WEEK 3: TOPIC 2, CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT, PLANNING TOPIC 2: The second topic for this course was Key Issues in Teaching Young Learners. It was divided into four subtitles:
1. LEARNING STYLES: Interpersonal: People smart. You prefer to learn in groups or with other people. Intrapersonal: Self smart. You prefer to work alone and use self-study. Linguistic: Word smart. You prefer using words, both in speech and writing. Logical-mathematical: Logic smart. You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems. Naturalist: Nature smart (environment). Spatial: Picture smart. You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding Bodily-Kinesthetic: Body smart. You prefer using your body, hand and sense of touch. Musical: Music smart. You prefer using sound and music.
We analyzed a diagram that included all the four learning styles and what things do we need to use in order to teach with each one of them.
3. TEACHING STYLES: FACTORS Career-stage factors:
Exploration Commitment Diversification Serenity Conservatism
Curriculum factors:
Nature of subject Teaching method Assessment policy Syllabus model
Knowledge factors:
Contents General pedagogical Contextual Pedagogical content knowledge
Personal factors: Learning style Apprenticeship of observation Living theories about teaching and learning
Professional factors: Professionalism Professional identity
Institutional factors: School culture Climate
4. TEACHING STYLES: TYPES We learned about the five types of teaching styles and which ones were teacher-centered and which ones were student-centered.
Delegator: These teachers tend to place much control and responsibility for learning on individuals or groups of students. Student-centered
Formal Authority:
Teachers who have a formal authority teaching style tend to focus on content. Teacher-centered
Personal Model: Teachers with this style tend to run teacher-centered classes with an emphasis on demonstration and modeling. Teacher-centered and student-centered
Expert: The teacher believes that everything that he/she says is right and what his/her students say is not. Teacher-centered
Facilitator Teachers with this style tend to focus on activities. Student-centered
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: We watched a video about using behaviorism with positive reinforcements and another one about suggestions (Kindergarten Blog – GreenAppleLessons.org).
PLANNING: We talked briefly about this topic, because we are supposed to learn about it in another course. We got an idea of how to make an effective plan with these factors: Structure Details
Organization Extra activities In the class Realistic Weekly/Daily routines Special needs/Special activities