NLTC July Newsletter

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Life Temple Chur


The Lighthouse


July 09

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N e w L i f e Te m p l e C h u r c h

Table of Content “Terrorist Groups Operating In the Church” Page 1

“What Will You Do” Page 1

“A Date With Destiny ” Page 2

Words to Ponder Page 3

Looking Ahead Page 4

Monthly Bulletin

Terrorist Groups Operating In the Church Taken from an email

Latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in many of our churches. They have been identified as: Bin Sleepin, Bin Arguin, Bin Fightin, Bin Complainin, and Bin Missin. Their leader, Osama Bin Lucifer, trained these groups to destroy the Body of Christ. The plan is to come into the church disguised as Christians and to work within the church to discourage, disrupt, and destroy. However, there have been reports of a sixth group. A tiny cell known by the name Bin Prayin is actually the only effective counter

terrorism force in the church. Unlike other terrorist cells, the Bin Prayin team does not blend in with whoever and whatever comes along. Bin Prayin does whatever is needed to uplift and encourage the Body of Christ. We have noticed that the Bin Prayin cell group has different characteristics than the others. They have Bin Watchin, Bin Waitin, Bin Fastin, and Bin Longin for their Master, Jesus Christ to return. Which cell group do you belong to? The missing “g” is not a misprint, but artistic liberty by the writer.

Birthdays & Anniversaries Page 3

“Soak and Wet...The Blessings Flow” Page 5

The Lite Side “Ice Cold Peach Tea!” Page 6

Ministry Staff Information Page 5

Church Information Page 6

What Will We Do? Summer is officially here. And I’m there is something that moves us to loving it. But with summer comes the touch others. Prayerfully, our actions idea of “Outreach”. Of course as allow us to show Jesus to those who do Christians we are to do the Great not know Him. Commission all year long. This summer what will you do to But for some reason, churches put a make a difference in someone’s life? lot of emphasis on summertime How will you reach out to those who do outreach, most make international not know him? What will we do as missions or community revitalization a individuals? What will we do as a body? major push. Maybe it’s In some way Strongly because we have a encouraged for all members we all have a little bit more time, or responsibility to the summer weather the Great begs us to do more Commission. together to help others But let’s try to Who knows what the keep it going reason could be. beyond August. None the less,


A Date With Destiny Min. Isaac Bazile PREDESTINATION is a greatly misunderstood word causing confusion. It basically means a predetermined destiny. It translates the Greek word PROORIZO which was a word used in surveying. It spoke of surveying a boundary such as the border of the state of Texas. The boundary of the state was identified by a survey. It was concluded that all who live within that defined boundary would be Texans. Those outside would not be. So in other words, I am now considered a Texan although I was not born in the state, but I live with in its boundary. Even though we were not born physically in Jerusalem, we were predestined to reside within the boundaries Christ has set in place for us. In his pre-creation conference, GOD surveyed and marked a boundary. HE predetermined that all who would trust Christ as Savior would share His destiny. Those who reject Christ are not in Him, and it was predetermined that they would not share His destiny. READ EPHESIANS 1: 11 - 14. Part of God's plan involved Christ being born of a virgin as Isaiah, the prophet, said centuries earlier (Isaiah 7:14). Here is the story of a young woman, who made a decision that not only changed her life, but it changed the life of a nation, and it changed the destiny of a people. Mary's destiny as the mother of our Lord Jesus, she is seen as the chosen vessel by which Jesus entered physically into the world. Here was a simple, submissive young girl, chosen by God to be the mother of the Messiah, the one who would give birth to the baby that would become the Savior of the World. She didn't live a sinless life. She wasn't taken up into Heaven body, soul and spirit. She was a human just like we are, with faults and failures and frustrations. She was the mother of Jesus, not the mediator between God and man, and we shouldn't magnify her position as more than it was. Everyday we are faced with a series of choices or a series of decisions that determine

destiny. Mary reminds me of some of us. She accepted her destiny and purpose. How many of us have heard from the Lord, at one time or another, but failed to accept our eternal destiny? Although we have faults and imperfections, we all have a special purpose, and there is a point in our lives that has already been predestined to fulfill God's plan for our spiritual lives. The most import thing in our spiritual walk is to accept our divine destiny and purpose which makes a difference between a lifetime of searching for our purpose and living the life we were destined to live. Obedience to the voice of God, knowing His voice and praying for clarity gives us access to our eternal destiny through the Holy Spirit. Eternal destiny, I believe that one of the greatest tricks of the devil is to get us so involved in the things of this world, being so concerned about the affairs of everyday life and the things that we face that we forget that this life is only a dressing room for eternity. Knowing that we live in this world and often times we do get somewhat overly involved with the cares of life (family, job, the economy, etc), we tend to lose focus on the things of God. God wants us to live our lives fully but within the boundaries he has set in place for us. When we understand that we were all predestined or preordained from before creation to fulfill the plan of God which is our eternal destiny, we can become more effective in working together for the kingdom of God. Will you accept your destiny when it is revealed to you?

