The Law Of Love

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The Law of Love Look At All The People In The World! Just look at them: Jill’s family is her entire life. Jack puts everything into his career. And then there’s Trevor, aspiring for rock stardom. Ken is just happy that the Giants won. That’s what makes him happy. Joseph and Josephine are preparing their house to look impressive for the Jones’ who’ll be coming over for dinner later. “Bring out our finest crystal glasses darling!” says Josephine. The main thing Joseph and Josephine want in life is respect: to look good in other peoples’ eyes. Karen’s just had a spiritual awakening. She’s become a vegetarian and has adopted a meditation practice. “Now I will achieve peace and fulfillment!” Karen says. Everyone wants to be fulfilled with something. So why is it that fulfillment is so fleeting? Can we never actually be fulfilled? Me too! I was looking forward to buying the Razr cell-phone for weeks before it actually came out. I’d talk about it with my friends, and they’d go on about how the Treo was so much better. But I didn’t care. I wanted the Razr all the way! Then the special day came. I bought it! It excited me for a couple of days, and then I started thinking about something else: The New Car! I’d been saving for The New Car for three years, fantasized about it all that time, and now, two weeks after having bought it, my only concern is its running expenses. Now I dream about the next model, “The New Car: Newer Edition, with Features Baby Features!” The wedding invitation card business I’d dreamt of building soon enough became the source of all my troubles; and the girl who moved my heart with every look—now that I have her, I find myself looking at other girls...

Why Is It Never Enough? Why is it that everything that is meant to satisfy me, to fill me with pleasure, stops doing so after a short period? Why can’t I be satisfied with what I already have? Why is it that once I have achieved what I wanted, I immediately visualize the next thing that I want to do?

Everything we achieve stops exciting us, and the irony is that when the thing we want is taken away from us, or if we can’t achieve it, we keep thinking about how much we miss it and how imperfect our life is without it. So it’s not only that we can’t enjoy what we have already achieved, but we also find ourselves in a perpetual pleasure hunt, driven by all kinds of desires that seemingly pop up inside us out of nowhere. So maybe it’s better to be like Paul, who wants nothing more than to live in his basement, drink beer, listen to music, joke around with his friends and go out every now and then? Or maybe it’s better to be like Karen, who moved to a Tibetan monastery and now needs nothing more than a bit of food, a bit of sleep, and to meditate all day? The problem isn’t that we want too much, that we want to take over the whole world and experience everything there is to experience. The real problem is that even if we’d achieve this, we still wouldn’t be satisfied. Could it be that we grow to become all the more unfulfilled, unhappy and just plain bored simply because our desires keep growing and we want more and more? If so, what should we want?

What Kind of Desire Should We Have? What we need is a desire that will never stop fulfilling us. It has to fulfill us endlessly, making us feel more and more pleasure. It shouldn’t fade away once we achieve it, but on the contrary, upon achieving it, the pleasure should increase, becoming better and better, fulfilling us more and more! No one could disagree with the power of such a desire, and moreover, if we discovered it, we wouldn’t want anything else. So the question is: Can there be such a thing as a desire that can be filled with endless pleasure? We can say, that after all our searches, we still haven’t found one. Sooner or later, one of our desires will lead us into pain or sorrow, emptiness, trouble, illness or something bad. This is because all our desires are out of balance with our environment. I feel a desire, I lack something, and now I need to use my environment in order to fulfill that lack. In other words, my desires always force me to change something in my environment in order to make a balance between what I imagine will bring me fulfillment, and what I see as its matching form in my environment. Like now: I’m typing away at my computer, and suddenly I want a coffee. An image appears in my mind telling me that drinking a cup of coffee will soothe this desire. So now I have to do something

about it…and now I’ve just come back from heating the water, getting a cup out of the cupboard, filling that cup with some instant coffee, one sugar, and some instant cream powder, pouring the boiled water into the coffee cup, swigging it a couple of times (“ah”), and walking back here to sit in this chair and continue writing. Pretty interesting, no? This is just the process which is continuing now as I follow another desire that appears in me that wants to wake up whoever else is out there searching for something more than our day-by-day chain of everydayness. So now I’ve started writing again in order to fulfill this desire…and thus the process continues.

Aspiring for Balance We can then say that all of our desires are making us aspire for balance with our environment, and every time we reach this balance, a new desire surfaces telling us that we have to try again. We don’t know how to fulfill ourselves because we don’t understand the laws which have created this environment around us, and which have created us within it. While we have discovered all sorts of physical laws, we still haven’t discovered the laws that make our desires and thoughts what they are. These are nature’s hidden laws that we still don’t know how to use for our benefit. A perfect desire must be in perfect balance with the environment. In order to realize a perfect desire, we need to know what being “perfectly balanced with the environment” means, and how to achieve it. In other words, we need to discover the hidden laws of nature. We need to know and feel what we don’t yet know and don’t yet feel. And this need, this desire, is the perfect desire! Perfect because if we could fulfill it, we would lack nothing, we would understand all of nature’s laws, we would know the laws operating our desires and thoughts, and we could then use our desires and thoughts according to these laws to reap complete fulfillment and not miss a thing! How can we express this deepest, most extreme and confusing desire? What is it a desire for? Beyond all our daily desires for food, sleep, sex, family, money, honor, power and knowledge; beyond all these, what is it that we really want?

