Jan. 2009
N e w L i f e Te m p l e C h u r c h www.newlifetemplechurch.com
Table of Content “No Space Between Here and There” Page 1 “Each One Reach One” Page 2 “Rise Up and Live” Page 3 Words to Ponder Page 4 “Spiritual Bonding ” Page 4 “Gooooooooo!!!” Page 4 Looking Ahead Page 5 Birthdays & Anniversaries Page 5 The Lite Side “It’s What It’s Really All About” Page 6 Ministry Staff Information Page 7 Church Information Page 8
Monthly Bulletin
No Space Between Here and There
By Mel A. Perry
New Year’s Eve! Time Square! The ball drops and the people hug and scream “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Since 1907, the famous New Year’s ball has dropped to signify that a new year has began. And though Singapore and Australia are preparing for the evening meal, Time Square is where most Americans see (most via television) the new year touching down. But just before that Waterford crystal ball drops out of the sky above New York city, people hold their breath as if the countdown is a space in between the old and the new. If only there was a space. We could sweep away all of the things that we want to forget about the year that is passing and jump over into a new year with nothing lingering over. No strings attached. However, there is no void, or open space for which we can lock up our unwanted past, unaccomplished goals, our miserable mistakes, or our heartaches. Strongly encouraged for all We can’t do like some children do when their parent tells them to clean the room. No pushing our toys in the closet or under the bed. Instead we have to take all of our “stuff” and lay it in front, between ourselves and God. You see, the only way God can help us to overcome the short falls of last
year is if we are open and honest with Him. When we lay it in front, and not try to find a non existing space to hid it, God can take it from us and exchange it with His purpose. In 09 the one resolution, promise or desire we should have is to become the “Yes Man” for God. Yes God, I’ll give you my best! Yes God, I’ll be honest. Yes God, I have hang ups and yes I’ll give them to you.” If we learn to say “yes” a little more, our year will be much more fulfilling. Then we wouldn’t need to find a space to hid in when December 31 is saying 10 seconds to a new year. Let’s agree together to stop trying to find a space in between nowhere and anywhere, and instead learn to be real and open with God and ourselves. Since most of our battles are fought with our “in -a -me”, we have to make this the year to be honest to ourselves about our self. In doing so we make God the divider of what we have done and what we will do. members Once we confess our sins and hangups , God will faithfully forgive and destroy any possibility of our past creeping through the spaces between here and there. So take your stuff that you are hiding behind you and place it in front of you so God can take it from you.
Each One Reach One Bishop Brenda K. Perry
Many people do not clearly understand the Great Commission when Jesus tells us “to go and make disciples”. They place the responsibility upon the Pastor, and those that have been called to the ministry. But Jesus commissioned all who believe in Him to go, spread the good news about Him and disciple new believers. There are special ingredients that will help us understand how to go about fulfilling God’s commission. The first is love. “We love Him because He first loved us.” To understand this love we must build a personal relationship. It is not about becoming busy, overloaded, burnout or confusion in your doing. The proper relationship with Him will cause one to have a compelling compassion in reaching the lost and serving to the utmost. In II Corinthians, chapter 5, verses 17-19 Paul states, “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to use.” Christ’s main objective, as
should be ours, was to reconcile a lost and hurting world back to a loving God. Jesus Christ has given us all the ministry of reconciliation. Each One Reach One is to help bring out what He has placed in us. First, His love, His joy, His gifts and talents, and a world opportunity to display His glory. When you are in love the act of obedience is not hard to do, or understand. Reaching out to others will help us move from a static nation, boredom, criticism and fault finding. There should not be one person sitting and wondering what can I do. If you start by giving a kind smile, a word of encouragement, or a gentle hug to someone that is in despair, you will be in line with the vision of Each One Reach One. We become His hands, feet and mouth in fulfilling the Father’s purpose. A simple question will help you to find where you want to serve, “Who is my neighbor?” Your neighbor is those that are close to you, afar off, different than you and like you. It is anyone God puts in your path way that you can give a helping hand, whether it is in the church body or not. Reaching out will make a great change in your life and mine. So let’s do it in Jesus name.
This year we would like to encourage each member of New Life Temple Church to take part in the Outreach Ministry. There are several areas of need, from community outreach workers to Home Bible Study teachers and Small Group facilitators. To find out where you can serve in this growing ministry, please speak with Minister Edna Johnson or email her at ednajohn60@yahoo.com. This is the year of reaching out, and we need your help to extend the depth of our reach. Let’s work together so that we may each reach one for Jesus Christ.
