Experience Log -Detailed -Somerset - McDonald

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Name: Melissa McDonald Supervising Librarian: Rui-Hung Tsai School : Somerset Elementary School, MCPS (Regional Summer School)

Grade Level: K-5

The experience log is a detailed account of the levels and types of activities completed in the field. The candidates will objectively document their experiences. The log will have the following parts: time spent on experience, detailed description of experience, role played during experience, reflection on experience (what was learned during the experience), how experience impacts student learning, relationships among factors that impact student learning with references to current research literature, relationships built via the experience (when appropriate). This extensive log provides an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate best practices and make connections between current research issues and school-level practice. An entry into the experience log will be completed at the end of every day. The cooperating SLMS will have access to the final log and use it in addition to the final checklist to evaluate the internship.


7/6/12 Preservice

Time Spent on Experience 1.0

Description of Experience

Attended staff meeting & tour of building.

Role Played During Experience Participant Program Administrator


Learned from Experience

Impact on Student Learning

Relationship(s) Made to Current Ideas in Field

I learned what is expected of staff during summer school.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Program administration is an important part of the overall program. SLMS plans, executes and evaluates

the program to ensure its quality both at a general level and on a day to day basis. 7/6/12


Created patron barcodes.

Observer Program Administration

I learned how to create barcodes on Spectrumâ€&#x;s database.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Program administration is an important part of the overall program. SLMS plans, executes and evaluates the program to ensure its quality both at a general level and on a day to day basis.



Helped create media schedule, delivered it, and explained to teachers and then created master schedule

Participant Program Administrator

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Program administration is an important part of the overall program. SLMS plans, executes and evaluates the program to ensure its quality both at a general level and on a day to day basis.




Located, pulled, and delivered books to reading teacher.

Participant Instructional Partner

Good customer service is important to a quality library media program

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Cooperation one of the 3 Câ€&#x;s. Works closely with individual teachers in the critical areas of designing authentic learning tasks and assessments and integrating the information and communication abilities required to meet content standards.



Discussed plans for Monday/e-mailed teachers offering to collaborate.

Participant – Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Cooperation one of the three Câ€&#x;s. Works closely with individual teachers in the critical areas of designing authentic learning tasks and assessments and integrating the information and communication abilities required to meet content


standards. 7/6/12

Located books for orientation session, including Library Mouse, I Took my Frog to the Library, Goldie Socks and The Three Librarians, and Books!Books!Books!

Participant – Teacher

I learned how to create a list from the collection database in order to effectively search for specific book titles.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Program administration is an important part of the overall program. Manages staff, budgets, equipment and facilities

Discussed my weaknesses, and what I specifically wanted to work on during the field study.

Participant – Student

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Reflection on teaching strategies is important for improvement.



Daily Total


7/9/12 First day of summer school


Finished schedule – created a fixed schedule that allows for everyone to visit library for a lesson. Only one exception: one of the three math classes did not sign up for specific time slot

Participant Program Administrator

Learned how to create a class schedule.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Program administration is an important part of the overall program. Manages staff, budgets, equipment and facilities



Created patron barcodes – after several calls back and forth to Spectrum support, and many false starts, Rui finally decided how to set up

Observer Program Administrator

Creating bar codes not simple process for summer school

Sometimes it just doesn‟t work like it is supposed to.

Program administration is an important part of the overall


the accounts – under the teacher‟s name



Worked on lesson plans for each class‟ initial visit to library.

Participant Teacher

I learned that everything takes time.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.


Rui explained the importance of a good orientation for the students and showed me some of her lesson plans.

Observer – Teacher

I learned that it is wonderful to be paired with such a knowledgeable person.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.



E-mailed teachers about collaborating on assignment(s).

Participant Instructional Partner

I learned that sometimes one needs to be aggressively helpful when trying to collaborate.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Communication is important in 21st Century education.

Daily Total





Class schedule: Cooper, Reading-Gr 2-3 Kim, Reading- Gr 2-3 Cooper, Reading - Gr 2-3 Vandegrift, ESOL K-2 3.0

Rui led 3 lessons today, and I led one class. All lessons were an introduction and orientation to the library. We read Goldie Socks and the Three Librearians, discussed story elements, and about picking a „just right‟ book.

Observer - Teacher

I learned that Rui is a patient educator - firm but kind. Her classroom management skills are excellent.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.


