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Celebrating Life in Middlebury, Indiana
April 2020
Spring in
Clothing, Health & Beauty, Home Decor, Essential Oils and much more! We now have kids clothing and bedding items in Middlebury.
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inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020 3
Table of Contents
Outdoor Living, 7 Exploring sounds in nature
Boys and Girls Club, 14 Members want to give back
Shouts, 21 Give a shout of gratitude
Northridge Band Flower Sale, 8
Northridge Community Schools handling the Coronovirus, 15
Scholar Athlete, 23 Jenna Nethercutt
Northridge Wrestling Stats, 17
Northridge Athletes, 24-25
Someone you should know in Middlebury, 18-19 Ali Kokesh
Middlebury Chamber of Commerce, 26
Middlebury Parks Department, 9 Northridge Dance Team, 10-11 American Legion Auxiliary, 12 Blue Star Mothers 2nd Annual Donation Drive
Contributors: Publisher:
William Connelly
Show Choir Stats, 27
April’s Cover: Northridge students performing with the Knight Lights show Choir 2020. Photo taken by Carrie Norris
Desirée Beauchamp-Boucher
Advertise with us
Share your message with every home and business within the Middlebury School Corporation. We mail the magazine to homes and businesses throughout the Middlebury School District and publish it online. Your ad can reach each home for as low as 1.5¢ per address. Design is free with purchase of your ad. Our Account Managers are here to help, just give us a call at 574-825-9112.
Scott Faust
Dr. Carla Gull, Nikki Wittmer and Desirée Beauchamp-Boucher,
Russ Draper, Carla Gull, Carrie Norris and Desirée Beauchamp-Boucher
4 inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020
Advertising deadline for the May issue is April 10.
Community Calendar 17 Hop into Spring Middlebury Community Library, 4-6 p.m. Stevens Puppets presents Wizard of Oz. 17 Blue Star Mother 2nd Annual Donation Drive Donations can be dropped off at Middlebury American Legion Post 210, 103 York Dr. in Middlebury, from 3-9 p.m., Monday through Friday, now through April 17 18 Middlebury Reading Invasion Middlebury Community Library, 12-2 p.m. Bring a favorite book or device and read. 18 NRDT’s Annual Recital “Year in Review” 3-6 p.m. at NHS auditorium. Tickets availaible at 25 Dogwood Hills Tree Farm Middlebury Tree Auction 53899 CR 39, Middlebury at 10 a.m.
Editor’s Note Oh my goodness what an interesting start to Spring for all of us right? I know that during the next month while we are all working our best to incorporate social distancing practices we will be faced with some new and sometimes hard obstacles. Hopefully for those of you with children at home due to the school closures you will be able to find ways to have fun and maybe break out the board games. The schools are coming up with solutions for children who receive free or reduced lunches and may require help meeting their nutritional needs during this time, so if you or a family you know would like more information about these meals, please contact the schools if they have not already been in contact with you. Let’s also reach out to our elderly neighbors and make sure they are well and have what they need. As for me, I am using this down time as an excuse to get some Spring cleaning done and an early start on yard work, so give me a honk or a wave if you see me out in my yard working. We may have to spend the next several weeks or months having less face to face contact with friends and extended family, but we are a strong community and there are other ways we can reach out to one another to share our support and love...a phone call, a text or even some extra shouts of gratitude for our Shout page. Be well Middlebury and hopefully we will see an end to this soon. - Desirée Beauchamp-Boucher
Weekly Mon: Table Games, Greencroft – 6:30 p.m. Tues: Euchre, Greencroft – 6:30 p.m. WED: Middlebury Exchange Club, Essenhaus – 6:30 a.m. Fri: Optimist Club Breakfast, Essenhaus – 6:30 a.m.
Monthly American Legion Dinners 5 -7 p.m., Public welcome 1st Friday: All-You-Can-Eat Fish by the Legion 2nd Friday: Grilled Smoked Pork Chops by Legion Riders 3rd Friday: Tacos and More by Auxiliary 4th Friday: Sandwich Baskets by SAL 5th Friday: Lasagna dinner by Boy Scout Troop 7 Last Saturday: Steak Grill – Call 825-5121 for more info 1st & 3rd Mondays: Town Council Meetings at Town Hall – 6 p.m. 1ST & 3rd Wednesdays: Middlebury Men’s Club Meetings at the American Legion – 7 p.m. 2nd and 4th Mondays: Middlebury Lions Club - 7 p.m., American Legion Hall
What’s Happening Online
inMiddlebury? Facebook
inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020 5
Happy 3rd Birthday Savannah! Love Mom & Dad
Happy Birthday Leland!
