Autism Spectrum in Children’s Literature An Analysis of How Realistic and Authentic Autistic Characters are Portrayed in Children’s Literature
Melissa Anne McDonald May 7, 2012 LBSC 645 - Children’s Literature and Materials
What I want you to know about me — and my autism by Sarah Stup Excerpted from Are Your Eyes Listening? Collected Works of Sarah Stup © 2006–2009. All rights reserved in all media.
~ I am inside. ~ The words are there; the voice is not. ~ It is lonely and sad not to talk. ~ We who are silent have our value. ~ Being autistic is a battle that stays. ~ Your world hurts me. ~ Sounds pay me visits after I leave them. ~ I need autism to breathe. ~ Autism is awful, but I am not awful. ~ I act dumb but am smart. Please be my friend. ~ We can‟t be friends when you hate autism. ~ Be an explorer who finds treasure beyond the strangeness.
In 1944 German pediatrician Hans Asperger described Asperger‟s Syndrome in four of his patients, and when it was formally recognized as a cognitive disorder in 1994, the prevalence rate was significantly higher. Asperger‟s Syndrome is found on the high functioning end of the autism spectrum. On March 29, 2012, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced that it estimates the new rate to be 1 in 88 children indentified with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Previously 1 in 110 children, this change was attributed to better diagnosis tools, and earlier detection methods, not a greater number of people affected by the disorder. Therefore, it is highly likely that all neurotypical students know at least one person (and probably more) affected by an autism spectrum disorder, and may have questions or misunderstandings about it. The National Institutes of Health describes autism as a “complex developmental disability that causes problems with social interaction and communication.” Asperger‟s Syndrome (AS), on the highfunctioning end of the spectrum, is peculiar in that people diagnosed “have autism-like problems in areas of social interaction and communication, but have normal intelligence and verbal skills.” Some medical research has shown that people with autism have underdeveloped brains; some “propose that dysfunction of the amygdala may be responsible, in part, for the impairment of social functioning that is a hallmark feature of autism”. It is speculated that those with Asperger‟s Syndrome have enlarged amygdala, which controls the fight or flight reflex, and could be attributed to their increased fear and anxiety. Some researchers speculate this is also the reason those with Asperger‟s Syndrome are particularly sensitive to light, sound, and touch.
Health care professionals often consider autism in its
broader term, pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), so many times discussion of the spectrum is listed as Autism, Asperger‟s Syndrome, and PDD. Signs and symptoms of autism include problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, social interaction, and routines and repetitive actions. People on the autism spectrum may speak, or may
not speak at all. Often, autistic people have difficulty looking other people in the eyes. Social interaction is difficult because of lack of empathy, or prosopagnosia, the inability to read facial cues or recognize faces (also called facial blindness). Another prominent sign is the intense need for routine, and those with autism may display repetitive actions such as humming, spinning, rocking, or hand flapping, when under stress. Also called stimming, or self-stimulatory behaviors, these repetitive actions help the autistic person focus and self-regulate. Stress is often caused when the autistic person is overloaded with external sensory input (too much light, noise, heat, wind, et cetera). All of the books I analyzed included multiple examples of these signs and symptoms and all discussed the disorder with respect, and in a realistic manner. Someone once said, “if you‟ve met one person with autism, you‟ve met one person with autism.” Just as neurotypical people have different personalities and quirks, so do people on the autism spectrum. Each of the books I read had similarities in how the disorder was portrayed, but in most cases, what struck me the most was the autistic person‟s individual character, or inner essence, showing beautifully through the text. In this paper, I will focus on examining the impact of the point of view and the voice in which the story is told, whether the point of view adds credibility, and whether or not the story itself is strong enough to keep the reader reading. According to Sharon E. Andrews, in her article Using Inclusion Literature to Promote Positive Attitudes Toward Disability, “literature about disabilities – inclusion literature – can become a powerful tool for helping students without disabilities to become more tolerant … [and can be] useful in helping to ease fears and anxieties fueled by ignorance; it can replace negative stereotypes with knowledge and understanding about disabilities.” She continues by saying “rather than perpetuate negative and false stereotypes about disabilities, inclusion literature should present situations and characters that provide understanding of the thoughts and feelings of people with disabilities, not those that use disabilities as a