By Min. Isaac Bazile
Rise Up And Live
Acts 3:6 “So he looked up at them expecting to receive something from them. Peter said: "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” As 2008 has come to a close, and we reflect back over the past year, we have many things to be thankful for. We also have been reminded that 2008 was a year of new beginnings. We have seen history made with the election of our first African American President, which is a new beginning. We have also experienced historical natural disasters with hurricane Ike's devastation of Galveston. Oil prices going to an all time high. We have seen our nation's economy take a disastrous plunge, our three largest American auto makers financially failed, banks and other financial corporations failed too. Yet 2008 was a year of” New Beginning”. How can that be true? In the spirit realm is where the new beginning has taken place. God has allowed all of these things to happen in order for true believers to return, or begin to trust in him more than we ever have before. There is a famine in the land, a spiritual famine. Many believers trust more in the government and in man than they trust in the one who created this world and everything in it. When we are not being fed the life giving meat of the word on a daily basis, prayer is almost non-existent, fasting is a thing of the past, and our morals are severely damaged. We are spiritually starved for the power of Jesus Christ in the land. Basically we are dying spiritually as well as physically. But this is the best time for the saints of God to live. When it looks like there is no hope in sight, God does his best work. I believe that in 2009 the Lord is saying to all believers “Rise up and Live”. Live according to the plan and purpose of Jesus Christ. Throughout the bible whenever there was a famine in the land, the people of God always managed to prevail according to God's plan and purpose. If we focus on all of the negative issues going on in this country, and around the world, a feeling of emptiness falls over us. I believe one of the greatest problems we are facing today is emptiness and no hope. You sometimes
go to the house of God and everybody sits around with an empty look, and an empty heart, and empty feelings, acting as if their problems are too great for Jesus to handle. God has a plan for this world. He is operating according to plan, and neither devils nor man can divert God from executing His plan. IF YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE YOUR LIFE COUNT, THEN YOU HAVE TO “LIVE IN EXPECTATION” Even though people are losing their homes, their jobs, and even their lives, Christian believers should expect to make it through because we are in God's plan. This is no time to faint in 2009. This is our third year of Together We Build, and God will yet prove himself Lord of Lords. His people shall rise up and live far above what we expect. As we prepare for 2009, we are getting ready to rise above our problems; rise above our circumstances; rise above our economic situation, because we are expected to walk by faith, and not by sight. JESUS CHRIST is willing to walk right into the middle of our situation. When He does, He doesn't come as a spectator, but as an innovator. God is greater than the economy and He's greater than our circumstance. Saints, it is time to live for God. Let's rise up and study the word of God more; let's rise up and pray more; let's rise up and fast more; let's rise up and worship more, and expect the Lord to move in 2009. Happy New Year!
Minister Isaac J. Bazile serves as the Director of the Men of the Tower men’s ministry at NLTC
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Words to Ponder LIL Chocolate BoY AKA - Charles Ademolu
It's now the time for a new year! What does this mean...? Well, to start off, there is a new number in the year (9). We are also going into the year with a FAST! Finally, we are pretty much starting off with a new president. This is a "Time For Change" right? When this cry for America is redundantly repeated, when and how will you apply this to your life in 2009? Not only are we going into a new year, but we are going in it with a fast, and what a perfect way to start off the year. We shouldn't want to allow our lifestyle to be exactly the same way in 08 in 09. Even if it's just one new positive situation or “change”, make it count. Let us get closer to God like never before, even if we are all sanctified and holy. our relationship with him should never stop growing. So, as you finish reading this and meditating on your future changeable goals, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Spiritual Bonding By Lesle Dockery This past year God has been dealing with me on fellowship amongst believers. The word of God says that “as iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens the countenance of his friend” (proverbs 27:17 ). In the body of Christ, we are here not only to draw closer to God, but to be a help one to another. This is why we must make steadfast relationships; we must study His word together, pray together, even just hanging out would be beneficial. This is all to build and mold one another so that when we go to minister to the world, we're filled with His spirit through communing with Him, and with other believers.
As we pray and read God's word, He reveals to us more and more of Him. Once we've been given those revelations, we must share them with others. Take what we've learned, and help someone else; that person might even have something to share with us. So let’s not just say “hi” and “bye” in church, but make an effort to fellowship outside the church house to help sharpen one another's iron.
Gooooooooo!!! By Leslie Dockery “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel unto all nations.” GO. It’s time to move.
you've found something so good, why wouldn't you want to share it with others.