Minister Isaac J. Bazile serves as the Director of the Men of the Tower men’s ministry at NLTC

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Words to Ponder LIL Chocolate BoY AKA - Charles Ademolu

Seeing an impossible situation appear possible??? Wait a minute...does that make sense? The answer to that is a resounding "Yes". This scenario has appeared many times in my life, and even more so in the Bible. For example, my uncle had just finished cutting down the hedges and there was so much leftover that I had to pick up. As I looked at what I had to conquer, I tried to find a way out of doing it. I was mainly looking for a shortcut, but that failed miserably. It's amazing how I was so quick to begin to weigh the negativity so heavily in my situation. In the Bible, Jesus spoke to a fig tree and said, "May you never bear fruit again." At that moment, the fig tree withered. At that moment, God said, "If you have faith, and do not doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, 'May God lift you up and throw you into the sea,' and it will happen." The Bible also describes the authority that

our mouth holds. We are able to speak life or death, good or bad, faith or doubt. I obviously spoke doubt towards that particular mountain and began to just forget about. As small as this case may be, we should try to apply our faith in everything we can. Since we should be walking by faith and not by sight, there shouldn't be a problem, yet our spirit man is attached to this flesh. If Noah hadn't trusted in God, there's no telling what would have happened. If you're in any predicament where you don't see the finish line, minister to yourself. Besides, we can do all things through Christ. We should just call out our mountains verbally and tell them to move by faith. If we have the substance of all things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, my God, we'd be walking in a bolder effrontery day after day. So let's lean on God, trust Him whole-heartedly, and have more faith in the One who is a before time God. Take Care!

Youth Lock-n Looking 4 Youth Writers We are looking for youth who have something to say...if you have wanted to try your hand at writing, or just want to share a word of encouragement with other youth, drop us a line at

July 10 @ Spirit of Life Church

All youth 13 - 18 If you want to experience a great time of fellowship with other youth then you don’t want to miss this event. See Min. Or Sis. Wright to sign up. Parents must feel out the parental consent form inorder for youth to go.

Birthdays Leadership Prayer Tuesday, 7 July @ 7:00 p.m. Gathering Place Thursday, 9 July @ 10:00 a.m. Youth Lock-in @ Spirit of Life Church Friday, 10 July VBS Wednesday - Friday, 15 - 17 July Individual Ministry Bible Class Wednesday, 22 June @ 7:30 pm

July 01 July 02 July 04 July 10 July 13 July 14 July 16 July 21 July 23 July 24 July 27 July 27 July 27

Genesis Baker Chancellor Hines Rhodeshia Davis Towanna Thompson Joshua Williams Dominique Mitchell Carey Mitchell Stephanie Green Esstine Padgitt Bishop Brenda Perry Tyron Chambers Chynna Hines Samuel Bell Anniversaries Paul & Denise Dalcoe July 10

Leadership Prayer 25 July @ 9:00 a.m. Gathering Place Outing Thursday, 30 July

Raymond & Pam Wright July 10

Power of Life Celebration (Youth) Thursday - Saturday 30 July - 1 August @ 7:00 p.m. LOL Fellowship Friday, 14 August Back to School Revival Thursday - Sunday, 20 - 23 August

July 13 - 15 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Ages 3 - 13

Soak and Wet..........The Blessings flow. Johnny Ogletree III I chased you and caught myself; Reaching out to you, I grabbed a hold to my future, Standing on your vision for me, Standing under the protection granted, I hold my hands up, Planting seeds in Heaven through my personal sacrifice, Watering my harvest with my praise, I have tilled the soil with my prayer, Knowing that it will grow because you are there. I hold my head high, Waiting for you to speak, Walking and praying, Watching the seed bud and break through the ground, Hot, but cooling off as a steady mist falls, now the blessings rain down steady, Only you can make it rain, and when you soak me, I won't complain, I bask in your glory, drenched as the rain falls down on me, hope now fulfilled, My life more complete, I thank you, I praise you, I honor you, I celebrate you, I worship you, I appreciate you, My only hope is that I can love you, as much as you love me. Spiritual Sunglasses July '09 Johnny Ogletree serves as Youth Pastor at First Metropolitan Church in Houston, Tx

"Leaders establish the vision for the future and set the strategy for getting there; they cause change. They motivate and inspire others to go in the right direction and they, along with everyone else, sacrifice to get there." ~ John Kotter