Happy Birthday Daryl!
Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband, Marcus Boucher!
Birthay Wishes
Marlene Schrock
Sabrina Bontrager, 21
Savannah Anderson, 3
4/16 Rod Cripe
4/20 Leland Bontrager, 22 4/29 Marcus Boucher
4/19 Daryl Schrock, 20
Anniversary Wishes 4/4 Don & Marlene Schrock
Have a celebration in May? Let us know by April 10. 6 inMiddlebury Magazine  | April 2020
1. Website: 2. Facebook: Click on the blue (Submit) tab 3. Call us at: 574-825-9112 4. Mail: inMiddlebury Magazine: PO Box 68, Middlebury, IN 46540. Please include a phone number or email address in case we have a question
sounds in nature
Go outside and close your eyes. What do you hear? Listen a little longer. What else do you hear? Listen beyond the passing cars to hear the wind, frogs, various birds, and other sounds in nature. Slowing down to listen to nature can help ground us. Here are a few ways to enhance our sound experience in the outdoors. Deer Ears – Cup your hands around the back of your ears with the open palm facing outward to funnel sound into your ears. What do you hear when you use deer ears? This can amplify sound we receive, just like a deer! Sound Map – Create a sound map by recording what you hear spatially. Bring a piece of paper outside with a pencil and clipboard. Close your eyes and listen. Put a symbol on your map of where you are. Draw or write the sounds you hear around you, creating a map of the various sounds you hear. Seasonal Listening – What sounds do you hear in the winter? We love the sounds of ice skidding across a frozen pond. Spring brings the trill of red-winged blackbirds and calling frogs. Buzzing insects signal summer. Crunching leaves of fall remind me of the changing seasons. Listen through the seasons!
Even little ones can experiment with water and sound outside.
How do sticks sound on humanmade materials?
Sound Tally Chart – Create a tally sheet of sounds you hear outside, marking each time you hear a particular sound. Do natural sounds outweigh human-made sounds? Can you tell what the sound is you are hearing? Learn Bird and Animal Songs – Learning just a few bird or frog songs can help you know the wildlife around you. Try resources at or https://www. Exploring Sounds with Tools – We love experimenting with sound outside! Pick up a stick and bang it on a rock, the ground, ice, or gently on a tree. How is the sound different with each item? Try a new tool, like a wooden mallet or metal spoon. How do these tools sound on human-made objects outside? Fill glass jars or metal bowls and buckets with varying amounts of water and explore sound with the similar tools. The Listening Walk – This book by Paul Showers recounts a walk with a dog while the child listens to the many sounds that happen during the walk, such as the dog’s paws, the father’s shoes, lawnmowers, sprinklers, and more. Take your own listening walk. What do you hear? Make Music Outdoors – Can you make musical instruments out of nature? Some seed pods are great to shake for a rattle sound. Try various bits of nature in a jar with a lid to shake for other sounds. Record your own natural sound exploration.
Take a listen – what sounds Nature is full of sound and music opportunities!
Take kitchen supplies outside to investigate sound.
do you hear outside?
Dr. Carla Gull blogs at and podcasts as “Loose Parts Nature Play”. She is often seen with her four tag-along explorers in the greater Michiana area. inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020 7
Band Booster
Flower Sale Fundraiser • Flowers are from Varner’s Greenhouse • Form can be found online at https://bandboosters. • Download and fill out form, put in an envelope with “Chelsea Varner” written on it and take it to the office at Northridge High School • Payment MUST be included with order • Orders will be accepted through Wednesday, April 22 at 3:45 p.m. • Customer is responsible for pick up of their order on Wednesday, May 6 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in the parking lot to the west of Northridge High School (band parking lot) • Fundraiser for Marching Band • For questions, check out the “FAQs” tab under “Fundraisers” – “Flower Sale” at bandboosters. or go to the “Contact Us” tab at the same website We deliver softer skin. Are you comfortable in your skin or does a shower leave you feeling dry? Hawkins Water Tech can help.
