The City of London is an island in crisis.

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Ilana Adleson, Sharifa Alshalfan, Nicholas Palominos, Guy Trangoš, Adriana Young LSE MSc. City Design and Social Science December 2011

the elevated city

123 m

‘One of the more conservative planning authorities in Britain, the Corporation of the City of London, became involved after World War II in an experiment with high-level pedestrian walkways.’ Michael Hebbert, ‘The City of London Walkway Experiment’ (1993)



The Barbican towers are London’s tallest residential buildings

‘Podium level is simply ground level to you.’ Barrets Solicitors’ Guide to the Barbican Estate


of the Barbican’s annual budget is funded by the City of London Corporation

‘An important distinction must be made between public space and a space with public access, in the latter there are no poesies, no making of public space.’ Saskia Sassen ‘Cityness in the Urban Age’ (2005)


of the City’s residents live in the Barbican Estate (Approx.)

Thirty-mile pedway network planned in 1963 ‘The City of London Walkway Experiment’ (1993)

The walkway network built by 1992 ‘The City of London Walkway Experiment’ (1993)

Public raised level as envisioned in 1941 ‘The City of London Walkway Experiment’ (1993)

the barbican and the city

The City of London IS AN ISLAND. Its edges are made by political, economic, SOCIAL AND physical boundaries. Boundaries are PROTECTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE, Visible and INVISIBLE. They produce space for retreat AND systems of wealth. They facilitate exclusion and exchange. THEY CREATE A private city.

‘increase in urban exploration

activity at abandoned or high profile sites in the capital...’ City of London Police, Terrorism/Extremism update for the City of London Business Community 02.12.2011.

The City of London has a private police force and outsources a private company to provide SMS/email security alerts to businesses and residents.

£4 personal alarm device

£162 CCTV video tape copy


of riot incidents occurred within a five minute walk of both a town centre and a post-war housing estate.


police horse per day

City of London charges for private services

Space Syntax Limited 2011

‘The more physical and informational speed increases, the more man will need capsules.’ Lieven de Cauter, ‘The Capsule and the Network: Notes Toward a General Theory,’ The Cybercities Reader 2004

‘Criminals don’t like places where they look out of place and feel locked in.’ Barrets Solicitors’ Guide to the Barbican Estate


2 toilets, 1 kitchen, 1 library Public amenities at Occupy LSX at St. Paul’s Cathedral

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£456 Billion

-£83 Billion Cuts

Bailout UK Government’s bailout to the private financial sector in 2009

Total public sector cuts planned by 2014-15.

New Economics Foundation, Quid Pro Quo, September 2011 National Audit Office

21,455 occupiers 2,503 cities 82 countries, ‘Occupy Protests Around the World’ The Guardian 17.10.2011

most intense

least intense

City of London job density and location of Occupy Camps. 2006, 2011

EVICTION NOTICE TO OCCUPY LSX The City of London Corporation hereby gives you notice under s.143 of the Highways Act 1980 that you must remove all tents...from St. Paul’s Churchyard by 6 pm on Thursday 17th November 2011.

‘it opens a prospect for civic renewal.’




Lord Maurice Glasman, The Guardian 28.10.2011

- Director of the Built Environment City of London Corporation Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ

Figure ground of Occupy LSX area. Hatched area indicates where the City of London Corporation has requested the protestors evacuate. The small grey area is where the Corporation has sanctioned the protestors’ presence.


The City of London is a productive space for the 1%. CAN WE INTERVENE at its BOUNDARIES to co-produce public wealth for the 99%? we will identify points of transition and intensity as potential sites of creative co-production. Underutilised spaces that can become thresholds to a new public city. a living city.