Rui sent me home with three books to read for tomorrow‟s lessons (Books, Books, Books, I Took my Frog the Library, and Library Mouse), and also recommended 4 others that I should read „just because‟ they are very good and should share with students (Fly Away Home, The Junkyard Wonders, Bad Case of Stripes, and Bubushka’s Doll).

Participant Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.


Conducted a reader‟s advisory - one student was telling me about how much he enjoyed Jumanji and Zathura by Chris Van Allsburg, and I suggested he

Participant Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning




try the Brian Selsnick books because of the amazing pencil illustrations.



Daily Total

5 hrs



Kyra Kreinbrook ( MCPS Instructional Specialist, K-12 stopped in to visit us. While Rui was giving lesson, I showed her what I was working on -- a collaborative lesson with two versions of Jack & the Beanstalk -- a traditional version by Steven Kellogg and Kate and the Beanstalk by Mary Pope Osborne), and two Web 2.0 tools (www.popplet.com and Google Search Stories Creator.

community to determine learning and information needs. Participant – Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Works closely with individual teachers in the critical areas of designing authentic learning tasks and assessments and integrating the information and communication abilities required to meet content standards.

Participant Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to

Class Schedule: Dabbs, Reading K-1 O’Donnell, Reading K-1 Dabbs, Reading K1 Delaney ESOL 3-5 .5

Created a PPT to go along with Goldie Socks and and the Three Libearians teacher lesson [using acronym A JUST RIGHT BOOK] … but Rui suggested I save it for older kids) because it was too


long for the Kindergarten to 1st grade students we were seeing today. 3.0


determine learning and information needs.

Rui read the books, made lots of connections between traditional story and this one. She also talked about story elements. She stopped and talked about the spine of the book, fiction vs nonfiction, how to use a shelf marker, etc.

Observer - Teacher

When I led the lesson, I include all that Rui did/said above, plus I talked about the dedication and what a „blanket tentâ€&#x; is and we looked at pictures of author and illustrator in the back of book. The author is pictured reading under a blanket tent, and the illustrator is photographed with his bird. We talked about our pets, too. Rui just had a few small notes to make about my lessons, such as show what it means to put the shelf marker in, and let them know ahead of time they have 5 minutes to choose a book.

Participant Teacher


Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs. Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.

Daily Total


Conducted several reader advisories with students as they searched for just the right book.

Participant Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.


Scheduled two planning meeting with teachers -- one with computer/technology education teacher, Ms. Holt,and the other is reading teacher Mrs. Kim for grades 2-3.

Participant – Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.

Participant – Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Communication with classroom teachers is important in 21st

5 hours 7/12/12 Class Schedule: Delaney, ESOL 3-5 Vandegrift, ESOL K-2 Caropreso, Math 3-5 O’Donnell, Reading K-1




Met with Megan Kim this morning (Reading grades 23)… creating compare/contrast Venn


diagram lesson with traditional Jack and the Beanstalk by Steven Kellogg and Kate and the Beanstalk by Mary Pope Osborne.Used Danielle DuPuis‟ Destination Collaboration template for collaborative planning. We will each present one of the books, use Promethean board to create venn diagram (as visual aid, use one color for Jack, another for Kate, and a third for the similarities. Plan to use some teacher pages from Liven Up your Library by Jennifer Wetzel along with the information literacy lesson.

century learning environment.


Created last minute lesson for Vandergrift‟s K1 - ESOL class. Read Book! Book !Book! by Deborah Bruss and Let’s Do Nothing! By Tony Fucile. Read with feeling (and funny voices) and discussed story elements.

Participant – Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program, but even in its absence, a teacher can create an authentic learning experience on the spur of the moment.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.


For math class, we‟ll be reading How Much is a Million? By David M. Schwartz, and following up with an ActivInspire flip chart Rui found this morning

Participant Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning


on place value (she found it on Promethean Planet). I registered on the Promethean Planet website as well.

community to determine learning and information needs.

I also found several websites with games about place value, and shared them with Rui.

Participant – Information Specialist

I learned that it is important to take advantage of all quality Web 2.0 tools currently available. Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.


Also spoke some more with the computer teacher, Erin Holt, about creating a research lesson plan for her class, and will present AGOPPE and how to access the subscription databases (with a demo of Britannica).

Participant – Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.


When Mrs. Caropreso‟s class came Rui led 20 minute lesson on the Promethean board, then to the computers to play games that supported skill in place value, basic

Observer – Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.