tool to create unsolicited pity and sympathy." Paul Jaeger, in Disability and the Internet, reminds us that “for many individuals with disabilities, identity in society is heavily influenced by exclusions- from work, from school, from social activities.” (149) He further states that the media can “challeng[e] and reinforce[e] established roles of identity for persons with disabilities and the issues of identity tied to overcoming or working around exclusion.” (149) Therefore, while it is important to analyze literature for realistic and authentic characters in general, it is particularly important for people with disabilities to be portrayed in a realistic and authentic manner. For this analysis I read several books where the protagonist, subject of the narration, or secondary character was identified with an autism spectrum disorder, or specifically with Asperger‟s Syndrome. My selection process included a review of The Dolly Gray Children‟s Literature Award winners, autism spectrum blog recommendations, and online searches of Montgomery County Public Library and Because I wanted to analyze in a broader scope of books, I purposely did not choose only award winners, and picked books in different genres, by different publishers, and in different points of view. My Friend Has Autism by Amanda Doering Tourville is a realistic fiction picture book. In simple language and colorful illustrations, the protagonist, Nick, tells the reader about his friend Zach, who has autism. Through the story of their friendship, Nick explains the most prevalent signs and symptoms of autism and attempts to create a sense of empathy toward Zach. For example, “Zach may not look at me while I‟m talking to him. Sometimes he walks away. I know Zach doesn‟t mean to hurt my feelings. I just show him my new magazines some other time.” (20-21) The book includes a short definition of autism, a glossary of important terms, and recommended additional books to read and websites to visit.
My Brother Charlie by Holly Robinson Peete and her young daughter Ryan Elizabeth Peete, is the fictionalized story of Holly‟s son and Ryan‟s twin brother, RJ. The story is told in the first person of Callie and she describes the ups and downs, heartaches and joys, of having a twin brother with autism. “But Charlie was different. He wouldn‟t play with me. Or kiss Mommy‟s cheeks when she hugged him. And he didn‟t say “I love you.” Seems those words were locked deep inside my brother.” This warm and loving book includes encouragement for families of children with autism – from both the perspective of a mom and twin sister. My Brother Charlie is a 2012 Dolly Gray Award Winner. These two books are clearly written to advocate for children with autism, and to instill a sense of empathy, and hope, for children on the autism spectrum. These books differ greatly from others that I have read – their purpose is to inform, advocate, and encourage family and friends of children on the autism spectrum; their entertainment value is a secondary purpose, but no less important. Of Mice and Aliens: An Asperger Adventure, by Kathy Hoopmann, is the story of Ben, who has recently been diagnosed with Asperger‟s Syndrome, and what follows when a small alien ship lands in his backyard. The story is told in the third person, and the narrator tries to empower the protagonist (and possibly, the reader) by finding the positives about having Asperger‟s Syndrome. For instance, when Grandma complains that “My old brain isn‟t made for new fangled inventions.” Ben replies proudly, “Mine is, Asperger brains are made for computers.” The narrator goes on to explain that Asperger‟s made it difficult for him to understand others, but bits and bytes were easy. If a neurotypical reader picked up the book, he or she may enjoy the story, because it contains enough excitement and adventure to hold the reader‟s attention (who wouldn‟t want to become friends with an alien?!). However, because if the title, I believe non-autistic children may be hesitant to pick it
up, let alone read it, because they may erroneously assume they have no connection with someone on the autism spectrum. This would be a shame, because it is a well written book for younger readers. Adam’s Alternative Sports Day: An Asperger’s Story, by Jude Welton, is also told in the third person.
