NLTC Monthly Newsletter

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Life Temple Chur


The Lighthouse


May 09

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N e w L i f e Te m p l e C h u r c h

Table of Content “The Silent Witness” Page 1

“Can A Mother Forget Her Purpose ” Page 2

“When He Calls Will You Answer?” Page 3

Words to Ponder “My God!!!” Page 4

Looking Ahead Page 5

Birthdays & Anniversaries Page 5

The Lite Side “Open Confession: I’m N Luv!” Page 8

Ministry Staff Information Page 9

Church Information Page 8

Monthly Bulletin

The Silent Witness By Mel Perry I plead the fifth! words. But our spoken testimony should be re-enforced by our living testimony. I have often heard people talk about how they quietly shared their faith with The days of Christ’s silent witnesses others. You know, “I don’t really say are over. The devil has the loudest, much. I just let people see Christ in ME! boldest, organized witness team ever (I think I have even used those lines seen. And trust me, if Christians don’t before). learn to speak up and speak out, no one will even see us. So your “my life is my However, the truth is a silent witness” does not work in the age of witness is an absent witness. In plain Web 2.0. fact, your life ain’t that loud. You know how many nice good people who don’t Sin is in your face, and if it know Jesus there are out there being a embarrasses you then go hide in a silent witness for good? Too many! corner and cover your’s not going away. So either speak up, or It’s time for Christians to throw out realize our witness has been shut up. the lines and start to live the WORD Don’t audible! expect the “church goer” I don’t remember next to you to reading where Jesus, speak up, YOU his followers or those have to speak of the early church up. chose to let their life alone be their witness. How is it that the city of Houston is building the If we rely on our imperfect lives to largest abortion clinic in the world? How be “the witness”, we may lead people in is it the number of AIDS cases in the the wrong direction because sometimes church is on the rise and not the decline? it’s not that easy to follow the silent How is it that divorce is a common witness. option for Christians today? How is it As a matter of fact, being silent is that our Christian youth can openly be what has gotten the church in trouble. involved in illicit lifestyles while boldly Silence hasStrongly confusedencouraged people into for all members and without fear serve in the church? believing that homosexuality, The answer: too many silent fornication, drinking, clubbing and other witnesses! new cross-spiritual world habits that have become common amongst Let’s open our mouth and speak believers is ok. truth, live out our faith and be the example of God’s power, love and grace. No one disputes that the actions of our life often speak louder than our


Can a Mother Forget Her Purpose? Isaiah 49:15 By: Bishop B.K. Perry, Senior Pastor

May I say "Happy Mother's Day" to all mothers, and those that are not physically mothers yet labor in tutoring and nourishing the younger generation? There is a question that arises in Isaiah 49:15, "Can a woman forget her nursing child and not have compassion on the son of her womb?" My response is yes. There is a great possibility she may forget. Looking at the shape the world is in, through philosophy, training, age baring, economic status, and emphases on pleasure for oneself, I would say yes. There are two major parts in this scripture. One is "nursing", and the other "son". For the child to survive during infant stage of life, it needs the nourishment of its mother. During this time of biblical history, for a woman to birth a male child was a blessing to her womb, and also a possibility of her son being the Messiah, or liberator for Israel. If a mother is physically breast feeding her infant child, how could she forget when physically her body and breast is needed to release the nourishment to the child. Remember they did not have modern day pump release. That child must go back into the arms of a caring mother. Mothers, where are your children, and where are your children's children? You would answer me saying they are here or they live elsewhere. You may know physically

where they are, but spiritually do you know, or do you care? My question "Can a Mother Forget Her Purpose?" is basically asking can she forget the meaning of motherhood to execute God's principles and instruction to her child. Truly the world and the body of Christ have followed hard after the philosophies and principles of the world. Our emphases are on higher education, successful life style, and freedom of choice. Children are engulfed with worldly activity. Their every need is supplied which causes us to work extra. They are taught that the Church demands too much of their time and money, and the entire Bible is not for us today. I do not completely agree with the idea that the world is in a catastrophe state because they have taken prayer out of the school, the Ten Commandment from our Federal Building, or making the Bible invisible in public places. May I ask Mothers, parents who stopped us from prayer in our home, teaching the Word of God to our children, living a godly life in front of them? Mother, you cannot give proper nourishment to your children if your diet is junk food. Negative company that hangs around your home, excesses television, ungodly pleasure, negative talk, rehearing your pains and hurts of your past to your children, a double standard life, and the junk food list goes on and on.