8 inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020 P-HWT-014 = Soft Skin Size: 7.375” x 1.5”"
Prepared by Todd Allen Design, Inc. 574.295.8866
What’s Happening in the Parks from your Middlebury Park Board
Spring Planning for Planting Spring is in the air and plans are being made for plantings in Krider World’s Fair Garden. For the Windmill Garden, the theme is the Rainbow Connection. The base of the iconic Windmill will be completely surrounded by zinnias. Zinnias are one of the most diverse, adaptable, and colorful annuals, available in a wide variety of heights and bold, cheerful colors. Look for this fantastic display of brilliant rainbow colors against the bright blue windmill as it welcomes community members and visitors to Krider. For the Quilt Garden, the pattern selected is “Flower of the Woods” to recognize the unique location of our garden at the edge of the woods. This quilt pattern is a contemporary design that is a variation of the Star of Bethlehem quilt pattern. The flower petal is a variation of a Wood Anemone, an early-blooming spring wildflower. The oversized flower petal is designed to “pop-out” and surprise the viewer, not unlike walking through the woods and coming upon the surprise of finding a planting of Wood Anemones blooming in the woods. This location provides some challenges as it is one of the most shaded gardens on the tour, which limits our plant selection to varieties that are shade to semi-shade tolerant. It also limits color selection; for example, yellow shade-tolerant flower varieties are rare.
Bronze Coleus Pink in green Begonia
Ageratum Yellow Coleus
Parsley White on green Begonia
Mulched weeding paths White on bronze Begonia
Summer Fun The Summer Fun program is back again this year and running from June 8-July 17 with a break June 29-July 3, the week preceding Independence Day. This is a free program with modest charges for the weekly field trips, which this year will include Science Central, Dutch Creek Animal Farm, Jungle Joe’s Bounce Land and Kalamazoo Valley Museum, and the Kroc Center. Watch for registration information on Facebook and in the news.
Art Along the Trail The Parks and Recreation Department has been approached by the Northridge Middle School 8th Grade Design and Manufacturing class led by Mike Wickersham to design and manufacture three sculptures to be displayed along the Middlebury section of the Pumpkinvine Nature Trail. Parks have enthusiastically agreed to partner with the class on this new and exciting project. Watch for a dedication Open House coming in May.
inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020 9
Northridge Raiders
Dance Team
by Nikki Wittmer
In 2016, a group of brave, young girls left the studio where they had danced at for years and blindly followed their coach to what has now become the Northridge Raiders Dance Team (NRDT). Coach Casey Nordman has been involved in dance for over 20 years, both coaching and performing. With Coach Casey’s years of experience, she knows what it takes to get the teams to a state championship. The 2019-2020 NRDT is composed of the high school Emeralds, the middle school Raiderettes, and the non-competition JV team. Members of the Emeralds include Olivia Adkins, Caelyn Ayres, Rylan Balentine, Natily Cripe, Wrigley Koch, Lexie Huys, Paige Maurer, Whitley Judd, Kendra Steury, Shamaria Thomas, Katie Walther, Lahna Wilson, Grace Wittmer, and non-competition members Nona Beachy and Madi Mast. Raiderettes members are Claire Bartley, Wyatt Birky, Allison Coates, Rylie Eichorst, Marley Jessup, Shelby Mack, Cydel Miller, Serafina Opacich, Payton Pippenger, Sarah Trick, Jordyn Wiltrout, Brooklyn Yoder, and Elle Zimmerman. The JV non-competition team is made up of members Ashley Coil, Annabelle Eichorn, Kya Elias, Mackenna Helm, Zayna Johnson, Ella Rupp, and JV team manager Anna Yutzy.
