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Missionary Society

Taking the Gospel to Serbia

The Plight of Simo Ralevic Volume 25

Nov. -Dec. 2001

Our Purpose & Passion “‘For from the rising of the sun even to its setting, My Name will be great among the nations, and in every place incense is going to be offered to My Name, and a grain offering that is pure; for My Name will be great among the nations,’ says the Lord of hosts.” - Malachi 1:11 The chief end of all mission work is the Glory of God. Our greatest concern is that His Name be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun (Malachi 1:11). We find our great purpose and constant motivation, not in man or his needs, but in God, His commitment to His own glory and our God-given desire to see Him glorified in every nation, tribe, people and language. Although HeartCry recognizes the great importance of sending missionaries from the West to the unevangelized peoples throughout the world, we believe that we are led of the Lord to support native or national missionaries so that they may evangelize their own peoples. Therefore, we seek to work with godly men and women of integrity and vision in the unreached world to help them evangelize and plant Churches among their own peoples.

Our Principles * While we recognize that the needs of mankind are many and his sufferings are diverse, we believe that they all spring from a common origin - the fall of man and the corruption of his own heart. Therefore, we believe that the greatest benefit to mankind can be accomplished through the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the establishment of churches that preach the Word of God and minister according to its commands, precepts, and wisdom. * Every need of this ministry will be obtained through prayer. We may share our missionary vision with others and even make known to them the specific tasks which the Lord has laid on our heart to do, but we may not raise support through prodding or manipulating our brothers and sisters in Christ. If this ministry is of the Lord, then He will be our Patron. If He is with us, He will direct His people to give and we will prosper. If He is not with us, we will not and should not succeed. * We intend to never enlarge our field of labor by contracting debts. This is contrary to both the letter and the spirit of the New Testament. In secret prayer, God helping us, we will carry the needs of this ministry to the Lord and act according to the direction that He gives. * We will not compete with other biblical mission agencies, but use the resources that God has given to us to work in partnership with them. If the Lord directs, we will sacrifice our own goals and resources that other mission works may be helped and the Kingdom of God increased. * In meeting any need, those of us who are supported financially by this ministry will be the first to sacrifice all things necessary for the advancement of His Kingdom. * We will not measure the success of this ministry by the amount of money given, Bibles distributed or national missionaries supported, but by the Lord’s blessing on the work. * Our Goal is not to enlarge ourselves, or to become a key figure in the Great Commission, but to be faithful and obedient stewards by the grace that is given to us. That men may see our weakness and glorify God for His strength; that they may see our inability and glorify God for His faithfulness.

The Plight of Simo Ralevic 4

Where in the World is HeartCry: A list of the countries where HeartCry is supporting national missionaries.


From the Director: An introduction to the life and ministry of Simo Ralevic. Why we are publishing the story of his life and ministry in this issue.


Sorin’s Report: HeartCry’s Eastern European director Sorin Prodan shares with us from his first several meetings with brother Simo Ralevic in the country of Serbia.



Testimonies of Grace in the Midst of Kosovo. In spite of the tragedy in Kosovo, the Lord is sovereignly working in the lives of His people. Read their testimonies.


Simo Ralevic - A Determined Faith. An article written by R.J. Weil about Simo Ralevic, published in the November 1999 issue of the Banner of Truth Magazine.


War in Kosovo. An article about the work of Simo Ralevic used by permission from the book “War in Kosovo” written by Harvey Yoder and published by Christian Aid Ministries.

Hallowed be Your Name! Your Kingdom Come! Your Will be Done!

Where In The World is HeartCry? HeartCry is currently supporting seventy-two indigenous missionaries in thirteen countries on four continents.


Burma (Myammar)









Eastern Europe


South America


Middle East




And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.� Matthew 28:18-20

From the Director Director Paul Washer preaching the Gospel in the Holy Trinity Baptist Church in Bucharest, Romania

Dear Friends, It is my prayer that this issue of HeartCry finds you growing in the grace of Christ and living for the day of His return. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God... (I Thessalonians 4:16). We are such a fortunate people to have been called by the Lord to know Him and to fulfill His will on the earth. We have been exalted to the heavenlies to dwell in the courts of our God (Ephesians 2:6). We have been given access to the very throne room of the Almighty (Hebrews 4:16). We have been granted the privilege of knowing the mystery of Christ (Matthew 11:2725) and preaching Him among the nations (Matthew 28:18-20) as His ambassadors (II Corinthians 5:20). Let us therefore press on and ever move forward so that we may lay hold of that for which also we were laid hold of by Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:12). Let us fight the good fight and finish the race (II Timothy 4:7). For there is waiting for us in heaven a crown and not only for us but for everyone who loves the Lord Jesus and looks forward to His coming (II Timothy 4:8). In this issue of HeartCry, we are presenting the life and ministry of a very special man who is supported by your generous giving to HeartCry - Simo Ralevic. He has been called the apostle Paul to Yugoslavia. He has preached the Gospel for over thirty years, written over 200 books and tracts, and distributed Bibles without number. He has been both an evangelist and a prophet to his war-torn nation and has suffered greatly for his faith and uncompromising stand. In presenting brother Ralevic’s life, we are keenly aware of one thing that we must mention here. There is no such thing as a great man of God. There are only small, insignificant, sinful, faithless men of a great and merciful God. Therefore, we do not seek to exalt brother Simo or speak about his dedication as though it was something of his own making. Brother Simo is what he is by the grace of God (I Corinthians 15:10). If he has served the Lord and His kingdom for these many years, it is only by the grace and power of the One who saved him. If he has withstood countless attacks by the enemy and survived countless threats even from his own countrymen, it has been His God who has saved him. We hope that you will never see great men in any of our newletters. We hope that you always see only weak men who have been called and sustained by a Great God! May this issue of HeartCry serve only to magnify and exalt the God who saved us and called us according to His purpose and good pleasure. Your brother,

Paul David Washer

HeartCry’s Eastern European director Sorin Prodan has a vision for winning the devastated cities of Serbia.