Joins with teachers and others to identify links across student information needs, curricular content, learning outcomes, and a wide variety of print, nonprint, and electronic information resources.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning

math facts, and multiplication.



Daily Total

5 hours



O‟Donnell – Rui led introduction and orientation to the library. She read Goldie Socks and the Three Librearians, discussed story elements, and about picking a „just right‟ book.

community to determine learning and information needs. Observer – Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.

Class Schedule: Coyle, Reading Gr 4-5 Caropreso, Math 3-5 Coyle, Reading 4-5 Kim, Reading 2-3 2.0

Rui started animal research project with Ms. Coyle‟s classes. Had note sheet to guide them. Students took their book and note sheet with them and will work on the assignment in their classroom.

Observer - Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.


Caropreso‟s class was repeat

Observer - Teacher

Good communication is

Prepared educators are



of yesterday‟s -- used the place value ActivInspire flipchart, followed by a demo of how to access the games pages (like yesterday, Rui‟s student helper bookmarked the two websites I had found).

important to a quality library media program.

able to provide quality educational experiences.


I went to the computer class to lead the AGOPPE research method lesson. Lesson went well in computer class - Erin, the teacher, co-taught the lesson, and had an easy backand-forth dialog with the kids. The students were engaged, about half were familiar with AGOPPE and all were interested in starting their research right away.

Participant – Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.


I am so pleased to be assigned with Rui, as she is very supportive and give thoughtful and insightful advice. Rui downloaded her entire flashdrive of lessons and documents onto mine. She said she does that for each of her mentees so that we have a good base of lessons to pull from and „tweak‟ for our own schools.

Recipient – Program Administration

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.


with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.

Important part of the 4 roles of the library media program. SLMS plans, executes and evaluates the program to ensure its quality both at a general level and on a day to day basis.

Daily Total

5 hours


3 hours @ home


Participant – Instructional Partner & Information Specialist

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Participant – Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Class Schedule: Help with Staff Needs Caropreso- Math 3-5 Coyle, Reading 4-5 Kim, Reading 2-3 2.0


Created lesson plans for both the Reading class (Megan Kim) and the Computer class (Erin Holt), and forwarded to the both the teachers, and Rui for input. Also created a PPT of 10 tips for creating an effective PowerPoint Presentation, which I also sent to Erin and Rui.

Rui made several suggestions to my lesson plans, which I incorporated. For the reading, she felt I was too ambitious to try to complete in one lesson and that I should plan for at least two meetings. Also needed to add the MCPS SLM learner outcome to my list of standards to meet. For the computer, she said I shouldn‟t build a lesson on AGOPPE alone, that it should be integrated with the entire research project. Basically, I needed to


Cooperation one of the 3 C‟s. Works closely with individual teachers in the critical areas of designing authentic learning tasks and assessments and integrating the information and communication abilities required to meet

update the lesson title, add the MCPS learner outcome, and make it more clear that the lesson was part of a research project, not a standalone lesson.

content standards.



Heard from Megan Kim, she loved my lesson, but when I suggested we make it two instead of one (one this week, one next), she was afraid it would confuse her students, because she is actually working on the fantasy genre with them. Not sure why she did not mention this when we were planning last week, so I asked Rui what we should do. She said she had a Fantasy lesson flipchart on her flashdrive, so while I reviewed that, she checked the collection for fantasy titles, and with the help of her student assistant, pulled them out for the lesson. Rui led today‟s class, I will lead tomorrow‟s. Tuesday is the book title of the read aloud.

Participant – Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program, and even when there is a breakdown of communication because the teacher was trying to be helpful to me, I know that educators work together for the good of the kids, and there is always someone more knowledgeable that can help redirect the lesson.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Cooperation one of the 3 C‟s. Works closely with individual teachers in the critical areas of designing authentic learning tasks and assessments and integrating the information and communication abilities required to meet content standards.



Caropreso‟s class came down to again play computer math games after Rui modeled another website Softschools.com - with math games. http:// www. softschools.com/games.

Observer – Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to


determine learning and information needs. 7/16/12

Daily Total


Observer - Teacher

Even though my last official day for the field study will be the 26th, I offered to stay with Rui 7/27, 7/30, and 7/31 to help her and for more experience in the library. She was pleased to hear that.

