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Melissa McDonald LBSC642 Audiobooks Take Home Assignment

Website: Story chosen: The Three Little Pigs Why would I choose an audio book versus a print book? An audio book allows a student the freedom to move around while listening to a book. For elementary school students with ADHD, being offered the opportunity to move and get the wiggles out may allow them to focus more clearly on the story. In addition, listening to a story stimulates different parts of the brain. In my storytelling course (LBSC745) I learned our brains are wired for stories, and this would provide the students the storytelling experience in the classroom. What goals would you have for your class? My overriding goal would be for my students to really hear and absorb the story, and to be able to tell it back to me (and their classmates) with rich details. What assignment would you give your students? I would give my students options (differentiation is a wonderful thing!) o

Draw a comic strip of the story


Write a script and act the story out (with or without props) – group activity


Rewrite, or verbally retell, the story in the perspective of another character (think: The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka)


Create a Voki based on the story (

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