We've talked about doing things, we've been given revelations, we've had confirmations- now, it’s time to go. Take the Word of God you have rooted and molded in you and preach it. This is “the word which by the gospel is preached to you” ( 1 Peter 1:25). You may be asking how, when, where, or how come, just ask God. We need to seek God for what He wants us to do. First, it comes through obedience. Obey what He tells you in His word. If He doesn't like it, don't do it. Second, draw closer to Him. He wants you to pursue Him, not asking as if testing, but sincerely wanting Him to help you! He knows your desire. Third, GO! Take what you know of God and minister to others. If
David writes “restore unto me the joy of thy salvation”(Psalms 51:12) Sometimes, we forget that awesome sacrifice that was completed on Calvary. David rejoiced over salvation though it was not manifested yet. It was manifested through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ! So lets goGo and tell the world of the salvation that has come, and what they must do to receive it.
Birthdays TWB Anniversary Celebration Sunday, 4 January @ 10:00 a.m. Daniel Fast Begin Monday, 5 January Gathering Place Thursday, 8 January @ 10:00 a.m. Rashad Concert Fund-raiser Friday, 9 January
Jan. 02 Jan. 09 Jan. 13 Jan. 18 Jan. 22 Jan. 22 Jan. 24 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 26 Jan. 29 Jan. 31
Jada Jones Cecelia Thomas Justin Rector Jeremiah Jones Betty Davis Madelyn Gabriel Kimberly Phynon Michael Hardiman Margaret Darden Pam Wright Kendra Willet Azure Davis
Church Family Business Meeting Sunday,11 January @ 6:00 p.m. Office Closed - MLK Holiday Monday, 19 January Evening Service Sunday, 25 January @ 6:00 p.m Daniel Fast - Last Day 25 January Leadership Prayer & Staff Meeting 24 January @ 9:00 a.m. Gathering Place Outing Thursday, 29 January
Black History Month Celebration If you are interested in taking part in this year’s Black History Month celebration, please contact Evangelist Mel A. Perry. Celebration participants may do original pieces or published works of poetry or prose, songs, dance or historical speeches.
Something to think about "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of determination." ~ Vince Lombardi
e d i S e t i The L
ts the gif o s e k a h os re n ean wh ear there we enger m I e y this rpris mess By Mel A. Perry few su e. However, than a new ng for r i r ut anymo my list othe tting off buy onth, b m s n i u o h p t l d I’l t for items I had been t though onth. Instea with t n e ave r e bag tha l tm iff l i x d t e s a ed to h d the big n s d l i m i a . e t h f e t n l s Ih e n u s I o t m my ld i son, fts an holiday d to ho me rea or special gi may be a o s r o decide tend that the to say. F df ar be e e the nee (now next ye has come to y p in th e d u e just pr y sister likes g v i n l i t ou at w hat row imac meal ilies, g traditions th though us, as m stmas ry - LOL!). W ghter and int m i r a f h y C d n d a te lau sto Like m old we crea emories. An ed on fferent enjoying the i d h m c e t a s d pl is ou un s. ble, bu m a h my joy y and friend s Perry h ck on with fo ns have been s along, i r e e e il o a e and p you loose th v i s of fam look b those traditi neration com . n e exp s. If f n e ifts are e is priceles e”. some o til the next g lways remai G y r r a n lov Me l e tim hold u one that will ily and ve lost a “lif hat wil to wish the comp, m w s a , f e s n e s o i u ha on n tim e ph there matter ncertai then yo e hit th e tv or jump s downstairs u w r e e r v o e Bef most, these k on th “8202” meet n’t matter c n i I l c , s a es at t what u Christm e who slept evotion. It do IST comes o b n R will l A everyo e of united d ns or 10, CH l A m o hen for a ti nly two pers ally tand w e s l l i o w s R i r t if it ’s e, wha . The man, o to n t a s I e l eop ng ov e firs hat keep p rash is true l eir days tryi crumble W h c l t t. g It’s things who spend d wealth wil ho is amazin re the , t , l w i h n t u g a n b u wom e top and he pare late for d a tho holiday befo ber to a T h . s t h r s t a u em ast !Ij reach all disappe ment to be e when WOW Tmas is the l o hard to rem s the t t o t a IS e when i to take a m e more minu w b R e t h ’ H . r n e C a d c y l e n s sin ou dy how too bu ill long for o ar. It sh ear with God during the ol e y w w e at , n once ld is gone. new y celebration sa pped th e to i e a h r e t r w t e i r h s a h t i a st tim to er, hat that c son for g show , I was ready ed e gift t that took the atter n h i t n t r o last rea o n t m s ill nd It’s Monk ppoin r my m t the ha hose hands w e. The u b So afte one calls me was a bit disa ccount , s r e matt ose gifts. T tmas is gon ou gh I ke’s a some s h reason family. Thou s reading, Lu ce to have wrap t ng after Chri ugh to find y i a e n h m t t t s s o s a n te ri w