Participant – Team player

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning

5 hours



Animal research project continues with Ms. Coyle‟s class. Had note sheet to guide them. First step is writing a 2-4 paragraph essay, second step to create a PowerPoint.

Class Schedule: Cooper, Reading 2-3 Kim, Reading 2-3 Cooper, Reading 2-3 Vandegrift, ESOL K-2 1.0

I led the Fantasy lesson with Ms. Kim‟s class and it went really well! Rui took lots of pictures showing me interacting with the kids, and using technology to lead the




community to determine learning and information needs.


Rui led a folk tale/character elements lessons with Ms. Vandegrift‟s class using the book The Hungry Coat: A Tale from Turkey by Demi – great book.

Observer – Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.


For Ms. Cooper‟s classes, we talked about story elements, using a TumbleBooks selection on the Promethean board, then students paired up to read a TumbleBooks selection on the media center computers. Created a capture sheet entitled “Storybook Elements using TumbleBooks eBooks” where they listed the 4 story elements.

Participant – Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.



Reflected on the day with Rui and shelved books.

ParticipantProgram Administration

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences. Neat and organized space important, too.

Reflection is an important part of the teaching experience.


4.5 hours



Total 7/18/12

Class Schedule: Dabbs, Reading K-1 O’Donnell, Reading K-1 Dabbs, Reading K-1 Delaney, ESOL 3-5



Created a capture sheet entitled “Storybook Elements using TumbleBooks eBooks” where they listed the 4 story elements. We created K-1 version to include space for drawing and their larger manuscript. Grade 3-5 version has option to draw if student would like to add a visual element, but lines on which to write are closer together.

Participant – Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.



For each of these classes we talked about story elements, using a TumbleBooks selection on the Promethean board, then students paired up to read a TumbleBooks selection on the media center computers.

Participant Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.



Reflected on the day with Rui and shelved books.


Good communication is important to a quality

Prepared educators are able to provide quality

Reflection is an important part


Daily Total


library media program.

educational experiences. Neat and organized space important, too.

of the teaching experience.

4.5 hours


Class Schedule: Delaney, ESOL 3-5 Vandegrift, ESOL K-2 Caropreso, Math 3-5 O’Donnell, Reading K-1



In Delaney, Vandegrift, and O‟Donnell classes, reviewed story elements using a TumbleBooks story on Promethean board. Then students moved in pairs to the computers and read a book together.

Participant – Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.



Caropreso‟s class came down to again play computer math games after Rui modeled another website Softschools.com - with math games. http:// www. softschools.com/games.

Observer – Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.



Reflected on the day with Rui and shelved books.

ParticipantProgram Administration

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Reflection is an important part of the teaching


Daily Total

Neat and organized space important, too.


4.25 hours


Class Schedule: Coyle, Reading 4-5 Meyer, Math K-2 Meyer, Math K-2 Planning



Ms. Coyle‟s class was introduced to Britannica online database and continued working on their research project. They needed to write a short essay of 1-4 paragraphs.

Participant – Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.



Ms. Meyer‟s math classes introduced to www.arcademicskillbuilders. com website by demonstrating a game with student interaction. The children were paired up based on skill level, and they played for the rest of the class.

Observer – Teacher & Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs. Cooperation one of the 3 C‟s.Works


closely with individual teachers in the critical areas of designing authentic learning tasks and assessments and integrating the information and communication abilities required to meet content standards. 7/20/12


Daily Total




Planning – Working on Promethean slide show for story element.

Participant – Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.

Participant – Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality

Prepared educators are able to provide quality

Collaborates with classroom

Planning Caropreso Math 3-5 Coyle Reading 4-5 Kim Reading 2-3 1.5

Planning- Working on Promethean slide show for


story elements. Slow going because it is different from PPT.

library media program.

educational experiences.

teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.



For Ms Caropreso‟s class, we continued the same lesson as last time. The class the students played addition and subtraction math computer games

Participant Teacher & Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.



In Mrs. Coyle‟s class we/I discussed the dos and don‟ts of creating a good PPT presentation using the one I had created from the „10 tips for creating PPT” article I had found. Based on Rui‟s comments, I took the original PPT I‟d made and adjusted it to be more appropriate for 4th & 5th graders (the original one better for high schoolers) … it needed to use language more appropriate for younger kids.