Continue on page 6

When He Calls Will You Answer? By Min. Isaac Bazile

"Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:12-13) Have you ever come to a place in your spiritual walk that you felt that either the Lord stopped listening to you, or He didn't hear you when you prayed? I have felt that way many times, but the Lord has proven to me that He not only hears me, but He has already answered. It was me who didn't hear Him when He did. God hears your prayer. 1. Listen to the text, "Call to Me." God would never ask us to call to Him if He was not going to listen. You can do more than pray after you pray, but you can do no more than pray until you have prayed. 2. Now in the Hebrew language this verb is in the imperative mood. God does not ask us to pray. We are commanded to pray and we are demanded to pray. I want you to understand that when you refuse to exercise prayer in your life, it's not just a weakness. It really is wickedness. The question is what do we do when God calls us to ministry, or just to salvation? Listening to the accounts of God's calling the prophets can be a mixed bag. One aspect I almost envy is the clarity of God's call. For example, God's hand put words in Jeremiah's mouth. With Isaiah God cleansed his lips with a burning coal. For Samuel God spoke to him directly when he was sleeping. And of course Saul, the persecutor of Christians, was struck blind on the road to Damascus and forced to spend three days in a cave before God's call became clear to him. On the one hand, wouldn't it be terrific if our vocations, our calling came as clearly as these did? On the other hand, most of us won't suffer the stoning, torture and execution these prophets endured. So we can at least be thankful for that. If we read the Bible and expect that God's call to us

should be instantaneous, powerful and dramatic like the prophets, we are likely to be disappointed. Keep in mind that these experiences were recorded to convey the story of God's relationship with a people. More likely, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Samuel and Saul all had long, gradual conversions as they steadily became aware of God's calling for them. Such accounts as these do not make great reading and do not easily win converts. Instead of the reality of the gradual call, what we find in the Bible are attention grabbing facts that quickly establish the authority and credibility of the prophets and apostles as being just what is recorded. When we are able to HEAR and discern the call of God we must be willing to ACCEPT the call. Many of you are familiar with the idea that we must follow God wherever He leads us. However, it is altogether a different thing when you have been called to follow God where He is leading you. When the pressure is on us we have a decision to make. Will we in fact follow God where He leads us, or are we happy right where we are. Three things must happen when God calls us to do something for Him. 1. We must HEAR the call of God 2. We must ACCEPT the call of God 3. We must FOLLOW the call of God. When we call on the Lord, he already knows the answer before we even utter it, but when he calls us so much has to happen prior to us responding to His call. For example: these are three things that must happen when HEARING God's divine call. 1. Recognizing God's Divine Call 2. Listening to God's Divine Call 3. Affirming God's Divine Call Continued on page 7

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Words to Ponder LIL Chocolate BoY AKA - Charles Ademolu

Ah, yes....Prayer. The “one on one� connection you have with God. That conversation you have with Him that allows you to open some doors. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be given unto you, right? The question now is what are you praying for? Have you ever actually sat down and analyzed what you have really been praying for? Sometimes we, as human flesh, have the tendency to be selfish in our prayers and always say, "Gimme. Gimme. Gimme." I know when Charles A. Ademolu use to do it, and I also know that at some point in anyone's life, this has occurred once. Not saying it is a bad thing, but at the same time we have to get kingdom minded. God knows that bills need to be paid; food need to be on the table; we need clothes on our backs; lights have to be on, and so forth. But "If you seek ye the kingdom of heaven first, God will provide what you need from day to day." If we put God first, without a doubt, He has our back and front. God said that the birds themselves "don't need to plant or harvest because their Heavenly Father provides for them." He even said that we are more valuable to Him. It's time to stop burdening over small-minded things that we can easily let go. Let's move on a bit further. Like-I don't knowIntercession. Inter-meaning "between, in the middle, or in the gap of." As a whole, to intercede is to stand or intervene between parties with a view to reconciling differences. With that being said, we really have to start praying like never before. We are in the last days and so much is happening, so it's time to get with it. It

is time to bring some things to the surface because they've been hidden to long. Let's start praying for others for specific problems, addictions, or strongholds. Let's start praying against the spirit of homosexuality, promiscuity, rebellion, lust, adultery, lying, backsliding, depression, suicide, cursing and so, so, so much more. You would be surprised by who has interceded on your behalf. One clear example of an intercessor would be our Bishop B.K. Perry. When you begin to get closer to God, he reveals things to you about someone you barely interact or associate with, but God works in mysterious ways. Be sensitive to His Spirit and He will specifically give you things to pray for. Concurrently, don't let this be your only prayer with God. It's time to get rid of some unnecessary trash in the kingdom of God that's been hindering God's move around this world. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of seeing "worldly ways" seep their way into God's house. This shouldn't be, because God's Spirit is not of this world. As a child of God, he made us ruler of EVERY kingdom: animal, plant, demonic. We have so much authority with just our tongues that it's amazing, and it's about time we use this God-given authority like never before. Saints, time to step on the battlefield and do some damage to the enemy. This is our time to strike back.

