30 days of prompts

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4. Share your

1. Introduce

2. Answer a

6. Share

7. Post a “this

8. Share

12. Share

13. Share your favorite recipes/

yourself and your Young Living story.

about the basics of essential oils—how to use them, benefits of their use, tips and tricks for trying new oils.

3. Share an Instagram

common question you get about essential oils.

a problem, solution (product), and CTA.

or that” poll of the convention and favorite products.

testimonials— your own or someone else’s.

Share diffusers. Which one is your favorite?

a recent blog post of from The Lavender Life.

night’s sleep. • What do you use? • What is your routine? • Share your top remedies.

28. Share essential

oil hacks! For example, Lemon oil for sticky tough-to-remove spots, Purification blend for odor elimination.

29. Talk about

pet products! Share Young Living products for pets with “Did you know?” questions.

success story about a convention product.

11. Post

a simple life hack you use a YL product for.

the-scenes videos from convention (or create a highlight reel of your time at the convention).

new convention product recipe— we have a few!

18. Share something

about your family. Being genuine on social media is so important.

21. Share the

22. Make a


26. Share

first Young Living product you ever purchased and why.

24. Share tips and tricks for a restful

5. Share a

14. Share your photos or behind-

17. Share a

your favorite essential oil blend? What scents remind you of your childhood? What essential oil blend do you use as perfume? How are you feeling today, or what’s something that’s made you happy?

Post a series of stories focused on how to become a brand partner with Young Living.


a reel with a recipe or product in use.

20. Ask a question. Here are a few ideas: What’s

23. Share what you love!

10. Share

benefits/ success stories of plant-based products.

16. Create

products in your everyday life. For example, adding a blend to a diffuser, cleaning your kitchen with thieves, or adding NingXia Greens to your smoothie.

your favorite summer product or recipe!

9. Share

DIYs with YL products. Need some inspiration? Head over to our social channels or blog to find some ideas!

15. Create a reel using one of the

19. Share

story, your “why” with the hashtag #WhyYL.

story about one of your favorite products from the convention.

Introduce Young Living supplements!

30. Share about the

Young Living farms. Share farm cards from the digital library with farm facts about the oils that come from each farm.

post all about Thieves! Share Thieves products and recipes.

your best oils for different moods. Share what you use when you need to get motivated, clear your head, or boost your mood.

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