Market Research Project - Food Deserts

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Fresh Moves The Fresh Awareness Team

Executive Summary Purpose: Greater Donations Identification Types of donations Receive donations Process: Focus groups, surveys, quantitative and secondary research Representative same size Better execution, tactical marketing

Managerial Goals With the result from this research we’d like to develop a plan to reach more donor markets for Fresh Bus.

Research Findings Food Deserts What is Fresh Moves? Food Charities Donor Demographics

Research Findings: Food Deserts

Research Findings: Fresh Moves Description - Mobile produce market that provides fresh produce to low access food areas.

Research Findings: Food Charities Facebook Studio Live Chicago Greater Chicago Food Depository

Research Objectives To identify donor markets To determine types of donors (corporate, private, food donations, cash) To assess what types of donations Fresh bus currently needs.


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As income levels increase, the likelihood of donating money increases. As income level increases, the higher the amount of money people will donate. People below 26 are more likely to donate than people above 26. The greater the level of community involvement, the higher the likelihood of donating. As education level increases, the higher the

Research Methods Moderator's Guide Survey Questionnaire

Moderator's Guide Welcome / Introduction / Overview of Focus Group Process (5 minutes)

General information (10 minutes) Where do you currently live? Where do you go grocery shopping? How far do you have to travel? How much do you spend a week on groceries (just food)?

Food Deserts/Fresh Moves (10 minutes) Who knows what a food desert is? Can you describe any food deserts that you know of? [Provide definition of food desert - show map of Chicago, point out food deserts] Who knows what Fresh Moves or the Fresh Bus is? Where have you seen it? What do you know about it?

Moderator's Guide Cont. What charities do you donate to? What about these charities makes them appealing to you? What factors do you consider when making a donation? [Write down reasons for donating to a charity] What factors would make you reluctant to donate to a charity? Perception (20 minutes) What solutions do you know about for solving the food desert problem? How do you feel about these solutions? Probe for positives/negatives. Expand. Explain Fresh Moves approach. Ask for criticisms (positive/negative). Charities (20 minutes)Who here donates to charities?

Survey Questionnaire 1. Are you younger than 26? 2. What is your income level? under $20,000; $20,000-40,000; $40,000-60,000; $60,000+ 3. Education level? Some high school; High School; some college/college degree, masters; doctorate. 4. Are you currently or have you been enrolled in the armed services? Y/N 5. Do you habitually donate money to charity? Y/N 6. If you responded no, what is your main reason for not being active in donating? a) I donate infrequently b) lack of money c) don’t know where to go d) lack of time e) other ______________ 7. If yes, how much on average, per month? ____________ per year? __________ 8. What have you donated to charity other than money? a) clothing b) food c) time (volunteering) d) other _________ 9. When was the last time you donated? a) Within the last month b) Within the last 3 months c) Within the last 6 months d) Within the last year e) over a year ago 10. How likely are you to donate (food, clothing, money) in the next year? Not likely 1 2 3 4 5 Very likely

Survey Questionnaire Cont. 11. How do you hear about charity programs? a) television b) public advertisements c)internet d) other 12. Which of the following community services do you volunteer? a) homeless shelters / soup kitchens b) food bank c) none d) other ______________ 13. Have you heard of fresh bus? a) yes b) no 14. Are you familiar with food desserts and what they are? a) yes b) no c) I have heard of them, but don’t know what it is 15. Beyond donations, have you been involved with any volunteering in the past year? a) yes b) no 16. If so, where? _________________

Sampling Plan Combination convenience sampling and stratified sampling at grocery stores within Chicago with the determination being 26 years old being the pivotal factor.

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