Unlike Hoopmann who works with children on the autism spectrum, Welton has a son with
AS. In this book, Adam has to cope with schedule changes, and a different event than the one he expected – a variety of bumps in the road. These “zigger zaggers” – a term coined by Dr. Jane Holmes Bernstein that “refers to any unexpected change or glitch in the day” – can completely derail a person with AS. As he becomes more stressed and agitated throughout the day he lashes out in anger and hurts his friend Josie because he is unaware that his words and actions can hurt others. “Painting feelings. I didn‟t know you could do that.” The portrait he painted was of himself, with wide dark outline, and lots of red. In a thought bubble he penciled in “I hate Josie” even though she had nothing to do with the reason his is stressed. This book includes themes of friendship and coping effectively with stress. Both books very specifically stated what was happening to autistic child (the physical manifestations of their stress), but in an omnipotent, clear, overly simplified manner for young readers to understand easily. The subtitle strongly suggests that the intended reader is someone with Asperger‟s or someone who has a person with Asperger‟s in their life, not to the average reader looking for a book for pleasure reading. While the Jessica Kingsley Publisher books noted above include “An Asperger Story” (or some variation) in the title, the following books do not, which I believe helps to make them more mainstream reading, and allow the reader, regardless of his or her affiliation with autism spectrum disorders, to pick the books and enjoy reading them.
In Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine, the protagonist is Caitlin Smith, a 5th grader, whose mom had passed away when she was a young child. Her beloved brother, Devon, had been recently murdered in a school yard shooting. She and her father are left to deal with their loss and her distraught father was emotionally unable to help her cope with her grief. She relies heavily on her circle of support (primarily her school counselor, Mrs. Brook, and her first grade friend Michael, whom lost his mother in the shooting.) Each chapter is essentially a journal entry and often seems to be told in a stream of consciousness narrative technique. I hate recess even though Devon says it’s supposed to be my favorite subject and there is no recess once you get to middle school so enjoy it now. But I can’t enjoy it because I am surrounded by sharp screaming and it’s too bright and people’s elbows are all pointy and dangerous and it’s hard to breathe and my stomach always feels really really sick. I stand and put my arms around me like a force field and squeeze my eyes almost closed and try to shut everything out. (26)
Caitlyn‟s special interests are drawing and finding closure for Devon‟s death. Caitlyn models self-correction when she repeats „the rules‟ to clear her head and calm herself down.
She uses lots of
CAPS in odd places to help with her self-correction, and to remind herself of important days and events: “I don’t like very outgoing. Or efFUsive. Or EXtroverted. Or greGARious.” (44) Throughout the book: „Look At The Person‟, „The Day Our Life Fell Apart‟, „Let‟s Talk About It‟. Through this modeling, the reader comes to understand Caitlyn‟s thought process, and hopefully gains an appreciation, and a sense of empathy, for those on the spectrum. One classic „sign‟ of Asperger‟s Syndrome is the tendency to understand words or phrases in their literal sense. Caitlyn is very literal, and idioms confuse her. For example, when trying to find the correct type of wood to finish her brother‟s box she says, “I guess I have to put it together myself, so quarter-cut oak is oak you cut with a quarter”. She proceeds to try to cut the wood an oak tree with a quarter and damages her hands instead.
Caitlyn is often a victim of bullying since special needs (or quirky) kids tend to be „easy targets.‟ However, Josh, the bully, happens to be the brother of the shooter, and is equally affected by the day of the school yard shooting. Through her journey to find closure Caitlyn begins to learn how to empathize: “Mrs. Brook smiles. You know what? You’re starting to show empathy. I am? You feel for your dad. You know he’s hurting and you want to make him happy. That’s wonderful.” (104) I also find it interesting that Caitlyn connects with a much younger boy named Michael (son of the teacher that was killed in the shooting) because typically kids with Asperger‟s have a difficult time connecting with others their age or younger because of their advanced cognitive abilities and lower social skills. “He nods slowly. I know. I still want to do stuff with my mom too. I feel glowy and warm because Michael Gets It. My dad doesn’t Get It, I tell him.” (108) In her afterward, Erskine wrote about the importance of early intervention, be it a cognitive disorder or an emotional disorder. When I wrote to Erskine and asked why she chose Asperger‟s Syndrome as the protagonist‟s disability, she wrote: I wanted to write Mockingbird from the first person viewpoint so people could get inside the head of a character with Asperger's and see life through her eyes. I hope it helps readers understand the thought process and how, in fact, there's a lot of logic to that process. I chose Asperger's because my daughter was diagnosed with Asperger's at age eight so I had a real interest in learning as much as I could. I also wanted to share our experiences in some way that might help others better understand those with Asperger's. It's not a book about my daughter, though. Caitlin is very different but there are certainly similarities. Every child on the autism spectrum, just like any child, is unique. There are often shared traits, and that's what I wanted to highlight to let people see into this different world and -- hopefully -- better understand and appreciate it.