Sorin’s Report

nized evangelistic meetings. Brother Zoran Milovanovici, the HeartCry missionary among the Serbians along the Danube In the following, are four reports written by brother Sorin River, accompanied me and preached the Gospel in the Serbian Prodan, HeartCry Director in Eastern Europe about his language. Brother Zoran invited Brother Simo Ralevic to Rotravels to Serbia and his recommendation of Simo Ralevic. mania to serve together in the evangelistic campaign but he could not come. The border was closed and no one could First Report: cross it. Many people were stopped at the check point beThis report arrived in our office immediately after the fall of cause of the political situation in Serbia. They were very near the Milosevici regime in Serbia. a civil war. The first evangelistic meeting took place in Pojejena It is incredible how God changes governments and kings. where Brother Zoran serves as a misThis shows His power and glory over sionary. Many lost people visited the the world. Since returning from my In Simo Ralevic, I saw a Christian who church for the first time and enjoyed mission trip to Serbia I can say: lives in constant danger because of his listening to the Gospel. It is my “What an Almighty God we have!” Christianity. He is ready to die for his prayer that many were touched by It was wonderful. God led me in an faith. God. The next day we went to incredible way. I told all my friends in Bucharest that I was going to Radimna, another Serbian village in Serbia even though I knew that the political situation would Romania. It was a large church and many people from the not allow me to do this. I arrived on a Thursday in an area of village were gathered to hear the Gospel. This is a church Romania where there are Serbian villages and the only thing with great potential. They are a good presence in the village. separating my country from Serbia is the Danube River. On The people who attended were very moved when they heard Friday evening, the Milosevici regime fell and I decided to about the danger of living in sin. On Sunday, I was invited by cross the border on Monday. Before leaving Romania, I Brother Cornel Damian in Moldova Noua to preach in an preached in three different churches where there were orga- evangelistic meeting at the old movie house. God blessed the

message and the people were touched by the Holy Spirit. But man who deserves to be helped. only God knows who was truly born again. I hope to visit this The new Serbian President, Kostunita is a democratic church the next time I return to Moldova Noua. president and we hope that he will allow Christians to be free. On Monday morning, I looked across the Danube at the But I know that there are many other bad things that will land of Serbia and prayed to be able to cross the border. happen before freedom to worship is granted. For this reaImmediately, God answered my prayer and I passed the bor- son, it is important that we get there with the Gospel before der even though no political observer or other Romanian was the doors close. While I was in Serbia, I talked with many allowed to pass. I knew then that God would guide me in the people and saw that they are very sensitive to the Gospel, rest of the trip. but there are also many who In Serbia, I had a very imare against the Gospel. They portant meeting with Brother think that all who are not a part It is very dangerous for brother Ralevic and our Simo Ralevic, the President of of the Orthodox church are in a other missionaries to spread Christian literature, the Baptist Union in Serbia. He cult. Please join us in prayer for but they assume this risk and spread the Word of is a man of God who suffered this country! Share this inforGod in Yugoslavia. and still suffers for the cause mation with everyone who is of the Gospel. He lived in interested in Eastern Europe Kosovo where the Albanians burned down his house and missions. church, and threatened him and his family. Often, his daughSecond Report: This report arrived in the HeartCry office ter has been in danger of being brutalized and raped. Often, during the month of May. drunks have put fire to the church and his house. Brother I’ve just returned from Yugoslavia. The meeting with Simo is a very good Baptist theologian who has written over 200 books that are printed and sent to Christians who cannot Brother Simo Ralevic was beyond my expectations. Brother pay. He lives only on the donations he receives from his Simo was excited to cooperate with HeartCry. He is a true man books. When I told him about the Serbian Christians in Ro- of God living in a very difficult time in one of the most diffimania, he gave us over 400 books written in the Serbian lan- cult places in the world. I doubt that few people would be able to persevere in such a role. guage to give to them without cost. The Serbian Orthodox and Catholic Church have a large Prior to my arrival in Serbia, brother Simo was not supand growing influence, but ported by any Serbian there is more nationalism church or Missionary SociBrother Ralevic is the best known and respected evanthan spirituality in these ety. He told me that he never gelical theologian in all the federations of the former Yuapostate churches. Evanhas problems because his goslavia. When someone visits a church and asks to preach gelical believers among God always provides for something, the Christians will ask them: “Are you from the Serbs are few. There are him the necessary things so Simo Ralevic?” If not, they cannot preach. about 100 Baptist Churches that he might survive. I saw with 3,000 members in the in this man a Christian who whole country of Yugoslalives in constant danger via. The congregations are small and weak. In the region because of his Christianity. He is ready to die for his faith. I am praying to be able to form a partnership with brother of Kosovo, the population is almost completely Muslim. The Simo and the other missionaries from Serbia. Almost all the only people even considered Christians are the 2% Catholic preachers are itinerant missionaries because the few Chris- remnant. There are only 20 Baptist churches in this entire tians in Serbia are spread out into 100 small churches. This region. Prior to brother Ralevic’s conversion, he was an imporfield is wide open for missions, but there are few pastors and missionaries. I met some Romanians who know the Serbian tant personality in the Orthodox Church, but during his service in the army, He met Jesus and became very passionate language and who live near the border. I am praying that God will raise up support for Brother about knowing God. He began to study the Bible and preach Simo Ralevic. Many people send support to Serbia through the Gospel. He also began to write books and spread them brother Simo, but he goes without support because most throughout the federations of Yugoslavia. His vision was Christians think that he is supported by others. They do not (and still is) to provide a Bible for each family. He also distribknow that he does not receive support from anyone. He is a utes Gospel tracts with different topics about salvation. It is

and were threatening him almost daily. One day before my visit, brother Simo was invited to speak on the occasion of the publishing of a very important book about the war in Yugoslavia. At this meeting were some of the most important personalities in Serbia. When Brother Simo had his time to speak, he told everyone that no book can explain the reality in Kosovo and Serbia but the Word of God. He declared to them that the war would come to an end when the Serbian people repented and came back to the Scriptures. Because of this speech, brother Simo was offered help from a very important man in Serbia to publish and distribute the Word of God in schools and other institutions. How great is God! Third Report: This report arrived in the Heartcry office during the first week in July.

Brother Sorin Prodan (center) with HeartCry missionary to Serbia Zoran Milovanovic (right). This picture was taken during a day of refreshment, Bible study and prayer. Sorin commented, “I want all our missionaries to understand that the greatest dimension of a man of God is his relationship with God.”

