Melissa Menard-Levasseur Portfolio 2015

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Portfolio MĂŠlissa MĂŠnard-Levasseur


Portfolio 2015


Mélissa Ménard-Levasseur Contact :

123 adam Vaudreuil-Dorion, Québec, Canada J7V 8P5

Email :

About me :

I was born and raised in the countryside of Montreal, Canada. Therefore, I have always lived close to nature and through the years I have been sensitive to create a type of architecture that respects its surroundings. Also, my studies led me to define my interests in this field. My objective as an architect is to create various spaces with different atmospheres where people will interact with the built environment. Graphics and hand-drawing help me to demonstrate clearly my intentions.


Table of contents

Architecture projects



Crossing lives [p.6-13]

Interaction [p.14-17]



Interrelation [p.18-21]

À la fine pointe [p.22-25]

Models & objects



Horizons désaxés [p.26-27]

Entrechoc [p.28-29]



Pivot [p.30-31]

Boîte à surprises [p.32-33]



Graphic expression [p.34-37]

Photography [p.38-41]




01 Crossing lives

Third year studio | Autumn 2014 Type : Student housing Location : Tampere, Finland This housing project is located in the heart of the campus of Tampere University of Technology. Thus, it has been for years a meaningful meeting point and pedestrian circulation through the site is quite important as it is an animated area. More than 9000 students study in this university and it is the perfect opportunity to bring new functions and new spaces to the school. This student housing is thought to be intented not only for the students, but for all the residents living nearby. This new meeting point was designed to create a warm atmosphere that invites people in and that will help to strenghten ties within the community.

36 people

24 houses


18 712 m3



Ground floor

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The public spaces. In order to keep the circulation flow fluid, the idea of the project is to provide a dynamic semi-public pathway in between the buildings with shops and nice public spaces. The relation between the exterior and the interior is important as both main inside public spaces open up to a terrace. The organic shape of the voids create spaces that feel inviting and sheltered.

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The bridges and housing The bridges constitute a path that goes through both buildings and leads to the rooftop. The bridges are used as study rooms and at each level they lead to, there is a public space with different atmosphere according to the use and for whom. In the end of the path, the bridges lead to terraces where there are saunas and nice outdoor spaces to enjoy the view. It becomes an interesting space for the neighbourhood. In the upper floors, there are 3 types of apartments; studio with a shared kitchen, apartment for two and two-floor apartment for a family. The three types are intended to be functionnal and warm. Every apartment has a balcony and a view to the campus life.

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Family apartment floor plan

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02 Interaction

Second year studio | Winter 2014 Type : Public library Location : Lévis, Canada. The Old Lévis wants to build a twenty-first century library that will be adapted to the needs of the population. The strategic location of the site and the proximity to numerous schools within the neighbourhood enhance the dynamic quality of the space. The intention of the project is to build a lighthouse that will attract the population and create occasions for them to gather. The building is mainly made of glass in order to create a nice dialogue between the built environment and the outdoor public space. The rhythm of the façade is patterned with the wood blinds are placed arbitrarily and create interesting lighting ambiences. Each generation has a specific zone with different atmsopheres, which was designed for their special needs. In a nutshell, the goal of the project was to create interactive spaces, but also social interactions between generations in the common spaces.

4000 students

1 651 m2

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21 463 m3

Ground floor

Reading area

Café & exhibition space

Children’s playroom

Detail section

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03 Interrelation

Second year studio | Autumn 2013 Type : Commununity Center, requalification of the heritage Location : Saint-Michel-de-Bellechasse, Canada. Two main issues support the new program of the Saint-Michel-de-Bellechasse rectory. On one hand, a sociological study reveals that the village is becoming younger. On the other hand, the site analysis shows that the potential of the land is not exploited to its full potential due to its enclosure. Thus, spaces to serve the population will be built in the heritage building, which are a youth club, a community cafĂŠ and a library. Each generation has an area which is adapted for them. There are also common areas to promote exchanges between the different age groups. Furthermore, a bridge will be built to connect the village center, the rectory and the river. The intention of the project is to create interrelationships between the landscape and buildings, but also between different generations.

1 800 citizens

372 m2

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3534 m3

Exhibition area

Children’s playroom with a view downstairs

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Ground floor

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04 À la fine pointe

First year competition | Autumn 2012 Type : Landscape architecture Location : Québec, Canada Teamates : François Bail-L’Heureux, Eugénie Lessard and Grégory Taillon The objective of this project was to find a solution to revitalize the heart of University Laval campus. Our team thought about creating a park like atmosphere with an ice-skating rink in the winter that goes through the campus. The paths would be surrounded by pavilions with different sizes according to their uses. Going from a study room and café to a simple shelter for the pedestrians to leave their personal belongings. The goal was to strengthen social cohesion inside a vivid, dynamic and gathering spot for the students, but also for the neighbourhood.

45 000 students


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Transformation of the paved path during winter

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The pavilions become a lantern during the night

Section of the north-south axis

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05 Horizons dĂŠsaxĂŠs

First year studio | Autumn 2012 Type : Installation Location : Baie Saint-Paul, Canada. The exercise was carried out during one afternoon in Baie Saint-Paul. The goal of the project was to create a dialogue between the landscape and the installation. Depending on the time of day, the proposed view within the frame changed and offered us a different view of the landscape. For example, the low tide allowed levying multiple background lines created by patches of sand and plants a little further. A few moments later, when the tide had risen, the water had covered this stretch of sand. With hindsight, this project goes beyond the original goal. The panorama highlights the ephemeral object by the play of shadows, but also by the changes that occurred depending on the time of the day.

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06 Entrechoc First year studio | Autumn 2012 Type : Materiality Location : QuĂŠbec City, Canada.

The objective of the exercise was to repeat a single element to create a composition. The form used is a frame with a door. The assembly of these elements, made it possible, to create a dynamic rhythmic course punctuated by doors that can give an outward or cocoon feeling impression. This project also explores the concept of what happens under the base. Thus, there are openings that allow for an upward flow.

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07 Pivot First year studio | Autumn 2012 Type : Materiality Location : QuĂŠbec City, Canada.

This project addresses the concept of materiality. The intent of the project was to create a liveable wall that could be think of an installation trhoughout the city. By repeating a single element, i.e. a coffee stir stick, we obtain a rich texture as a result of creating curves with straight elements. The object creates a space which is porous and allows the light to pass between the slats. Wood studs hold elements of framed wall assemblies. It can be rotated and the slats can be attached between walls to create sitting areas. Some openings were made at different heights to accommodate users.

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08 Boîte à surprises First year competition | Winter 2013 Type : Object Location : Québec City, Canada.

The theme of the «Objet 2013» competition, was to design an extravagant object. Thus, this marine micro-society is unique thanks to its eccentric design. The original shape of this tank is created by using an apertured wooden structure through the use of dynamically available cubes over the glazed facades. In addition, the windows in the interior walls allow visual communication between fish housed in separate aquariums. Finally, the extravagant nature of this object is highlighted with the sets of dazzling lights achieved through light beams from the LED tubes embedded in the base. It was one of the best sold objects in the auction.

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09 Graphic expression

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10 Photography

Venice Biennial, Italy & Copenhagen, Denmark.

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Tallinn, Estonia & Moscow, Russia. VitraHaus, Germany.

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Auroras in Finland & Trip to Northern Norway.

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Thank you!

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