Death, grieving, and bullying are themes with which many students can empathize, and the story is strong enough to hold a reader‟s attention. The book is well written with developed characters, and a realistic viewpoint of a person with Asperger‟s Syndrome. This opinion is supported by the awards this book has received, both the National Book Award and The Dolly Gray Children‟s Literature Award.
In The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd, antagonistic siblings Ted and Kat must work together to find their cousin Salim after he disappears from the London Eye Ferris wheel.
Ted explains
that his brain that is “wired differently” and when Salim (prior to his disappearance) asks Ted about his syndrome, he replies “It‟s this thing in my brain.” (36) The story is told in first person, and shows the idiosyncrasies of his character through his descriptions of self, actions, events, and dialog. He describes classic Asperger‟s hand flapping when under stress “ „Uh-huh-huh,‟ I said, with my hands flapping.” (17)
“I ate Shreddies number seven
through seventeen.” (p 7) and, “I ate my last three Shreddies, numbers thirty-five through thirty seven.” (11)
Ted‟s special interest is meteorology, and he tries to not misinterpret idioms, but is not always
successful. I wondered if I should start a conversation. But what about? Small talk or big talk? I remembered what Mum had said when I started at secondary school last autumn. When you meet new people, Ted, keep the talk small. I’d asked her what she meant. Did it mean to use only words of one syllable? She’d laughed and said, ‘OK, Ted. Like the weather. Only not big weather. Small weather.’ Which meant I could talk about anticyclones and minor depressions but not major storm systems or global warming. (32)
The London Eye Mystery holds its own – the characters are engaging and the mystery holds enough plot twists and turns to keep any children‟s mystery-lover happy.
The author used the literary
technique of foreshadowing when Ted‟s father talks about blowing up the Tower, when Salim stares off into the distance toward the tower, and Aunt Gloria‟s exclaiming how much Salim loves tall buildings and his dream to be an architect someday. Ted‟s autism is secondary to the story – it enhances his „quirkiness‟ and highlights his ability to analyze facts and figure out the mystery. This book was a 2010 Dolly Gray Children‟s Literature Award Winner. Nora Raleigh Baskin‟s Anything but Typical is a book for anyone who has ever felt like they do not fit in; readers will connect with the main character and his struggles. Readers will first be attracted
by the title and the interesting cover art (which looks like intricate doodling), but the reader‟s attention will soon be engaged with the protagonist‟s love of writing, and yearning to connect with another person, facing one‟s fears, and eventually accepting oneself. Written in the stream of consciousness literary technique, 12-year-old Jason, who is autistic, tells his story in short vignettes and bounces between present time, fantasizing, flashbacks, and his „Storyboard‟ online story. Interestingly, this is one of the two books I listened to, and it‟s ironic that both authors incorporated present time, flashbacks, and dreams in the narration. In an interview, Baskin explains that she incorporated the fantasizing scenes as if they were happening to Jason to confuse the readers, because life is confusing, and while we all wish for life to happen a certain way, it doesn‟t always happen the way we hope it does. She wrote the book about Jason, because she wanted to tell his story, not because she wanted to raise autism awareness (although she said this has been a welcomed bonus). According to Jason, “[the autism diagnosis] explained some things, like why none of the other kids minded sitting on the grass…the grass felt like needles … like why [I was] told my face was like a blinking traffic light.” (151) “I can listen better when I am not distracted by a person‟s face: What are their eyes saying? Is that a frown or a smile? Why are they wrinkling their forehead or lifting their cheeks like that?? What does that mean? How can you listen to all those words when you have to think about all that stuff? (5) The tale of Jason trying to find a girlfriend – actually, a true friend – that accepts him for who he really is – is so poignant that it is heartbreaking. All of us, neurotypical or not, have experienced the moment when you discover the one person you want most, does not want you in return. However, I
was bothered by the idea that a 12-year-old was obsessing so much over a potential girlfriend, given that children on the spectrum “typically” have delayed „boy/girl‟ social interactions. When I asked the author about this, she declined to provide an explanation. This book has won several awards, including ALA Notable Children's Books, ALA Schneider Family Book Award, and Bank Street Best Books of the Year Suzanne Crowley‟s The Very Ordered Existence of Merilee Marvelous is the story of a thirteen year old girl with Asperger‟s Syndrome and her very dysfunctional family. Merilee leads a V.O.E. (very ordered existence) and disruptions to her daily routine cause her extreme stress. Her daily routines include … a lunch consisting of peanut butter and jelly sandwich (and a pickle), and does not include time for friends – especially one who is disabled and emotionally needy. “For me, the things are better if they are black and white with nothing in between to confuse you.” (161) The sensation of touch is especially painful, “I couldn‟t tell you if this was a good sensation, being hugged by Mama in the hospital – all I know is that it sent a stove-hot shock all the way through me, up to my head where it lingered.” (182) I believe the themes of friendship, loss, and dysfunctional family life can hit a nerve with the average reader.