This was the third time that I have seen brother Simo Ralevic. I have discovered many things about him. The Orthodox Church is engaged in a terrible fight against him, because they believe that he is the leader of all the evangelicals in Serbia. At this moment, there is a powerful campaign against him on television and radio. The Orthodox church has even formed a team of priests to fight against Simo and the evangelicals. Recently, the Orthodox Church was declared the national church and all other movements (excepting Catholics) are considered to be nothing more than sects. The Serbian people are led to believe that the evangelicals want to destroy the national unity of Serbia by promoting “foreign” faiths. Brother Simo is always under the careful watch of the Serbian Security. He has been terribly persecuted in Gajdobra and therefore, he has decided to move to the city of Arangelovat where he will work with HeartCry missionary Zoran Milovanovic. He has sold his house in Gajdobra and God has helped him to buy another one in Arangelovat. It is a very good house with plenty of space for a church.

very dangerous for him and the missionaries to spread Christian literature, but they assume this risk and spread the Word of God in Yugoslavia. While I was with brother Simo, we discussed doctrine for over 10 hours and I discovered that he was a personal friend of Martin Lloyd Jones and a respected member of the Fourth Report: This report arrived in the HeartCry office in the last days of July. Banner of Truth. The books God has done a great written by Simo Ralevic work! Our HeartCry mishave spread like a fire At this moment, there is a powerful campaign against sionary, Zoran throughout all of YugoslaSimo Ralevic on television and radio. The Orthodox Milovanovic, who was via - Serbia, Kosovo, church has even formed a team of priests to fight against working among the Croatia, Montenegru, Simo and the evangelicals.... Brother Simo is under the Serbians in Romania, has reSlovenia and Bosniacareful watch of the Serbian Security. He has been territurned to Yugoslavia. He Hertzegovina. He is the bly persecuted in Gajdobra and therefore, he has moved crossed the border at his best known and respected to Arangelovat where he will work with Zoran. hometown of Arangelovat evangelical theologian in all with no problems from the the federations of the former Yugoslavia. When someone visits a church in Yugo- boarder guards. He will work with Simo Ralevic and help him slavia and asks to preach something, the Christians will ask to develop the mission work throughout the entire area. In my visit to Arangelovat, I spoke with our missionaries them: “Are you from Simo Ralevic?” If not, they cannot preach. Everything that Brother Simo does is under the surveil- about vision, strategy and methodology. I met them every lance of the Yugoslavian government - his phone, email, cor- morning at 5 o’clock to study Scripture and pray. Every day, respondence, etc. His son, who works with him, was forced we spent several hours in prayer and Bible study. I want for to move out of his house because it was too dangerous. The all our missionaries to understand that the greatest dimenOrthodox and nationalists had broken out all the windows sion of a man of God is his relationship with God.

Testimonies of Grace in the Midst of Kosovo by Sorin Prodan

I am so glad to know that there are now HeartCry missionaries in Serbia. I hope that one day there is a Church in my village of Topola and in the surrounding villages. My husband is not yet a Christian, but I pray that one day there will be a church where he can hear the Gospel.” Gabi’s husband Vlada is not yet a Christian, but he is very sympathetic to his wife’s faith. Please pray for him. He has suffered many hardships. During the war with NATO, he was taken to fight in Kosovo. The following is an experience that he shared with us: “One night I had to drive a truck that was carrying ammunition. Suddenly the hind wheels locked up and I found myself in an open field without any covering. I was a perfect target for a NATO air strike. I could not leave the truck or signal my comrades because I would make myself known to the enemy. I held my position all night and watched with terror as the bombs passed over my head. I could have died a thousand times. I know that it is only because of God that I am alive.

Gabi, Vlada, and HeartCry missionary Zoran Milovanovic (far right) in the Serbian village of Topola. While I was in Serbia, I discovered that there was a Romanian sister named Gabi who lived in the village of Topola about 70 kilometers from Arangelovat where I was staying. There are so few Christians in the area, that Zoran and I decided to visit her and encourage her in the Lord. When we arrived, we found Gabi at home with her Serbian husband Vlada. He is now a policeman, but was the personal guard of the former president Slobodan Milosevici. Gabi, who is a nurse at a local hospital, shared with us the story of her salvation: “I had always been very healthy, but one day I felt a great pain in my heart. I fell down and I knew that I was having a heart attack. I called for emergency, but my hands became very numb and I began to lose my vital functions. As a nurse, I knew very well that I had all the signs of a person on the threshold of death. I fell to my knees, and for the first time in my life, I asked God for help. I knew that I had only a few minutes before I would die and I could feel death closing in on me. I told God that if He would give me life I would serve Him for the rest of my life. At that very moment, I felt a strong power come upon me and all my vital functions began to work again. I went to the hospital on my feet and told the doctor that I had had a heart attack. At first, he did not believe me, but when they examined me they were amazed. They discovered that I had had a series of heart attacks and that I should have been dead. My case has been published in the newspapers and many famous doctors have examined me. One of the cardiologists from the university in Belgrade told me that God must have something special for my life, because I should not be living. Soon afterwards, I visited a Baptist Church in Romania and was baptized.”

As I listened to Vlada, I began to realize how difficult it had been to live in Serbia under the Milosevici regime and how desperate and despairing the Serbia people have become. Every house and every face is a story of war, fear and hopelessness. Please pray that God will begin a church in the village of Topola. Pray that Gabi will grow in the grace of Christ. Pray for Vlada’s conversion. Being a policeman, he could be a great witness for Christ. Please pray that HeartCry will be able to have a greater and greater ministry in this wartorn country. I will close my report with a story that most illustrates the great spiritual need in Serbia. In our first church service in Arangelovat, an old woman named Milka attended who had been a Christian for many, many years. She was one of the only Baptists for hundreds of miles. She lived so far away from any evangelical church that for more than ten year she had not been in a church service or celebrated the Lord’s Supper. After our preaching and the Lord’s Supper, she told me her story: “I lived in Croatia with my husband and my family. We were a very rich family. We owned a vineyard and had a business selling grapes and making wine. I was the only Christian in my entire family when the Serbia-Croatian war started in 1992. During the war hundreds of my Serbian friends and towns people were killed by the Croatians and the Muslims. My husband was beheaded by the Croatians. Later, my son-in-law and brother-in-law were also killed by beheading. I am the only person in my family who is still alive. God protected me in this hard experience.” Pray for sister Milka. She truly loves the Lord. She lives in Serbia as a refugee and her life is hard. There are thousands of other Serbian refugees in Arangelovat and in every other city and village in the southern part of Serbia. Please pray for HeartCry missionaries Zoran and Lili Milovanovic as they start their new ministry among these refugees.

