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HeartCry Missionary


Run to JESUS IS COMING the Battle Volume- 13 December January

December-January 1999 Volume 13

HEARTCRY MAGAZINE The HEARTCRY MISSIONARY SOCIETY MAGAZINE is a ministry of the HEARTCRY MISSIONARY SOCIETY under the authority of Waldo Baptist Church, Metropolis, Illinois. EDITOR, Paul David Washer ASSOCIATE EDITOR, Rosario Washer MANAGING EDITOR, Rita Irene Douglas ART & ILLUSTRATIONS, Paul Washer PHOTOGRAPHY, Paul & Rosario Washer MANUSCRIPTS, Tina Kennedy PRODUCTION, King s Publishing The purposes for which the HeartCry publication is distributed are: • •

The Glory of God. The chief end of all created beings and their purposes is the glory of God (I Corinthians 10:31). Stewardship among God s people. Many churches and individuals have given generously of their own resources so that this ministry might exist and minister among the nations. It touches us as stewards of God to give a faithful report. Thanksgiving. It is our desire to make known the gracious work of God in meeting all our needs so that Christians might offer thanksgiving to God for His love, goodness, faithfulness and strength towards us. Encouragement. We hope to encourage God s people to trust in God through seeing His faithfulness in going beyond our own abilities, righteousness, and faith to always supply our needs and help us in our time of trouble. We hope that the publication of God s gracious answers to our feeble prayers will motivate God s people to also pray believing that God is both willing and able to move on their behalf and help them in their time of need. World Mission Awareness. We endeavor to make known the world s great need of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to motivate Christians to give their lives to the work of the harvest. We also seek to show Christians that the Great Commission is not a losing battle, but that great victories are being won and the Gospel is spreading among every nation, tribe, people and tongue. Prayer. We hope to encourage God s people to pray to the Lord of the Harvest that He might send forth laborers into His harvest, and that all the Earth might be filled with the Glory of God.


The HeartCry Missionary Society is dedicated to the task of fulfilling the Great Commission through sponsoring national pastors and missionaries in the foreign field. The traditional mission methods of only training and financing North American missionaries is a slow and costly process that has not and will not enable us to reach the world. A national pastor or missionary can be prepared for ministry without years of language training or cultural adjustment and at a minimum cost. Therefore HeartCry seeks to work with national pastors and missionaries to help them evangelize and plant Churches among their own peoples.


The chief end of all mission work is the Glory of God. Our greatest concern is that His Name be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun (Malachi 1:11). We find our constant motivation, not in man or his needs, but in God, His commitment to His own glory and our God-given desire to see Him glorified in every nation, tribe, people and language. •

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Every need of this ministry will be obtained through prayer. We may share our missionary vision with others and even make known to them the specific tasks which the Lord has laid on our heart to do, but we may not raise support through prodding or manipulating our brothers and sisters in Christ. If this ministry is of the Lord then He will be our patron. If He is with us, He will direct His people to give and we will prosper. If He is not with us, we will not and should not succeed. We intend to never enlarge our field of labor by contracting debts. This is contrary to both the letter and the spirit of the New Testament. In secret prayer, God helping us, we will carry the needs of this ministry to the Lord and act according to the direction that He gives. We will not compete with other biblical mission agencies, but use the resources that God has given to us to work in partnership with them. If the Lord directs, we will sacrifice our own goals and resources that other mission works may be helped and the Kingdom of God increased. In meeting any need, those of us who are supported financially by this ministry will be the first to sacrifice all things necessary for the will of God and the advancement of His Kingdom. We will not measure the success of this ministry by the amount of money given, Bibles distributed or national missionaries supported, but by the Lord s blessing on the work. BOARD OF REFERENCE PAUL DAVID WASHER, President of HeartCry Missionary Society JACK RUSSELL, Pastor, Waldo Baptist Church STEPHEN HEINE, HeartCry Missionary Society ROSARIO WASHER, HeartCry Missionary Society RITA IRENE DOUGLAS, HeartCry Missionary Society ADRIAN JONES, Business man TERRY FOSTER, Judge MIKE MORROW, Pastor, East Baptist Church of Paducah, Ky. RANDY LOWE, Pastor, First Baptist Church of Williams Lake, BC., Canada

All Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

CARLTON ALLEN, Pastor, Calvary Baptist, Lake Park, Ga. DR. MICHAEL MARTIN M.D., Physician DR. ROBERT VANN P.H.D., Vice President Mid-Continent College WADE BERRY, Banker KENNY SCHROEDER, Schroeder Publishing

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Run to the Battle. A call to worldwide missions. Hear the Drums. A call to missions from veteran missionary Redford Tramel. From the Director. Where are Paul and Charo Washer? In the Field. Charo Washer interviews missionaries on the field. Jacinto Cordova Pineda. A living testimony to the Power of Scriptures. Eraclito Reyes. Faithfully serving God in the Mountains of Piura. Manuel Pisco Chumpe. As the paralytic in the Scriptures, he was carried to Christ. Ezequiel Cordova Dominguez. Gathered to the fold by a godly wife. Fermin Garcia Lorca. His horse was led by God’s own hand. Luis Huaman Carrasco. Hated by men, loved by God. Angel Colmenares. Equipping workers in God’s harvest. Teaching Ministry. Itinerant ministry is growing. Special Thank You Notes. Ministering among the needy in Peru.

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Run to the Battle

by Paul Washer

strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might; to put on the full armor of God and stand fast regardless of each day’s evil. It is true that Satan prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour and that he has requested to sift us like wheat, nevertheless, we shall stand because our Master is able to make us stand and to present us before Himself on that Day with great joy. Thirdly, we battle for something much more precious than our own lives, much greater than our own goals and much more important than our own welfare. We battle for the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom on the earth. We struggle and pray and watch with one great hope - that His Named be sanctified, that His Kingdom come and that His Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We give our strength and our years that the earth might be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea. We long for the day when we will see a great multitude that no man can count from every tribe, language and nation standing before the throne of God and crying out with a loud voice. Regardless of what we may believe, the Christian life is a threefold battle. First, we battle against the flesh and its sinful desires that wage war against our new nature and against the Spirit who seeks to lead us to greater holiness. In this battle we are called to put to death the deeds of the flesh, and to eagerly pursue personal holiness without which no man will see the Lord. We are called to die daily, to beat our bodies and to even radically amputate those things in our lives that are a cause for stumbling. We are called to saturate our lives in the Word of God, to renew our minds so that we might be able to discern those things which please the Lord and reject those things which the Lord abhors. We are called to be filled with the Spirit and to walk in a newness of life, ever sensitive to His will and leading. Finally we are called to do this in a world that hates God, is hardened to His truth and opposes all virtue and godliness. What a terrible battle is this battle of ours. We would surely be consumed if it were not for the God who produces in us the desire to live righteously and gives us the effective grace to do so. For He is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to His power that works in us. Secondly, we battle against something even more terrible than our own depraved flesh. We battle against rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. We are called to wrestle against them face to face and to resist them even to the point of death, so that our testimony may resound to the Glory of God. We are called to fight an enemy whose strength so exceeds our own that we must put aside our confidence in our own strength and be

“Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” Each one of us has been commissioned to see to it that Christ’s banner is raised on every distant hill in every far away land. If we are not called to go, we are called to stand behind those who do with equal sacrifice. The great commission is not some little thing the Church does; it is THE thing that we are commanded to do. Do we realize that we will be held accountable on the Day of Judgement for our participation in taking the Gospel to the nations? Do our lives reflect that we truly understand that apart from the Gospel no man will be saved? The following words were spoken by an atheist who mocked those Christians who declared Christ to be the only way and yet were not moved to make Christ known among the nations. His words are those that moved the great English missionary C.T. Studd to go to China, India and Africa and later say: “If Christ was God and died for me, there is nothing that would be too much to do for Him.” Read these words carefully. Weigh you own life and desires against them. “If I believed with conviction what millions say they believed, that the knowledge and practice of religion was everything to me; I would throw from me like a weight, every worldly pleasure; I would esteem every worldly consideration as insanity and every worldly thought as vanity. My faith would be my first thought in the morning, and my last image before I fell asleep; I would work only for the cause, think only in eternity and esteem every soul won for heaven as the greatest value, even if it meant a life of suffering. No earthly