And the winner is… Love. Whether we admit it openly or hold it deep within, we want to feel love. We can’t achieve a complete understanding of anything with our scientific and technological means, and we can’t feel complete, unending fulfillment because we don’t understand how love

works, or even what it is. We need to know “the law of love,” and we need to understand how it is the all-embracing law of nature, holding every other law and everything within itself. However, this slogan—“the law of love”—isn’t good enough. Many say that “we just have to love each other and everything will be okay,” but remain aloof as to what it actually is and how it works on us. No. We need to understand what love is, how it engulfs everything and everyone, and how it affects us. If I knew how love works and what exactly love is, I could then use it as my guide and know the best thing to do at every moment of my life. If what is going on in another person’s desires and thoughts wasn’t hidden from me, but I could feel and see the same things as them, I would then never make any mistakes, I would have a perfect relationship with everybody, I would always know the right word to say at the right moment, and I would be able to give the other person exactly what they want.

An Opposite Desire: What We Need to Want The law of love states that only through our love to others can we be fulfilled with a never-ending pleasure, a perfect, eternal happiness. And the desire by which we can do this is opposite to the desires we’ve had up until today: it is a desire to give, to bestow. We simply can’t understand the desire to love and give to others in our current state of existence. We are created with opposite desires to these; we only feel ourselves, and can’t see other peoples’ thoughts and desires. All of our thoughts and desires are concealed from each other because all of us are created in a state where our five organs of perception only receive information from the surrounding field of love, wanting only to receive. Even if we want to give, it is only to receive some reward in return. Absolutely everything we do is aimed at feeling just a tiny spark of this endless love. All the pleasures in our world are tiny sparks of this love. We can’t see each others’ thoughts, because we are all separated by this attribute of reception. Once we can start developing this new desire that is emerging in us, and start coming out of ourselves, to feel and see each others’ desires, each one fulfilling the other and working as one interconnected body for the sake of the whole—by this we will feel and be involved in a totally new level of existence. We will understand how our desires and thoughts work, and we will understand and feel true love; one that never fades away, but that constantly increases. Discovering the law of love will mean discovering the truth: complete understanding, fulfillment and peace. Love won’t be hidden from us any longer, and we will all relish in each other by working together and fulfilling each other endlessly. We won’t have to keep walking around like self-assured idiots, ignorant of our life’s true state, and ignorant as to what’s happening in other peoples’ thoughts and desires.

As Close as We Can Get And while we can’t understand this true state of love, nature has given us one precious relationship in our life’s current state that comes as close as we can come to it. This is the relationship of a mother to her child. The mother gives her child everything. She loves him and thinks only about him, that he is happy, growing up healthily, and that all his needs are fulfilled. While doing whatever she has to do to keep the child in such a state, the mother experiences an increasing pleasure and fulfillment…the child eats and the mother’s pleasure only increases as a result; her own stomach does not fill up, as it would if she had eaten in order to satisfy herself. It is a different kind of pleasure. She experiences pleasure from seeing her child healthy and growing. She lives in her child, in his desires and in his happiness. She feels him, feeling a constant pleasure and fulfillment through him. She wants the best thing a mother can give: for her child to grow, to be happy and more successful than she is in her own life.

How Do We Do It? But how can I achieve this, to give out of love? It’s impossible for me to take care of and think about everybody else’s needs. What for? What do I get out of it? If we could achieve such a level of loving one another, nothing could get in our way. The law of love states that our life is intentionally built to prove that we can only find never-ending fulfillment if we love others, and that until then, we will never be fulfilled. While trying to receive fulfillment in our current state, we will be led more and more into a chasm, where we’ll find ourselves going “Why!?” “What’s the point!?” This is already a question that sends out the signal that the perfect desire has awakened: “I’m sick of this life and I want to move on!” Or in other words: “I want to feel love!” This desire needs to be nurtured and raised into a new and improved state, one where “I” gradually dissolves into “others,” until I feel others exactly the same as I feel myself…until I become them. When I start loving others, I start feeling them, their desires and their thoughts…and I start expanding my feelings to eventually feel the whole world. Achieving this state means achieving a totally new perception, one that is detached from the sensation of time, place, pressures and limitations. Today, we are far from loving each other. I feel myself, and there are others who feel themselves. So, from this separated state we’re in, can we reach it, this feeling of interconnectedness and eternal life?

How can we create and build a desire to love others in the first place? Has anyone ever done this? How can we make such an unimaginable perfection and happiness a reality? Not an accidental, romantic love that begins in some cafĂŠ, but one that lasts a lifetime, and moreover, exceeds life itself as we know it. Why is love hidden? Do I have a choice to start my life anew, setting this as the goal that I want to achieve? Start Your Search for True Love By Watching This Video (Click to Play) >>

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