the hill overlooking Pec. He had always had good relationships with his Albanian neighbors and for a while was able to prevent their homes from being destroyed. One of these, who eventually lost his home, lived in Simo’s house temporarily, so it was not burnt down. It is now occupied by Albanian Pentecostals and an American missionary, who are also using the church which was preserved by his Albanian neighbor. Pastor Ralevic does not know if he will ever be able to see his home or church again. In passing, it may interest your readers to know that Simo’s connections with the Banner of Truth began in 1964. While working in a factory in the north of Serbia, he met the R.C. Thomson, who was travelling in Yugoslavia accomBrother Simo Raleviclate with his panied by Julian Mouton, who gave him his first Banner wife and daughter serving the book, Ecclesiastes, by Charles Bridges. This was the beginLord in Yugoslavia. ning of a very fruitful relationship which has had a profound effect on both his spoken and written ministry ever since. On his return to Pec the following year, we were able to meet and - A Determined Faith subsequently to send him many Banner books and Puritan The following is an article written by R.J. Weil about Simo classics. He proved to be a voracious reader, the sermons of Ralevic. It was published in the November 1999 issue of Spurgeon and Dr. Lloyd-Jones being among his favorites. Banner of Truth Magazine. Simo is currently being supIn 1968, people who had enjoyed Simo’s preaching beported through your generous giving to the HeartCry Misgan to ask if they might have written copies of his sermons. sionary Society. These enquiries led to the commencement of his publishing With the terrible war in Kosovo still fresh in our minds, ministry and its development up to the present day. Undoubtmany friends from different parts of the world have been edly his numerous books, which are the fruit of his wellasking for the latest news of Pastor Ralevic and his where- prepared and dynamic preaching, have spread his influence abouts. The following report is based on a short meeting not only throughout all the republics of former Yugoslavia, between the writer and our but among Yugoslavian brother during a visit to Huncommunities in western EuFor the past thirty years Simo has published three gary in September: rope, America and Australia. or four paperback books annually in both Serbian When talks between repFor the past thirty years he and Croatian scripts. He was also instrumental in resentatives of the European has published three or four publishing and distributing the first postwar ediUnion and President paperback books annually in tion of the Albanian New Testament. Many hundreds Milosevic broke down in May, both Serbian and Croatian of souls have been saved through reading his litNATO was summoned to punscripts. erature. The Day alone will declare the full extent ish the Serbs by a prolonged In 1969, Simo also began of his influence on Yugoslavian Christianity. bombing campaign, not only to print books and tracts in in Kosovo, but throughout the Albanian language, Serbia itself. After three which were spread throughmonths, the Serb army and the paramilitary evacuated out Kosovo and even into Albania itself. He was also instruKosovo, leaving the remaining Serb civilian population ex- mental in publishing and distributing the first postwar ediposed both to the Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) tion of the Albanian New Testament. Many hundreds of souls and to returning Albanian civilians seeking revenge for all have been saved through reading his literature, and a large they had lost and suffered. part of his time is devoted to corresponding with those who In God’s providence, Pastor Ralevic and his family man- have read his books and write to him asking for more. The aged to escape to the north and to salvage from his home in Day alone will declare the full extent of his influence on YuPec, (where some the heaviest fighting of the war had taken goslavian Christianity. place) two-thirds of his personal library and some items of He and his wife and daughter are now living in a village furniture. However, his literature warehouse and office build- north of the River Danube in a region called the Vojvodina. ing just outside the town were totally destroyed, as were the They are about forty kilometers west of the city of Novi Sad; houses of his son, brothers and nephews in the village on the name of their village is Nova Gajdobra. They live in a

Simo Ralevic

house built not long ago to provide a meeting place for a small group converted through reading his literature. The meetings are held in a special room designed for the purpose, but on Sunday, October 3rd, sixty people were packed into a room that has now become too small. They have a large kitchen garden forty meters long, and Pastor Ralevic feels the time has come to build a separate meeting room there. He would much appreciate any help friends could give towards its construction. We are also concerned to help replace some of the English books from his private library which were lost in Pec. His congregation in Pec were also obliged to leave. Seven families live near him in Vojvodina, two are in Montenegro, and others are in central Serbia. Their plight can be imagined, without work, without homes and without help from the state. Some help has come to them from local Christians, but humanly speaking, they face a bleak future. As already mentioned, the writer was able to meet Simo in Hungary recently where he passed on to him the greetings and love of some of his many friends in Britain. We briefly

discussed his future ministry. There are far more churches in this part of Serbia than in Kosovo, and he is well known among them. The terrible events in Kosovo, although taking the whole world by surprise, have not taken our great God and Saviour by surprise. The next stage of our brother’s ministry is unfolding before him through the wisdom and foreknowledge of God, who makes all things, including the wrath of man, to work together for good to those who are called according to his purpose. Pen and ink cannot begin to describe what Pastor Ralevic and his family have passed through during the past few months: the bombings by day and by night, the burning houses, the gunfire, the unburied dead lying in the streets, the uncertainty of what fresh terrors and horrors a day might bring - our friend has had to live through them all. I am sure your readers will remember all this and more in their prayers, but especially that in God’s mercy an even brighter future for his work will dawn, and that, like all true sons of Zion, he will go from strength to strength.

Pen and ink cannot begin to describe what Pastor Ralevic and his family have passed through during the past few months: the bombings by day and by night, the burning houses, the gunfire, the unburied dead lying in the streets, the uncertainty of what fresh terrors and horrors a day might bring - our friend has had to live through them all.

War in Kosovo The following is an article entitled “A Treasure House” taken by permission from the book “War in Kosovo” written by Harvey Yoder and published by Christian Aid Ministries.

A Treasure House (Simo Ralevich Part I) After my journey into Kosovo, I knew I had to travel to Serbia in order to meet with Christians who were not Albanian, but Serbians who had lived in Kosovo. I wanted to get a balanced view of what was happening in the Christian community. Simo Ralevic was born in 1940 to Orthodox parents. He was raised in poverty in a large family, and quickly became disillusioned in his search for happiness. Through a series of unusual events, he came into contact with a godly man who pointed him to Christ. His conversion at age eighteen completely changed the course of his life. After his conversion, Simo had an intense desire for spiritual growth and attended Bible school in Novi Sad for two years. After graduation, he married and settled in his hometown where he began the work of an evangelist. Under his leadership, the first small group of believers met for wor-

ship. Although Simo is an intense evangelist with a heart for winning men to Christ, the ministry which eventually came to occupy more and more of his time was writing. Early in his ministry, He began to write down his messages and send them to friends. With the encouragement of his colleagues, he began his writing ministry. After preaching a series of messages on a certain subject, he would publish them in a booklet. The demand for his books increased, and his publishing ministry began to grow. It was not a simple task to write and publish religious books during the communist regime, even in liberal Yugoslavia. Simo was often forced to look for a new printer willing to print his material and risk the wrath of the communists. Although some printers stayed with Simo longer than others, they would all eventually abandon him for one reason or another. Simo operated by faith. He never knew how long he would be able to use a certain printer or where the funds would come from to finance the work. But one thing he knew, there was a tremendous interest and demand for his literature. Simo has been called the “Charles Spurgeon of Yugoslavia” by many who have read his books. His titles include such themes as salvation by faith, the redemption of mankind by the shed blood of Christ, and many more practical

Destroyed buildings from the NATO bombings in Serbia.