10 inMiddlebury Magazine  | April 2020
NRDT started the season with three solos: Wyatt Birky, Wrigley Koch, and Lexie Huys. While Wyatt and Wrigley did not qualify for semi-state, their performances were top-notch! The third soloist, Lexie Huys, had the highest NRDT score so far. Lexie made history for the coach and the team as the first-ever NRDT soloist to qualify for semistate with a score of 81.88 and finishing in the top 12 in the state of Indiana. NRDT also had a Jr. Ensemble, Large Ensemble, and a Jr. Ensemble/Duet. The Jr. Ensemble was composed of middle schoolers Marley Jessup, Payton Pippenger, Sarah Trick, Brooklyn Yoder, and Elle Zimmerman. They shined with a 9th place at the solo/ensemble state
competition February 22. The large ensemble members are Olivia Adkins, Caelyn Ayres, Rylan Balentine, Whitley Judd, Kendra Steury, and Grace Wittmer. This ensemble finished 8th in state with a season-high score. The Jr. ensemble/duet members are Natily Cripe and Katie Walther. This duo finished 7th in state, despite some fierce competition. Team regionals were held February 29 at Lake Central High School. The Raiderettes placed 2nd in both Junior High Single A Competition Jazz and Hip Hop. The Emeralds are North Regional Champions, placing 1st in both Varsity AA Competition Jazz and Hip Hop. These placements will send all four teams to the state championship. Last year, the Emeralds set a goal for a top 5 placement in the state. They achieved that goal, finishing 5th. This year, they’ve set their sights a little higher and are aiming for a top 3 placement. Emeralds Jazz was ranked 1st in the state and Hip Hop was ranked 2nd after the North and South Regionals (for Varsity AA teams.) Raiderettes Jazz was ranked 3rd and hip hop 4th You will be able to see all of these performances and more at NRDT’s annual recital, “A Year in Review,” on Saturday, April 18, in Northridge High School’s auditorium. There will be two performance times this year, 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. Tickets will be available for purchase beginning March 18 at The fifth season of the Northridge Raider Dance Team is going to start soon. If you’re interested in trying out for the dance team, there will be a callout meeting on Wednesday, May 6, at 5:45 p.m. in the Orchard View Elementary Cafeteria. Tryouts will be held May 11-19 in the Orchard View gym.
inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020 11
American Legion
Auxiliary Blue Star Mothers 2nd Annual Donation Drive now through April 17
The Blue Star Mothers of America is a private non-profit organization in the United States that
provides for mothers who have sons or daughters in active service (or honorably discharged) in the U.S. Armed Forces. American Gold Star Mother refers to the loss of a family member in military service. Donations will be delivered to the residents of the Walter Reed Hospital Tranquility Hall in Bethesda, Md., who are there for rehabilitation, surgery, and other medical needs. Suggested donations include cleaning supplies, kitchen utensils/pots and pans/silverware, toasters/coffeemakers/crockpots, queen-size bedding/pillows/comforters, and 4x6 picture frames. No perishables please. Donations can be dropped off at Middlebury American Legion Post 210, 103 York Dr. in Middlebury, from 3-9 p.m. Monday through Friday, now through Friday, April 17. On behalf of the Middlebury American Legion Auxiliary and Blue Star Mothers, we thank you for your donations and continued support! President June Wild Middlebury American Legion Auxiliary
12 inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020
Your Transportation Solution • Family owned and operated since 2009 • Committed to driver retention • Most aggressive reload program in the industry • Highest percentage of overall loaded miles • Proud Community Sponsor
2311 S. Nappanee St. • Elkhart, IN • 574-293-3642
inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020 13
Boys and Girls Club members want to give back Bralynn and Milani Gaylor are sisters who attend the Middlebury Boys and Girls Club every day and are devoted to helping in every way that they can. They help with cleaning, facilitating activities, and now helping the club raise money! They are brand new to the club this year and are thriving. They both went to Club Director Natasha Lantz and said, “Natasha, we have a plan for a fundraiser for the club. We want to make bracelets and then sell them to club members for 50 cents and all the money would go to the club. Can we sell our bracelets?” Of course, Natasha said yes. The girls were so excited to go home and make bracelets. Other
14 inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020
club members have also began making bracelets to sell at the club due to the Gaylor girls. They are selling the bracelets for club bucks as well as real money so that club members who don’t have money can still have a bracelet. Their heart and passion for the Middlebury Boys and Girls Club and helping others is truly inspiring. The Boys and Girls Club of Middlebury is blessed to have such devoted members like Bralynn and Milani Gaylor!