joi most lo at thought en rite Ch not read, it rate the grea o v a f my my new , was ily to celeb eart th h h e t e r i s b o t . ited of the sing of fam rist. special of the so exc rother in law a h s s g C e a n l i s b w n u e I e s th Je s, op While ag that my b prised to get e Loveod day older or live o h d s ur gift of f th l er b i my ch s we grow esseng d absolutely , it was all o red e o m t k i l e n m n m U dary. A more we co ked, a rom my mu t all of us sha n c i o p c e s iPod f oments tha en though gifts is r experience tters most”. w e m n o o m r ev a o living ked at hs and d most. And son for love longer nd “what m g e u h t a l d ta is sea oun loo ere unders bled ar “ snacks, I . at matt is gone, the t matter most h m t e s s a n d s a tha As we ristmas “mor ing and adde sive Christming the gifts s n h s e i C p v r m x e u on and gi with o ily, members g to do with e that God to hold y t u n d n o m i . a . a the not ov e e it noth my f ar mak atter most...L as has w do you top standing e m y t s s i i r h d h r o n T C de at m Plain a mean h out un ings th h t e gifts. I ’s simply ab out learning. rn how to h t to a b It gave? hristmas is a e set out to le love...C Every year w at I . . ings th the h t simple ttle bit more e h t of th li an idea sitting benea .very love a e v a h e.. up yI Usuall ee wrapped e ask and giv s w ily ke to may li e. In our fam c firepla
Staff & Ministry Leader
To our
Bishop Brenda K. Perry, Senior Pastor pastor@newlifetemplechurch.com
We would like to welcome you to New Life Temple Church. Thank you for joining us today in our worship service. Our prayer is that you will be blessed abundantly in your life.
Elder Steve Stephens, Senior Elder sstep72508@sbcglobal.net Lela Chambers, Office Manager office@newlifetemplechurch.com
To show our appreciation to you for being our Mel A. Perry, Global Relations Director guest, we would like to offer you a special gift. global_relations@newlifetemplechurch.com An usher will give you this small token of our love Roy & Veronica Seivwright,Head Deacon during the announcements and acknowledgment rs5587@att.com & socwlo@swbell.net of our guest. If you do not receive a gift, please let one of the persons standing in the aisle know, or you Eld. Elmer & Deaconess Cathy Powell, may contact the church office. Marriage Ministry elmerpowell@sbcglobal.net
Also, we invite you to join us, and our other guest, following the service for a time of refreshments. This is just another way we would like to say thanks to you. New Life Temple Church is a ministry that endeavors to serve the community and the city at large. Here at NLT we have several ministries to serve you and your family. During the fellowship there will be individuals who will be more than happy to discuss, or answer, any questions you may have concerning NLT.
Pamlar Clark, Music Director pamlarclark@iwon.com Min. Gregg Murray, Youth Pastor gmurray15@hotmail.com Min. Isaac Bazile, Men ‘s Ministry lawfalcon@aol.com Donna Stephens & Mary Colemon, Ladies’ Ministry dmstep2003@yahoo.com Min. Edna Johnson, Outreach ednajohn60@yahoo.com Towanna Thompson, Perfecting Light Towanna10@sbcglobal.net
Bishop Brenda K. Perry
Weekly Service Schedule Sunday Sunday School ......................................... .9:00 a.m. Power of Pentecost ...................................10:00 a.m. Wednesday Pastoral Bible Study ..................................7:30 p.m. Youth In Unity (Youth 12 - 18) .................7:30 p.m. Thursday Music Ministry ..........................................7:30 p.m. Saturday Intercessory Prayer ....................................9:00 a.m.
We believe in one eternal God; infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purpose, as well as, omniscient and omnipresent. We believe this one true God, who revealed Himself as Father in Creation, as Son in redemption, and as Holy Ghost in regeneration. We believe that - in Him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fullness dwell. We believe in the death, burial and resurrection. We believe in being born again of water-by immersion in the name of the Lord “Jesus� Christ for the remission of sins, and in Spirit baptism of the Holy Ghost - speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We believe in divine healing, communion and foot washing. We believe in presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God. We believe in expressions of praise with lifted hands, hand clapping, playing of musical instruments, voice of praise and dancing. The purpose of New Life Temple Church is to instill the faith of Jesus Christ into the lives of ALL PEOPLE, bringing them into spiritual perfection with a spirit of excellence.
New Life Temple Church 4828 Almeda Genoa Houston, Texas 77048 www.newlifetemplechurch.com 713-991-5972 Email: office@newlifetemplechurch.com