English 10 Lesson Plan

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LBSC744 Fall 2011 – Adapted from AASL

LIBRARY LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Created by: Melissa McDonald, MLS graduate student, under supervision of Melissa Jackson, LMS, Ballou HS and Melissa Mortimer, English Teacher School/Location: Ballou Senior High School 1. Grade: 10 - Honors English with Melissa Mortimer 2. Library Context: Fixed xx Flexible


Individualized Instruction

3. Lesson Context: (check one) Stand-alone lesson

Lesson in a unit

xx Multiple lessons in a unit – Indicate lesson order 4. Collaboration Continuum: (check one) None



xx Collaboration

5. Content/Unit: Culminating research project comparing the Holocaust with modern genocide. 6. Estimated Lesson time: Two lessons 7. Learner Characteristics & Implication to Lesson : Class consists of 27 10th grade honors English students. One student has an IEP (ED); approximately 60% of the students are on-grade reading level; approximately 40% are on middle school reading level. The students are in this honors class because of their work ethic and willingness to learn. Students have not yet been exposed to the research process, and this lesson will help with the students with future research projects in high school and beyond. 8. Instructional Objectives: To explain and demonstrate the AGOPPE (ask question, gather information, organize information, prepare information, present information, evaluate information) research process and assist students as they begin their research. 9. Standards for the 21st-Century Learner: Standard 1 – Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge S1 1-1 _x_1_x_2 (Abbreviated) Follow inquiry based process in seeking knowledge,


LBSC744 Fall 2011 – Adapted from AASL

make real world connections; use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning. S1 1-2 _x_3 Demonstrate creatively by using multiple resources and formats. S1 1-3 _x_1 Follow ethical and legal guidelines in gathering and using information. S1 1-4 _x_2 Use interaction with and feedback from teachers and peers to guide own inquiry process. Standard 2 – Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. S2 1-1 _x_1_x_2_x_3 (Abbreviated) Inquiry based research, organize knowledge so it is useful, use strategies to draw conclusions S2 2-3 _x_1 Connect understanding to the real world. Standard 3 – Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. S3 4-1 _x_2 Assess the processes by which learning was achieved in order to revise strategies and learn more effectively in the future. Standard 4 - Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. S4 4-4 _x_2 Recognize the limits of own personal knowledge.

10. Connection to local or state standards: (List here relevant content, information literacy, and technology standards)

RI.10.2 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. (Are annotated bibliographies still the way to go? If so, I think this would be a great opportunity to teach that skill and to reinforce summarizing since it's on the DC-CAS). W.10.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. a) Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. b) Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended 2

LBSC744 Fall 2011 – Adapted from AASL

definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic. c) Use appropriate and varied transitions to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts. d) Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic. e) Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. f) Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented (e.g., articulating implications or the significance of the topic).

RL.10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 11. Library lesson: (Indicate step by step activity done in the library/classroom/computer lab that the LMS will be teaching/facilitating) Day # 1: Classroom with laptops – Led by Melissa McDonald (MLS student) with assistance by Melissa Jackson (LMS) and Melissa Mortimer (English teacher) 

Melissa Mortimer will introduce the English assignment and provide student support.

Melissa McDonald will lead the library lesson; Melissa Jackson will supervise and provide student support

1. Handout the Honors English 10: Genocide Research Project Resources a. Explain that we will be going through and explaining this packet today and that they may take notes on it 2. Presentation of AGOPPE research method – a. Explain that this is a step-by-step approach to doing research and can be used for any research project. Tell students that the steps will be posted in the LMC and are also in their packet. Assure the students that although we will be going over a lot of information, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Mortimer, and I will be available these two days, and that library is open during lunch and after school for research lab time. b. Step 1 – Ask Questions i. Ask students to call out some HOT questions c. Step 2 – Gather Information i. Explain that there are 3 types of resources that we will be exploring today: Books, Databases, and websites. 3