How Northridge Community School is handling the crisis of the Coronovirus hile our country is finding it's way through this difficult time, we hope everyone in our community is staying safe and we would like to share with you some of the steps the schools are taking to help continue meeting the needs of our students – from E-Learning to free lunch deliveries. First, however, we would like to remind you of some simple steps you can take to keep yourself and our community safe. You have certainly heard most of this a hundred times by now, but it never hurts to share information. Hand washing and not touching your face is an important first step in protecting yourself. Social distancing is extremely important right now in slowing the spread of this virus so that the healthcare system can keep up and not become overwhelmed or filled beyond capacity. Hopefully your family has already started rescheduling large gatherings or any trips and vacations. Understand that even though this virus does not effect young or healthy people as harshly as it does older generations or those whose health is already compromised, we can all still become carriers and pass it on to people who are at a higher risk of developing severe complications. None of us want to be responsible for infecting other, more vulnerable loved ones or community members. Please be safe and keep those around you safe through good practices. As you already know, our schools have all paused in-class learning. All of the schools are doing E-Learning during the duration of the school closure. Northridge High School and Northridge Middle School have devices they already take home all of the time and will be using those. The Kindergarten through 5th grade students will be using the devices that they have at home. The schools will not have computer lab times at the school like they usually do for E-Learning so they are going to create paper copies of lessons for all students who do not
have a device or internet at home. Student paper copies of lessons can be picked up at their school on E-Learning days. They will also deliver paper copies to those families that do not have the ability to pick them up. Please contact your child's school for more information regarding paper copies of assignments.
Information about breakfast and lunch availability! The schools will be providing" Grab & Go" Breakfasts and Lunches to all students who live in the Middlebury Community School District boundaries. They will be available for parents to pick them up at York, Jefferson, or Northridge Middle School starting this Wednesday. All free and reduced lunch students may have their "Grab & Go" Breakfasts and Lunches delivered to their a.m. bus stop. If you would like your child's meals delivered at home, please contact their school office during normal school hours and someone will be there to help sign you up.
inMiddlebury Magazine  | April 2020 15
Gardens with a Mother’s Day Bouquet!
We have a large selection of grill and accessories available
Flower Basket
500 Spring Valley Plaza • Across from Northridge High School
HOURS: Mon-Tues. 8a-5p 59800 SR 13, Middlebury • (574) 825-7978
825-7673 (ROSE)
Red, chocolate Brown, Black & Natural
topsoil & stoNe • Mowing • Landscaping • Lawn Rolling • Pruning • New Lawn Installation • Skidloader Work • Dozer & Excavation Work • Licensed Septic Installer • Recycled Asphalt & Concrete • Snow Plowing, Ice Control, & Snow Hauling • And more... Bryan & Kaitlyn Stout, Owners P.O. Box 213 Middlebury, IN 46540 • 574-238-6457 16 inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020
BE A PART OF NORTHRIDGE HISTORY FOREVER! Be an original contributor to the beauty of the main entrance to the new Raider Athletic Complex. Purchase a brick paver today to etch your family or business into Northridge history forever! Your donation will help support the cost of equipment and additional staff required to maintain the facilities.
4x8 w/comm
8x8 w/comm
Brick Paver Prices: 4x8 (Single): $100 4x8 (Single + Take Home Commemorative): $150 8x8 (Double): $175 8x8 (Double + Take Home Commemorative): $250
56853 Northridge Drive, Middlebury, IN 46540 by April 30. Please make checks payable to Middlebury Community schools.
Northridge Wrestling Season Dual Meet Summary (Record: 26 - 0)
11/26/2019 Fairfield 11/30/2019 New Haven 11/30/2019 Fort Wayne Wayne 11/30/2019 Perry Meridian 11/30/2019 Central Noble 11/30/2019 Homestead 12/10/2019 Elkhart Central 12/14/2019 Concord 12/14/2019 West Noble 12/14/2019 Warsaw 12/14/2019 NorthWood 12/14/2019 Fort Wayne Snider 12/19/2019 Goshen NLC Champions (4th straight)
79-0 Win 58-8 Win 69-6 Win 51-20 Win 69-9 Win 56-15 Win 53-19 Win 55-18 Win 69-12 Win 61-15 Win 57-12 Win 57-18 Win 62-13 Win
12/21/2019 Wawasee 12/21/2019 Plymouth 12/21/2019 John Glenn 12/21/2019 Angola 12/21/2019 Utica Ohio 01/11/2020 FW North Side 01/11/2020 Fremont 01/11/2020 White Pigeon 01/11/2020 Bremen 01/11/2020 LaVille 01/14/2020 Jimtown 01/16/2020 New Prairie 01/21/2020 Elkhart Memorial
Sectional Champions (3rd straight)