SQUARE MILE MEDIEVAL PLUTOCRACY George Monbiot, The Guardian, 31.10.2011

75% of the City of London’s eligible voters are businesses

Tribune Magazine, 12.02.2009

‘Voting would reflect the wishes not of the City’s 300,000 workers, but of corporate managements. So Goldman Sachs and the People’s Bank of China would get to vote in what is arguably Britain’s most important local election’

1189 City gets first mayor

1200 1400 1565 Royal exchange founded


1649 Charles I executed 1666 Great fire of London


1835 City not reformed under 1831 municipal reform act 1894 Failure of political reformation

Nicholas Shaxson, journalist and tax transparency campaigner, as quoted in The Guardian, 31.10.2011


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Businesses are assigned votes according to the size of their staff quotient. Voters are chosen by corporate management.

For 900 yrs. no party representation in City

Vote To become an alderman, one must: be a Justice of the Peace, a British citizen, be over 21, have no convictions or bankruptcy, be Freeman of the City.

Approving people for Freedom of the City and approving the formation of new livery companies.

Alderman 1/ward

Court of Alderman All aldermen

The sheriffs are elected annually by the Liverymen of the Livery Companies, and it is a requirement for a Lord Mayor of the City of London to previously have served as a Sheriff. Sheriffs have only nominal ceremonial duties now.

Common Councilman varies/ward

Court of Common Council

All aldermen & councilmen


To become a common councilman, one must: be a registered voter in a City ward, own or rent land in the City, or reside in the City for the year prior to the election. Be over 21, be a Freeman of the City. Be British, Irish, Commonwealth or EU citizen. Main decision making body. Focuses on the reports of committees and members’ questions and motions.

Lord Mayor

Tribune Magazine, 12.02.2009

Livery Companies 108

The medieval Companies originally developed as guilds and were responsible for the regulation of their trades, controlling, for instance, wages and labour conditions.

The Lord Mayor’s main role is, as it has been for centuries, to represent, support and promote the businesses and the people of the City of London. Today, these businesses are mainly in the financial sector and the Lord Mayor is seen as the champion of the entire UK-based financial sector regardless of ownership and location within the country.

No parliamentary control over City The Guardian, 31.10.2011

No women accepted in 50% of livery companies The Independent, 20.12.1992

‘The right of the City to run its own affairs was gradually won as concessions were gained from the Crown.’

political boundaries

37, PROFESSIONAL, WHITE, MALE Average profile of a City worker ‘square mile syndrome: stress-related mental health problems faced by City workers as the credit crunch chews through the financial sector’


The Guardian, 8.10.2008

Practical business impact and benefits for individuals at every level. Business education consolidates the structure of your organisation. It ensures intelligent strategic action at every level, and gives individuals the tools and awareness to hone that strategy. Build internal skills from external expertise With business education you make world-class expertise an integral part of your organisation. Instead of relying on outside support, you enhance the capabilities of your managers and leaders to address challenges. And by exposing senior people to leading edge-thinking, you ensure your business has the strategic drive to succeed. Address company challenges and individual needs To achieve your business goals, you depend on the actions and the passion of individuals. By giving your team members the scope to develop themselves, you ensure they have the ability to develop your organisation. You increase productivity, retention and satisfaction, and build a business that each of them can be proud of. The benefits of business education for...

of the City’s 312, 000 workers are white all charts below:

36.0% 33.1%


36% 18.1%


13% Other

40 - 49

30 - 39

20 - 29



100% 100%


50% 50%

Other Other

Intermediate Intermediate Management


Lower Lower managerial


Higher Higher managerial

0% 0%

Worker Profiles


48% 32.3%

32% 15.2%

Transport Transport


15% Other Other



Business Business Sevices

Finance Finance




5% 5%

3% 3% foot OnOnfoot

Liverpool Station

11% 11%

Bus Bus

Travel to work

The Individual • ‘Build a successful career based on proven expertise • Develop as a person and gain confidence • Increase your ability to influence your organisation.’

Other Other

The Manager • ‘Ensure a focus on competitive strategy and business goals • Shape the business while delivering business results • Complement industry expertise with transferable management skills.’

Rail Rail

The CEO • ‘Develop effective leaders to drive future strategy • Build company culture - bring teams together to learn and interact • Equip your organisation for profitable growth • Establish and maintain standards of excellence.’

‘Cocktails and cocaine clubs are becoming commonplace in the Square Mile.’ ES Magazine, 4.11.2011

London Business School: Why a Business Education?