consequence would detain me or quiet my lips; the joys of the world or its sorrows would not even occupy a single moment of my thoughts. I would focus only on eternity and the immortal souls that are around me and destined for eternal misery. I would go to the world and preach in season and out of season and my text would be: ‘What does it benefit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?’” As we look towards the new millennium, we should be looking towards the world and the battle that out there rages. These are the greatest times in the history of Christianity. God has opened doors throughout the world so that we may now preach the Gospel in places that only a few years ago were totally beyond our reach. The doors are open, but will we pass through? Will we take advantage of this most strategic moment in history? These are not times for men of narrow minds, small hearts and tight spirits. These are not times for only standing firm, but also marching forward. We must put the world behind us, pass through the doors that have been opened to us, put our hand to the plow and never look back again. The world is such a large place and there are so many people that have yet to be reached with the Gospel. There is so much to be done and so much that can be accomplished. Will the Church take advantage of her opportunity to see God’s glory among the nations? Will you hear the call to lay aside your life and become part of something much larger than yourself. What will you do? Can you think of any greater thing to which you could possible give your life than the preaching of the Gospel to those who have yet to hear? It is not a time to think about careers, but about a Kingdom. Why would we want fame, when God promises us glory? Why would we be seeking the wealth of the world when the wealth of heaven is ours? Why would we run for a crown that will perish with time, when we are called to win a crown that is imperishable? My dear friend let us run to the battle so that we might stand with Him on that Great Day of Victory! For the last 2000 years, the battle for the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ has been a costly one. It is estimated that since the first century over 50 million Christians have been martyred and now every year over 300,000 are added to the ranks of those who did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Nearly 1000 believers a day lay down their lives in the battle to carry the Gospel of Christ to all men. Even now as you read this hundred are dying, and tens of thousands are locked away in prison and jails. Their own crime is their belief in Christ and their unwillingness to lay down their Bibles and cease from preaching the Gospel. How should we respond in light of such terrible casualties? There is only one answer - We should run headlong into the battle, and give our very lives for the only cause that will stand - the coming of the Kingdom of our Lord and God. As your brother in Christ, I plead with you to become a true soldier in the battle to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every man. The harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few.

Life Saving Station or Country Club? by Frank G. Voight.

On a dangerous seacoast where shipwrecks often happened was a makeshift lifesaving station. Its devoted workers went out day or night, searching for the lost and saving many lives. Soon the little station developed quite a reputation for its unselfish work. Many people joined the station, giving of their time, money, and effort for the support of its work. They bought new boats and trained new crews. The little lifesaving station grew. Then, some of the new members of the station grew unhappy because the building was crude and poorly equipped. So they enlarged the building, replaced the emergency cots with comfortable beds, and put in nice furniture. Soon the station became a popular gathering place for its members. Most of them lost interest in going to sea on lifesaving missions, so they hired a professional crew to do this work. One day a large ship was wrecked off the coast. The hired lifesaving crew brought in boatloads of people. They were wounded, dirty, and sick. The beautiful new building was soiled and damaged. So the property committee had a shower house built outside the club where shipwreck victims could be cleaned up before coming inside. At the next meeting, club members got into a big dispute. Most wanted to stop the lifesaving work because it interfered with their regular activities. But some members insisted that lifesaving was still their primary purpose. However, they were voted down. The majority told them if they wanted to save lives, they could start their own station down the coast. They did. As the years passed, this new station also developed into a club, and a third lifesaving station was founded. If you visit that area today, you will find a number of exclusive clubs along the coast. Shipwrecks still happen, but most of the people drown in the stormy waters just off the shore.

Hear the Drums by Redford Tramell Redford and Elizabeth Tramel, have been missionaries in Peru for the greater part of their lives. Charo and I count them as friends and counselors. The following article appeared in their last newsletter. Knowing their years of service on the mission field and their unusual dedication to the Kingdom and the harvest, we wanted to publish it for your edification. Please read these words as coming from a man and woman who have given their entire life in battle on the foreign field - Paul Washer Why so much “foreign” missions effort? Foreign is in quotes because it is not foreign to God and should not be foreign to us. Also, God has brought the “foreign” mission field to the USA in the millions of foreigners that are here from every

country in the world, even the tightest closed and least evangelized ones like North Korea, Laos, Maldives, Iran, etc. Even though the physical and emotional need of those in under developed countries is NOT the main reason for “foreign” missions, we do care about the poverty and suffering that hundreds of millions are experiencing. And we are touched by the millions who are being oppressed by ruthless rulers or the wicked majority. It does bother us to know of thousands every year of every age who are captured and sold as slaves, and bought by cruel slave owners, and parents selling their daughters to be taken to the cities for prostitutes. We try to imagine the ignorance and near “stone age” ways of those not touched by “civilization.” We try to sense the feelings, fears, and difficult lives of those who live in isolated tribes. We know that God knows and cares. And these needs should touch our hearts and move us with Christian compassion. Christ “had compassion on the multitudes” (Matthew 9:36). We who have received the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior can love strangers with God’s love that is in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). We realize that Christ would have us to relieve suffering while we are evangelizing. However, the physical and emotional need is NOT THE MAIN REASON for “foreign” missions. Three of the greatest reasons for missions are: First: We must obey our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who has commanded us to take the good news of salvation “to every creature” (Mark 16:15), “to the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8), and “to all ethnic groups” (Matthew 28:19). We must obey because He is Lord, and “we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that every one may receive according to what he has done...” (II Corinthians 5:10). He commanded us to do it because it is very important to Him that it be done. “This is eternal life that they might know... the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent” (John 17:3). He knows every person on earth and cares about each one. To know the Lord, worship Him and serve Him are the Purposes for which He put all of us on this earth. He commands us to be deeply involved in getting His message “to the uttermost

part of the earth.” Each of us is deciding to obey or not. Partial obedience is not obedience. Second: We must take the gospel of salvation “to the uttermost part of the earth” because every person’s need for salvation is his greatest need. If a person goes to hell it is by far the worse thing that could happen to him. The most important con-

that no Christian is exempt from doing his part. None can say, “I am not needed. Others will do it.” So why has it not been accomplished in nearly 2,000 years since our Lord gave the command? Too many Christians have not done their part. If every person who has truly received Christ Jesus as their Savior prayed like he should, carried the gospel as far as he could, and gave what he could, the job would be accomplished. If each one gave “If every person who has truly received to missions only one percent more of his take home Christ Jesus as their Savior prayed like pay, there would be more than enough to pay the he should, carried the gospel as far as he expenses for reaching every town and village “to could, and gave what he could, the job the uttermost part of the earth.” And if everyone of foreign missions would be accom- of us prayed, gave, and did what we are reasonably capable of doing, according to God’s will for plished.” each one, the commission could be accomplished in a few years. Every unreached ethnic group, evdition of every person is whether he is going to ery unreached town, and every unreached person hell or heaven, i.e. whether he has received Christ is proof of the coldness and disobedience of most Jesus as his Savior or not. Forgiveness of sin, be- of the Lord’s people. ing acceptable to God in this life, and going to enDo you care? How much do your care? Will joy His presence are the most important things in you obey? What are you doing to help? Could you life. do more? Could you intercede more in prayer, minMany of us are concerned about people who ister the gospel to more people, give more to misclaim to be Christians but hardly act like it. But, sions? Is the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of your almost a billion Hindus, 700 million Buddhists, millions of Animists, and hundreds of millions of Every unreached ethnic group, every other people do not even claim to have received unreached town, and every unreached Christ as Savior. They clearly state, “No! I do not person is proof of the coldness and disbelieve in Christ Jesus.” Or “I do not know who obedience of most of the Lord’s he is.” Their most important need is to hear about people. Christ, received Him as their Savior, and be saved from condemnation (John 3:18). The God of the Bible is the only Creator of the universe, and our life, ambitions, and decisions? Are you serving the Lord Jesus is the only Savior-Christ-Messiah (I Lord Jesus Christ? Timothy 2:5). The question is, “How shall they We pray that the Lord can one day say to you, believe in him of whom they have not heard?” (Ro- “Well done thou good and faithful servant” (Matmans 10:11). thew 25:21). Does Luke 6:46 apply to you: “Why Third: The need is so great that every Chris- do you call me Lord and don’t do what I say?” tian is needed to get the gospel out. The world is Will you pray now and daily, “Lord, I want to do enormous (The opposite side of the world is 12,000 your will. I want to obey. I want to do my part. milles away from each person on earth.). There are Please show me your will and give me the faith about 21,000 languages and culture groups. And and strength to do it.” We pray that you will “stand there are about six billion people on earth (95% perfect and complete in all the will of God” live outside the USA). He has committed to Chris- (Colossians 4:12). tians the responsibility of taking the message of Christ and salvation to all. The job is so enormous Redford and Elizabeth Tramell