49-16 Win 64-12 Win 68-9 Win 67-6 Win 64-18 Win 78-6 Win 76-3 Win 70-12 Win 78-3 Win 78-3 Win 58-18 Win 68-12 Win 77-3 Win
Regional Champions (2nd in 3 years) inMiddlebury Magazine  | April 2020 17
You should know Someone
in Middlebury
Ali Kokesh “My mission is to encourage other young people to volunteer and reach out to help those in need by ‘lending a helping hand in any way that you can.” Ali Kokesh is the 15-year-old daughter of Ray and Valerie Kokesh. She is a home-schooled student and her mother Valerie helps guide her in her studies. Ali enjoys photography, painting and baking in her free time and she recently joined the Middlebury Junior Optimist Club. Ali was named Miss Capital City’s Outstanding Teen for 2020 and will advance to the Miss Indiana Outstanding Teen state pageant to be held in June in Zionsville. If selected as the state winner, she will then represent the Hoosier State at the Miss America Outstanding Teen Pageant in Orlando, Fla. However, Ali’s true passion lies in volunteerism. In December 2018 she helped raise $1,200 and organized a blanket making event held at Essenhaus in partnership with Fleece & Thank You – an organization that provides fleece blankets and personalized video messages for children hospitalized with serious illnesses. She has also been delivering meals for The Window’s Meals on Wheels Program since 2017 and in 2018 she co-founded Youth4Neighbors – a youth volunteer organization that performs service projects throughout the Elkhart County/Michiana area. Ali currently serves as director for Youth4Neighbors and her older brother Benjamin volunteers alongside her while running this organization. Currently Ali is organizing an upcoming fundraiser rummage sale, with all proceeds to benefit Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals/Riley Hospital for Children. The Rummage Sale that will be held on Saturday, May 16, at Waypoint Church, located at 56893 CR 29 in Goshen (big red church off of US 20, headed toward Middlebury.) It will be held from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. A variety of items will be available, including adult and children’s clothing, household items, books, toys, furniture, etc. Fair prices!
The rummage sale is hosted by Youth4Neighbors and all proceeds will be going to Riley Hospital for Children and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. For more information, call (574) 215-6812.
inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020 19
We are offering seed sales daily. Closed Good Friday.
M CUSTOers PLanytour own e
Bringpurchas or
• Seeds • Organic Seeds • Seed Potatoes • Onion Sets & Plants • Annuals • Perennials
HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 8a-5p 59800 SR 13, Middlebury • (574) 825-7978
20 inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020
Auto glass repair and replace Shower enclosures Plexiglass Glass that fits your needs Screen repair Mirrors 9216, 400 N Main St, Middlebury, IN 46540 (574) 825-2225 • Mon. - Fri. 8-5 p.m.
Welcome to our SHOUT page! I would like to give a Shout-out to the Assistant Principal at NMS- Mr. Scott Miller. He went above and beyond to help retrieve my child’s cellphone which was tossed into a garbage dumpster outside by another student. Once we knew the location of the phone, he climbed in the dumpster himself to retrieve the phone. He even sanitized the phone well before returning it to my child. The kind heart of going above and beyond for a student is well appreciated. This is truly the influence our children need in a school leader. Again, Thank you! Signed, Thankful Parent
If you know of a community member or group of people whom you would like to offer out a SHOUT of gratitude in a future magazine, please send your nomination to our editor Desirée Beauchamp-Boucher at Thank you to the unknown neighbor who cleared the snow of the sidewalk in front of our house. -A Thankful Neighbor
A heartfelt thank you to the American Legion Riders for their special Valentine’s Day dinner. Lovely decorations and great food made for a happy evening. Best restaurant in town! Becky Thompson Kevin & Jo Fulmer
A shout of gratitude to Jane Allen as she continues to work at finding solutions to meet all the needs of our students and school staff as we navigate this extended period of school closings. -Greatful parent and school employee
I would like to personally thank Carrie Beachey for all of the hard work she puts into directing the Middlebury Arts Council. From hands-on work with kids at the Boys and Girls Club to the many hours of behind the scenes work organizing events, programs and raising funds for us to bring more art to the community as a whole. All of your work is appreciated, Carrie! -Desirée Beauchamp-Boucher
inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020 21
Dogwood Hills Tree Farm
Middlebury Tree AucTion
Saturday, April 25, 2020 Beginning at 10 a.m.
53899 CR 39 • Middlebury, IN 46540
From intersection of SR 13 & SR 120, go west approx. 1 mi. to CR 39 or Pine Dr. then go south ½ mi. to the Tree Farm OR from SR 13 north of Middlebury, turn west on CR 10 to CR 39, then north ½ mi.
