Empowering Voices

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ALA I President's Message

Empowering Voices Telling the story of the transformational power of libraries



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'e are living in extraordinary times. Throughout tbe library world, reductions in financial resources tbreaten our survival. At tbe same time, many libraries are experiencing large increases in demand and usage. In academic, public, scbool, and special libraries, these cballenges call for all of us to work togetber and build a better future for all library communities. Recent montbs bave brougbt us some of tbe worst stories we could imagine. Aprime example is the reprehensible treatment of school librarians in tbe Los Angeles Unified Scbool District, wbere tbey were interrogated by LAUSD attorneys demanding proof tbat tbey are qualified to serve as teacbers. Yet, we bave reason to celebrate as well, particularly voter siipport reflected in tbe outcomes of library ballot measures. As Library Journal reported Apru 1, even in tbis anti-tax climate, "voters overwbelmingly entrusted tbeir libraries witb tbeir tax dollars in referenda beld between December 1, 2009, and November 30, 2010. Operating revenue measures passed at a spectacular rate of 87% ... continuing a 10-year upswing. Building referenda beld steady, witb 55% of measures passing and tbe average size of tbe projects more than doubled to over $9 million." As I begin my year as ALA president, I recognize tbat togetber we have much work to do, botb in tbe short term—tbe immediate battles— as well as tbe long term—strategically

by Molly Raphael

positioning libraries perience an "ab ba! " One of my for tbe future. moment, convinced primary In recent years, of tbe library's signifipresidential cant contribution to ALA has increased resources for advocaliteracy and learning initiatives, cy to assist library in a manner more "Empowering Voices: powerful communities of all tban our Communities Speak data and testimony. types, in all places. Many of you are al"Empowering Out for Libraries," ready using resources Voices" will develop builds on the sucb as ALA's Advoadditional tools and cacy University. One advocacy work of training for all types of my primary presi- recent ALA presidents. of libraries to assess dential initiatives, tbeir respective com"Empowering Voices; Communities munity's strengths, to identify and Speak Out for Libraries," builds on recruit tbe most effective people to tbe advocacy work of recent ALA tell of the transformational power of presidents, including Camila Alire's libraries, and tben to empower com"Frontline Advocacy" and Roberta munity members to take action and Stevens's "Our Authors, Our Advouse their voices to showcase wby cates." libraries matter. Our goal is to ensure tbat decision-makers not only As a librarian for 40 years, I ofien value tbeir libraries, but also suffiwitnessed tbe impact of library users ciently fund tbem. Libraries will recounting stories of tbe transformational power of libraries in tbeir lives. thrive wben tbey are recognized as a Wben I worked with decision-makers force for transforming lives and contributing significant outcomes to tbe as a lihraiy director, I knew tbat even bealtb and vitality of tbe communileaders wbo valued and supported ties tbey serve. libraries ofien struggled witb bow to fund all of tbeir priorities. Wbile we We look forward to hearing who worked in libraries did our best from you as we develop this initiato belp tbem understand tbe value of tive. Our success will only come libraries, we witnessed tbe greater from your success in library compersuasive power of tbe stories told by munities of all types and sizes. library users. Please sbare your thougbts at molly@mollyraphael.org and stay For example, tbe father of a 3rdtuned. I grade boy wbo bad fallen bebind in reading level talked about bow tbe li brary's summer reading program ALA President MOLLY RAPHAEL is the turned his son around so tbat he was retired director of Multnomah County reading above grade level and doing (Oreg.) Library and the District of Columbia Public Library in Washington, D.C. well in scbool. As tbis story was told, Visit mollyraphael.org. email: me we observed tbe decision-makers exmollyraphael.org

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