The quirky characters and plot are reasons why the story is strong enough on
its own accord, and could be enjoyed by most readers. The Reinvention of Edison Thomas by Jaqueline Houtman is a book chock-full of science terms and random factoids. In fact, throughout each chapter, Eddy, a middle schooler who has high functioning autism, pulls facts from his random access memory, and they always tie into the story line (even when it seems somewhat of a stretch). Told in the third person, there are several realistic examples of how Eddy is overly sensitive to external noise, such as - “suddenly the loudspeaker screamed, the sound stabbing into Eddy‟s brain. Eddy clamped his hands over her ears and squatted on the floor right where he stood. He stared down at the floor and rocked a little, looking at the floorboards,
silently listing the elements on the periodic table.” (15) When the school schedule is changed (for a school assembly, for example) he is clearly frazzled, and is “constantly consulting his revised schedule so he would know what to expect.” (130) When he has an overwhelming day, he will head to the gym for some “tramp time”. He is also very sensitive to strong odors (especially tuna fish). This story is relatable to anyone who loves science or science fiction, has trouble making friends, has been bullied, or has been given a quirky name by their parents. Eddy emotionally grows throughout the book, and by its end has become empowered by the support of his new friends and in his ability to believe in himself. Mindblind by Jennifer Roy is another story told in the first person and he, Nathaniel, files away all information in his mind‟s computer hard drive. In the book, his memories are “literally” assigned a file name and closed at the end of his thought, or memory of the event. Nathaniel is in a rock band (which surprised me, given the Aspie‟s typical sensitively to external sounds) but he wears earplugs while playing so that he can tolerate the noise. A song he and his friend Jessa write together is about the Aspie‟s tendency toward “mindblindness” – the inability to read another‟s thoughts. Again, the storyline – fitting in, navigating relationships with friends and parents, reaching for your goals – are all themes to which the typical reader can relate. I found Livvie Owen Lived Here to be quite different from the other books. The autistic narrator, 14 year-old Olivia (Livvie) Owen, told her story in a much slower fashion than the others. This could be attributed to the fact that her processing time was slower, and that she tells her story in a series of flashbacks, dreams, and present time, to demonstrate how the character‟s mind works. Although I listened to an excellent audio narration of the book, I found it difficult to determine when she was flashing back or looking forward. However, the print version italicizes the text in the flashbacks, so it makes the book more easily readable and understood. Livvie describes her temper tantrums, her obsessions with her mud mug, fuzzy slippers, and real estate ads; her hypersensitivity to light and sound,
her humming and rocking to calm herself. She most often refers to herself in the third person, and calls her parents by their first names. Sometime she does not have words at all. For these reasons, this book is a good example of inclusion literature. Other times, however, her narrative does not match her cognitive level - although she explains she is unable to read and write, she often uses highly descriptive words and complex sentences, for example “Something about her behavior made me think my reputation preceded me, but she managed not to say it. She only patted me uncomfortably.” (33) and, “Karen said, not apologetically, but a little guarded, like she hoped I would stay calm”. (49 ) There are many more examples of this type of narrative, and I do not believe it is realistic dialog for a low functioning autistic child. Wild Orchid by Beverley Brenna is a young adult novel, but because the protagonist is still quite naïve, I believe that it would be appropriate for older middle school readers. The book is a series of journal entries by Taylor, an18 year-old girl with Asperger‟s Syndrome. She repeatedly explains her need for routine, difficulty reading people‟s faces, not understanding the confusing statements people say, and her fear of the unknown. She writes about her notebook of social stories, Taylor clearly explains to other characters what Asperger‟s is, and even refers them to Tony Attwood‟s website (he is a world-renown Asperger‟s Syndrome specialist).