Shade Trees • Maples • Oaks • Tri-Color Beech
• Birch • Dawn Redwood • Honey Locust
• Tulip • Weeping Willow
Flowering Ornamentals • Flowering Pear • Japanese Maple • Hawthorn
• Amelanchier • Crabapples • Dogwoods
• Redbud • Weeping Cherry
• Arborvitae • Blue Spruce • Concolor Fir
• Douglas Fir • Frazier Fir • Hemlock
• Norway Spruce • White Pine • White Spruce
and a selection of smaller conifer trees in biodegradable pots
instant Shade Trees for your lawn!
The following six trees have delivery and planting done with hydraulic tree spade included in the high bid. These six trees will be 5”-7” diameter.
1 Frontier Elm, 1 Pacific Sunset Maple, 1 Red Oak, 1 River Birch, 1 White Spruce, 1 Flame Maple and 1 State Street Maple
Test Drive a Country Clipper Today! Made in the USA
Point & Go Joystick or Twin Lever Steering
Up to 72” Cut Widths
Patented Stand-Up Deck
These larger trees will sell at approximately NOON
ContourDTSTM (Deck Tracking System)
Be on time! There will be approximately 200 plants at this auction. Height of trees will be approximately 3-15 feet. Roots will be balled and burlapped and/or potted. Bobcat loading available at the end of sale free of charge. Bring your trucks and trailers! Delivery service is available and at fair rate. Beautiful and larger trees at AUCTION prices! Plan now to attend. We’ll see you at the auction! Announcements made on the day of the sale have preference over previously released information, printed or otherwise. TERMS: Cash or Good Check. Portable Restroom, 7% IN sales tax. Not responsible for accidents. Concession Wagon
DogwooD Hills Tree FArm 574-825-3363 Auction Conducted by:
Bartel & Company Auctions MeMBeR NoRTHeASTeRN INDIANA
Chamber of Commerce
574-825-2115 | Middlebury, IN
Brad B. Hooley, Auctioneer AU09200009 | Tim Herrli, Auctioneer AU19500024 Jordan Hooley, Ringman
22 inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020
Financing Available
CASEY ’S EROSION & SEED SOLUTIONS Your Local Dealer: 18029 County Road 22 • Goshen, IN 46528
N o r t h r id g e H i g h S chool
Scholar Athlete Of the Month Photo by Russ Draper
Jenna Nethercutt Senior Jenna Nethercutt is the daughter of Deb and Bruce Nethercutt. She has participated on the swim team as well as the track and field team during her time at Northridge. In addition to sports she is also a member of the German Honor Society, Junior Optimist Club, and does lifeguarding. Jenna would like to share these sentiments regarding her time with MHS sports, “Since we are a smaller school, the sense of community within each sport is really important and I feel that is a big reason that I like participating in sports at Northridge. I love competing alongside my teammates in meets and practices!” Outside of school she volunteers at the Middlebury Food Pantry, her church’s nursery, and swim club with NASA while also helping out with the younger kids. She has committed to swim at IUPUI and plans on majoring in biomedical engineering.
If you’ve gotta take a hike to get your mail.
We get it. We live here too. Equal Housing Opportunity
NMLS #623379 Your savings insured to $250,000 per account. By members’ choice, this institution is not federally insured and if the institution fails, the Federal Government does not guarantee that depositers will get back their money.
inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020 23
photo by Russ Draper
24 inMiddlebury Magazine  | April 2020
inMiddlebury Magazine  | April 2020 25
Please welcome new member
Beautification Award
Middlebury Park Board, Middlebury Landscape Committee and Staff. Photo Credit goes to: Lauren Zeugner and The Papers, Inc.
Volunteer of the Year Jessica Cripe
Photo Credit goes to: Lauren Zeugner and The Papers, Inc.
Middlebury Annual Garage Sale May 15 & 16, 2020 AlphaGraphic
Erik Shultz and Donita Moody
Registeration forms available at and at the Chamber Lobby, 201 S. Main Street 574.825.4300
The mission of the Middlebury Chamber of Commerce is to promote economic opportunity through education, business and community leadership and to enhance the social and civic environment of Middlebury. Contact Information: Sheri Howland, Executive Director - Carmen Carpenter, Community Outreach Coordinator - 574-825-4300 • 2020 Legacy Members: GOLD MEMBERS: Jayco, Inc., L & W Engineering, Inc. and Community Foundation of Elkhart BRONZE MEMBERS: Edward Jones of Middlebury, Elkhart General Hospital, Forks County Line Stores, Hawkins Water Tech, Legacy Home Furniture, Lippert Componets and Middlebury Produce.