titles. was not zealously patriotic for their own nationality was susYear after year, the work of the Lord went on and in- pect. Simo tried to be neutral in the work he was doing, and creased. There seemed to be no end to the demand for Gos- he had many Albanian brethren who frequently visited him. pel literature in Yugoslavia. Because of this, Simo continued In the town of Pec there were many Albanian Christians who to labor on. Writing his series of messages and publishing enjoyed coming to Simo’s house for times of fellowship and them. Each message, each chapter, each book was written by to receive the books that were generously given away. Behand into notebooks. Then the text was typed, printed and cause of the political tensions, the Albanians did not feel free distributed to people all over Yugoslavia and even into neigh- to come to Simo’s church on Sundays, but they came in the boring countries. evening or during the week. Simo never sold his books, but Simo was not a respecter of persons. He printed his gave them away. Even if there was no donation given, he books in Albanian for his Albanian friends who lived in would not turn anyone away. His vision was to provide the Kosovo. He printed his books in Slovene for the many Slavs Gospel of Christ without charge. who were interested in the GosThe Albanians of pel. He printed his books in Kosovo who did not know Serbian for his church and for Simo well considered him an Simo has been called the “Charles Spurgeon of his countrymen. His books enemy because he was not an Yugoslavia” by many who have read his books. have been translated into Albanian. Even though he His titles include such themes as salvation by Croatian, Macedonian, Hunwas not actually a Serb, but faith and the redemption of mankind by the shed garian and Bulgarian. A few from Montenegro, he was still blood of Christ titles have even been translated treated as a Serb. The Serbs into Dutch and one into English. accepted him as one of their A total of nine translations! In the last thirty years, Simo own, but because he distributed food, clothes, and literature estimates that he has written more than 130 books. to the Albanians, they considered him a traitor to their people. When political unrest escalated into ethnic wars on the Those who really knew Simo, whether Albanian or Serb, Balkan Peninsula, Simo enlarged his work and began helping readily testified that he was not a respecter of people, but the refugees who had fled from the neighboring countries. desired to show the love of Christ to all. Simo’s testimony He distributed food and clothes to the poor and with each and character spoke for him and therefore he had many close package, he included Gospel literature. Thousands of book- friends among the Albanians, Christians as well as non-Chrislets and New Testaments were distributed. tians. Though the racial tensions continued to increase, Simo In the 80’s and all throughout the 90’s, Simo faced much was optimistic. He could not imagine that tensions would opposition. Because of the increasing tension and strife be- increase until there was an actual war. He hoped and prayed tween the Albanians and the Serbs of Kosovo, anyone who for peace and reconciliation between the two sides.

After a ministry complex and warehouse was completed, Simo expanded his ministry. The complex contained rooms for offices, guest rooms for both men and women, and a small kitchen. There was space for storing humanitarian aid, and of course, much of the area was set aside for storing Christian literature. Hundreds of books were available in three languages for distribution. In Simo’s office, there were shelves and shelves of books. Entire sets of commentaries and handbooks written in Serbian as well as English. From all over the world, pastors and spiritual leaders had been sending gifts of books to Simo. The bookshelves were filled all the way to the ceiling on three sides of the office. All along the top of the shelves on one wall were copies of books that Simo had written. A copy of every book, from the first one he had printed more than thirty years ago, to the last book just fresh from the press. Simo The impassioned preaching of Simo Ralevic. He has been as a prophet to does not know for sure, but there must have his own people, declaring both God’s righteous standard and His tender been more than 100,000 books and booklets. mercies revealed in Jesus Christ. He had been too busy to keep accurate count. Too busy writing and preaching, and distributing literature customer, an Albanian, grew red hot with anger and advanced and food. toward Simo with upraised arms. But before he could do anyAs time passed, Simo felt the noose tightening around thing, the owner of the shop quickly moved forward and him as the relationship between the Albanians and the Serbs protected Simo. “Go!” He told his countryman. “You do not worsened in the latter 90’s But he still did not expect the know who this is!” This is Simo, everybody’s friend!” situation to evolve into a war. He hoped and prayed for a It was not easy to continue the work of the church as the peaceable Kosovo where all people – regardless of their violence erupted. Feelings ran hot, and anyone who was nationality – could live tothought to be guilty of spying gether in peace. or disloyalty was considered They were from the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) It was not to be. Relationdangerous. One evening after and they had come to discover what Simo was doships became strained as haSimo and his family had been ing. They had not come with peaceable intentions tred and animosity escalated. distributing aid from their toward him. The Serbs decided to no home, two men entered the longer tolerate the yard. Even though they were Albanians’drive for separanot dressed in uniform, it was tion and the entire land of Kosovo was overrun by the not difficult to detect that they were officers. The men Serbian military and police force that had been sent to fight marched briskly to the entrance of Simo’s home. One of the the Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army. The cities were no men stood on guard at the door and the other one approached longer safe for the common people; the villages were often Simo. battlegrounds between the two warring sides, and the streets “What are you doing?” The question was barked out were a maze of roadblocks and life-threatening dangers. with authority. “Distributing aid to the needy,” came Simo’s In the midst of shooting, murder, burnings, and rape, ready reply. “Where is your record book?” the man demanded. Simo and the other Christians attempted to quietly continue Simo retrieved the book where he had meticulously entered in their mission of peace. Simo preached powerful messages the names of everyone who received help. He handed it to to his flock. Messages of forgiveness, the shelter of God, the man. Silently, the man began to read the column of names. and trusting in the promises of the Lord. Into the hearts and It was easy for someone from Kosovo to recognize that aid minds of the shocked and hurting lives of the believers, the was given to anyone, regardless of their nationality, for the Word of God flowed like healing balm. surnames in Yugoslavia tell a host of information to any Regardless of his optimism, Simo could sense the an- knowledgeable person. Suddenly the man’s finger paused as ger that would eventually exploded into even greater vio- he read the column. “You gave aid to this person?” His finger lence. Once when he went to a shop to purchase some goods, jabbed at a name. Simo looked, “Yes.” He was puzzled by the he greeted the Albanian shopkeeper in Serbian. Another man’s reaction. “That is my aunt! She is a good woman. You