From the Director

Paul and Charo with Pastor Vasile Talos, president of the Romanian Baptist Union after a conference in the Holy Trinity Baptist Church of Bucharest. We have received many positive comments in the last few months on the HeartCry magazine and its many articles about our missionaries. Nevertheless, some have wanted to know more about Charo’s and my work at HeartCry. The reason for our absence in the publication is simple - God is doing so much through the men you are supporting that there is hardly any room left in the magazine to share what he is doing through us. In the past three months, we have been on three continents preaching the Gospel, teaching in pastor’s conferences and visiting the missionaries that are being supported by God’s grace and your giving. Our only regret is that you could not have been with us to see all that God is doing through you in places you could not even begin to imagine. In the months of July through September, Charo and I were in the country of Peru. Almost every day was given to preaching, discipleship and meeting with HeartCry’s twelve missionaries and their families. The time seemed to fly by as we logged in hundreds of miles preaching and teaching along the coast, and in the Amazon basin. We also made our first trip to the leper colony in San Pablo, where you are helping God’s people to build a church. We are so excited about each and every one of our missionaries and the work they are doing. Brother Colmenares’ work in the northern province of Peru has grown to 530 churches. He and our other four missionaries that work with him are running full speed to keep up with the churches that God is planting. Brother Mario Salinas, who has started three churches in Lima, has now moved with his family to the jungles of Moyabama. His heart is aflame with a desire to reach the people in that remote area. Brother Arturo and his wife Gladys have finished their first year of church planting in the jungles of San Martin. I traveled two days to see their work and arrived unannounced. To my surprise their new church had 31 newly baptized members, and each was being discipled by Arturo. My dear friend Jonas Barbieri is suffering terribly from Rheumatoid Arthritis. He walks limping and

bent over, but continues to pastor one church in Lima and is planting another some 60 miles from his home. Having left the Baptist Tabernacle to one of the men he has discipled, Brother Zacarias has taken this year to help a church in the city of Lima that was about to go under. The Church is now thriving once again and brother Zacarias is looking for a new unreached area in Lima. His son, evangelist Martin Zacarias is constantly on the go preaching open air meetings in parks, beaches, markets and plazas. When he is not preaching, he is teaching and motivating churches to reach out in personal evangelism and discipleship. Brother Rogelio Acea and his wife Ruth continue to work in the inner city of Lima reaching out to the destitute in one of the most dangerous, drug infested neighborhoods in all of Lima. Brother Adalberto Suarez continues to faithfully work among the lost in Santa Clara outside of Lima. He has such an overwhelming compassion for the souls of men and for the believers that God has entrusted to him. He has begun a new outreach to the young men who have become involved in the gang that are spreading throughout Lima. The day we spent ministering among the believers in his church was unforgettable. Finally, brother Francisco “Paco” Laos and his wife Karen continue to give their lives for the spread of God’s kingdom in the jungles of the Marañon river basin and its adjacent high country. In these past months they have inaugurated an extension program to train several pastors, missionaries and church leaders throughout the region. The response has been very promising. Many pastors have been willing to travel great distances to study. Even the Aguarunas have sent men to learn, so that they might return to their communities and teach others. In October, I traveled to the country of Romania with good friend Adrian (give’m a Bible) Jones, and four other Bible teachers from the United States - Mike Morrow, Russ Davidson, Rob Jackson and Cristi Chivu. During our stay in the city of Braila, we taught 80 pastors and missionaries in

Paul preaching in the Church of the Savior in Barranco, Lima, Peru.

one of the most rewarding Bible conferences we have ever held. Together with the five hours of teaching each day and the endless counseling, we were all exhausted by the end of the week, but sustained by the joy of the Lord. We were overwhelmed at the responsiveness of the men and their great desire to learn the Scripture. We knew that God had worked when we heard several of the men making the same comment over and over, “They [those of us teaching] only use the Bible, but there is so much power.” The next week as the other teachers traveled back to the States and brother Jones continued working in the northern region of Moldova, I was busy preaching in Bucharest and teaching among the university and seminary students. It was tremendous! God opened the door for me to preach to almost 2000 university students in the Opera house in downtown Bucharest. It was the fifth time for me to preach in the theater, but the excitement never wears off. While in Romania, I was able to meet with almost all our missionaries from Romania and Moldova. Again, I am so excited about what God is doing. God has used our new Romanian director Sorin Prodan to reorganize the entire mission and to make it extremely effective. He is constantly traveling to the areas where the men labor in order to view their work and encourage them to remain faithful to the task. This has given a tremendous boost to the morale among the workers who are so far removed from other pastors and missionaries. The men are working very hard and their labor is paying off. New missions have been started and the established churches have been strengthen. I was motivated by their zeal and genuine desire to please the Lord. I was also amazed to discover that each of our four missionaries in Moldova has decided to take $50 from their own monthly support of $200 in order to support four other laypreacher in planting four more works in nearby towns. The Gypsy missionaries are doing well and growing in the Lord. Brother Samuel Stoica married a gypsy girl from the United States and immediately qualified for a Visa. I was encouraged to discover that he turned down the Visa and all the “opportunities” he would have had in the United States, in order to serve the Lord in the midst of the poverty of his own people. Brother Moises Marin who directs the mission to the Gypsies has recommended several other new missionaries to HeartCry. Please pray that we will have the wisdom to make the correct decisions and that we will have the faith to believe God to do even greater things.

Charo teaching university girls in Bucharest, Romania.

Paul doing a interview for the Christian Radio Station in Bucharest during meetings in that city. Back in the United States, Charo and I have been traveling constantly. I have held revivals and conferences in several states in the last few months and we are both “wore out.” Every day on the road is the same: rise up early, study and pray until noon, answer emails from office, visit with the pastors and other church leaders, preach, arrive back at the hotel around midnight, go to bed and start all over again. When we are not traveling in the United States or abroad, Charo and I are busy studying, writing the newsletter and answering emails from all the countries where are missionaries are working. For several years I have been writing discipleship material for pastors and Sunday school teachers in the country of Peru. One of our discipleship manuals (161 pages) is being used in many churches throughout Peru and in one Bible institute in the city of Lima. For the last five years, I have been working on an extension course in Theology (1000 pages). At the present, I am rewriting the rough draft. Please keep this project in your prayers. I have invested three to four hours a day for the last five years on this training course. I would have never undertaken this work if I did not see such a great need, not only in Peru, but around the world. In the other places where HeartCry missionaries are at work, God is also blessing. Dino Ortiz’s prison ministry in the country of Paraguay continues to prosper. Young men are being saved and are receiving weekly discipleship. In Brazil, Carlos Silvera continues his church planting work near the city of Santa Catalina. In Niger (Africa), Samuel Amed and Andrew Martey continue to evangelize Muslims and others who so desperately need Christ. Finally, on the fifteenth of November we began working in the country of Zambia, through Pastor Conrad Mbewe. He is known throughout Africa, Europe and the United States as the African Spurgeon. For the last year we have been corresponding and writing the necessary mission statements in preparation for supporting the men whom brother Conrad and the other elders of his church will be training and sending into unreached areas of his country. We hope that this has brought you up to date with regard to our ministry and labor in the Lord’s Kingdom. We thank you and hold you in high regard, for it is you who make our ministry a reality.

Paul Washer


In the Field

Greetings in the Name that is above every name, the Name by which we are saved and the Name in which we stand. It is my prayer that you might grow in the grace and knowledge of God and that you might be conformed to the image of His dear Son. You are special to us and we carry you around in our hearts. We thank God for you and are keenly aware that your obedience to His call makes this ministry possible. You are HeartCry and we are only your stewards. From July through September we were with our brothers and sisters in Peru. It was an indescribable joy to once again see the faces of so many that we have come to know and love. We spent time with every Peruvian missionary that HeartCry is now supporting and rejoiced to see how God continues to glorify Himself, saving souls from hell and moving among his people in every region of this country we so dearly love. One of the highlights of our time in Peru was the annual pastors conference in the northern province of Piura. The morning we arrived in Lima we greeted a few friends and then boarded another plane that afternoon to travel north to the town of Sullana where this year’s pastor’s conference was to be held. In the last several years, the Lord has used Pastor Colmenares and hundreds of other mountain preachers to plant 530 churches throughout the northern Andes mountains. The movement has literally spread over the entire mountain region and is now making its way into the high jungles of the Amazon and San Martin provinces. When we arrived in Sullana we were greeted by pastor Angel Colmenares and nearly one hundred pastors, teachers and leaders from the northern Andes mountains of Peru. Paul was taken immediately to the church where he was to preach

the opening night of the conference. For four straight days, Paul, pastor Neil Gottan and several others taught doctrine and answered theological questions from morning till night. It is so very humbling to see the men’s great hunger and willingness to learn the Scriptures and preach sound doctrine. Many bring tape recorders and take notes in order to take the teachings back to their villages to give to the Christians who were not able to attend. The great majority of those who do come must travel great distances to be able to attend. They come by bus, in the back of cattle trucks, and on foot. They are poor, uneducated and unimportant to the world, but to God they are men of whom the world is not worthy. As Paul began to preach, I pulled out my camera and recorder and began to interview these ragged, tagged missionaries and pastors who unknown to them are part of one the greatest works of God in the history of South America. It was a great honor for me to be able to speak to each man and hear his testimony of conversion and ministry. Many times I sat in awe at the power and presence of Christ in the lives of these men. I was humbled by their humility, broken by their suffering, rebuked by their dedication, and ashamed that although their road was a thousand times more difficult than mine, they had nothing but thanksgiving, praise and glory to offer to the One who had carried their sin and set them free. In the following, I offer the testimonies of some of these men of grace. Read their stories with reverence, pray for them with perseverance and so become co-laborers with them. Your sister,

Charo Washer


Reports from the Frontlines

Brother Jacinto Cordova Pineda (on left) and one of his disciples whom he is preparing for the ministry.

