i t i s ,s t r ai ns ,br ui s es ,and s pr ai ns .Ourpl ant bas ed for mul acombi nest he powerofWi nt er gr eenes s ent i aloi lwi t hourexcl us i veCoolAzules s ent i aloi l bl end.

g i f t sf o re v e r y o n e Teacher s ,fr i ends ,t heSt ar bucksbar i s t a,yournei ghbor .Whoeveri sonyourl i s tt hi syear ,t hes e gi ft sar es ur et obeahugehi t !Eveni fi t ’ si nyourowns t ocki ng.

r e l a x&u n wi n d Rel axat i onMas s ageoi l$35. 75 Lavenderbat hbombs$25. 75

t o x i cf r e ema k e u p SavvyMi ner al sPr emi um St ar t erKi t $1 50. 00

o n l yt h eb e s tf o rt h ek i d d o s Genyus$45. 00 Owi e$31 . 50 Tummygi ze$1 3. 00 Sni ffl eas e$1 8. 25 Sl eepyi ze$1 7. 25

p a mp e ry o u rs k i n ARTmas que$47. 50 ARTr enewals er um $77. 00

d i f f u s et h es i t u a t i o n Ar i adi ffus er$231 . 75

s of r e s h&s oc l e a n Thi eveses s ent i aloi l$34. 75 Thi eveshandpur i fi er$5. 00 Thi eveshous ehol dcl eaner$22. 50

c a l m, c o o l&r e s t e d St r es sAwayr ol l on$29. 50 Tr anqui lr ol l on$29. 50

y o u rs e c r e twe a p o n

g y mt e s t e d , mu s c l ea p p r o v e d

Ni ngxi a30count$87. 00 Ni ngxi a2pk$73. 00

Or t hoSpor tMas s ageoi l$35. 75 CoolAzulPai nCr eam $44. 00

Andwhent heyhadcomei nt ot hehous e,t heys aw t heyoungChi l dwi t hMar yHi s mot her ,andf el ldownandwor s hi pedHi m. Andwhent heyhadopenedt hei r t r eas ur es ,t heypr es ent edg i f t st oHi m: g ol d,f r anki ncens e,andmyr r h Mat t hew 2 : 1 1

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