26 inMiddlebury Magazine  | April 2020
Knightlights, Northern Lights & Starlights 1st Competition Great River Show Choir Invitational, Davenport, Iowa on February 22, 2020. • Starlights took 2nd Runner-up • Northern Lights competed against some of the best show choirs outside of Indiana. Northern Lights placed in the middle of a packed contest.
3rd Competition North Central MIC Competition on March 7, 2020 • Starlights took 3rd Runner-up and Best Band and Emma Brabender was selected as Best Performer • Northern Lights took Grand Champion, Best Vocals, and Best Band and Kora Beasley was selected as Best Performer
2nd competition Lafayette Jefferson Extreme Show Choir Showdown, Lafayette, IN on February 29, 2020 • Starlights took 3rd Runner-up and Maddie Hershberger was selected as Best Performer • Northern Lights took 5th Runner-up and Sophia Yoder was selected as Best Performer • Meredith Dorbin was our soloist Grand Champion, competing against 46 other soloists. Meredith was also the winner of Best Solo within a show against all other schools and their soloists. inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020 27
Local Business Directory Global Tax & accounTinG Jan Plummer, CPA
O:574-825-2277 • F: 866-385-7177 PO Box 1135 Middlebury, IN 46540
Everyday Prices
Walk-in welcom s e until
4pm! Women’s haircut $17 • Perms starts at $63 • Men’s haircut $14 All over color starts at $50 • Shellac $25
Electric Pineapple Hair Salon
Nerium Representative
Stylists: Karlene Janele Morgan Brittany
102 N. Chaptoula • Bristol, IN 46507 • 574-848-4955 Hours:
Tues: 11 am-7 pm (by appointment) • Wed: 7 am-4 pm Thur: 7 am-4 pm (Later by appointment) • Fri: 7 am-4 pm • Sat.: 7 am-12:30 pm
HealthyPets Pet Food and Accessories 851 US 20 • Middlebury 574-825-3238
Chris Gunn Groomer
Home Improvement
202 W. Spring St. • Middlebury, IN
Specializing in Residential Interior Painting
851 US 20 Next To Rulli’s Middlebury 574-358-0146
Steve Nisley 574-849-4788
Advertise in our Business Directory
for as low as $50 a month! For more information call 574-825-9112 or
28 inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020
Easy cut-out page! The
$10 off
Heating season Clean & CHeCk
Exp: 04-30-20
A Fusion of Technology & Service
203 Wayne Street • Middlebury • 574-825-8824 •
It’s time to GRILL!
1 off
package of brats!
(4 or more per package) Regular, jalapeño and cheese, Italian, Hawaiian, green onion. Also chicken brats: Italian, Hawaiian, or spinach and feta. Expires 4-30-20
Oil Change Call For Appointment. *must present coupon to redeem offer.
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5 quarts of oil
Free Suspension Check Exp: 04-30-20
Independent $45
The Middlebury
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*Valid to residents of Elkhart, LaGrange and St. Joseph counties only.
Promote your business
to over 10,200 homes and businesses! Place a coupon for your business today! Call 574-825-9122. inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020 29
Easy cut-out page!
inMiddlebury Call now for a free quote on a Trane System
HEATING & COOLING A Fusion of Technology & Service
203 Wayne street, Middlebury
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Promote your business
to over 10,200 homes and businesses! Place a coupon for your business today! Call 574-825-9122. 30 inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020
Inspire Spring
We can’t inspire spring to arrive and stay in northern Indiana, but we would if it were possible. We Inspire Good. Learn more about the Community Foundation of Elkhart County by visiting us online.
INSPIRINGGOOD.ORG | 574 295 8761 inMiddlebury Magazine | April 2020 31
851 US 20, Middlebury • 574-825-3238
Haylie has Saturday grooming openings on April 18 and April 25 Call her at 574-202-3923 for an appointment.
We now carry
pet food!
AllforActivAtions fees new lines And upgrAdes will be wAived through April 30.
thAt’s A sAvings of $40! 851 US 20 • Next To Rulli’s • Middlebury • 574-358-0146