Jacinto Cordova Pineda Before I became a Christian, I was a very devout Catholic and a teacher in the Catholic Church for many years. I enjoyed reading and one day I had a very strong desire to read the Bible because I knew that in its words I would find what I needed to know about God. The only Bible that I owned was the Reina Valera version which is widely used by evangelicals, but at the time I did not know the difference. I began to read the Bible and the more I read, the more I began to question the practices of the Catholic Church. When I began to make questions about this the Catholic’s told me that the Bible I was reading was an “Evangelical Bible” and that its verses had been rearranged to say only what the Evangelicals wanted it to say. Because of this, I went to the priest and bought a “Catholic Bible” to discover if there were any real differences between the Bible of the Catholics and the Evangelicals. I even bought a dictionary to study the meaning of the words I did not understand. To my surprise, I read both Bibles and found that there was no basic difference between the two except for the way they worded things. This caused me to continue investigating and reading different passages. The first thing I wanted to know was why the Christians did not worship our catholic saints. What I discovered in the Bible shocked me. I learned that saints are not the statues that we worshiped, but believers in Jesus Christ. According to the Bible, the man-made images that we worshiped are

“idols” and that all who bow down to worship them are idolaters. When I understood this I became very afraid and began to doubt everything I had been taught in the Catholic Church. I was devastated to find out I had been wrong all my life. I felt compelled to share what I had found in the Scriptures with the small group I was teaching in my church, but I was severely rebuked for this. I was given material approved by the Church and prohibited from using the Bible in my teachings. Because of all that had happened, I was confused and did not know what to do. Finally, I was invited to a mass in which a very prominent priest was going to bless all the people, but I refused to go. I had been reading my Bible and I knew that it was nothing more than superstition. I told all the people who invited me that this priest was only a man and could not bestow upon us any kind of blessing. God was the only one able to bless His people. Little by little I began to depart from the Catholic Church. I stayed at home and read my Bible because I had nowhere else to go. Eventually, some of the men from the Catholic Church became very angry with me and accused The following Sunme of becoming a lunatic. They said that I had day, these same men been deceived by the came to visit me Evangelicals, but I did not even know a single again, because I did Evangelical Christian or not go to mass. They Church where they worasked me why I had shipped. I told them plainly that I did not abandoned the church know anything about and the celebrations what the Evangelicals believed, but through the for the saints. Since I Scriptures alone I had was not yet a Christian learned that the Catholic and did not have the Church was wrong. I showed them that I had Holy Spirit, I became been reading from the afraid of them and same “Catholic Bible” that they acknowledged, made an excuse... but never read. I explained that I had discovered from the Bible that the teachings we were following as Catholics had been given by men, and not God. They became very angry with me and left me there standing alone with my Bible. The following Sunday, these same men came to visit me again, because I did not go to mass. They asked me why I had abandoned the church and the celebrations for the saints. Since I was not yet a Christian and did not have the Holy

Spirit, I became afraid of them and made an excuse, telling them that I could not attend because I had many very important things to do. They told me that I must go to the mass the next Sunday and I told them that I would if I was able. The next Sunday, I went to water my crops because I knew there was no use in going to church anymore. When I returned from the I was drawn to the fields, a man came to Christians because I re- my house with a letter from the church dimembered one of the recting me to buy a arguments that the large picture of one of the church’s most imCatholics used against portant idols called them. They said that the “Senor de los Christians were fanat- Milagros” (Lord of the Miracles). I was to ics because they were hang it up in my always trying to live ac- house, pray to it and honor it with a mass cording to everything twice a year. The picthat was found in Bible. ture was very expensive, but that was not the only reason that I refused to buy it. I had read more of the Scriptures and knew that it was wrong to pray to an image and bow down to it in worship. I knew it was idolatry and that the picture was not a true representation of the Lord. Even though the Catholic Church has many kinds of statues and pictures of our Lord Jesus, no one knows, but those in heaven, what He looks like. I had more courage than the first time and so I sent a message to the people who demanded that I do this thing. I told them that I would not do it and that they should leave me alone because I would not attend the Catholic Church anymore. After leaving the Catholic Church, I discovered that there was a small Evangelical Church meeting a short distance from our town. There were only a few Christians there, but I became very curious to know what they believed. I had never been there and I did not know anything about them so I thought I would go and listen to their preaching to compare it to the things I had been reading in Scripture. I was drawn to the Christians because I remembered one of the arguments that the Catholics used against them. They said that the Christians were fanatics because they were always trying to live according to everything that was found in Bible. This made me angry, because for years I had believed (even though I did not read Scripture) that we Catholics were pleasing God by living according to the Bible! But it was becoming very clear that we were not! Finally, one Sunday I dressed myself as if I were going to buy cattle and passed by the place where the Christians were meeting. I was too embarrassed to just go in, so I spoke to some of the men standing outside and asked if they knew where I could buy cattle. I kept making small talk until they invited me to the meeting. My heart was glad to accept. I walked into the little church, sat down and the service began with worship. Everyone was very friendly to me, but I

was a little embarrassed. When the preaching began, I listened carefully and intently, to know whether the words spoken were confirmed or contradicted by the Scriptures. I was desperate to find a church that believed, taught and obeyed the Bible. To my great joy, everything the preacher said that day was affirmed by God’s Word. The service finished and I was invited to go eat in the house of one of the brothers there, but I declined. I did return to the service several times to hear the message. Each time after listening to the preaching of the Gospel, I was invited to repent of my sins and become a believer, but I did not do it because I was afraid. I wanted to be certain not to live in error again. I wanted to investigate everything that was taught to be sure it was according to the truth I was reading in the Bible. At home, I spoke to my wife and told her that everything that I had heard among the Christians was true because it was according to the Bible. I told her that according to the Bible we had been deceived and that it was wrong to live according to what we had been taught. How could it be that I had not even been allowed to read my Bible in the Catholic Church or to teach from it? I told her that the Gospel that I had heard was true and that we needed to repent and believe in Christ. Since we could not leave our house alone unoccupied, I went to the Evangelical church the following Sunday by myself. My wife stayed home to take care of our children Finally, one Sunday I and animals. The brothers dressed myself as if I and sisters were happy to see me come back, but in were going to buy my heart, I knew that I cattle and passed by needed Christ and that my wife and family needed the place where the Him also. That day I told Christians were meetthe brothers and sisters ing. I was too embarthat after the service I wanted them to come to rassed to just go in, so my house and witness to I spoke to some of the my family about everything they had told me. Up men standing outside until that point I had not and asked if they even told them that I had knew where I could a Bible, but when they entered my house I showed buy cattle. I kept them my Bibles and told making small talk unthem what had been happening in my life. I shared til they invited me to with them how I had be- the meeting. My heart gun to read the Word of was glad to accept. God and seen many things I had never seen before. That day my wife and I repented and believed in the Gospel. In time, the town where I lived suffered a terrible drought and many of us scattered out to find better lands and places to live and grow our crops. I moved to a small town outside of Moyobamba which is where I now live and pastor a work.