Rail connections to the City Google Maps

‘city boy’ culture

the endless wall Nine hundred and fifty years of fortification

‘The Square Mile is like entering another world.’ Marc Ashdown, The City: A State within a State, BBC, 04.11.2011

City Boundary

Ring of Steel Former London Wall


CCTV cameras for a resident population of 9,000 in the City of London BBC, 20.07.2009

‘[The Ring of Steel] is probably the most radical shift to the urban order of any part of London in decades, and continues to evolve almost unnoticed, shaping who uses the City of London, and for what.’ The Evening Standard, 15.10.2010

Tools of the boundary:

Barbican edge mapping selection

Bollards Policemen Fountains Benches CCTV Cameras Crests The Thames

physical boundaries

A tax island on welfare

Producing 20% of UK financial services earnings


56 bIL

nm ver Go

me Tax

UK Inco

foreign banks are located in the City of London


I L b L 8 I 5 O 1 N £


ilo ent Ba

Standard Chartered Bank Lloyds TSB Bank PLC Chinatrust Commercial Bank Fitch Ratings Anglo Romanian Bank Deutsche Hypo NatWest Banco Popolare Di Verona E Novara Bremer Landesbank The Bank Of Italy Abbey Mitsubishi Trust & Banking Corporation Reserve Bank Of Australia FBS Banking Nacional Financiera SNC Goldman Sachs International UBS Capital Singer & Friedlander United Mizrahi Bank Barclays Global Investors MacQuarie Bank Swedbank Erste Bank HBO S Treasury Services PLC Ghana International Bank PLC Banco National Ultramarino Lombard Odier (UK) Malayan Banking Berhad Imperialbank Privee Barclays Bank PLC Bank Of Bermuda Caixa Geral Depositos S A Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation ABC (IT) Services Royal Bank Of Canada The Co-operative Bank PLC Banca Nazionale Del Lavoro Persia International Bank PLC Gartmore Investment Management PLC Wintrust PLC Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Reliance Bank Nova Ljubljanska Banka Rabobank International Abbey Enskilda Securities West Hill Corporate Finance Mizuho Corporate Bank Union Bank Of Nigeria PLC Commerzbank Securities Bank Of Baroda Leopold Joseph & Sons HSBC Bank PLC Barclays Bank PLC Halifax PLC Banca Popolare Di Milano Den Norske Bank A S J P Morgan The Bank Of Toyko Mitsubishi The Bank Of Yokohama Westpac Banking Corporation Noble & Co Overseas Chinese Banking Business Development Asia LLC Brown Shipley & Co ABC International Bank PLC Millennium B C P Allied Irish Bank (GB) Philippine National Bank (Europe) PLC The Royal Bank Of Scotland PLC Banco Di Napoli Standard Bank London Minories Finance The Bank Of Thailand Central Bank Of China HSBC Bank PLC United Overseas Bank Bank Of Ireland Woolwich PLC Northern Rock PLC Bank Tejarat (London) Bank Of Scotland Banco Totta & Acores S A Japan Bank For International Co-operation Woolwich PLC Bank Of Korea N M Rothschild & Sons KAS Bank BES Investimento Standard Chartered Bank Moscow Narodny Bank Banca March San Paolo Imi Spa Erich Keller First Commercial Bank Abbey Banco Santander Central Hispano Charterhouse Bank Fibi Bank (UK) PLC Bankers Trust Landesbank Hessen-Thueringen Ermgassen & Co Banco Espirito Santo State Street Bank & Trust Co Woolwich PLC I L X System Ceskoslovenska Obchodni Banka A S Banco Antoninia Popolare Veneta Riggs Bank Europe ING B H F-Bank AG Cebs Secretariat Credit Lyonnais (UK) Banque Nationale De Paris PLC CA IB International Markets Britannia Building Society United Trust Bank Chelsea Building Society Korea First Bank Nordea Bank Credit Agricole Indosuez Frankfurter Hypothekenbank Centralboden A G Credit Industriel Et Commercial Cheltenham & Gloucester PLC Bank Of China The Bank Of Nova Scotia UniCredito Italiano Habib Bank AG Zurich Investec Bank (UK) Sumitomo Trust Nationwide Building Society State Bank Of India Euroclear Bank European Acquisition Capital Sarasin Investment Management Banco Rural Europa Sa Mashreqbank P S C Natexis Banques Populaires U F J Bank HypoVereinsbank SMBC Capital Markets MeesPierson Derivatives Arab Bank PLC Alliance & Leicester PLC Banca Carige Commercial Bank Of Greece (S A) Hawkpoint Partners HSBC Bank PLC Commonwealth Bank Of Australia Bank Saderat PLC Cho Hung Bank Hua Nan Commerial Bank Hamburgische Landesbank Coutts & Co Sabanci Bank PLC Canara Bank Evolution Securities T C Ziraat Bankasi AS Development Bank Of Singapore European Bank Intrabank Expert Witness National Australia Insurance Services Turkiye Is Bankasi A S Secure Trust Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette Bradford & Bingley The Royal Bank Of Scotland PLC Bank Of England Piraeus Bank Banca Dei Monte Paschi Di Siena K B C Financial Products UK D V B Bank (London) Banco Do Brasil S A Banco Santander Yorkshire Bank PLC Bayerische Landesbank Woolwich PLC Bank Julius Baer & Co Bristol & West PLC Clydesdale Bank PLC China Construction Bank Shoko Chukin Bank R Z B (Austria) Oesterreichische National Bank Wachovia Securities Nomura Landes Bank Nationwide Building Society Shanghai Commercial Bank Bank Of Ceylon Daiwa Securities SMBC Europe British Linen Advisers Lloyds TSB Bank PLC British Arab Commercial Bank Alliance & Leicester PLC Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein The Royal Bank Of Scotland PLC Sterling Exchange Child & Co Bank Sepah International Kleinwort Benson Unit Standard Chartered Bank Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Bank Of Montreal Chang Hwa Commercial

