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Loose Parts Bingo
We LOVE loose parts! During this time of social distancing, try a few simple loose parts ideas! How many BINGOs can you get?
Remember these are starting points – make it your own!
Have an adult share what you have done in the Loose Parts Play FB group.
Make a face with found objects. Try another way. Fill a shallow bin with water. Add scoops and other utensils.
Play! Build your own fort!
Will you use blankets, pillows, boxes, sticks or more? It’s Not a . . .
Choose an object and brainstorm new uses. Try it! Take apart an old appliance with permission. Have an adult cut off the cord first.
Find the biggest box you can! How might you use it? Experiment with the wind. What might you need, like string, ribbon, a paper bag? Dig into the recycling bin! What can you make?
Pull out the blocks. What else can you use with them? Create our own nature art.
Look at art by Andy Goldsworthy or Take ‘Em Outside.
Combine toys or building sets. What happens with new combinations?
Make a musical instrument from nature or things you use in our space. Experiment on YOUR own! What can you do with objects around you? How many ways can you use a stick? Write a list.
Can you make a ramp for something to slide or roll down? Is there another way you might do this?
Find rocks! Can you tell a story with them?
Read a loose parts-inspired book! Try Rosie Revere, Engineer, Not a Stick,
Not a Box, etc. What can you make with cardboard? Make your own junk jar! Gather random “extras” from around your space to use in creations. Grab a flashlight.
Experiment with shadows. Try another option.
Pull out the button jar! Explore! How many ways can you use playdough outside? Be sure to leave no trace. Find pieces of nature on the ground – sticks, leaves, rocks, seed pods, etc. How might you use these? Time to experiment with sound! Try jars, utensils, water, and stainless steel bowls. What else?
Make a math equation with or sort items you find outside.