She indicates many examples of thinking in a very
literal sense, and her special interest (obsession) with one subject (gerbils) and counting to 7 (lucky number). Examples of her point of view: Mom squeezed her eyebrows together so that there was an H in the middle of her forehead. This is the signal she has. It means she is worried and cross. (p 15) “No,” said Paul. “No problem. Today is a new day.” This statement is confusing. Every day is a new day. How could you have a day that is old, unless it is yesterday and you are going back to it. But traveling in reverse is impossible unless you are on a number line and you go into negative numbers, but you can only do this in math and only in your head. (p 48)
Also, my grandmother is not right about everything. She tried to get me to play chess for the longest time. She said that people with autism are good at chess. I think chess sucks. (p 62) I know that lots of people my age are getting summer jobs. I am too afraid to apply for a job. You wouldn’t know what questions the person would ask you, and so there would be no way to prepare. You also wouldn’t know exactly what you’d be doing, and it would be freaky to go to work without really knowing what you have to do. Just thinking about it makes me !!&%$%@@@ sick to my stomach. (p 63) I wondered if maybe I should ask her a question. It’s difficult trying to see inside people’s heads, but that’s what you are supposed to do if you’re having a conversation with them. (p 88)
Because the book deals with the themes of acceptance, anger issues, and growing up, it could be enjoyed by most readers. Although I believe Asperger‟s was authentically presented, two things concerned me: first, the cursory handling of the married man (Paul) kissing her, and second, that she refers to Tony Attwood and his website when she describes her disorder to Paul. This suggested to me that perhaps the intended audience was not the general population, but rather a more select group, or worse yet, an advertisement for his website! Brenna‟s sequel to Wild Orchid , Waiting for No One was a 2012 Dolly Gray Children‟s Literature Award Winner. In her 2003 article Learning Disabilities in Children’s and Adolescent Literature: How are characters portrayed?, Mary Anne Prater suggested that while in the past, disabled characters were used as “literary symbolism or as pivotal in the moral development of other characters”, but now “authors include characters with disabilities to (a) focus on the life of an individual with a disability, or (b) tell a story that happens to include an individual with a disability. In the first case fictionalized or true characters may serve as role models and/or bibliotherapy for children with disabilities. In addition, such characterizations may give children without disabilities opportunities to vicariously experience and learn about disabilities”.
With regard to the books I read, I found this last statement to be very true. She
further suggested that “[a]s with all literary works one could questions the general quality of the books… [those] characterizing learning disabilities are vulnerable to the same flaws as any other literary work.” I found the books I read and analyzed to contain themes that many readers can appreciate and
respond, and creating the main characters with autism spectrum disorders adds a new dimension to that which the character, and the reader, experiences throughout their journey in the story. Overall, the authors created fully developed characters and combined the respectful portrayals of autism spectrum disorders with engaging storylines and plots, and quality writing.
The books I
analyzed were excellent examples of inclusion literature. After reading these books, readers should gain awareness and have increased empathy for those with an autism spectrum disorder.
Common Core Standards The Common Core Standards “define what all students are expected to know and be able to do, not how teachers should teach.” Looking at the Common Core College and Career Readiness Standards for Writing, K-5, Standard 3: “Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences” works very well with inclusion literature, and the idea that inclusive literature can help children become more tolerant of those with disabilities. A teacher could easily provide a list of first person narrative books, including books about people on the autism spectrum, and ask the students to pick one, read it, and try to write their own personal narrative in the same style. Another approach would be to rewrite a chapter, or an excerpt, in the point of view of another character, and discuss how point of view affects the story. An alternative approach would be to read (or listen to) excerpts from a variety of first person narratives, discuss the similarities and differences in tone, clarity, style of writing, et cetera, and ask each student to write their own first person narrative. A follow-up assignment could be to read the students‟ narratives aloud and discuss similarities and differences between, or among, them. Common Core College and Career Readiness Standards for Reading, 6-12, Standard 6 states: “Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.” An assignment for middle school students could be to read an inclusive literature book, such as Mockingbird by Kathy Erksine, and discuss and analyze how Caitlin‟s point of view is different from their own, and how the format of the book helps the reader to understand Caitlin‟s innermost feelings. Another approach could be to discuss how the story would be different if told in the point of view of Caitlin‟s father.