The experience was very difficult for me and my family, because I had to move away from our brothers and sisters in Christ whom we had grown to love. Nevertheless, in my heart I was still determined to serve God and live for Him wherever I went. In our new small town there was no established Evangelical church, but I discovered that there were three believers that were discouraged and had forsaken the assembling of themselves together. Knowing this, I began to pray and seek out the believers. I visited each one of them and encouraged them to have services together in my house until we could build a temple. They were greatly encouraged and we set out to work. There was a Catholic church in the town and they became very angry about our group, but they left us alone because they thought our group would fail. Not much later, there was a powerful earthquake in our village that destroyed many houses, the school and the Catholic church . My house had two stories and so the people of the town were sure that it would collapse and we would be destroyed. They ran to see our house, but it was standing untouched by the earthquake and my family and I were inside, on the second floor singing and praying on our knees, confident that we where in God’s hands. People outside my house were crying and screaming out loud because of the tremors that were still shaking the ground. They called out to me to come downstairs. At first I could not walk because of the movement of the ground, but finally they ceased and I went downstairs. Until that day, I had never been bold enough to speak before a group, much less the entire town, but when I came downstairs and walked outside my door, I began to preach to the entire town that was standing around my house. There was great fear among the people and they asked me to pray for all of them. After I shared the Gospel with them, my wife and I stood there with our small children and sang praises to God. I continued to preach to the people throughout the Not much later, there day about their great need was a powerful earth- to repent and believe in quake in our village Christ because no one when their life that destroyed many knew would come to an end. I houses. The people of even went to the main the town were sure square of the town and preached the Gospel. that my house would Many people listened to collapse and we the preaching of God’s and some were would be destroyed. Word converted. The tremors They found it stand- continued throughout the ing, untouched by the day and more and more people came to hear me earthquake, with my preach. Some of those family and I inside who came where teachers the Catholic church. singing and praying in Some believed, but othon our knees. ers mocked me.

Prior to the earthquake, Brother Colmenares had visited us and encouraged us to be strong in the work of God. He told us that since we were the first church in the area, Satan would oppose greatly and that there would be persecution. He was right. The persecution came, but our God helped us to prevail as a small light in the darkness. The first wave of persecution began when the Catholics demanded that the Christians be part of the group of laborers to rebuild the Catholic church. Because of the Constitution that guarantees the freedom of religion and worship in our country, I knew that we were not obligated by law to be part of this labor. We joyfully worked to rebuild the school, homes, and the roads, but when the time came to rebuild the Catholic church we refused. This brought us great trouble, insults and mockery from the people of the town. One day during a town meeting, the people accused me before an architect who had been sent by the Catholic church. They said that I was a trouble maker and that I had stopped all efforts to rebuild their church. I was completely taken by surprise by these accusations. I asked permission to explain the situation and told the architect very calmly that I was not causing trouble, that I had participated in the community works, but because I was not a Catholic I refused to participate in rebuilding the Catholic church. After listening to me, the architect said that I was right and that I did not He began to yell at have to participate in the labors because there was me and say that the freedom of religion in our problem would be country and I could not be solved if they tied us forced to do anything against my beliefs. The all of us Evangelicals people were very angry at up with rope and me, but since the architect had said all this publicly, threw us in the river they could not continue to to drown. say anything else. Meanwhile, our Church grew to 15 members and we continued to build our small temple. Yet some of the people in town who were still angry continued to persecute me by slandering me before the authorities. Some of them went to the court house and accused me of causing problems, stealing construction material from them and plotting against the reconstruction of the Catholic church. They also said that I was harassing those who desired to help at their work site. When I was called before the authorities I explained once again what was happening. I told them I was not disturbing anyone and that the believers and I only desired to build our own temple. I also told them that we had not requested any help from the Catholics, nor had we bothered anyone who wished to rebuild the Catholic church. The authorities dismissed all charges against me and said that they would not deal with matters of religion and suggested that we would just “get along” and work together in unity. I told them that although I would not do anything against the Catholic church, I refused to unite with them because there were differences between us that could not be recon-

ciled unless they repented and became believers in Christ. This caused such anger in one of the Catholic men that he began to yell at me and say that the problem would be solved if they tied all of us When we arrived with Evangelicals up with rope and threw us in the the food, the terrorists river to drown. I told him, asked each man if he “You need to ask God to you because you was “Jacinto, the forgive do not know what you are evangelical trouble saying. You are talking maker.” Finally I iden- about homicide at the same time you are buildtified myself, and told ing a house of worship them that I was not a for God? You do not to build a house for trouble maker, but want God, but a house for muronly the pastor of a derers!” Because of what small group of Chris- I said, the man put his head down and they all tians. left grumbling saying they would build their church themselves without our help, but I somehow knew that I had not seen the end of their persecution. At that time, there were also communist terrorists in the area of Moyobamba. The practice of the terrorists was to “hold court” in each town and dispense their own brand of justice. Anyone convicted by them of being a threat to the community was immediately executed. When the terrorists came to our town they asked the people if there was any trouble that they could solve for them or if there were any trouble makers that needed to be judged and executed. My name came up immediately. I was accused of many things as I had been before, so I was called to appear before them. Some of the people that hated me thought I would run away if I knew the terrorist were wanting to question me so they told me that the terrorists wanted the believers to bring them food and serve them. My congregation was very afraid and asked me if it was correct for us to feed these men who were criminals. I told them that we needed to be a witness of Christ’s love and kindness even if it cost us our very own lives. These criminals were hungry men that needed more than physical food, they needed the bread of life who is Christ. When we arrived with the food, the terrorists asked each man if he was “Jacinto, the evangelical trouble maker.” Finally I identified myself, and told them that I was not a trouble maker, but only the pastor of a small group of Christians. Immediately I was led to meet the leader of the terrorists and he asked me to explain to him why I was causing so much trouble. He told me that he had heard of all the chaos I had caused, of how I had opposed the beliefs of the Catholics, stolen from them and hindered their work. In reply, I explained to him that I did oppose the teaching of the Catholic Church because they were against the truth of the Bible, but that I had never hindered their work to rebuild their church or stolen anything from them. The leader of this terrorist group continued to question me and finally he asked me what I

thought about those who did not believe like me. My heart and soul were at peace even though I was surrounded by armed terrorist. I answered him that according to the Scriptures, if a man did not repent and believe in Christ, he would be condemned to eternal death in hell. I told him this was not something I had made up, but what the Word of God clearly teaches. He did not pay much attention to my answer and continued to ask questions. He asked me what I thought about the passage where Jesus taught about the tree that did not bear fruit and was cut off. He told me that as he understood it, he was obeying Christ by cutting off the people who did not produce good fruit, but were exploiting the poor people of the country. On hearing this I explained to him that the passage referred to the man who proclaims to be a Christian, but does not bear the fruit of a Christian. I further explained that only God had the authority to cut men off. He alone has the holiness, justice and dominion to carry out perfect justice among men. The leader then asked me At that moment what I thought about the comone of the women munists and what they did for the people. He asked me if terrorists put her they would go to heaven or gun to my head hell. I answered him that if they were trusting in their trying to scare me, “good works” as means of but I was in comsalvation they were wrong, plete peace and because the Scripture declared that their works were continued preachonly filthy rags before God. I ing without fear. I told him that God knew the motivation of their actions was thinking to and could determine whether myself that I might they were motivated by hate, see Christ face to revenge, jealousy or justice. I explained that everything face at any mowas open and naked before ment. This made His eyes and no one could hide anything. I then declared me bolder in my to him that as sinners we can witness. only cry out for mercy, repent of our sins and believe in Christ because we had nothing to make us acceptable before God. At that moment one of the women terrorists put her gun to my head trying to scare me, but I was in complete peace and continued preaching without fear. I was thinking to myself that I might see Christ face to face at any moment. This made me bolder in my witness. The leader continued to listen me and then told me that he read the Bible whenever he returned to the camp where the terrorists lived. He said his parents were believers and had given him a Bible many years ago. My heart ached when I heard this. I hurt for his parents and thought how they must have felt about their son and what he did. The leader finally told me that I had permission to leave, and that I could continue preaching because he knew that what I preached was the truth. He said that he had heard the

Gospel before, but that he could not turn back from the life he was living and the choices he had made. He also told me that when his cell group came through the town again that he would bring his Bible for me to teach him some passages that he could not understand. I told him I would be glad to meet with him again and that I would be praying for him. Before I left the room he said that he would make sure the