Participant Teacher & Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs. Cooperation one of the 3 C‟s.Works closely with


individual teachers in the critical areas of designing authentic learning tasks and assessments and integrating the information and communication abilities required to meet content standards. 7/23/12


In Mrs. Kimâ€&#x;s class we continued the Fantasy lesson and started working on their book talk activity. We had pulled a selection of fantasy stories and asked each of the students to read it and start completing the book talk form - will take two lessons. At the end of the second class they will present their book talk using the Elmo to project the pages onto the Promethean board

Participant Teacher & Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.


Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs. Cooperation one of the 3 Câ€&#x;s. Works closely with individual teachers in the critical areas of designing authentic learning tasks and assessments

and integrating the information and communication abilities required to meet content standards. 7/23/12


Daily total

5 hours


Reflected on the day with Rui and shelved books.

ParticipantProgram Administration

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences. Neat and organized space important, too.

Reflection is an important part of the teaching experience.

Cooper - Reading 2-3 Kim -Reading 2-3 Cooper - Reading 2-3 Vandegrift ESOL K-2



Planning - Prior to classes arriving, worked on Promethean flipchart for story elements - slow going because I kept getting interrupted :-)

Participant Teacher

Putting together a good slide show in a new format is difficult. Even with the two day training I received, there is still lots to learn with the ActiveInspire software.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.



Ms. Cooper‟s classes -lesson on text features and working on research project (completing note taking worksheet asking for physical

Participant – Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Cooperation one of the 3 C‟s. Works closely with individual


features, habitat, food, fun facts) using PeppleGo and Britannica Student edition.



Vandegrift same lesson (without the note taking) and asked to share a fun fact at the end of the class.

teachers in the critical areas of designing authentic learning tasks and assessments and integrating the information and communication abilities required to meet content standards. Participant Teacher & Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.


Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs. Cooperation one of the Câ€&#x;s. Works closely with individual teachers in the critical areas of designing authentic learning tasks and assessments and integrating the information

and communication abilities required to meet content standards. 7/23/12


Daily Total

4.5 hours

7/26/12last official day of field study

Reflected on the day with Rui and shelved books.

ParticipantProgram Administration

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences. Neat and organized space important, too.

Reflection is an important part of the teaching experience.

Class Schedule: Delaney, ESOL 3-5 Vandegrift, ESOL K-2 Caropreso - Math 3-5 O’Donnell -Reading K-1



Delaney and Vandegrift classes both forgot to come down …. and when we checked on them, both were involved in lessons and could not break away to come down to media center. Used the time to put away books.

Participant Program Administrator

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Important part of the SLMP Manages staff, budgets, equipment and facilities



Ms. Caropreso came down with her class, and we helped the students log into www.arcademicskillbuilders. com to play online games to reinforce their classroom learning. Working on multiplication and

Participant – Teacher & Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program. Important to take advantage of all quality Web 2.0 tools currently available.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine



learning and information needs.



Fables were covered in Ms. O‟Donnell‟s class instruction – Rui led the lesson.

Observer – Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.



After observing part of the lesson above, I went across the hallway to Ms. Holt‟s computer class to lead the follow-up lesson on creating good PPT presentation. Covered theme, colors, fonts, transitions/animations, citing sources, etc.

Participant – Teacher & Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program. I also learned that several kids were quite advanced on PowerPoint, and could do things I hadn‟t figured out yet!

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs. Cooperation one of the 3 C‟s. Works closely with individual teachers in the critical areas of designing authentic learning tasks and assessments


and integrating the information and communication abilities required to meet content standards. 7/26/12


Rui and I spent time talking about items I need to discuss with each of the principals ASAP:

Participant – Program Administration

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

SLMS plans, executes and evaluates the program to ensure its quality both at a general level and on a day to day basis. Manages staff, budgets, equipment and facilities

Participant – Program Administration

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

SLMS plans, executes and evaluates the program to ensure its quality both at a general level and on a day to day basis. Manages staff, budgets,

Coordinating two school‟s schedules Finding out the remaining budget Get access to collection information What items each principal suggest I order (book titles, carpets, signage, supplies) 7/26/12


Other housekeeping „stuff‟: I also registered both schools with Follet Software Co. www.titlewave.com [Rui shared with me all of the instructions] Sent paperwork in for FMS (Financial Management System) A brief overview of DAE


(Databases of Accountable Evaluations) Daily Total

equipment and facilities

5 hours

7/27/12 (extra work day to help Rui)

Coyle - Reading 4-5 Meyer - Math K-2 Meyer - Math K-2 Planning



Coyle‟s class still working diligently on their PowerPoint presentations.