Birthdays Mother’s Day - Pastor Wonderland Hudson Sunday, 10 May @ 10:00 a.m. Leadership Prayer Tuesday, 12 May @ 7:00 p.m. Gathering Place Thursday, 14 May @ 10:00 a.m. Honor Veterans Sunday, 24 May @ 10:00 a.m. Office Closed - Memorial Day Friday, 25 May Individual Ministry Bible Class Wednesday, 27 May @ 7:30pm Leadership Prayer 30 May @ 9:00 a.m.

May 05 May 06 May 07 May 08 May 09 May 14 May 15 May 17 May 18 May 21 May 26 May 27 May 31

Judith Payne Julia Hines-Etumuse Kenneth Thomas Ella Gray Denetra Nevels Brianna Payne Jasmine Coney Derisha Davis Yakeema Nevels Roy Clark Justine Coney Karen Watson Jenny Jones Anniversary’s

Sonny & Jenny Jones - May 1o Armstead & Lela Chambers - May 14 Dale & Donna Powell

Sunday School Breakfast Sunday, 7 June @ 8:15 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.

Tickets are on sale NOW! $58 per person January 22 & 23, 2009

Continued from page 2

I do not want to be like Rachel in Jeremiah 31:15, "A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping, Rachel weeping for her children, refusing to be comforted for her children, because they are no more." Maybe you are a mother now, and had no one to be an example for you. Or you did not take heed to your godly mother. Do not despair, but know for sure that God has not forgotten you. Whether you are a new believer, or one that did not take heed to godly teaching, there is still hope. The wisdom of God will help you rear god fearing children. Please remember one thing Mothers, our children have a will to receive or reject God and His truth. The only thing we can do is to teach it, and live a godly life before them. Don't give up on hope.

an incubator. Wow! He creates and forms that precious soul inside of you. When it is time to bring it forth, He only needs you to just push. Wow! He breathes life into that new soul. Remember He left instructions for you to follow. A wise woman builds her house. A wise woman will help instruct her son in whom he should marriage. She is willing to pray until her prayers are heard on high. She will secure her family's needs, give wise counsel, and gird herself with the strength of God. She will protect and shelter her young. She will rise early to prepare for them. She is also willing to neglect herself so that her children can be blessed above measure. Her prayers are heard in the midnight hours, her example in godly living they find no fault. Her love for her Maker and God is a light to all her children. My question now is "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is above rubies, and she will not forget her child."

The beauty of Motherhood is that God's hand is always with you. He trusts you to be

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of determination." ~ Vince Lombardi

got life?

THE CONCEPT. THE VIDEO. THE PODCAST. THE PROJECT. Jesus Christ producer coming soon 4828 almeda genoa houston, tx 77048 Continued from page 3 God's Call is Never Easy. Conclusion: Following God's call is not easy, but in fact most people who have accepted God's call can tell you that it has been costly. That doesn't mean that following God's call is without reward. In fact, the opposite is true. Following God's call insures an abundance of reward both here and in heaven. We are called to leave our lifestyle behind.

I have never witnessed someone who has decided to follow the call of God staying where they were. Moses left extended family, job as pastor, and location in order to concentrate on God's purpose. He had to give up what he was currently doing. Whether it is a financial change, a location change, a job change, something has to change in order for people to follow the call of God. Most of the time everything changes and nothing stays the same. "Listen, can't you hear Him calling you, what will your answer be"? Minister Isaac J. Bazile serves as the Director of the Men of the Tower men’s ministry at NLTC

e d i S e t i The L By Mel A. Perry

I’m a very private person. And therefor my personal love life is off limits to you! But I thought I would open up a bit in hopes that a point can be made. While people think I’m rather cold and indifferent towards the idea of love, I will admit that I’m a person who is in love with love. Ok, close your mouth! No really, I’m a very passionate person. You could say I’m an extremists when it comes to passion. My passion is so deep it controls my attitude, my willingness to forget about everything else and just loose myself. You know we are to be like this when it comes to the things of God. We should be passionate about our opportunity to serve God. For the most part I’ve learned, yet still learning, to just get lost in some of my ministry opportunities. I don’t like to get involved in ministry when either, I or the people serving with me can’t do the task with all their heart. Someone told me that they used to think I was mean, but one day they discovered that I was really nice. Being me, I replied, “I am mean...when it comes to ministry.” That applies to me as well. I become angry sometimes with myself when I realize I have allowed the fire, the passion, the devotion to escape my heart when I have a job to do for God. Back into the world of private passion. I remember once my sister telling me that she told her friends that her 30+ year old sister never had a boyfriend (I was being made out to be a nun- LOL!). When I informed her that her statement would not hold up a court of law, she retorted, “you never told me...”. I smiled with delight. However, she was very disappointed. We had lived in the same house, taken holidays together as adults, and now she had learned that something that most sisters shared with a few swivels of laughter, had never happened for her. How many of our friends, family members or coworkers are kept in the dark about our passionate love for God? We live spiritual private lives, keeping the secret of our love hidden deeply in our heart...and no one will ever know of Him. We are secret Christians who behave much like Peter, denying our relationship with Christ when we may face ridicule or scorn from our so called friends or even our family. But in the end we deny them the right to share in the passion and the