Brother Simo Ralevic and fellow workers in the preaching of the Gospel among the Serbian helped her!” Simo could see that the man was extremely sur- commonplace. One Sunday morning after worship, Simo and his family prised. They were from the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) had just returned home, when his seventeen-year-old daughand they had come to discover what he was doing. They had ter Rachel came dashing into the house. “Dad! The neighbor’s not come with peaceable intentions toward him. house is on fire!” Usually the fires did not start until dark, but After their abrupt departure, Simo breathed a prayer of since many of the Albanians had fled, the Serbs did not hesithanks. He did not know what would have happened if the tate to take revenge against them at any hour of the day or officer had not discovered his aunt’s name in the record book. night. But he was doubly glad that he had never discriminated beSimo ran outside, and yelled to his sons to get the water tween any nationality when someone needed help. hose. He climbed up a ladder onto the one-story building All during that winter of 1998-99, the conflict raged. The they used for church services and began to spray water on country was engaged in civil war (if war could ever be called the neighbor’s house. It did civil). No one felt safe, whether not matter to him that this they were Serb or Albanian. A Horrible stories circulated all winter. Stories of neighbor was an Albanian policeman in Serb uniform mass executions of the Albanians by the Serbs. Stowho had fled. Simo was could be standing on a street ries of inhuman torturing and killings of the Serbs against any destruction and corner and suddenly fall over, by Albanians. Atrocities from both sides. When the he knew his duty was to try to a victim of a sniper’s bullet. Albanians began to flee the country by the thouhelp anyone. He did not even There would be no noise, no sands, and the NATO bombs began raining down pause to think of the hostility one would know from where on Kosovo, Simo and his family were caught in one that this certain neighbor had the gun was fired that had merof the most violent times in recent history. shown toward them when they cilessly taken another man’s opened up the church. Simo life. wanted to save the house, but in his excitement, he fell off the Horrible stories circulated all winter. Stories of the mass roof and landed on his foot. In spite of the pain, he quickly executions of the Albanians by the Serbs. Stories of inhuman clambered back up again. It wasn’t until later that he discovtorturing and killings of the Serbs by Albanians. Atrocities ered that he had broken a small bone in his ankle. from both sides. When the Albanians began to flee the counThey could not save the house. The fire had already try by the thousands, and the NATO bombs began raining advanced too far before it was discovered. But there were down on Kosovo, Simo and his family were caught in one of many other times during the course of the war when Simo the most violent times in recent history. The streets were and his family arrived in time to save many of their neighbor’s abandoned by day, but at night, new terrors awaited. Houses homes. They were constantly on the lookout to see how were torched and clashes between Albanians and Serbs were

much violence and destruction they could prevent. Simo and his wife hardly slept. The stress of living in a war-torn land was telling on their health. By day, they tried to go on with some semblance of order, but at night, Simo often went up to the third-story attic and watched out the small window that overlooked the city. He could hear the whine of the missiles from NATO jets and see the bright flashes as the bombs hit their targets and exploded. He could see the dark shadows of men in the streets below his house and was constantly on guard for fires in his neighborhood. The nights were terror-filled and the continual smoke from the burning city hovered over everything like a dark funeral shroud. In his prayers, Simo wept over the terrible curse that was visiting his country. From March until June, they simply endured. There was very little contact between anyone. The best place for everyone was inside and even that was not safe. No one ever knew when some desperate person was going to be hiding in the yard, or in a building, or even come into the house and terrorize the family. Ethnic tensions, fanned by extremists, exploded at the slightest pretext. It was a time when nothing seemed secure, nothing sane. In spite of the uncertainty and terror, Simo had a Rock to cling to. When it seemed that he could not bear the pain of a life completely wrecked by war, he could feel the presence of God with him. The God who revealed Himself to him through Jesus Christ when he was a young boy of eighteen was still the God who was with him now. In the middle of the strife and war and hatred, Simo learned anew to trust in God. The Lord prepared a table for him in the midst of his enemies.

Simo Ralevic (center) with HeartCry missionary Zoran Milovanovic (right) and young convert Dragan Josimovic.

tinue his work in Pec. The need for counseling and pointing people to the true source of peace and hope would be greater than ever. Who else would be there to show the people how to forgive? Who else would be able to speak to them the Word of God so that they might take courage to pick up their lives and start again? Though he realized the danger his family would face, he could not bring himself to leave. Flight Northward In spite of Simo’s sincerity and willingness to Simo’s wife was fright(Simo Ralevich Part II) die for his faith, there were others who underened for her seventeen year-old stood the danger he was in much better than daughter, Rebecca. She had he did. Simo had friends all over Yugoslavia, The winter of 1999 had heard the stories of what hapand they realized he would be left to face a given way to spring and spring pened to women whenever the certain death if he stayed. He would be like a was easing into summer when opposing sides took revenge on lamb before wolves. The streets were filled the agreement between Yugoeach other, and she did not want with horror stories of what the returning Alslavia and the United Nations anyone in their family to suffer at banians were doing to the Serbs. was reached. the hands of any vengeful people. She tried to persuade When news of the ceasefire reached Simo, it renewed his hope that life in Kosovo Simo to leave, but he was determined to stay. He told his wife, would begin to return to normal. The peacekeeping forces “You may leave with Rebecca, but I will stay here. I must be promised they would not allow the murder and burning to here for anyone who might need me. I give you my blessing continue. Perhaps the few threads of decency and sane think- to leave for your safety.” It was difficult for Simo to tell his ing that were still left could be woven into a fabric strong wife and daughter good-bye as they left for neighboring Montenegro. He did not attempt to stop the Christians who enough for the Albanians and Serbs to learn to coexist. Such longings went unfulfilled. Many of the Serbs still felt they should leave, but he felt God wanted him to stay. In spite of Simo’s sincerity and willingness to die for his living in Kosovo were not willing to stay and see what would happen when the floodgates opened and the Albanians came faith, there were others who understood the danger he was in back into the country again. They were not willing take the much better than he did. Simo had friends all over Yugoslavia, and they realized he would be left to face a certain death chance. Most fled north into Serbia. For Simo, it was very difficult to even think of leaving. if he stayed. He would be like a lamb before wolves. The Though many of the Serbs began leaving the moment the streets were filled with horror stories of what the returning agreement was made, Simo felt that he must stay and con- Albanians were doing to the Serbs.

A makeshift storehouse for the books that were recuperated from the storehouse in Pec before it was looted and burned.

