Genocide Research Project Resource Packet Honors English 10 Ms. Mortimer, Ms. McDonald, and Mrs. M. Jackson
Student’s Name__________________ _______________
Honors English 10: Genocide Research Project Resources Genocide Books in Ballou Library Media Center: List of books at Ballou Library Media Center :
Deogratias : A Tale of Rwanda
Genocide : Modern Crimes Against Humanity 304.6 J
To Kill a Nation : The Attack on Yugoslavia 949.71 PAR
Overcoming Speechlessness : A Poet Encounters the Horror in Rwanda, Eastern Congo, and Palestine/Israel 306.6 WAL
741.59 STA
Databases on Ballou Library Media Center Web Site: Click on:
Databases available: EBSCO, Student Research Center
DC Public Library Web Site: Online Databases: Subject LibGuides: Genocide Web Sites on the Internet: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: What is genocide (definition)? Access to articles about Genocide Worldwide is also available on this site. The History Place
Yale University Genocide Studies Program
Below are examples of websites that are not reliable because of bias:
Newspaper Articles New York Times Rewandan Archives: Washingon Post eReplica available on VIDEO RESOURCE PBS Genocide Documentary “Worse Than War” Or NOODLETOOLS Use NoodleTools to take annotated notes: BOOLEAN OPERATORS Video demonstration: CITING YOUR SOURCES Citing (giving credit to) your sources is very important when researching and completing a project. If you do not cite your source, you are stealing information from another person or entity and calling it your own. This is called plagiarism. Deliberate plagiarism is stealing, but accidental plagiarism is also stealing. To avoid plagiarizing another person’s work, you MUST cite your sources! Use may use the following to help you cite your source using the APA method: EasyBib- Cite Your Sources on the Ballou LMC LibGuide: Perdue Online Writing Lab ( OWL):
A guide to citing your source using the APA method is in this packet as well.
How to Evaluate Web Sites 1.
Who assembled the site? What is their organizational affiliation? Does their affiliation indicate the possibility of bias? What scholarly or professional credentials do they have that would indicate that the information they present is accurate, or that their opinions on the subject are worthwhile? Know the meanings of the domain designations: .com: commercial, hosted by a company .org: non-profit organization .mil: military branch of the government .net: usually an internet service provider .gov: governmental website .edu: educational institution .edu/~adam: Student or faculty at an educational institution Information found on educational or governmental web sites will probably be the most reliable. Be careful of information from commercial or non-profit organizations; they frequently have a bias. If it is a commercial site or a non-profit organization, is their purpose or bias easily determined? 2. Follow-Through (Contact Information) Is there an address at which the Web author may be contacted? This should be included on the site. Is there an e-mail link? Authors who do not give the reader a way to contact them somewhere on the site may be avoiding confrontations or hiding something. 3. Timeliness When was the site last updated? The amount of updating necessary for accuracy varies by subject, but if a site has not been touched up by its author in the past year, this could signal trouble. The exceptions are index pages or pages that serve as a table of contents to the site. 4. Authority If the site includes information gathered from other resources, is it properly attributed, or is it listed without its source? This can include a bibliography of books or articles, much as a printed paper. 5. Accuracy Is the information presented factual? Can you find any errors? Often, a comparison to printed information or other sites of known reliability will give you an idea as to whether the information is accurate. One good title to use for statistical information is the Statistical Abstract of the United States. Has the information been altered from its original form? It's easy to download a table from another website and make changes in the figures. Does the author support the information with evidence? 6. Has this material been printed in paper form? If so, by whom? Materials that have also gone through the standard publishing process are more likely to have been checked for accuracy. Remember: Anyone with Internet access can put together a Web page. Use your judgment when using the Internet for your research. Source:
APA Citation Guide Book: Author Last Name, First Initial. (Year Published). Title of Book Italicized. City of Publication: Name of Publisher. Rovin, J. (1979). The fantasy almanac. New York: Dutton. Wilson, C., & Grant, J. (Eds.). (1981). The directory of possibilities. New York: Rutledge Press. Newspaper Article: Page numbers must be preceded with p. or pp. Adande, J. A. (1995, December 10). By George, Buckeye wins Heisman Trophy. Washington Post, p. D1. Full-Text Articles from Databases (Example: EBSCO) When citing articles (or other material) retrieved from a database, cite the article as appropriate to the format of the item (i.e. journal or newspaper). Provide the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in the reference if one is assigned. Paris, C. (2008, March). The changing housing system in Northern Ireland 1998-2007. Ethnopolitics, 7(1), 119-136. doi:10.1080/17449050701847269 Internet Articles Based on a Print Source: (Ex: Business Week Online, New York Times on the Web, etc.) If you have accessed an article on an Internet website (not via a database), cite the article as appropriate to the format of the item (i.e. journal or newspaper), and then add the Web site URL at the end of the citation. Sadeh, A., Raviv, A., & Gruber, R. (2001). Sleep patterns and sleep disruptions in school-age children. Developmental Psychology, 36, 291-301. Retrieved from journals/releases/dev363291.pdf Articles from an Internet-only Journal (Article does not appear in print journal or magazine) Matthews, J. & Wiggins, R. (2001, December 3). Libraries, the Internet and September 11. First Monday, 6(12). Retrieved from issues/issue6_12/matthews/index.html
Bibiography: Resources should be listed alphabetically by author’s last name.