Bibliography Amaral, David. and Corbett Blythe A. (2006). Brain‟s Fear Center Likely Shrinks in Autism‟s Most Severely Socially Impaired. Science News. Accessed April 20, 2012. Andrews, Sharon.(1998). Using inclusion literature to promote positive attitudes toward disabilities. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. Vol. 41, 420-426 Attwood, Tony. Asperger’s Syndrome . Website. Attwood, Tony. (2008). The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Baron-Cohen, S., Ring, H.A, Bullmore, E.T., Wheelwright, S., Ashwin, C., and Williams, S.C.R., (2000), The amygdala theory of autism. Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews, Vol. 24, 355-364. Baskin, Nora Raleigh. (2009). Anything but Typical. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. Baskin, Nora Raleigh. Anything but Typical Reading Group Guide. Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers. Baskin, Nora Raleigh. Personal e-mail regarding Anything but Typical. April 15, 2012. Baskin, Nora Raleigh. WPJH Interview with the author. Accessed April 14, 2012. Baskin, Nora Raleigh. Simon & Schuster Interview with the author. Accessed May 4,2012. Bolick, Teresa. (2004). Asperger Syndrome and Adolescence: Helping Preteens & Teens Get Ready for the Real World. Gloucester: Fairwinds Press. Brenna, Beverley. (2005). Wild Orchid. Calgary: Red Deer Press. Castelli, Fulvia, et al. (2002) Autism, Asperger syndrome and brain mechanisms for the attribution of mental states to animated shapes. Oxford Journals. Accessed April 10, 2012. Common Core State Standards Initiative. Accessed April 16, 2012. Council for Exceptional Children, The Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities. The Dolly Gray Children‟s Literature Book Award. Accessed April 5, 2012. Crowley, Suzanne. (2007). The Very Ordered Existence of Merilee Marvelous. New York: Greenwillow Books.
Dooley, Sarah. (2010). Livvie Owen Lived Here. New York: Feiwel and Friends Book. Dowd, Siobhan. (2007). The London Eye Mystery. New York: A Yearling Book Erskine, Kathy. (2010). Mockingbird. New York: Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated. Erksine, Kathy. Mockingbird Discussion Guide. Accessed April 12, 2012. Erksine, Kathy. Personal e-mail regarding Mockingbird. April 11, 2012. Grandin, Temple. (2002) The World Needs People With Asperger‟s Syndrome. American Normal. Accessed April 10, 2012. Greenwell, Bill. (2004). The curious incidence of novels about asperger‟s syndrome. Children’s Literature in Education. 35 (3) 271-284. Hoopmann, Kathy. (2001) Of Mice and Aliens: An Asperger Adventure. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Houtman, Jacqueline. (2010). The Reinvention of Edison Thomas. Honesdale: Front Street. Jaeger, Paul. T. (2012). Disability and the Internet. London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. Moon, Elizabeth. Autism: Past, Present, Future, Speculative. Speed of Dark – Essay on Autism. Accessed April 11, 2011. . National Center for Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Center for Disease Control, NCBDDD Annual Report 2011. Accessed April 13, 2012. National Center for Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Center for Disease Control, NCBDD. A Parents Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders. Peete, Holly Robinson. (2010). My Brother Charlie. New York: Scholastic Press. Prater, Mary Anne. (2003). Learning disabilities in children‟s and adolescent literature: How are characters portrayed? Learning Disability Quarterly. Vol 25 (1) 47-62. Roy, Jennifer. (2010). Mindblind. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Tourville, Amanda Doering. (2010). My Friend has Autism. North Mankato: Picture Window Books. Welton, Jude. (2008). Adam's Alternative Sports Day: An Asperger Story. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Please view my LibGuide entitled “Autism & Asperger’s Syndrome Resources” for more information about autism spectrum disorders: