Maternity/Newborn Session Welcome Guide

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We l come ! So,you chosemeasyournewborn phot ographer‌ now what ?

N ewbor n Ses s i on Ti mel i ne i s c us syour ideas and pin down whatyou have in m ind for 1.d the session.I often encourage clients to create a Pinterestboards with im ages they love. 2.w ai tfor your baby to arrive (ifhe/she hasn’tm ade their entrance already) OR m eetup and do our m aternity session. 3.c ont ac tm e ASAP after your baby has arrived so we can set up a date for the session. 4.In about2 weeks you

r e c e i v ea slideshow

and ordering


e l i v e r e din 3-4 weeks 5.Prints/Products/Im ages willbe d from the order date,depending on which products you order.

prepari ng for your sessi on

si t back


There are no setrul esf orprepari ng f oryourbaby' ssessi on. Iam j oi ni ng you t ot ake pi ct uresoft he new and perf ectbaby you have broughti nt ot he worl d. Forme t o gi ve you a l i stofwayst o prepare woul d be si l l y. Si mpl y,f eed your baby when he i shungry,cuddl e yoursweetl i t t l e gi rlwhen she needsrocked and know t hatbabi esgetf ussy. Yourbaby i sal wayscooperat i ng and Ihave no expect at i onsofyourl i t t l e one. My pat i ence and preparat i on i sal lyou need f or yoursessi on. Justrel ax. Iuse a space heat ert o warm t he area and whi t e noi se t o bl ock outaddi t i onalsoundscreat i ng a qui etand rel axed at mosphere f orposed shot s.

Iown qui t eaf ew i t emsi ncl udi ng bl anket s,basket s,hat sand headbands,and wi l lbri ng many opt i ons. However,t hi si saboutyou.Do you have speci alkni t bl anket sf rom yourmot her,a hand carved wood st oolf rom grandpa oran i t em t hati scl ose t o yourheartt hatwe can reasonabl y TRY t oi ncl ude and makes sense f ora newborn sessi on?Il ove t o use yourhome asmuch as possi bl et o personal i ze t he sessi on f oryou.

www. me li s s as tottmannphotography. com |me li s s a@me li s s as tottmannphotography. com

w hat to w ear A common quest i on among cl i ent si swhatt heyshoul d weart ot hei rport rai t sessi on. Cl ot hi ng choi cesare an i nt egralpartoft he f i nali mages,so f or t hatreason,I ’ m out l i ni ng a f ew t hi ngst o consi derwhen sel ect i ng out f i t s.

COORDINATE Adul t sand Chi l dren i nt he pi ct ureswi t ht he baby. . .coordi nat e i nst ead ofmat chi ng. Avoi d bri ghtwhi t e,dark bl ack,and superbri ght col ors. Neut ralt ones,creams,browns,and mut ed col orsare compl i ment aryand beaut i f ul . St eercl earofheavypat t ernsand wri t i ng on cl ot hi ng.

Check outmyPi nt erestboard f or"W hatt o W ear" i fyou need some i nspi rat i on: ht t p: //www. pi nt erest . com/mel i sssanne/cl ot hi ngi nspi rat i ons/

keep i t si mple Newbornsare most l yphot ographed,al one,wi t h not hi ng on ori n wraps. Isuggesthavi ng a wel lf i t t i ng onesi ei n a sol i d col or.

BE TRUE TO YOU Mosti mport ant l y,wearcl ot hi ng t hatmakesyou comf ort abl e and t hatyou woul d wearnormal l y. Justbe a sl i ght l ymore pri mped versi onsofyoursel ves!

haveon hand1.Sol i d col ored wel lf i t t i ng onesi e. Pl ai ni s best ,butnot essent i al . 2.A paci f i ercan be hel pf uleven i fyou aren' tregul arl y usi ng one, buti s cert ai nl y notrequi red. 3.A f ood source,howeveryou f eed yourbaby.Do notmodi f y how you f eed f ort he sessi on,but know t hatyou may have t of eed t he baby a f ew more t i mes t han normal .

My newborn sessi onsare each 100% uni que wi t h no one sessi on f ol l owi ng t he same pat t ern ast he l ast . Ist rongl y encourage parent st o be i n some shot s. STRONGLY. Ifnotf oryou,t hen f oryourbaby. W hi l e you may t hi nk you are booki ng t hi s sessi on si mpl yf oryou,you are i nf actcreat i ng memori esand t reasuresf oryourchi l dren. My work i scent ered around connect i onsand f ami l i es. Peopl e and memori esare t he most essent i alsubj ect s– nott he hat sand props,t hose are secondary.

Newborn sessi onst ake t i me and l astaround 3 hours– somet i mesmore,somet i mesl ess.Babi esneed t o eat ,soot he,cuddl e and l ove – i t ’ swhatt hey do.Ishootnewbornsi nt he morni ng. Pref erabl y,t hough notrequi red,1-3 weeksol d. W hen Iarri ve, It ake a t ourofyourhome l ooki ng f orpret t yl i ght ,peeki ng i n at t he nursery.Igl ance out si de i ft he weat heri sokay and l i ght i ng i si deal . Imay even capt ure a congrat ul at ory vase wi t hf l owers ora si gn outf rontofyourhome. These smal ldet ai l sseem ordi nary now butwi l lbe f orgot t en memori esi nt he yearst o come. Pl ease do notst ressaboutcl eani ng f orme— IPROMISE I’ m notj udgi ng you,you have a brand new baby! Iwi l lmove t hi ngsasnecessary and move t hem back when Iam f i ni shed. My set -up t i me wi l lbe about30 mi nut es.

after the session

Yours l i des how ofi mageswi l lbe emai l edt oyouabout2weeksf r om yours es s i ondat e.Yourgal l er ywi l l goupt henextday.Yourgal l er yi s avai l abl ef ori magepur chas i ngf or7 days .Eachgal l er ycont ai nsa s t or yboar dexampl et os howcas eal l ofyourbaby’ ss weetl i t t l epar t s .

www. me li s s as tottmannphotography. com |me li s s a@me li s s as tottmannphotography. com

session fee & a la carte

new born session fee-$150. 00 Se s s i o nf e ei nc l ude st hes e s s i o no nl y , no tpr i nt so rpr o duc t s .