450+ City Fund Tax-based fund to meet the daily financial needs of the City of London

City Bridge Trust Supports charity in the Greater London area

City Cash Private fund built over the last eight centuries

The City of London Funds

National Audit Office UK Budget 2011, The Guardian, 23.03.2011 City of London

‘...this British offshore web provides the city with 3 things. First, the tax havens scattered across the world capture passing foreign business and channel it to London, just as a spider’s web catches insects; second, it is a storage mechanism for assets; and third it is a money laundering filter that lets the City get involved in dirty business while providing it with enough distance to maintain plausible deniability.’ Nicholas Shaxson, Treasure Islands, 2011

£1.2 trILLION daily foreign exchange turnover in London; 37% of global share.

Bank Stock Broker Insurance Company Google Maps 2011

‘Real empire moved into invisible empire’ Nicholas Shaxson, LSE Public Lecture 01.02.2011

ECONOMIC boundaries

The City of London is AN ISLAND in crisis. As the ECONOMy fails and discontent rises, THE CITY CANNOT AFFORD TO REMAIN PRIVATE. if we awaken the CITY’s latent utopia, Can we cultivate A NEW public CITY? A place to co-produce new forms of public wealth and public space?

‘it’s a little BIT utopian, but give me an alternative.’ Manuel Castells, The Aftermath Network, 2011

City jobs losses in 2011 would empty 8.3 ‘Gherkins’ of employees

London’s unemployed could fill 270 ‘Gherkins’ CEBR 2011, London’s Poverty Profile Trust for London and New Policy Institute 2011

Worker : Resident 44 : 1

16 m2 = 4-5 person tent

16 m2 = 4-5 person office space


Do the unemployed have a right to the City of London?


Barrets Solicitors’ Guide to the Barbican Estate

288,000 2011




City Employment



‘We are not marooned we are elevated’


Actual and predicted city-type job loss for the City of London, The Centre for Economics and Business Research, (CEBR) 10.27.2011

The Barbican complex has approx. 37,000 m2 of public highwalks, which could host 1,625 tents.


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