e d i S e t i The L By Mel A. Perry

Like always, I looked at my computer over and over again wondering what I should type in this space. As nothing came to mind, I started to hold a prayer vigil. But after picking up a couple of bags of fried green tomatoes it hit me. Of course, I was hit with another dilemma. How do I find the balance between entertaining and a twist of spiritual inspiration. Only the bottle of peach tea can tell me that. As of June 21, summer 2009 is a true reality. And if you are reading this, you have lived to see it, and some may say to feel it. I have heard a lot of people moaning over the brutal beating of this unbearable heat. I, on the other hand, am enjoying the very close warm embrace of the sun. Every year I look forward to summer, as I do every other season, knowing that it will be hotter than the year before. I guess I expect that after reading the Bible. By the way, the financials crises, disturbing weather patterns, and the falling away of spiritual leaders can be found in the pages of God’s Word. But we are to set our sights above for our “redemption draws nigh”. Having lived in the “south” all of my life save 3 years, I consider myself to be a darling southern girl. With that said, there are just some things that go so sweetly with summer. And for some odd reason this summer my need for the delicacies of the south are very strong. Even some of these “born and bread” southerners think that my cravings are rather strange. However, I assure you my name is not Mary. LOL! While my list of favorite drinks usually run from not so common to strange, I have found that my old love has come back with a new splash of crisp southern flavor, peach tea. I even have a preferred brand, Snapple’s new black and green peach tea served extra ice cold. Even as I type this I know that in a few hours I will be home drinking a bottle of this charming delight - straight from the freezer to my mouth. Can you taste it? If you can’t you should go and pick you up a few bottles. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Ice Cold Peach Tea Ok, the tea taste great by itself. But when you put it with some hot fried kosher pickles and ranch sauce, my goodness! That old Carol King song comes to mind, “I feelr the earth move under my feet”. It has that make you wanna slap yo’ mama goodness. There is an explosion of delight that dances all over my taste buds. The smile on my face becomes so big that my ears start clapping. As you can tell, I enjoy it so much. Another southern treat, I do love the word “southern”, is fried green tomatoes. And once again the fine drink of choice is peach tea. If you have never had fried green tomatoes I doubt your true southern qualities. You can’t possible be a “lady” or “gentleman”. For every fine lady or gentleman, and they only grow those in the south, have licked their fingers after enjoying fried green tomatoes. And if you’re a real southerner, you have had fried green tomato sandwiches. Now raise your hand high, with pride, if you have had your share of either fried pickles or fried green tomatoes. Ok, maybe I have gotten to wrapped up in my summertime delights. But hey I’m the one writing this. And I’m passionate about the foods that I love. I’m sure you have things that you just love and can’t help yourself when you start to talk about them. Now, I have to go here. How passionate are we about talking about our most priced gift? When we describe Him, do we make those who don’t know Him want to meet him? Does our life just scream, “Jesus is the best thing that ever happened to me”? Even now, I can’t say that my verbal testimonial has been as strong as my push to get friends to try the new peach tea or a slice of my fried pickle. God forgive me. How do I make God sound more delicious than peach tea and fried green tomatoes? How do I tell the friend who does not know him that “I promise you that this is the best thing ever, in the whole world”? Think about it.


Staff & Ministry Leader

To our


Bishop Brenda K. Perry, Senior Pastor

We would like to welcome you to New Life Temple Church. Thank you for joining us today in our worship service. Our prayer is that you will be blessed abundantly in your life.

Elder Steve Stephens, Senior Elder Lela Chambers, Financial Manager

To show our appreciation to you for being our Mel A. Perry, Global Relations Director guest, we would like to offer you a special gift. An usher will give you this small token of our love Roy & Veronica Seivwright, Head Deacon during the announcements and acknowledgment & of our guest. If you do not receive a gift, please let one of the persons standing in the aisle know, or you Eld. Elmer & Deaconess Cathy Powell, may contact the church office. Marriage Ministry

Also, we invite you to join us, and our other guest, following the service for a time of refreshments. This is just another way we would like to say thanks to you. New Life Temple Church is a ministry that endeavors to serve the community and the city at large. Here at NLT we have several ministries to serve you and your family. During the fellowship there will be individuals who will be more than happy to discuss, or answer, any questions you may have concerning NLT.

Pamlar Clark, Music Director Min. Isaac Bazile, Men ‘s Ministry Donna Stephens & Mary Colemon, Ladies’ Ministry Min. David Bates, Outreach

Towanna Thompson, Perfecting Light

Bishop Brenda K. Perry

Weekly Service Schedule Sunday Sunday School ......................................... .9:00 a.m. Power of Pentecost ...................................10:00 a.m. Wednesday Pastoral Bible Study ..................................7:30 p.m. Youth In Unity (Youth 12 - 18) .................7:30 p.m. Thursday Music Ministry ..........................................7:30 p.m. Saturday Intercessory Prayer ....................................9:00 a.m.

We believe in one eternal God; infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purpose, as well as, omniscient and omnipresent. We believe this one true God, who revealed Himself as Father in Creation, as Son in redemption, and as Holy Ghost in regeneration. We believe that - in Him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fullness dwell. We believe in the death, burial and resurrection. We believe in being born again of water-by immersion in the name of the Lord “Jesus� Christ for the remission of sins, and in Spirit baptism of the Holy Ghost - speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We believe in divine healing, communion and foot washing. We believe in presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God. We believe in expressions of praise with lifted hands, hand clapping, playing of musical instruments, voice of praise and dancing. The purpose of New Life Temple Church is to instill the faith of Jesus Christ into the lives of ALL PEOPLE, bringing them into spiritual perfection with a spirit of excellence.

New Life Temple Church 4828 Almeda Genoa Houston, Texas 77048 713-991-5972 Email:

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