A few days after Simo’s family had left for Montenegro, as they begged for deliverance. Simo hesitated only a moment. He must help them, even a truck stopped at his house. The driver told Simo he had been instructed to take him back to Serbia. When Simo hesi- though it meant leaving behind many of the books and literatated, the driver told him that he was under orders not to ture. He knew the truck was not nearly big enough to contain return to Serbia without him. The truck was to load up as his library, the books for distribution, and this desperate fammany books from the warehouse that they could and any- ily. But he knew in his heart what God wanted him to do. Books are valuable, but they are not alive. How could he turn thing else Simo wanted to take. Then they were to flee. Simo still hesitated. How could he turn his back to all the away this request? The worth of one soul is worth more than years of work he had done in Pec? How could he leave the the whole world. Quickly, the family was helped inside the truck. The few belongings they place where his family had lived had rescued to take with them for generations? Had not the “Stop!” Simo told the driver. “They need help!” took up more room. Precious Lord blessed his ministry beThe father of the family begged, “Please help room that had been meant for yond anyone’s expectation? Was us!” “We need a way to go to Serbia! We cannot books. it possible that he could leave? stay behind and let the Albanians catch us! They At the warehouse, Simo was He meditated. Turning his heart will kill us! Please help us!” The entire family faced with another decision. toward God, he prayed. “What was crying and begging for help. Terror was What few books should he take? shall I do? Lord, what shall I do?” etched on their faces and tears ran down their Which of the thousands of books Quick as thought, the message cheeks as they begged for deliverance. that he owned should be chosen? came. Even as Lot had to flee from He looked around his office; he Sodom, so Simo must flee from saw the efforts of his years and Pec. Simo began to prepare to leave immediately. They would years of labor. He remembered the difficulties he had trying go to the warehouse and fill the truck with as many books as to get these books printed. He remembered with satisfaction it could hold. Then they would go. As they were leaving the the countless times he had distributed the precious Word of house on the way to the warehouse, Simo saw a Serbian life from this very building. He remembered the times of prayer, family walking down the road. As soon as the family heard the conversations with other believers, and the times when the truck coming, they stopped. The father began waving his God opened up the heavens and poured out His blessings arms desperately. “Stop!” Simo told the driver. “They need like rain upon dry, thirsty ground. In the end, he left almost everything behind. There was help!” The father of the family begged, “Please help us!” “We need a way to go to Serbia! We cannot stay behind and simply no room. Simo took comfort in the Lord and thought let the Albanians catch us! They will kill us! Please help us!” to himself, “Surely no one will destroy the warehouse when The entire family was crying and begging for help. Ter- they see the Albanian books and what kind of books they ror was etched on their faces and tears ran down their cheeks are. They can see I was not prejudiced against my fellow

Simo and Sorin Prodan during one of their recent meetings.

were symbols of the Serbian presence. They destroyed as many as they could. The interiors were trashed, the candlesticks and altars torn down, and as difficult as it was to find flammable materials in the mostly concrete or brick structures, they tried to burn the buildings down. If they were not successful in reducing the sturdy structures to ruins by fire, they dynamited them or set off bombs inside. Any Serbs who had not already fled northward fell victim to the wrath of the Albanians. It was as if there was no longer anything that restrained the hatred and vindictiveness of these returning refugees. With a vengeance, they killed, butchered, and dismembered people at random. Base human nature prevailed over any common-sense decency. Did Simo ever regret his choice of leaving behind his warehouse full of books and literature? Was he ever tempted to think that maybe the hapless family he rescued could have found another way out of Kosovo and he could have saved at least some of his books? The seeds sown by the kindness countrymen. I have always helped the Albanians as well as of Simo toward this family are beginning to sprout. After anyone else.” Inspiration seized Simo. He took a piece of they were safely in Serbia, the father thanked Simo. “You are paper and wrote in large letters. “Please do not destroy these more than a man. I have never met someone who has shown books.” He wrote his name, “Simo Ralevich” and then he me such love. This concern and love you have shown us is wrote the telephone number of the place in Serbia where he much more than the communists have ever taught. All of my was going. friends turned their backs on me and left me behind because He turned and walked out of his office. Out of the ware- they did not care enough to help me. I want to know more house, away from his life work, away from the thousands of about your way of life.” books and literature waiting to be distributed to lost, hurting Out of that family, two have already responded to the people. saving call of Jesus Christ. The entire family is eternally grateWho could imagine the ful to Simo and they come reguthoughts of this elderly man as he larly to church. Simo feels that the Out of that family, two have already reraced away from his native city? rest of the family is not far from sponded to the saving call of Jesus Christ. What memories and emotions went the kingdom. This is Simo’s testiThe entire family is eternally grateful to through his mind? Roaring with mony. “The reward of seeing these Simo and they come regularly to church. urgent speed past the broken and two souls saved is much greater Simo feels that the rest of the family is not burned Albanian homes, past the than the pain of leaving all my far from the kingdom. twisted, grotesque shapes that had books behind. To be able to see been factories before NATO bombs the peace and joy of Jesus Christ had destroyed them, the lonely truck pushed northward. Simo come into the lives of these people is all the reward I will ever tried to cling to the thought that reason would triumph over need. I will never have my library again, but I have the joy of hatred. Perhaps they could soon return and live in peace knowing that two more people are ready for the coming of the among the Albanians. Lord. I will not look back. I will press forward toward the prize The first wave of Albanian refugees who flooded back of Christ Jesus.” Yes, Simo must press forward. He must reinto Kosovo soon reduced such hopes to shambles. Infuri- joice in the souls saved through his sacrifice. ated by what the Yugoslavian army and mercenaries had done Simo now knows that the message he left on his desk to the Albanian homes, they retaliated in senseless anger. was ignored. He knows that whoever broke down the doors Finding almost no Serbians left on whom to vent their hatred, of his warehouse did not have enough human decency to they did exactly what the Serbians had done earlier to the consider what he, or they, were doing. Did any of the deAlbanian homes. They broke into Serbian homes, looted and stroyers consider for even a moment what a lifetime of work ransacked the houses, then set fire to entire Serb villages. It was represented on the shelves of the library? As they bewas a time when hatred far overruled reason. gan pulling books from the shelves and throwing them into The returning Albanians wrecked havoc wherever they heaps on the floor, did they look to see if any of the books could. When there were no more Serb houses to loot and were written in their own Albanian language? Did they read burn, they turned their anger toward the orthodox churches. anything at all? What did they think as they read the titles, Churches built centuries ago and known far and wide for Love Your Enemies, The Joy of Christ in Everyday Living, their historical value and for their religious frescoes and paint- The Answer to Your Needs? ings. To the vengeful Albanians, these orthodox churches How far did they look? Did they see the place where