the verses that spoke about salvation through repentance and faith in Christ. To my surprise the old woman’s mind was very clear and she understood the Scriptures very well. I asked her if she would repent of her sins before God and believe in Christ, His Son and what He did on the cross. She said that she knew that she would be seeing Him soon and that it was very important for her to confess her sins and know Jesus Christ as her Savior. She then Once again, the people that hated me tried to destroy me by repented of her sins and acaccusing me before the military authorities. First, they accused cepted Christ as Savior. Her daughter remained silent me of the usual things, but then added that I was a friend to the throughout our conversation, terrorists, that I fed them and that I knew where they were hid- but did not oppose anything that was being said. Two days ing. later, the old woman died, but Catholics left me alone so that I could preach. Sadly, this not before she told her family that she wanted me to pray and man never returned, because he died a few weeks later in a preach the Gospel at her funeral. I was overjoyed for the opshoot out against the military. My heart aches wondering if portunity to preach before all the people who hated me. at any moment he had repented and turned to Christ before Before the funeral, I discovered that the old woman’s his death. When I walked out unharmed from interrogation, family did not have enough money to bury her or to purchase the people that hated me became very angry. the necessary things for the funeral. At that moment, God Not long after the terrorist left our town, the military laid it in my heart to sell some of my things to help them came through our town looking for them and they gathered financially. This was used by God to change the heart of the the people together to find out what the terrorist had done people towards me and to begin a friendship with this family while they were in our town. Once again, the people that hated me tried It is my hope that this testimony has blessed you and ento destroy me by accusing me before the military authorities. First, couraged you. If you face persecution, continue to persethey accused me of the usual things, vere and press on toward the goal and you will see how but then added that I was a friend to the terrorists, that I fed them and God brings others to Himself through your testimony. Most that I knew where they were hidimportantly, persevere in God and his Word and do not be ing. One more time, I was called beafraid for yourself because God holds your life in His hand. fore the authorities to be questioned about these accusations, but God was gracious to me and I was allowed to explain the entire that hated me. Even though in the past, the people mocked situation. The authorities once again realized that the accu- me often, stoned me once and stoned another brother twice, sations were a lie and nothing more than the result of the they now listen to me and respect me. The majority of them people’s hatred of me and my faith. Once again my Lord have not yet repented, but I know they are not far from condelivered me from the people that hated me and protected version. God has began a good work in their life I am sure. me from harm. It is my hope that this testimony has blessed you and After the military left our town, the Catholics continued encouraged you. If you face persecution, continue to perseto hate me, but God opened a wonderful door to change the vere and press on toward the goal and you will see how God heart of many of them when I least expected it. One day, the brings others to Himself through your testimony. Most immother of one of the women that most opposed me and lied portantly, persevere in God and his Word and do not be afraid about me was dying because she was very old. On her death for yourself because God holds your life in His hand. bed, this elderly lady asked her daughter to invite me to come Please continue to pray for my life, my family and our visit her. I do not know why or how she even knew about me church that has now grown to approximately 60 members. and I was very surprised to receive this invitation. When I We have a great desire to reach out to other communities that arrived to her house, I told the woman that hated me that I do not have churches or anyone to preach to them. would not go in to visit her mother unless she gave me perAlso I thank God and HeartCry for the opportunity to be mission. I told her I did not wish to upset her and that I would in this years conference for pastors. Every time I attend, I be glad to leave if she wanted me to. To my surprise she learn many things about God’s Word and how to direct my asked me to enter the house. I asked her if she had a Bible to flock. This year, I have come to study with a brother from my read some passages of Scripture to her mother and she brought church that is a very dedicated worker and desires to minister one. I then asked her to please stay with us and read the pas- more effectively. May God bless you all. sages out loud to her mother. She agreed and I showed her

Pastor Heráclito Reyes and one of his young grandchildren he cares for. For almost thirty years he has served the Lord in the northern Andes Mountains of Peru.

Heráclito Reyes My name is Héraclito Reyes and I minister in the church of Turmancito high in the northern Andes of Peru. I have been ministering in this church as its pastor for over ten years. Every Sunday I must walk six hours to preach in our services. We have ninety members in our church and we are continuing to grow. Recently we began a new work in Las Palmas, a small town closer to where I live. I will eventually pastor only in Las Palmas because it is closer to my home and my age and health will soon bring my strength to an end. This work in Las Palmas is only a year old, but there are twelve strong members there. We have gathered the necessary construction materials to build our temple and are finally ready to begin construction. We have planks of wood, dirt to make adobes, and rocks for the foundation. Until it is completed, we will continue meeting to worship and hear the Word of God in the house of one of the brothers. We have faced some persecution from the priests because many Catholics have left their idolatry, turned to God and become believers in His Gospel. On one occasion, I preached in the town of Santa Rosa and a very large group of men became believers. The priest became angry and denounced me before the police for causing problems in the town, but God protected me from harm. There are now about two hundred believers in that town. When I was younger, I was the overseer over 47 churches in our association. I walked to most of them or rode on my mule to visit and encourage the pastors. I have had three

mules, but all have all died from too many years and too many missionary journeys. I have also worn out many pairs of sandals, but now I am getting older. I still desire to serve God but I must pace myself so that I can continue in the battle. I have ministered for more than 29 years of my thirty years as a Christian. My desire is to die serving our God because he has been so good to me. Recently, my daughter and four grandchildren have moved back in with my wife and I. My daughter’s husband recently left them for another woman. This has brought great sadness to our hearts. Please pray that I will be strong for them and that I will be able to help them with the help of our Lord. Pray especially for God to work in the life of my son in-law, that he will repent and return to his family. I thank and praise God for the ministry of Brother Colmenares and HeartCry and what they have done to help us pastors in the far removed areas of Piura with teaching, encouragement and advice for the ministry. They are very dear to all of us. It is always a joy to come each year to the pastor’s conference and see the faces of all my other fellow pastors, the young ones and old ones like me. Sometimes I feel alone in the ministry, but when I come to meetings like these I am refreshed in my spirit, because I am reminded that we all labor together for the same God. Please pray that we will all live for God and love souls so that many may come to know Christ and be saved.

Manuel Pisco Chumpe My name is Manuel Pisco Chumpe and I minister in the village of Chatoja, in the province of San Martin in the high jungles of northern Piura. Our brothers and sisters in our church have gathered the money for me and another two men in our church to come and attend this conference so that we might be better equipped to teach the Bible and labor in the Name of God in our area. They are awaiting our return anxiously, because they long to know the new things we have learned. There are seventy believers in our church. On Sundays we have Sunday school for children and adults, and we are now working to organize a Sunday school class for youth. I have been a believer for nine years. The first time I heard someone preaching the Gospel was one night that my wife and I were on the main square of the town where we lived. We were just walking around, when suddenly we heard singing. We were curious to see what the people were doing in the middle of the park singing so we drew near to the crowd that was gathering around them. We were fairly close and were able to listen to the preaching of the Gospel. When the invitation was given, my wife told me that she wanted to be saved and publicly repent of her sins and profess Christ. I told her that it was all right with me if it was the desire of her heart, but that I would remain a Catholic. I made this excuse because I knew that if I remained a Catholic I could live the way I wanted to. I could go out with my friends, drink and do many other things that the Christians did not permit. I was just not ready to submit to a religion that would tie me down to the Scripture or teach that I obey God. Regardless of my excuses, my wife and two children went forward that night and repented of their sin. Immediately they began to attend a small Evangelical church in our town. They went to church faithfully and kept praying for my conversion, but I was hard in my heart. As time went on, I remained hard to the Gospel, yet I could not deny that my wife had become a virtuous and godly woman, and that there had been a definite change in her life. Finally, one day I announced to her that I would attend her church the coming Sunday to see what it was like, but when Sunday came around, some of my friends came by the house and invited me to play cards and drink. I did not turn down their invitation because I was too embarrassed to tell them that I wanted to go to church. That afternoon my wife came home from church and asked me why I had not gone. I told her that my friends had come for me. I was amazed that she did not get mad at me, but only said that they would keep praying for me. Because of this, I determined in my heart to go to church the next Sunday; but before that Sunday came I had a bad accident while I was working. I suffered a very hard blow to my leg that put me to bed for a long time. Inside of me, I knew more

than ever that I had to get to church. I was desperate because I was confined to the bed and unable to walk to the place where the Gospel was preached. I knew that the time had come for me to surrender to God. Finally I spoke to my wife and asked her to have somebody help me up and take me to church. Like the paralytic man in the Bible, I was carried to church to meet the Savior. In time, God also called me to serve Him as a preacher and pastor. My wife and I now have five children and we all serve God together in the church. My oldest son wants to serve God and be a preacher like me. Even now he travels with me to preach the Gospel and minister. He is 18 years old and is here with me in this pastor’s conference learning how to be a better minister. On the 15th of June of this year we received a letter from the Catholic church that was supposedly sent by the Pope to non-catholic churches everywhere in Peru. The letter was telling us to leave our differences aside and become one church. Many of the believers in our church became very afraid when they read the letter and refused to agree with what it said. They knew that to unite with the Catholic church was to deny the Word of God. To our surprise, the nuns who live in our town began to visit the Christians and try to convince them to return to the Catholic church. The believers rejected their teachings and tried to use the Bible to witness to them about the Gospel. Since I was the pastor they never visited me. Please pray for our church as we desire to begin new works in our area and plant more churches.