I na ddi t i o nt ot hes e s s i o nf e e ,t he r ei sami ni mum al ac a r t eo r c o l l e c t i o npur c ha s er e qui r e me nto f$ 5 0 0a f t e rt hes e s s i o n.

gift prints Wa l l e t s( s e tof8) -$30 5x7-$30 8x10-$40 wall prints 11x14-$85 16x20-$150 20x24-$200 24x30-$300 30x40-$450

storyboards and collages Abe a ut i f ul wa yt odi s pl a yy ourpor t r a i t s . Mo unt e da ndpr i nt e dona3/4i nc hwood g a l l e r ymount .Re a dyt oha ng . 12x 18$ 225 15x 15$ 225

modern soft cover book $450

Thei mage sf r om y ours e s s i ondi s pl ay e di nabe aut i f ulc us t om c r e at e dbook.

individual digital file s i ngl ef i l e -$150

minimaternity session fee-$350. 00

Mi ni ma t e r ni t ys e s s i o nsc a nbebo o k e di nc o mbi na t i o nwi t hane wbo r ns e s s i o n. Se s s i o nF e ei nc l ude sa3 0mi nut es e s s i on & Al l o ft hef ul l r e s o l ut i o ndi g i t a l f i l e sf r o mt hema t e r ni t ys e s s i o n.

addi ti onal pri nt si zesand album opti onsareavai lableupon request di gi tal i magesaresui tablefor pri nti ng to any si ze.smaller web shari ng fi lesarealso i ncluded on a custom usb devi ce. a pdfwi th pri nti ng i nformati on about whereto pri nt your i magesi salso provi ded.

a l l f ul l r e s o l ut i o ndi g i t a l f i l e s

exclusi ve $1350

2 1 1 x 1 4pr i nt s&4 8 x 1 0pr i nt s wi t hy o urc ho i c eo fa

mo de r ns o f tc o v e rbo o ke a c hi ma g e


c o mpl e t ec o l l e c t i o no f5 x 7pr i nt s i nac us t o mi ma g ebo x recei ve30% of faddi ti onali temsordered

1 5f ul l r e s o l ut i o ndi g i t a l f i l e s

hei rloom

i nc l ude sa5 x 7pr i nto fe a c hdi g i t a l f i l e


1 1 1 x 1 4pr i nt s 2 8 x 1 0pr i nt s recei ve20% of faddi ti onali temsordered

premi um $500

5f ul l r e s o l ut i o ndi g i t a l f i l e s i nc l ude sa5 x 7pr i nto fe a c hdi g i t a l f i l e 1 1 1 x 1 4pr i nt recei ve1 0% of faddi ti onali temsordered

TheModer nSof tCoverBooks howcas es eachi magef r om yours es s i onwi t hMel i s s a i nas i mpl eandbeaut i f ul1/ 4i ncht hi ck mat t epapers of t boundbook.Thebooki s 8. 5x11i nchesandador nsyours weetl i t t l e baby’ snameont hecover .

TheI mageBoxi swr appedwi t hani magef r om yours es s i onont hecoverandmadeofs ol i d wood.I ns i deoft heboxi sa5x7ofeachi mage f r om yourphot ogr aphys es s i on.

TheWoodMount edSt or yboar dCol l agef eat ur esupt os i x i magesf r om yours es s i onwi t hMel i s s ai naoneofaki nd beaut i f ular tpi ece.Theyar ecus t om des i gnedbyMel i s s a s oeachi suni que.St or yboar dsar er eadyt ohangt he momentt heyar r i veatyourhome.

the After your chi l d’ s newborn sessi on and throughouthi s/her fi rst year,sessi ons are com pl i m entary and there i s no sessi on fee. (a $150 val ue) Al lthati s requi red i s the $500 mi ni m um purchase. Ifyou book 3 sessi ons i n your baby’ s fi rst year,you recei ve a 12x18 storyboard wi th one i m age from each ofyour sessi ons to show your baby’ s growth.

whe ns houl dibook?

www. me li s s as tottmannphotography. com |me li s s a@me li s s as tottmannphotography. com

m eet

Hey there!I' m M elissa.I am m om m a to a spirited and helpful little girland a strong willed and silly toddler boy. Servi ng:Wi l mi ngt on,Del aware Phi l adel phi a Area Sout h Jersey Nort hern Maryl and mel i ssa@mel i ssast ot t mannphot ography. com

302-299-2597 I ’ m act i ve onl i ne and l ove i nt eract i ng wi t h mycl i ent s. Pl ease connectvi a soci almedi a and l et ’ skeep i nt ouch!

/ Mel i ssaSt ot t mannPhot ogr aphy

mel i ssast ot t mann

Mel i ssa St ot t mann

I am incredibly inspired by ordinary and everyday events.I love im aginations and watching children explore. M y photography and way oflife are so intricately intertwined. Less is always m ore. M y goalis for m y photography to stand the testof tim e.

www. meli ssastottmannphotography. com

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