Open Confession: I’m N LUV! love that Christ wants all to know. I’ll admit my sister’s hurt and disappointment did not change my ways. I mean after all I’m still a very, very private person. However, as I sit here typing out this story, I smile as I think about what captivates my heart. What gets me excited and makes people really blush when they admit they are in love for the first time? That reminds me of a crush I had when I was about 12 or 13. He was a slender built, dark chocolate, nice dressing, articulate “brotha” from New York. Gosh, I still remember it. I was in love...big time. I cried when he went to a singles banquet without me. Of course everyone thought it to be so cute. “Last time I open up about my love life!” Of course now I’m older, and still very devoted and committed - I don’t walk away easily from love but I have managed shall I say it, be a big girl. But in admitting all of this, there is another confession - I mean I might as well get it all out- I have a hard time walking away from one when another comes along. If there was something about this “one” that made me fall in love, that something doesn’t just go away because things change or...I have been known, on several occasions to go back and try to fix things and make things work, even though a new love has come along. Yea, pray for me. When we look at it, God never leaves no matter if our love for Him diminishes. Instead, He always tries to get us to come back and make things work. He doesn’t discard us because it doesn’t “work out”. Instead He gives far too many opportunities to get it together. But be careful, because one day our time could run out before we get the chance to make up our mind to faithfully commit to Him. Unfortunately, I’m committed but not faithful. Am I being more open and honest than I planned? O well, anywho! Let me just tell you this, I’m in love with every single laptop, BlackBerry and Mp3 player that I have ever owned. I refuse to get rid of one just because I get another. So I have 3 laptops (looking for another), 3 Mp3 players, 2 BlackBerrys (would it BlackBerries) 3 working cell phones, 2 working digital cameras and 3 film cameras. What can I say, “I’M N LUV!


Staff & Ministry Leader

To our


Bishop Brenda K. Perry, Senior Pastor

We would like to welcome you to New Life Temple Church. Thank you for joining us today in our worship service. Our prayer is that you will be blessed abundantly in your life.

Elder Steve Stephens, Senior Elder Lela Chambers, Financial Manager

To show our appreciation to you for being our Mel A. Perry, Global Relations Director guest, we would like to offer you a special gift. usher will give you this small token of our love Roy & Veronica Seivwright, Head Deacon during the announcements and acknowledgment & of our guest. If you do not receive a gift, please let one of the persons standing in the aisle know, or you Eld. Elmer & Deaconess Cathy Powell, may contact the church office. Marriage Ministry

Also, we invite you to join us, and our other guest, following the service for a time of refreshments. This is just another way we would like to say thanks to you. New Life Temple Church is a ministry that endeavors to serve the community and the city at large. Here at NLT we have several ministries to serve you and your family. During the fellowship there will be individuals who will be more than happy to discuss, or answer, any questions you may have concerning NLT.

Pamlar Clark, Music Director Min. Gregg Murray, Youth Pastor Min. Isaac Bazile, Men ‘s Ministry Donna Stephens & Mary Colemon, Ladies’ Ministry Min. Edna Johnson, Outreach Towanna Thompson, Perfecting Light

Bishop Brenda K. Perry

Weekly Service Schedule Sunday Sunday School ......................................... .9:00 a.m. Power of Pentecost ...................................10:00 a.m. Wednesday Pastoral Bible Study ..................................7:30 p.m. Youth In Unity (Youth 12 - 18) .................7:30 p.m. Thursday Music Ministry ..........................................7:30 p.m. Saturday Intercessory Prayer ....................................9:00 a.m.

We believe in one eternal God; infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purpose, as well as, omniscient and omnipresent. We believe this one true God, who revealed Himself as Father in Creation, as Son in redemption, and as Holy Ghost in regeneration. We believe that - in Him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fullness dwell. We believe in the death, burial and resurrection. We believe in being born again of water-by immersion in the name of the Lord “Jesus� Christ for the remission of sins, and in Spirit baptism of the Holy Ghost - speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We believe in divine healing, communion and foot washing. We believe in presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God. We believe in expressions of praise with lifted hands, hand clapping, playing of musical instruments, voice of praise and dancing. The purpose of New Life Temple Church is to instill the faith of Jesus Christ into the lives of ALL PEOPLE, bringing them into spiritual perfection with a spirit of excellence.

New Life Temple Church 4828 Almeda Genoa Houston, Texas 77048 713-991-5972 Email:

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