Participant – Teacher and Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.



After whole group lesson on how to play a specific game Alien Addition, Meyer‟s students paired up to work on addition and subtraction

Observer – Teacher & Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs. Cooperation one of the 3 C‟s. Works closely with


individual teachers in the critical areas of designing authentic learning tasks and assessments and integrating the information and communication abilities required to meet content standards. 7/27/12


Daily Total

4 hours

7/30/12 (extra work day to help Rui)

During planning period, Rui gave me more advice on how to best lead a lesson, schedule the day, and showed me her newsletters and how to create list of books on Spectrum (this library has a nice selection of math titles, and also books about the library and I wanted to be sure to have all the titles to check my new libraries for them).

Participant – Program Administration

Good communication is important to a quality library media program. Being organized an important part of the job.

Caropreso Coyle, Reading 4-5 Kim, Reading 2-3 Planning


Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

SLMS plans, executes and evaluates the program to ensure its quality both at a general level and on a day to day basis. Manages staff, budgets, equipment and facilities



Caropreso‟s class played computer math games they had played during previous visits to the library media center.

Participant Teacher & Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.



Coyle‟s class continued to present their PPTs (they had started presenting in their classroom last week) I have many of them saved on my flash drive because we used it to save and view the PPTs on the computer attached to the Promethean board)

Participant – Teacher & Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs. Cooperation one of the 3 C‟s. Works closely with individual teachers in the critical areas of designing authentic learning tasks and assessments and integrating the information and communication


abilities required to meet content standards. 7/30/12


Kim‟s class finished their book talk papers and presented to the class. .

Participant Teacher & Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.



Shelved lots of books because all the teachers returned their books today (students were allowed to take two books to the classroom, but could not take home).... plus the entire teaching staff each created a small „classroom library‟. Great use of the books!

Participant – Program Administrator

Being organized an important part of the job.

Prepared educators with an organized space are able to provide quality educational experiences.

SLMS plans, executes and evaluates the program to ensure its quality both at a general level and on a day to day basis. Manages staff, budgets, equipment and facilities



Rui and I discussed what I still needed to learn. We‟d planned to go to Brookhaven after our lunch, but ended up running too late.

ParticipantProgram Administrator

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators with an organized space are able to provide quality educational experiences

SLMS plans, executes and evaluates the program to ensure its quality both at a general level and on a day to


day basis. Daily Total


7/31/12 last day of summer school (extra work day to help Rui)

. Planning Cooper, Reading 2-3 Kim, Reading 2-3 Celebration in Media Center



Shelved books that had been displayed on tops of shelves. Reflected on field study with Rui at this time, too

Participant – Program Administrator

Being organized an important part of the job.

Prepared educators with an organized space are able to provide quality educational experiences.

SLMS plans, executes and evaluates the program to ensure its quality both at a general level and on a day to day basis. Manages staff, budgets, equipment and facilities



Ms. Cooper - Finished animal research on PebbleGo and students presented their research to the class (there were only 3 students in her class on this last day of summer school).

Participant Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information


needs. 7/31/12



Mrs. Kim - Students finished their book talk worksheets and presented fantasy elements of their books (hook, read section, showed pictures)

Participant Teacher

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Collaborates with classroom teachers, students, and other members of the learning community to determine learning and information needs.


Rui and I had taken pictures of the students and teachers throughout summer school (media center, classrooms, hallways, recess, and dismissal).

Participant – Instructional Partner

Good communication is important to a quality library media program.

Prepared educators are able to provide quality educational experiences.

Cooperation one of the Câ€&#x;s. Works closely with individual teachers in the critical areas of designing authentic learning tasks and assessments and integrating the information and communication abilities required to meet content standards.

We created a PhotoStory to show everyone the last day of school. We had three Endof-Summer Session Celebrations with PhotoStory presentations: K-1 11:00-11:10am 2-3 11:20am - 11:30am 4-5 11:40 - 11:50am We passed out bookmarks that the end, gave them the access codes for the online databases (the kids really enjoyed PebbleGo and TumbleBooks), and wished


them a wonderful rest of summer -- and of course reminded them to keep on reading!! Daily Total

4.5 hours

Field Study Total

93.0 hours


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