Ezequiel Cordova Dominguez My name is Ezequiel Cordova Dominguez, and I minister in Valle Chipillico, Las Lomas which is three hours from the city of Piura. I have come to this conference to learn more about the Word of God and I am happy to see many other pastors here also. I have been a Christian for 26 years. I have been active in church, teaching Sunday school and leading in different activities, but for the last 8 years I have been serving the Lord as a pastor. I made a profession of faith when I was fairly young, but after I was married, my life began to fall away from God’s ways. I was studying to become a nurse and became too busy for the things of God. Because of this my heart grew cold. I was not immoral and did mostly everything that would outwardly identify me as a Christian. In spite of this, I felt that my heart was cold and dead. I carried my radio with me and listened to the preaching of God’s Word, but I did not attend church on a regular basis like Scripture commands. I hid myself behind many of the lies and excuses that are used by all church members when they commit this sin. I said I was too busy to go to church, or I would use the faults of other Christians to excuse myself from not attending. I simply thought I was too “good” to be around them. Regardless of my behavior, my wife was a faithful Christian and she was very concerned about the change in me. Whenever she spoke with me about the things of God, I told her that I was too busy with my studies, the care of our animals and the work that our farm required. I had a very wild bull and I was the only one who could handle him, so I would

tell my wife that I was the only one that could take him to a stream to drink water on Sunday morning. As you can see, I made up all kinds of excuses not to go to church because I had grown dull spiritually, but thanks to our God, my wife kept praying and encouraging me to change. One Sunday I told my wife that I did not feel like going to church because I did not want to bathe so early in the morning for fear of catching a cold in the freezing temperatures. Because of this she rose up early in the morning and warmed me up water for my bath, prepared my clothes and made me lunch to take on the journey to the church (Our church was a three hour walk from our home). I got ready reluctantly, but I did not say anything. I left our house walking down the road thinking to myself, “If I go up this coming hill and I still do not feel like going to church, I am going to go back home and take a nap no matter what!” But when I made it up the hill, I thought to myself, “I have already come this far, it would be dumb to go back now.” So I kept walking until I reached the church, went inside and sat there cold and unwilling to praise. As the service finished and I returned home, I was not feeling very good. When the next Sunday came around, my wife once again had everything ready for me to go to church and so again I had no excuse. I left the house again, grumbling to myself as I walked down the road. As I sat there in the service, I noticed that there was a little more spiritual warmth in my heart than before. After the service, a call was made to the members of the congregation who wanted to become Sunday school teachers. I knew that the people thought of me as a smart man, and I was very proud of that. So I decided to volunteer as a teacher to show every one that I knew Scripture better than anyone else. The pastor said he would allow me to teach, but only on a trial basis in order to see if I was prepared. As I walked back to my home, I was trembling, because my pride had gone away and I began to realize what I had done! I knew that I did not know much about the Scriptures or how to teach them. I began to study the Bible desperately only because I did not want to be thought of as an ignorant man. What I did not see at that moment was that the study of the Word of God and the fellowship with believers was lighting the fire that had been dead in my heart. I praise God for his mercy toward me even when I was a blind and prideful fool. It is because of Him that I am back in His house and walking according to his will. I praise him for changing my life through His Word and love. Since that time, God has allowed me to prepare myself to be a pastor. I love to study his Word and to teach believers. I thank God for brother Colmenares and HeartCry for equipping us and teaching us to be prepared for the work of God. I am enjoying this conference very much. Recently we have had many trials because of a cult called “The New Biblical Discipleship” that are trying to infiltrate our churches and confuse the believers about the things of God. In this conference, I have learned more about biblical doctrine and am better equipped to prepare our members against such false teachings.

A Horse Led by God’s Own Hand

Fermin Garcia Lorca My name is Fermin Garcia Lorca and I minister in the town of Nogal. I have traveled nine hours to come to this conference because they are a great help to me and I look forward to them each year. I thank God for this opportunity to meet and study with all my fellow pastors. I have been a Christian for 15 years and served as a pastor for thirteen. The way I became a Christian is actually quite amusing. One day I was required to go to a meeting in the Catholic Church for the parents that wanted to baptize their children. I arrive before the services began and so I went to get a drink at a nearby bar. While at the bar, I had too many beers and when I returned to the church I was drunk. The priest who was giving the lecture became very angry with me for coming to the church drunk so he threw me out of the meeting. I begged him to let me stay or to just count me in the list of parents that had already been to the lecture, but again he became very angry and told me that I was nothing more than a liar and drunk. Finally, I became very angry and almost pulled out the machete that I carried with me. I left the church determined not to baptize my children because of how I had been treated by the priest. I got on my horse drunk and rode away in the direction of my house. While I was on the road I met some people who were friends of mine and they invited me to follow them. I asked them where they were going and they told me they were going to listen to the preaching of the Word of God. I laughed at them and told them they were fools. I asked them mockingly, “How can you go to a place that is only for women and children?” I said this because I had been taught that real men did not go to church.

I was not able to ride down the road too far from them when my horse stopped, turned around and began to follow the group. I cursed and beat my horse, but I could not turn him. He just kept following the group of believers ahead of me. On the way to the church, I passed by the house of one of my cousins and saw that she was also going to listen to the Word of God. When she invited me to follow, I told her that I had my large knife with me and that I would cut to pieces anyone who approached me to tell me anything about the Word of God (I was drunk and not even in my right mind). She paid no attention to my threats and told me to leave my horse at her house. I did and followed her up the road with my big knife. Then suddenly a thought crossed my mind. “How can I be going to a church with a knife and with such an evil attitude, when everyone else is only going to listen to the Word of God?” I felt very foolish, turned around and left my knife at her house. When we arrived to the meeting it was already dark. There was a very large group gathered and many were standing outside the door listening in. The preacher had already begun preaching and everyone was listening quietly. There were two kerosene lamps hanging from the ceiling and I could not bear their light. For some reason they were unusually bright and their light seemed to go right through me. I felt as if my very life and everything inside me was laid open for everyone to see. I was still drunk and very embarrassed, so I pulled my hat over my face and stood in silence near a pole behind everybody. I do not remember much of the sermon except the preacher’s words that kept sounding in my head, “Christ loves the sinner.” When the invitation was given for people who repented and believed in Christ to raise their hands I did not want to

do it because I was ashamed, but while I was struggling about what to do I realized that my hand was already up! Seeing my hand in the air, I was too embarrassed to put it down. When the preacher invited those who had raised their hands to go forward, I obeyed. I knelt on the ground with the other people, repented of my sins and believed in Christ. Later, when I was approached by one of my friends that joyfully said to me “You have repented and are now a believer!” I became very afraid because I knew that I would now be identified with the “Evangelicals.” Because of this, I answered him, “If I am really a believer, and if God has all power, then my life will change. If I am not a believer, then I will go back to being the same way I was.” Another man came to congratulate me and called me “brother,” but I was too embarrassed to call him by this name so I called him “cousin.” When I left the church and mounted my horse to ride back home I felt as if God’s eyes were on me, watching me. It was common for me to return to the tavern to drink some more once I had already been drinking, but this time I could not do it. I had this feeling all over me that God himself was watching and that He could see the very intentions of my heart. This filled me with fear and awe. I arrived home at about 1:00am and my wife came out to meet me. Whenever I came back this late she knew that I was drunk and that she would have to wash me up and get me ready for bed. But when she stepped out and saw me sober she was so surprised she asked me why I was sober because I never came home this late in my right mind. I told her I had become a Christian and that immediately she had to become one too. I told her she must repent of her sins as I had done. She asked me what I was talking about and I told her what had happened to me and that she needed to confess her sins to God and believe in Jesus Christ that had died for all sinners. I told her that I wanted her to do it immediately because as a believer I did not want to be married to a woman who was not a Christian! She was very surprised because of all this and answered me, “If that is what I need to do then I will do it,” and then we both prayed as I had prayed earlier that night. Afterwards we went inside the house and I looked for a Christian radio station that some of the brothers encouraged me to listen to in order to hear God’s Word. I began to listen to the Word of God on the radio every day and night in my home, and I also began to tell the rest of my family about the Lord. At first they did not like to hear about the Gospel, but eventually they also were converted. Gradually, I changed the way I witnessed to people, because I was very hard with people, telling them that if they did not repent immediately they would go to hell. I am now more patient and loving with people. God has changed me very much in all these years. Now I minister in my church where God called me to serve Him. That is what I do every day. We began our church in a home four years ago. We were a group of 18, but eventually more were converted. We were beginning to run out of space in that home too, so we prayed to God for another building. Our temple fell down due to the heavy rains but we built another one that is still standing. More souls have been added to our congregation, and it is

wonderful to see people coming to listen to God’s Word. At this moment, in our town there are only three families that are not believers and we have close to 70 members in the church where I pastor. We have started two more works, each an hour and a half away from our church. The Gospel is spreading and we are glad to see that many of the members in our church are instruments of God in spreading his Word to the different towns. Please pray that we will be faithful to carry out this task for the glory of God and the salvation of many souls.

Luis Huaman Carrasco My name is Luis Huaman Carrasco and I minister in the town of Las Gredas in Piura. I was commissioned to begin this work by the Church in Turman de Matalacas, where Segundo Garcia is the pastor. The church I pastor is three hours away from where I live. Thanks to God I have been ministering there for six years. Before I became a Christian I lived in a very devout Catholic home. My father hated Christians very much. I was not a Christian, but I was very fond of many of them that were my friends. These friends would invite me to come to their services and I would go sometimes secretly for fear of my father. I would run away sometimes to hear the preaching but I would not repent of my sins and make a public profession because I was afraid of upsetting my father. My father went to his church regularly and I went too because of him. I was made to attend their special celebrations and classes. My father wanted me to become a catechist. In time, I was married and I still did not have the courage to follow Christ for fear of upsetting my father. I had heard the message of salvation many times by then, but I had not repented of my sins. I was known as an angry and violent man just like my father. One day, I went to the church where these believers met and strangely, at the end of the service they did not have an invitation like they usually did for people to repent and believe in Christ. In my heart I had a strong desire to speak to someone about becoming a Christian because I could not stand my life like it was any longer. I came out of my pew and went to one of the men in the congregation and told him

I wanted to repent and become a Christian. When my father found out he hated me for this and he still does. At first he noticed a change in my life. He noticed I did not drink or go to the reunions that I used to and he asked me about it. When I told him I had become a believer he was very angry. I pray for him every day, that he will also become a believer in Christ and leave his religion behind. In spite of all this, God gave me strength and I became more active in the church and in witnessing to others about Christ. I am still working in the church with that same desire. I covet your prayers for my family. I have nine children and one of them is an epileptic and he suffers very much. Our church is also very poor and they could not afford to have me come to this conference. Thanks to our God I found extra work for a week that allowed me to earn enough to make this trip to the conference to be able to learn more about the Word of God. I praise God for these conferences because all of us pastors benefit from the teaching we receive.

Pastor Angel Colmenares

Pastor Angel Colmenares and his wife Efigenia during the celebration to initiate the new seminary in Sullana. The event marked the first fruits of a life long dream for Brother Colmenares and the pastors of Piura.

Year after year our God has remained faithful to help us carry out this labor He has entrusted to us - the establishing of churches throughout the area of northern Peru and the equipping of pastors for the work of the Gospel. This year’s Pastor’s Conference in Sullana is another testimony of God’s blessing upon His ministry. On August 4th, three hundred pastors came from remote mountain areas of Piura and the high Jungles of Moyobamba. Together, we were blessed with six wonderful days of preaching, teaching and ministry workshops. Those of us who were involved in the teaching and administration were exhausted by the end of each day, but filled with joy. More pastors than we had expected came to study at the conference, but I thank God for his continuous provision, generosity and love for souls. I also thank you for your generous support through HeartCry. Because of your kindness towards us, no pastor went without food or a place to sleep. Each day of the conference gave greater evidence of the need of the Theological Seminary that we have inaugurated this year and the need to begin building a facility for both the Seminary and the Christian School. Our Christian School is already too small for the number of children that we have. We are waiting on God and His timing to provide that which is necessary to build. Our heart’s desire is to continue to build up and equip the leadership in a more complete way. We believe that God desires excellence in our work and that He desires that we train teachers, preachers and music directors of excellence for His ministry in the country of Peru. In the same facility, we hope to one day establish a radio ministry to broadcast the teaching of the Word of God to the churches in the high Andes Mountains. There are many churches and believers that need edification and encouragement, but because of the remote areas where they live, they can only be reached by radio. In the years of my ministry, God has allowed us to established 530 churches. These churches are spread out from the northern mountains of Peru to the high jungles of Moyabamba. We praise God for allowing us to participate in His Work. We are out on the road almost every day assisting new churches to evangelize the lost and disciple new believers. We have four teams going constantly. Each is equipped with a preacher, a film projector and evangelistic films. We thank HeartCry for these four projectors and 18 films. They have been used of the Lord to win thousands. We are excited that in the last year, our pastors and missionaries began to reach the Aguaruna Tribe in the area of Quillo Allpa. There are only four or five converts in this area and the work needs much prayer due to the cultural and language barriers. As always, the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. We have not yet established a solid work in the area, because we do not have anyone to pastor. Therefore ministry is moving very slowly. We are praying that God will provide a pastor or a missionary that would desire to work among these people who so desperately need the Gospel of salvation.

HeartCry Missionary Society

Teaching Ministry

HeartCry’s teaching ministry and influence continues to expand. Here, Paul Washer is teaching in a pastors conference in Sullana, Peru. There were 300 pastors, missionaries and church leaders present. In the this past year, Paul has taught in Peru, Romania, Moldova, Canada and several States in the United States. One of the most important aspects of HeartCry’s ministry is the teaching of God’s Word. Throughout the several countries where HeartCry is now working, there are multitudes of pastors, lay-preachers, evangelists and church workers who have never had the opportunity of a formal theological education. To meet these needs HeartCry is involved in the distribution of Scripture and pastoral libraries, and the teaching of God’s word in week-long pastor’s conferences. In every country there has been a tremendous response. In Peru, one conference alone was attended by over one thousand workers. In October of this year, HeartCry and the Romanian-American Mission organized a conference in Braila, Romania in which 80 full-time pastors and missionaries were in attendance. Several times brother Paul Washer has been asked to speak in both the Baptist and Pentecostal Seminaries in Bucharest. The pastor’s conferences are mainly doctrinal and theological in their subject matter. It is our conviction, that the underlying cause of the spiritual death, immorality, superfi-

ciality and lack of discernment in the Churches in the west is their apathy and even destain of doctrine. Biblical doctrine must be the basis of our preaching, ethic, devotion and unity. In an age when, even in the Church, man opinions are exalted above God’s truth, there is a need to be drawn back to the timeless truths of Scripture and to build our ministries, not on methods, plans or programs, but on the revelation of God’s person and will in His Word. In addition to the pastor’s conferences, brother Paul Washer has also been invited to hold evangelistic meetings in North and South America, Eastern Europe and Africa. In the year 2000, brother Washer is already scheduled to preach in the United States, Canada and Peru. A tentative schedule is awaiting conformation in the countries of Romania, Moldova, Niger State and Zambia. If your church in the United States would like to schedule brother Washer for preaching, please respond quickly as this years itinerary is filling up.

Special Thank You Clothes for Pastors We thank the Lord for the wonderful blessing of taking fourteen duffel bags full of clothing to the individual missionaries that Heartcry supports in the different regions of Peru. We also want to thank every believer of Littleton Baptist Church in Colorado who provided the clothes. We and all our national missionaries are deeply grateful. You have touched the heart of God by touching the lives and needs of these precious servants of God and their families. May our God fill your hearts with the same joy that you have given to our brothers and sisters in Peru through your kindness and generosity. We also thank the five brothers in Christ who graciously offered to transport the bags to Peru: Pastor Jack Russell, of our home church, Waldo Baptist; Darian Rottmann and Carl Stewart, also members at Waldo Baptist Church. Ron Casper from First Baptist Church in Metropolis, IL and Neil Gottman, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Hannibal, Mo. To all of you we owe our deepest gratitude.

Daniel Cango Many of you may not remember, but three years ago Heartcry provided the funds for Daniel Cango to receive an operation to remove a tumor the size of a soccer ball from his left hip. Daniel’s parents and ex-physician are Jehovah Witnesses and would not operate during the early stages of the tumor because such an operation would require a blood transfusion. Daniel’s oldest sister, Noemi is a Christian who studies for the ministry in the seminary of Trujillo and she contacted us about helping her brother. Daniel is now 17 years old and has become a Christian. The following is a message from Daniel to all of you who made his operation possible. I want to thank each and every one of you brothers and sisters for helping me with my operation. I wish I could tell you this personally. You have done something wonderful that I never thought would happen. Please pray for me because my parents do not allow me to go to church to worship. When I turn 18, next year, I will be able to attend church regularly. Please pray that my parents will also become Christians.

Florencio’s Wedding I want to thank God for his goodness and faithfulness. I also wish to thank Heartcry Missionary Society and each of you that support this ministry. Since I began serving the Lord I have always received much encouragement from you to persevere in the ministry that God has entrusted me. I am grateful beyond words for the help that my wife and I received from Heartcry that enabled us to have a beautiful wedding. I cannot describe to you my gratitude for providing our needs in such a loving way. We did not have much and God blessed us on that special day through each one of you. Thank you for your generosity and love. May God richly bless you. Florencio Churata

What part of “Go” do you not understand? Matthew 28:18-20 Email: Web Page: Phone: (618) 564-2770

HeartCry Missionary Society c/o Waldo Baptist Church 6970 Waldo Church Road Metopolis, IL. 62960

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