The hatred that made these people do what they did would have surely been directed toward anyone who would have been in the warehouse. But since no one was there, they did the next worst thing. They touched their work. The first flicker of fire set to the piles of Brother Simo and his faithful printer books grew into flames and then into a roaring inferno Mile. They desire to distribute the throughout the entire library. The concrete floors of Word throughout the former Yugoslathe first two stories contained the fire in the rooms via below, but on the third floor, the flames broke through the wooden ceiling. The heat increased as the dry roof began to burn. Finally, with a crash, the entire roof collapsed and the heavy tiles shattered onto the thirdstory floor. Where the stately warehouse once stood as a testimony of God’s grace and a man of God’s kindness, there were only burnt walls and terrible reminders of man’s depravity. The outside is now blackened where the flames shot from the windows. The entire roof is gone, but the chimneys and inside walls are still intact. Along the back of the warehouse, the trees are scorched as a silent witness of man’s wickedness. A friend of Simo, half Austrian, half Serbian, has courageously returned to Kosovo and taken pictures of the burned-out warehouse. Simo does not look too long at the pictures. He does not need to feed any bitter feelings that might tempt him. It is still too vivid a memory for him. His hands shake as he holds the pictures and his eyes fill with tears when he see what is left of his house of treasures. After only a moment, Simo looks up with a smile. “It is worth it all. I do not regret helping that needy family to safety. Every time I see one of the family members who came with us out of Kosovo, I am rewarded. Just recently the father of the family came and gave me Simo knelt in prayer for hours, praying for their nation, pray- money for bringing them up here. He is so grateful. Yes, I ing for the souls of men and women everywhere, and praying would do it all over again.” for the furtherance of the kingdom through the Bible and the How much more can Simo take? God knows how much distribution of Christian literature? Did they sit in the chair at to allow Satan to try him. The same hedge God planted around Simo’s desk and sense how Job is planted around every many hours he had sat there, one of His children. Only God With regard to the ministry, Simo shares, “I have a penning his messages by longknows how deeply to let the Serbian printer who is a great help to me. He is hand? As they jerked the drawrefining fire burn. doing all he can in order to start reprinting the ers open and flung the conFor now, it seems it was books lost in the destruction of the warehouse. I tents on the floor, was it in any not enough to burn the warecannot afford to pay him, but somehow he is doing way possible for them to sense house. Recently, word has the work anyway. He wants to see us continue the the presence of a man of God? made its way back to Simo that work that has been started. The people of YugoWhat did they think when the warehouse has been comslavia need the Gospel now more than ever!” they went upstairs and saw the pletely destroyed. He has been neat rooms where the beds told that the pictures he has were ready to house overnight do not show the true state of the warehouse. Now there is traveling guests? What did they do when they went into the nothing except a pile of rubble. There is no hope of using the little kitchen where so many hot cups of coffee had been walls that were there to try to rebuild. Everything is ruined. brewed? Could they imagine the conference room filled with Who knows what may come of all this? Time and time church leaders and pastors as they prayed and listened to again, when Satan seems to have dealt a death blow against inspiring messages? Of course, these books and literature the church, God turns the trial into a victory. had no soul. But everything, including the warehouse, represented something alive, not dead.

bution in our country. I must not quit now. We have had this setback, but we firmly believe God will somehow provide the (Simo Ralevich Part III) means for us to continue our work. I feel I must continue with Today, Simo and his family live in a house in the village this work. This is my life!” “We need a million books for the Serbs alone,” Mile of Nova Gajdobra in Yugoslavia. Several years ago, Simo had joined the conversation. “What does it take for people to this house built on some land he bought. The house is livequit fighting? Right now the Serbs are so angry with what able, but it is not finished. What is finished, however, is the has happened in our country that if there was any opportularge room toward the street where they are having church nity at all, we would be right back in Kosovo. The Serbs do services. The room needs to be large enough for the thirteen not give up easily. Look at our history. We have been disrefugee families that have moved north out of Kosovo. The criminated against, we have been fought against, but we have thirteen families that comprised the church in Kosovo now not given up. Serbs will never give up! What do we need? meet in Simo’s house along with the Christian families from We need Bibles and solid Gospel literature and books like Gajdobra. what Simo writes. If we have that, we can start making a The church was already meeting here in Gajdobra before difference in all of Yugoslavia. We need more literature. We Simo and the other refugee families arrived. Somewhere, someneed more true Christian pashow, by the grace of God the tors. We do have many people in Gajdobra had rechurches here, but we need ceived Gospel literature that In spite of the recommendation of others that he people like Simo, who have a Simo had written and distribslow down, Simo insists, “My work is not over. I real vision of living a consisuted, and a few souls were will not quit! I must not stop! There is soon to be tent Christian life and can saved. The church that has a book fair in the capital of Belgrade and I am teach the people. Right now received Simo and the refugees invited to bring my books. There are many dewe need two hundred pastors is a result of the seeds sown mands for Gospel literature. I receive calls aland thousands of books. earlier by Simo. most every day from people wanting to know if I Then the wars will stop! There With regard to the minisstill have books and literature for them. I see a is only one way to make the try, Simo shares, “I have a great need to print tracts for distribution in our wars stop, and that is to give Serbian printer who is a great country. I must not quit now. We have had this the people the Gospel. We help to me. He is doing all he setback, but we firmly believe God will somehow have a vision to do that.” can in order to start reprinting provide the means for us to continue our work. I Simo agrees with Mile, the books lost in the destrucfeel I must continue with this work. This is my “There is only one answer. tion of the warehouse. I canlife!” The people need to have their not afford to pay him, but hearts converted by the savsomehow he is doing the work ing grace of Jesus Christ. anyway. He wants to see us continue the work that has been started. The people of Yugoslavia need the Gospel now more Then there can be true peace and we can have a multi-ethnic country. The Bible says that there will be wars in the end than ever!” The printer, Mile, is an energetic Serbian. “We must con- times, so we know wars will never cease. But we cannot stop tinue the work which Brother Simo has begun,” he insists. spreading the good news of the Gospel through Christ Jesus!” God continues to press upon Simo a vision for all of the “We need to print books and New Testaments because there are so many people wanting to receive this literature. Some- Balkan nations. Simo preaches a ministry of reconciliation and a return to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. That message how, we will try to print these books that are needed.” The courage and faith with which these two men plan to is having a far-reaching effect. Simo’s voice radiated with joy as he said, “One of the forge ahead in God’s work is absolutely amazing. One would think that Simo would slow down. He is fifty-nine years old, evangelical churches in Greece printed a sermon from one of and has labored long and hard to launch his literature minis- our books. An orthodox priest read the article and contacted try from a tiny beginning to a widespread, fruitful network. me. He is so interested in our literature that he wants to transHe could stay and simply pastor the flock in Gajdobra. Or he late it into Greek for his congregation!” Simo longs for the could emigrate to Australia, were a group of Serbian Chris- truth of Jesus Christ to reach into the orthodox church as well as any other religious group. He knows the saving faith tians has invited him to be their pastor. In spite of the recommendation of others that he slow of Jesus Christ is for the religious leaders as well as anyone down, Simo insists, “My work is not over. I will not quit! I else. Is there hope for Yugoslavia? There is hope for the enmust not stop! There is soon to be a book fair in the capital of Belgrade and I am invited to bring my books. There are many tire Balkan peninsula as long as there are obedient children demands for Gospel literature. I receive calls almost every of God catching the vision and sharing the Gospel. The blows day from people wanting to know if I still have books and that Satan is aiming at the church are being deflected and the literature for them. I see a great need to print tracts for distri- truth of God’s word is going forth into “all the world.”

Pressing On

HeartCry volunteer Jon Green from London, England (right) with Eastern European missions coordinator Cristi Ciuca preaching to a church of Gypsies near Rimnicu Sarat in Romania.

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