LBSC744 Fall 2011 – Adapted from AASL

ii. Explain the importance of citing their sources, explain plagiarism, call attention to the note sheets, and that we’ll discuss how to complete them in a few iii. Show students how to access the Ballou library website iv. Show students how to access Destiny v. Show students how to access Online Databases vi. Show students how to access Washington Post eReplica vii. Show students how to access DC Public Library [need library card] viii. Explain and demonstrate Boolean search (importance of key words) ix. Explain that I have included websites in their packets that they may find helpful 1. Explain the importance of evaluating websites a. Review the checklist, and show both the “reliable” sites and the “biased” sites. d. Step 3 – Organize information – ii. Explain how to use the note sheet (quotes, bulleted notes, etc) and again tell them how important it is to cite sources in the research projects. iii. Explain that NoodleTools is also available on the BLMC web site if student prefers to keep everything online. e. Step 4 – Prepare and Produce i. What kind of project are you creating? Read through the project rubric and highlight what the students need to do to achieve an A. ii. Remind them to always write neatly and type carefully and to check grammar and spelling. f. Step 5 – Present your project i. Remind students to review the rubric carefully so that they understand what the final product is. ii. If the students need to present to their teacher or to their classmates, be sure to practice at home. g. Step 6 – Evaluate your project i. Explain that before turning in the final project, the students should always double check the rubric to be sure that they included everything needed for full points 3. Start research process and circulate through the classroom, assisting students as questions arise. Day #2: Classroom with laptops - Led by Melissa McDonald, assistance by Melissa Jackson and Melissa Mortimer 1. Finish review of the AGOPPE research process 2. Review how to access databases on BLMC LibGuide. 3. Continue research process online, LMSs and teacher will support students by circulating through the classroom and assisting students as questions arise.


LBSC744 Fall 2011 – Adapted from AASL

12. Justification for Choice of Instructional Strategies and Research Models (if used) AGOPPE is the DCPS research method. 13. Resources for Students (check all that apply) xx Online subscription database(s) xx Web sites xx Books Reference xx Nonprint xx Periodicals/newspapers xx Other (list): PBS Genocide documentary video, online tutorials 14. List of resources/materials used in this lesson (list according to categories in (13)) (Please see Genocide Project Resource Sheet for more detailed information) o Books:  Deogratias : A Tale of Rwanda 741.59 STA  Genocide : Modern Crimes Against Humanity 304.6 J  To Kill a Nation : The Attack on Yugoslavia 949.71 PAR  Overcoming Speechlessness : A Poet Encounters the Horror in Rwanda, Eastern Congo, and Palestine/Israel 306.6 WAL o Online databases:  BLMC: www.blmc.libguides.com  DCPL: http://www.dclibrary.org/node/124 o Electronic Newspapers:  The Washington Post eReplica;  The New York Times archives o Websites:  United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: What is genocide (definition)? http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007043 http://www.ushmm.org/genocide/take_action/genocide/

The History Place http://www.historyplace.com/worldhistory/genocide/index.html

 Yale University Genocide Studies Program http://www.yale.edu/cgp/

o Video:  PBS Genocide documentary “Worse than War” http://video.pbs.org/video/1469571951/

15. Justification for Materials and Resources Used 5

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  

Books are in the Ballou LMC Databases are available at BLMC and DCPL Web Sites meet the web site evaluation criteria

16. Assessment (indicate how assessment will be conducted to evaluate the achievement of objectives - include instrument, rubrics etc.) Honors English Genocide Rubric follows:



Honors English 2: Genocide Research Project Rubric Category Content

3 Student carefully analyzed the information collected and drew appropriate conclusions supported by evidence. Student carefully explained where, when, why, how and the effects of the genocide and how it compares to the Holocaust.

2 Student analyzed most of information collected and drew some appropriate conclusions supported by evidence. Student mostly explained where, when, why, how and the effects of the genocide, and how it compares to the Holocaust.


1 Student did not analyze the information collected and/or did not draw conclusions beyond simply summarizing. Student explains two or less of the following: where, when, why, how and the effects of the genocide, and how it compares to the Holocaust.

LBSC744 Fall 2011 – Adapted from AASL




Student gathered information (4+ sources cited) from a variety of quality electronic and print sources, including appropriate databases. Sources are relevant and include critical readings relating to the topic. All in text citing and annotated bibliography are correct.  Rich topic/idea development • Careful and/or subtle organization • Effective/rich use of language • Full topic/idea development • Logical organization • Strong details • Appropriate use of language Writing reflects all rules of written composition; no grammatical/spelling errors

Student gathered information from a variety of relevant sources (2-3 sources cited). Sources are mostly relevant. There are some errors in text citing and the annotated bibliography.

Student did not gather information from a variety of relevant sources. In text citing and annotated bibliography missing or has severe errors.

Moderate topic/idea development and organization.  Adequate, relevant details • Some variety in language

Writing reflects most rules of written composition; Errors do not interfere with communication

Writing reflects some rules of written composition; grammatical/spelling errors somewhat distract from writing content.

  

Simple topic/idea development and/or organization Basic supporting ideas Simplistic language Limited or weak topic/idea development, organization, and/or details

Score:_______________/12=______________% Late (-10):_________ Attended writing lab (+10):_________ Total:________


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